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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Blue Jay's Toughness save vs DC 29. (1d20+14=24) Whelp. That would've been a nice roll a roll ago.
  2. "I don't understand why you would have to add anything to milk," Tona said. "I've seen Mali and Morgan Crowe add protein powders to theirs sometimes, but it always makes the milk taste bad. Besides, there's too many chemicals in food around here, I don't see why you feel the need to add more." In fact Tona almost exclusively kept to fruits and vegetables. Early risers would sometimes catch her finishing off a bowl of oatmeal before going on a run. Whether she was a vegetarian or not was up for debate though, since there were consistent rumors of her hunting and eating birds, both on campus and in the woods behind Claremont. In a few moments the waiter was back with their milkshake, a pale red blend in a tall glass, with whipped cream and a cherry on top. And two straws, facing in opposite directions. Tona glanced between Sam and the drink, bending forward to sniff it experimentally. "I've never seen anything quite this shade of red before," she allowed. She sipped a mouthful and let it sit on her tongue a moment before swallowing it. "It's... almost like strawberries."
  3. Oh man, this could be tailor made for Starlight. "We need to get into this place without anyone knowing." "Well there's this Grue..."
  4. Blue Jay remained tense as they approached the crashed ship, even though it didn't show any signs of life or animation. She brought her bow up when the access panel swung open, but nothing came out of it and the Omegadrone didn't seem too disturbed by it. Of course this was an Omegadrone making an assessment, but if they stood there all day waiting for something bad to happen they'd never escape the world. Its assessment didn't raise her spirits very much, though. "Are you... are you saying we can't fly this thing? Can't control it at all?"
  5. "What if the project is in the second building," Ironclad asked. "We might be able to take one building only to have the plane with the kill sat escape. I think we should spread our forces out, at least at first." After a few unsuccessful tries, Ironclad managed to manipulate the hologram to zoom in on the two target structures. "Myself and Bee-Keeper can hit each building from up top. That should draw forces away from ground level, allowing Fenris and Dragonfly to get in there. Whoever spots the space plane or the laser cannon radios it in, and then we converge on that location."
  6. Power Level: 10 (150 PP) Trade-Offs: +4 Att/-4 DC, +1 Def/-1 Tou Abilities: 12 + 8 + 10 + 6 + 0 + 10 = 46PP Strength: 22 (+6) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +6 melee, +6 ranged, +14 Unarmed, +14 Ray Gun Grapple: +12 Defense: +11 (+6 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 5 + 3 + 7 = 15PP Toughness: +9 (+5 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +10 (+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +7 (+4 Dex, +3) Will: +7 (+0 Wis, +7) Skills: 56R = 14PP Bluff 9 (+14/+18 w/ Attractive)Skill Mastery Diplomacy 9 (+14/+18 w/ Attractive)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Business) 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Language 2 (English [Native], Lor, Grue) Notice 5 (+5) Pilot 10 (+15)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 5 (+5) Swim 9 (+14) Feats: 27PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Attack Specialization (Ray Gun) 4 Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 4 Attractive Dodge Focus 5 Improved Initiative Inspire 5 Luck Move-By Action Power Attack Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge [business], Pilot) Taunt Powers: 6 + 16 = 24pp Device 2 (10 PP, Easy to Lose) [6PP] (Ray Gun) Blast 5 [10PP] (Zzzzap!) Luck Control 3 (Loan HP, force reroll, allow reroll, Feats: Beginner's Luck, Luck 6) [16PP] (Master of the Impossible) Abilities (46) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (14) + Feats (27) + Powers (24) - Disadvantages (0) = 150/150 PP He'll save every one of us./ Stand for every one of us! Yes folks, here is the quintessential raygun gothic space hero, Flash Gordon! Okay maybe he seems a bit more zeerust these days, but think about it -- a talented man travels into space and lands on a planet in the iron grip of a tyrant. This man inspires the populace to rise up and overthrow the tyrant, becoming a hero! And then the man chooses to travel the stars and find even more adventure! Some of you might be calling shenanigans on parts of this build. Namely, that he has powers instead of being a normal, baseline human (or that his Int is higher than 8). Second part first: Flash was a Yale graduate and polo player in the original comic strip. That implies a certain level of academic knowledge, so I've made him a rather able businessman (as long as he stays in sales). As for the first part, well, this is a superhero site. Yes I have a Badass Normal myself, but loading Flash down with fancy space Devices is only one way to represent his abilities. This way Flash is not only better, but he makes everyone else around him better.
  7. Blue Jay's Toughness save, vs DC 24. (1d20+15=22) Uh-oh, dice gods turning against her.
  8. Ironclad winced internally. Of course they could use a space plane: it would be a lot less visible than a solid-fuel rocket, and if they were down by the airport they could conceivably even hide it as a normal flight. No one would suspect anything was wrong until it reached cruising altitude and kept on going. The first the heroes would know is when whoever was behind this made their demands -- or destroyed a city. Then the Bee-Keeper highlighted two buildings down by Jameson Airport. It only took a few more clicks for Ironclad to confirm it. "They're owned by the same company. And the layout could support heavy machining." She closed her eyes and wished desperately that she'd taken the offer for something to drink: right now she needed caffeine like never before. "Everyone, I don't want to sound like an alarmist. But we have a high-tech group of thieves with a lot of backing and resources prepared to pull of a plan that would let them conquer the world. This isn't some random band of crazies. This all sounds like something the Foundry would do."
  9. Tona considered the question, and shook her head. "I don't think I've ever tried one before, no." She waited while Sam put in the order, then shifted her chair so she could seem to be looking at Sam's face while she watched Changeling. "We didn't really have milk in... where I grew up. But I've had milk lots of time at the cafeteria. But why would you shake it up?" The young girl's gaze shifted outside to Changeling. The blonde was still sitting there, reading, not even through with the first section of the newspaper.
  10. Then it's straight to Blod!
  11. The blade scraping over the stone and the branches rattling in the wind were the only sounds at the top of the world, where Tona sat. She truly did not want to bring her friends into the Terminus but they seemed bound and determined to go, and it would be better to move and act as a group than as lone individuals. That's not to say that Tona expected it to be easy if she went on her own, but it was her danger. She was prepared for it -- heck, sometimes it felt as if her entire life was preparing her for it! Not to mention her time at Claremont, because why else would she be at the school if not to prepare for going back to her world? Her thoughts turned to wander down that path a bit. Claremont was a place to train and prepare for the real world, for those who felt like they'd one day have to save it. That was essentially what Tona was trying to do, to save an entire world from the worst fate imaginable. She didn't understand exactly how she was going to, but she had experience with the notion. Why couldn't she design some tests, spend some time in the Doom Room, and at least try to give her friends an idea of what they were in for? It would be tough, and she wasn't exactly sure what kind of limits a Doom Room simulation would have, but it was at least a place to start. She fitted her knife back together and slipped it into its sheath, then climbed down the tree. She turned to go back to the campsite, and suddenly there was Elias. Tona was startled and almost took a swing at him, but after a second she calmed down. "Elias. Merde. I didn't notice you there."
  12. They can't make that. They still believe the illusions! Kit's IC post, then Blod is up.
  13. GIZMO KILLED THE RADIO STAR Ironclad :arrow: 4 PP into the suit to buy another rank. Using those points to buy a Communication power for her. GIZMO KILLED THE RADIO STAR
  14. Blue Jay can hit a 30 on Stealth and a 25 on Climb without rolling.
  15. Blue Jay crept up to the vantage point and scanned the wreckage, though she didn't really know what she was looking for. Little green men with ray guns climbing out to shoot them? For the ship to sprout robot arms and legs and blast them where they stood? She had problems operating her smartphone most days, this was entirely beyond her. However, the plan they were suggesting wasn't. "Stay up here, then," she said, slipping around the lip of the crater to find a place to descend. "I'll take a look around and be back. They'll never see me."
  16. Ironclad winces underneath the helmet. "Yeah, sorry. A little more complicated than punching bad guys. First we've got to find that bad guys -- and yes, we're kind of on a time limit. "Although it's probably not that set in stone." Ironclad projected her own model of the city, quickly overlaying all the physics necessary to consider for a rocket launch. "My armor can hit about Mach 1.5, and I know Bee-Keeper can at least keep up with me. It wouldn't be feasible to race down a satellite already in orbit, but we could make a damn fine showing of catching a rocket as it launches." Ironclad approached the model Fenris had set up and considered the buildings. "If they're going for the orbital approach, they'll need solid-fuel rockets and fair number of them to get something that heavy off the ground. You need a license to buy those, so we should be able to track that sort of thing. Likewise, if they want to mount this to a vehicle they'll need a pretty big truck to move it around. We should look at any large vehicle purchases within the last few days, especially those made with cash."
  17. With Skill Mastery and Mental Quickness, Ironclad can hit Know/Tech DC 30, Computers DC 25, and all the other Knowledge checks at DC 15, as a free action. If she can research it (taking a full minute, with Mental Quickness and the Library on her armor) she can get DC 40 on Know/Tech.
  18. Jessica's eyes tracked the route Magnus traced out, while part of her brain tracked the conversation with Mara. "I look forward to meeting your friend, Mara. Have her home in on this cellular signal, that should lead her right to use." As Magnus left, Jessica deactivated the Bluetooth earset and slipped it back into her pocket. Her cell phone went on the table as she activated the silver bracelet she wore everywhere. There was a wave of energy and the young woman shone like the sun for a brief moment, and when the light faded Ironclad was standing in her place. The armored heroine picked up the cell phone and stepped towards the elevator, whistling off-key. She punched the button to summon a car and stared up at the ceiling. She was more used to flying up the elevator shaft instead of riding in the car in full armor, but she decided not to test KST's security system today and let it carry her up. When it opened onto the roof she stepped out, letting the suit's sensors search the surroundings. She pin-pointed the Bee-Keeper easily and suppressed the urge to wave wildly, even as she grinned behind her helmet. "Hello, Bee-Keeper," she called over. "I'm glad you could make it." The wolf-man in armor got a wider berth, however. "I'm guessing that since you're not setting off alarms, you're either very good -- in which case you wouldn't be showing yourself like this -- or you're supposed to be here. Hm, KST private security?"
  19. The Negator giggled chillingly. "So many promises to destroy, so little time. Oh, I know! Let me bring some friends!" He threw his arms open wide and the red half of his body exploded, engulfing the entire room for one chilly moment. When it passed, Negator was standing there just like before... As was Negator, and Negator, and even Negator! Nearly a dozen of the giggling blue-clad maniacs, all of them identical in every manner. "Now, let's have some fun before all the worlds end!" With that they all rushed forward towards the heroes.
  20. Blue Jay was shocked by Kit's sudden appearance, and then Blodeuwedd's sword slipped through her guard and flipped her bow into the lava that was quickly demolishing the stage. She still had enough presence of mind to roll as El Heraldo swooped in from overhead, coming up with an angry snarl on her lips. "That's it," she spat at her former friends and allies. "I thought you would help me, that I count on you. But right now I can see that you're just a bunch of spoiled brats. You can't see the danger when it's right in front of your eyes!" Jay rushed froward. She anticipated that Heraldo would move to protect Blodeuwedd, so instead Jay grabbed Kit by the arm. "So maybe it's just better that none of you have a chance to fail like this ever again!" And she hauled with more than human strength, turning like a pendulum and tossing Kit into the air. The last thing the illusionist saw as she went over the edge of the roof was Blue Jay's face, full of spite.
  21. We'll just go with "off the roof." Makes for a better visual.
  22. Blue Jay Standard Action: Charge and grapple Kit. Blue Jay's melee attack roll, vs Kit's Def. Grapple (1d20+21=41) Oh, wow. Grapple check. Bumping Blue Jay 4 PLs means that both her Str and Att should rise by 4, giving her a total of 8 more to her Grapple. Plus the crit, for a total of 13 more to her grapple. Blue Jay's grapple check, vs opposed. (1d20+33=52) Yikes. Move Action: Toss her over the edge. AA, do I need to make an attack check for that?
  23. Blue Jay's disarm resist check. (1d20+5=11) Yeah, it's going flying.
  24. If Devices aren't allowed, why are BK and Ironclad so high up the list?
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