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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Tona could feel herself going further and further out of her comfort zone. "Um. I used to have a leather satchel that I carried everything in," she said. "It was supposed to blend into the leaves and the living forest, and when the winter came I had this net I'd put the bag in to make it looks more like snow..." She trailed off, still staring at the bags. "But I don't think that's what you meant. "Can we at least keep away from dresses? How can you run or climb or kick in a dress?" She'd seen people wear dresses and skirts, and the young woman couldn't understand why someone would wear an outfit that would restrict their ability to fight like that.
  2. Glowstar walked in, skirting the shark idol. On impulse he struck out at the idol and punched a hole clean through it, his Terminus-powered strike causing whatever it was made of to curl away from the hole as it decayed at an accelerated rate. The teen hero shook his head at the display. "Drug cultists arts and crafts," he said, nudging the crates of syringes with a booted toe. "The whole place looks like the drug-pushers' club house in Reefer Madness. All we need is Kristen Bell in a schoolgirl uniform. Or a dominatrix outfit." He paused and turned to the other heroes. "I swear, that made a lot more sense and was a lot less creepy in my head."
  3. Tona laid the squirrels near the fire, then stopped to look at the tents. The constructions of brightly colored nylon were about as far as Tona could imagine from the tents she had grown up with, but at least they didn't look like they'd blow away. She privately wondered how waterproof they'd be, though. Aloud, she said, "That's a pretty impressive job with the tents, Cerys." She ducked into them one by one until she found her pack, and emerged from her tent with a long, sharp knife. "That's what we need," she said, testing the edge of the blade. "I'll have the squirrels skinned in a quick minute." The young hunter sat by the fire and started to work on the animals, her hands moving quickly and dispassionately. She glanced up at Elias as he started to prepare the trimmings for the... stew, perhaps? That was about all Tona knew how to make, along with sandwiches. Whatever, maybe someone of them would eat squirrel and some of them would eat something else. She looked up at Sam as she skinned the animals. At the least she could make a squirrel-fur vest or a pair of moccasins.
  4. Blue Jay crept through the building, bow and arrow held at the ready. She was utterly silent as she moved, not speaking or even making a sound as she walked through the eerily intact and well-kept building, and for a moment it seemed like she had simply ignored Bee-Keeper, but after a moment she spoke up. "I remember there were rooms full of computers, further up," she said. "If there's a recording of what happened, it'll be up there." She swallowed, not wanting to admit that she had no idea how to use a computer -- not wanting to admit any kind of weakness in this situation. "I'll, uh, I'll cover you while you work on them, okay?" A particularly loud attack from Stratos made her wince. "That old fool is going to call down all sorts of trouble onto his head if he's not careful," she said. "Listen, Bee-Keeper. I can promise you this isn't as bad as it looks. I... I grew up on a world like this one, okay? I got off of it with some help -- Furions. If we can contact them and get to the Silver Tree, then we're home free. But first we should figure out what happened, and where in the Hundred Worlds we are."
  5. Ironclad and Victory both have pretty good Auditory senses, so they should be able to go high and hide in the clouds on their way towards the Nazi base. Otherwise... go fast and go loud!
  6. Blue Jay agreed with the necessity of a plan before they tried to take on this gang. "We should send someone ahead of the group," she said. "Someone who is quiet, and knows how to move without being seen, and can assess an enemy position." She grinned widely at the other girls. "So I guess everyone else can sit in Mali's car while I check things out." They rounded a corner and could see the parking lot of the club, swarming with ejected patrons and not a few reporters. She frowned, taking a step into deeper shadow. "How are we going to get the car without anyone seeing?"
  7. Handbags. Another hurdle to cover, it seemed. Tona glanced over and noticed Changeling stepping into a shop whose windows were filled with merchandise bearing the city logo of Freedom City, not to mention the faces and symbols of the more popular superheroes-of-the-moment. A bit of old training kicked in; if you don't know how to do something, spend time with someone who does. "Alright, then. Handbags." Tona walked up to the window of a store next to the one that Changeling was in, and fixed her gaze on the mannequins in the window. "Why so many handbags? If you have one that carries what you need, why do you need more?"
  8. "I've seen lots of mercenary outfits that'll attack superheroes," Jessica said softly. "And it's not so crazy a notion if they were expecting to be in and out before anyone knew they were there. I guess it was... well, I guess it was kind of lucky that you were there. I've got my personal mainframe working on the drive I pulled out of the wrecked sphere," she added. "Once I manage to break through the encryption and actually get to the data, then we should be able to figure out where the thing came from." Jessica fell took a swallow of water and fell silent for a long minute. When she spoke up again it was hesitantly. "So you're the... um, the new Bee-Keeper, then?"
  9. Blue Jay paused at the grate. Part of her wanted to push it up slightly and take a look before climbing out, but she had pushed her quiver and bow before her and there was no way she was going to get them behind her, now. So instead she pushed open the grate slowly and slid on out, hand on the quiver. All the quiet was starting to get on the young girl's nerves, and she moved quickly to slip the quiver back on and nock an arrow. She scanned the area, checking for traces of the Terminus's influence or doors back into Freedom Hall. Her eyes passed over the statues, noting each distantly from her history lessons. She noticed the statue of Captain Thunder, drifted over it, then snapped back. A quick glance at the other statue confirmed that they were all memorials to those who had given their lives to save the world: Scarab, twinned statues of White Rose and White Thorn, and other who had made the ultimate sacrifice. But Captain Thunder was alive, wasn't she? Blue Jay remembered a big, friendly man with the blue cape and the white hair, when she first came to Earth and met the Freedom League. If he was dead... He could easily have died in the invasion, but they surely wouldn't have had time to produce a statue to the man, would they? She put the question out of her head: it wasn't relevant to her survival. Right now she needed to figure out how to shut off the Hall's defenses. She tapped the commlink in her ear and began broadcasting again. "Bee-Keeper. Bee-Keeper, this is Blue Jay. Can you hear me? I'm inside Freedom Hall."
  10. Happy holidays, KD. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  11. Blue Jay bit her tongue when the Bee-Keeper stepped out of hiding. She had hoped he could shadow Stratos and slip in when she lowered the defenses, but considering how unstealthy he'd been in the city above perhaps the direct approach was probably better. "We ran into each other on the surface," she muttered. "He was facing down one of the heavy Omegadrones. We managed to escape it. Why don't you show me that pipe?" It was small, barely big enough for the slim archer to fit inside. The surface was caked with, well, things people threw into the sewer, but it wasn't as, well, fragrant as Jay had been expecting. In fact it was all fairly dry and almost dusty. "I can climb this," she said confidently. "Once I get into the building, I'll contact Bee-Keeper and you can walk me through shutting everything off." She shrugged out of her quiver and collapsed her bow, hanging the latter on the former and pushing the package ahead of her. She glanced at Bee-Keeper and forced a smile. "See if you can't figure out where the showers are. I'll need one!"
  12. Jessica shook her head. "My pride was hurt more than anything else." Which didn't mean her ribs didn't sting a bit, but she'd had worse in her career. "I really shouldn't have charged in there without a plan, but I was just so angry." She put her head back and stared at the ceiling. "My grandfather founded Dawes Tech, and... he's very important to me. Or he was, anyway." She glanced over at the Bee-Keeper and wondered why she was opening up like this. Her 'civilian' identity was public knowledge and anyone could look up the history of Dawes Tech, but she couldn't say why she was telling all this to a hero she had just met.
  13. "You lead a rich life, Mr. Wail," Glowstar said as the final shark-guy fell to the ground. "Of course, I've always had a soft spot for the old favorites." He hurried down the stairs to the door the shark men had hidden behind. A quick application of Terminus energy caused it to bang open and he sprang through, hands glowing and energies ready. "Hello! Have you accepted Oprah Winfrey as your personal savoir!?"
  14. Caranas laughed. "I think that would count as unduly influencing a protectorate world. But frankly, I'm surprised your tech level isn't more advanced than it is with people like Doktor Archeville and Daedalus on your planet. Who knows, in a few years you might have fabbers in your houses, too." She stood and tapped her chin, considering Wisp's question. "I suppose the only place to really see the stars is the lounge, where we transported in." She led the way back to the room, but there was a noticeable change -- Earth wasn't in the window anymore! Caranas searched the points of light visible in the view and pointed at one that gleamed blue. "That's Earth," she said. "Take a good look, because once we make the jump it'll be hard to even pick out your main star." Brey nodded grimly. "I had a feeling you were a man who could do what needed to be done," he said. "I looked over the history of your nation-state; quite a harder struggle at times than most. I should tell you that there are factions within the Lor government that are quite frightened of Earth's heroes, of what you can do. I mean, you fought off the Gorgon! Without a space fleet! And if there was evidence that Earth had colonies outside it's solar system, it would be all the pretext some would need to push for a reevaluation of Earth's status within the Empire."
  15. "I'm from around here," Blue Jay said, moving to block Stratos's exit. "I'm from the Terminus, and I'll tell you that making a big noise for the sake of a big noise is a very bad ideas. Better to slit your own wrists rather than bring down the wrath of Annhilists and Omegadrones; it'll be quicker and less painless, and you won't end up in Dr. Friendly's tanks." She peered past the wild man, deeper into the tunnels. "If you can find a sewer drain, I can try to get up it. I'm smaller than you, I can crawl through small spaces better. Then, once I'm inside you can tell me how to turn off the defenses." She met Startos's gaze for a moment before flicking away from that madness. "I'm sure you know exactly how to disable Freedom Hall, if you needed to."
  16. Tona's mind flashed to stories she'd heard of Shadian Steelgrave and his legion of cursed dragons, but she quickly put it out of her mind. She was here to have fun, dammit! Her first time back to nature since sue came to this world, and she was spending the time with Sam! And she kept bringing things back to the Terminus. It frustrated the young woman, to think that it cast such a shadow over her life even here. Why did she have to let it touch every part of her life? Tona grew silent as her thoughts grew darker, and before long the sun was sitting on the horizon and the sky was losing the light. She led Sam back into the forest, back past their snare. Four squirrels, looking lean and fresh, hung from the wire nooses by their necks, trapped and suffocated by the trapper's artifice. She still made sure to snap their necks quickly before retrieving the wire and tying the, together in a bundle. It wasn't much later that they were walking into the camp again and Tona held the catch high. "Now you'll all see how we really eat in the forest," she said, grinning from ear to ear over her accomplishment.
  17. Blue Jay's heart plummeted. She realized that everyone was going to be a little unhinged due to the circumstances, but Stratos was far into the fields of madness. Still, he had lots of power, which made him a potentially valuable ally. They would just have to watch him very, very closely. "I am Blue Jay," she said. "I just woke up a few hours ago. I have to see how the Terminus invaded, and who helped them. I... I already ran into a few heroes who were helping Omegadrones. Is there any way I can help you get inside?" she added.
  18. Tona walked along with Sam, holding her close, their hips brushing as they moved. "We'll have to take a long time to see it all, then," she said. She looked up and tried to focus on the clouds, so she wouldn't be too distracted by hips and hands and hands on hips. "Papa taught me to read the clouds to tell what kind of weather is coming," she said. "Do you see the long, streaky ones, way up high? The ones that look like they're pointing at the sea? Those mean the weather's going to be good for at least the rest of the day. Of course, around here you don't have to worry that there's Omegadrones hiding behind the clouds..."
  19. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART by GIZMO Blue Jay :arrow: Buying Favored Environment (Forest) and Favored Enemy (Robots). She should've had them awhile ago, I just keep forgetting. :arrow: Losing Ranged Disarm on Arrow Against the Crowd, adding Selective extra. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART by GIZMO
  20. Blue Jay stood at the bend of the sewers with the Bee-Keeper, observing Stratos. He seemed to be well and truly mad, driven over the edge by the destruction of the world; she could understand his position. He was also undoubtedly a villain. However, the Terminus drove heroes and villains to work together against greater threats. Her father had been a professional thief who broke out of prisons for fun, and her mother had been Lady Liberty before the Terminus swallowed her world. Still, with Stratos's power and madness, this was a dangerous proposition at best. Blue Jay waved at Bee-Keeper to stay behind cover and walked out fully into the corridor, bow still held at the ready. She took a few steps towards Stratos before calling. "Hello! Are you trying to get into Freedom Hall, too?"
  21. Starlight stood aside as Silver Spider led the hostages out of City Hall and into the protective circle of police custody. The Lightbearer closed her eyes and breathed deeply; it was over, mercifully quickly, and no one was dead. At least, that's what she thought until the sounds of battle filtered through the halls. The Grue hero frowned and flew off towards the sound of combat. She streaked through the corridors of the city building quickly and soon came upon the sight of her friend Young Brittania, and another hero she did not recognize, locked in battle with more of the Overthrow agents. Starlight gathered her power around herself and prepared for another fight.
  22. Starlight Full Action: Move towards the front hall and the fight involving YB and Asad.
  23. Tona craned her neck back to watch Sam as she talked, then went back to her cloud-gazing. After a minute she pursed her lips and began to speak. "The Freedom City... My Freedom City, in the Terminus, isn't much to look at. All the old people tell me it used to be huge, a home for a couple million people, the biggest city on the planet. But that's nothing like the Freedom City here." She rolled to her feet and faced Sam. "I don't think I can imagine a city so big that it changes how the wind blows. And I don't think I've ever had this... pizza?" Tona stepped over to the other girl and looped her arms around Sam's hips, holding her loosely. "So you're going to have to show me the whole thing some day. Tout?"
  24. Jessica looked between the armored figure and the crushed can and couldn't help but smile. "It's the least I could do," she said, laughter just under her voice as she retrieved a glass of water from the kitchen sink. She followed him into the sitting area in front of the big-screen TV and sat down on the couch, before leaning back and stretching out on the length of it. "I'm Ironclad," she said. "Or Jessica Parker, I suppose, when I'm out of the armor." She wiggled her tabi-socked feet, enjoying the unusual feeling of being in the semi-constricting flight suit, but not surrounded by tightly-fitted metal plates. "I really should thank you for your help, though. If you hadn't been around, those spheres would've really ruined my day."
  25. As they reached the end of the line of buildings, Blue Jay waved Bee-Keeper back into cover and slid up to the window, peeking out and checking the area. It looked safe, and that was about as good as you got in the Terminus. She turned back to wave the Bee-Keeper forward, and froze when she noticed him having a conversation with the air. After a minute she managed to piece the facts together, just before he laid it out for her. "An Omegadrone. Can see us. Merde dieu enfer bâtard sacrément," she spat, dropping to a crouch for a moment before bouncing back up. "It must have something that can see through the walls. If we can get under thicker cover, it should lose us. What we need are the, uh. The, uh." The archer waved her hand through the air, trying to find the right word. "The caves. Underneath the city. The sewers! We need to get into the sewers."
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