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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. It didn't take long for Tona to become Blue Jay; her Claremont jacket was in the back of the car, and her mask was in her pocket already. In moments she was ready for action and leading Crimson Tiger down the street. She was alert for more signs of the errant drug-user, eyes swiveling and taking in everything she saw. Above clouds gathered, and with a rumble of thunder the rain started to fall. Casually crushed street bins, bent lamps, and at least car ripped in half sprinkled the path of the Max user they were following. Finally, it came to a chain-link fence that had been ripped out of the ground, cement anchors and all, and thrown into the street. It had blocked off a void between buildings, an empty space that was entirely devoid of any lighting. Inside, just visible in the spilled streetlight, was their tough. He was sitting on the ground and breathing heavily, clutching his chest, and his clothes even seemed looser, like he's deflated as they chased him. His head rolled loosely as he turned to look at the two heroes. "Please," he moaned. "Hurts so much. Get Bennie. Bennie's got the stuff, please I need more!"
  2. A quick further roll for Ironclad. Since she's Dazed, she might lose the Flight. Concentration check vs DC 15. (1d20+10=13) ~She falls from the air with/The greatest of ease...~ Say it's from a 50 foot height, that means it's a further DC 20 Toughness check. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 20. (1d20+16=24) Made that one without trouble.
  3. The soldiers, dressed in blue in grey uniforms and bearing battle rifles, were brought up short by the Apian Avenger, but not for long. Before he was even through with his speech, two of the soldiers were already bringing their rifles to bear and firing at him! It seemed like the weapons fire was more to pin him down, though, since the rest of the soldiers just moved around the Bee-Keeper and into the lab building. Overhead, the attack spheres circled around and prepared to add their firepower to the action down below, but Ironclad's green and gold armor flashed out of the sky and she blasted the side off of one with a concentrated burst from her wrist cannons! The sphere slammed into the ground hard enough to make windows shatter. The other two spheres reacted quickly, though, turning and hammering the flying hero with a barrage of energy bolts. They apparently managed to hit something vital because Ironclad suddenly fell from the sky like a rock, bouncing as she hit the pavement.
  4. There's three flying spheres, and they will use the stats for Military Helicoptors in the core book. The troops are standard Soldier templates. Ironclad's Ini. (1d20+3=10) Heli's Ini check (1d20+1=9) Goodness, they go after Ironclad! Soldiers' Ini check (1d20+1=18) That's more like it. Bee-Keeper goes on 21, so. Initiative 21 Bee-Keeper III -- Uninjured -- HPx5 18 Soldier 1 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 2 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 3 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 4 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 5 -- Uninjured -- Mook 10 Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HPx3 9 Sphere 1 -- Uninjured -- Mook 9 Sphere 2 -- Uninjured -- Mook 9 Sphere 3 -- Uninjured -- Mook I'll give BK a HP and let the soldiers go. Two are gonna blast 'em with their rifles and the other three are going to rush past in the building. Soldier 1 & 2's ranged attack check, vs Bee-Keeper III's Def. DC 20 Tou (1d20+5=9, 1d20+5=17) Neither of those will actually hit. Ironclad Move Action: Come screaming into the scene, full speed! Standard Action: Rip into a sphere with her blasters. Mook, so Take 10, that's 22 so it hits. DC 27 Tou. It cannot possibly make that, so it's down. Spheres They'll leave the ground combat to the soldiers and turn on Ironclad. Standard Action: Attack with cannons. Sphere 2 & 3's ranged attack check, vs Ironclad's Def. DC 21+Autofire Tou (1d20+5=25, 1d20+5=23) :thud: This is going to be painful. Thankfully mooks can't crit on named targets, so it's DC 25 and DC 24. Ironclad's Toughness saves, vs DC 25 and 24. (1d20+17=18, 1d20+17=27) Well that's Bruise + Dazed, and she makes the second save. Initiative 21 Bee-Keeper III -- Uninjured -- HPx5 18 Soldier 1 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 2 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 3 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 4 -- Uninjured -- Mook 18 Soldier 5 -- Uninjured -- Mook 10 Ironclad -- Bruisex1 + Daze (9) -- HPx3 9 Sphere 1 -- Down -- Mook 9 Sphere 2 -- Uninjured -- Mook 9 Sphere 3 -- Uninjured -- Mook Once I make a big post for all this, BK3 will be up.
  5. Couple of questions. If Wander's just using a standard commlink, could Jay or BK pick up on the signal? Second, just a question of geography -- Harrier came down right in front of the League's headquarters, right? Which would mean that Jay and BK are very close to there.
  6. Tona smiled. "So it's like a sort of thing I can't imagine unless I see it, hm? Sounds a lot like the Silver Tree, actually. Until you see it, words don't do it justice." She coached Sam through a few more throws, until she could at least get a couple skips. She came up behind the other girl and draped her arms over Sam's shoulders and hugging her close. "I used to do this a lot with my father," she said quietly, resting her head against Sam's. "If it's one thing I really miss about being away from home, it's being away from him."
  7. O'Rouly led Peshkov down several decks to what appeared to be a workroom; a low-ceilinged area strewn with half-dissembled machines and other items in various states of repair or disrepair. O'Rouly grabbed a plastic wand as long as his arm and started poking under the ex-Soviet's arms and legs. He sniffed at the readings he got and turned to a wall console. "Forty years ago, ehn? So by Earth standards it's merely a relic. By Lor standards though, it's practically prehistoric! We'll start with a basic pressure suit, and see if we can't get some armored sections hanging off that. Though with your, uh, unique metabolism we'll have to make sure heat build-up isn't a problem..." The door opened with a swish and they both turned to see Brey standing there. O'Rouly snapped off a salute and Brey returned it. "Chief, I'll be borrowing your project for a bit, alright." O'Rouly nodded, and the commander led Frost back into the corridor. He looked the ex-Soviet superhuman up and down. "I understand you were in your tribe's military," he said, "and it sounds like you've been in space before. Ever dealt with the Lor before now?"
  8. Doctor Caranas tilted the tablet and studied the picture. "Yes, I think we can reproduce that without too much trouble. If you'll follow me, I can take you to your quarters." The door to the conference room split down the middle and folded to either side like wings, revealing a burgundy-painted corridor, curving ever so slightly, presumably with the lines of the ship. Caranas led Wisp down to the end of the hall and opened a door that lead into a room about twice as large as her old dorm at Claremont. There was a desk sitting off to one side, two generous beds set into the wall, and another, small door on the far side of the room. Caranas led Wisp in. "I'm afraid you'll have to bunk up," she said. "The Omni's a fairly small ship, only about twenty crew on-board, and only four of them are women. So you're going to be in my room. The washroom's through there." She pointed at the other door, then walked to the wall and slid up a panel to reveal something that didn't look entirely unlike a laser printer. After some finagling, the two women managed to find a connector that mated between the tablet and the wall socket and the clothes started being extruded from the slit. "Nanofabricator," Caranas said by way of explanation. "Fantastic machines. They can build any instrument or clothing we need. Without them, have the ship would be devoted to storing different tools and sensors that are only useful one voyage in a hundred. The doctor leaned against the wall and folded her arms, watching the younger woman as the outfit printed. "So I take it you've never been in space before?"
  9. Blue Jay's eyes grew wider at the sight of the heavy duty Omegadrone in the street, staring down and openly challenging the Bee-Keeper. Any fear she might have felt at the sight of the monster was locked away behind the cold walls of instinct and training. Her entire life had literally been boiling down to this point, and when it came she did not intend to disappoint. She already had her bow out; she dropped the broadhead to the street and reached back for an arrow with triangular fletching and a convex notch. She found it, nocked it, drew to her cheek, and released, all in the space of a single breath. The arrow flew straight and true, and mere centimetres from its target the head of the arrow exploded. Sticky fibers wrapped around the drone and stuck it fast, virtually mummifying its head. Blue Jay knew enough that her arrows wouldn't do much to the thing unless she had the time to aim for a joint or the power unit. With the arrow away, it was now time to get under cover. "Bee-Keeper," she yelled out, her legs already pumping her towards the nearest building. "Get out of the street!"
  10. Hm, what would Blue Jay know about a heavy attack Omegadrone? Likely able to shrug off little blows, and she can't do a big one, so web it down! Blue Jay Free Action: Switch Bow Arrow Array to Glue Arrow. Standard Action: Attack! +5 Power Attack. Blue Jay's ranged attack check, vs Harrier's Def. DC 20 Ref (1d20+10=30) Now that's the way to start off a combat. Instead of extra DC I'l go for the free stunt; I should have 15 PP to work with, so I'll go with a Visual Dazzle. It gets all over his eyes! Move Action: Run to the nearest cover.
  11. OOC for this thread. Ironclad and Bee-Keeper III get to kick supervillain ass, yeah!
  12. Jessica Parker was in the bowels of the Lab in Hanover, looking over data scrolling down a screen, shoulder to shoulder with a man twice her age. "Well I don't understand where the energy pulse came from, then," she said to the older scientist. "The dimensional viewer is strictly a one-way passage of information, there's no chance something could have tracked back down it. It's like saying that someone swings on sunlight, it's a logical --" Her phone buzzed abruptly with a distinctive and she paused, digging it out. A quick swipe and she checked the message. "DS TK ATKED" it read, and her blood started pounding in her ears even as her fingers and toes tingled with the adrenaline rush. "We'll have to finish this later, Dr. Siddig." She dashed for the exit and touched the bracelet she wore; in a flash of light she was surrounded by armor, and Ironclad was on the scene. The young hero didn't wait for an elevator car. She overrode the door controls and jetted up the shaft, dragging a whirlwind behind her and causing a flurry in the lobby as she blew out the exit. Once in the open air she bent her path west and increased velocity. Someone had just attacked her grandfather's second legacy, and that someone was about to have a very bad day.
  13. December 6th, 2012 4:45 PM Hanover, Freedom City GM Dawes Tech's campus was rather impressive, even among all the high-tech companies that crowded the far northern border of Freedom City. A huge building with a triangular footprint, the points lopped off to make corner offices, it was all faced in black-tinted windows that reflected the square lab building across the way. It was also a perfect mirror as spherical ships dropped out of the low cloud cover and opened fire on the labs. One particular ship, larger than the rest, settled down in the parking lot and opened a ramp from its underside. Troops spilled out and marched into the lab, futuristic weapons held at the ready.
  14. GM "Noooo!" The Hive Tyrant moaned as Voltage's electricity crackled through the fog. The individual pieces fell from the sky like sand, and the criminal snapped his hand forward. A coil of black carbon-carbon wire spooled out and tried to wrap around Voltage and pull him from the sky. At the same time the cyberpathic heroes could hear him call over the radio waves. "Soldiers! Defend your king and master!" Inside Ironclad watched one of the swarms turn toward the door and eat away at it, chewing through the glass and metal to make a fist-sized hole. The last group flew through and straight at Voltage, forming into a solid mass and trying to knock the flying hero out of the sky.
  15. Ironclad flew around the room, trailing a glittering cloud of very angry, very small robots. She closed the missile ports in her armor and powered up the wrist blasters, then let loose a blast at one of the clouds that seemed to be getting interested in some of the civilians. She didn't relish the idea of the swarms coming after her, but if they were than at least they weren't going after the bystanders. The swarm trailing her put on a boost of speed, but the battlesuited heroine batted them away without taking any damage.
  16. Ironclad Free Action: Swapping Weapon Array around to Blast. Standard Action: Attack Swarm 2. Ironclad's ranged attack check, vs Swarm 2's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=11) Rerolling. Ironclad's ranged attack check, vs Swarm 2's Def. DC 25 Tou. Reroll (1d20+10=15) Total of 25. Swarm 2's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+10=27) Ugh. Swarm 3 Standard Action: Biting at Ironclad. Swarm 3's melee attack check, vs Ironclad's Def. DC 25. (1d20+8=21) That will hit. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+14=28) Nice, nice. Hive Tyrant Free Action: He'll call the Swarms from inside, out to shield him. Those will count as Minions, now. Free Action: Switching Array over to Snare. Standard Action: Attacking Voltage with Snare. Hive Tyrant's ranged attack roll, vs Voltage's Def. DC 20 Ref (1d20+10=25) That will hit. Initiative 21 - Swarm 1 - Bruisex1 - GM 21 - Swarm 2 - Staggered - GM 16 - Voltage - -1 Tou - HPx3 15 - Ironclad - -1 Tou- HPx2 11 - Swarm 3 - Uninjured - GM 10 - Hive Tyrant - Bruisex1 - GM Swarm 1 Will attack the door and bore through, so the other swarms can get out. Swarm 2 Move Action: Getting outside. Standard Action: Biting at Voltage. Swarm 2's melee attack check, vs Voltage's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+8=15) That's a miss.
  17. So is this a generic noir 'verse, or our specific one? Where the demon invasion wasn't undone and the city is wrecked and ruined?
  18. I want to see noir!Asad. :P
  19. Well the game is Freedom City Play by Post. I believe the idea is that a majority of the adventures happen within the city, or at least start here. Having a group which operates mainly or solely in space would be hard to work.
  20. Blue Jay pushed herself upright, feeling an ache in her bones and a swimming head. She remembered going to sleep, weary from a protracted session in the Doom Room, but wherever she was now it certainly wasn't her bed at Claremont Academy. She raised her head and finally saw the city, wrecked, before her. For the longest time all she could do was stare and shake, frozen to the ground. She had dealt with nightmares of being back on her homeworld, running through the forest from another unnameable terror birthed in the flesh factories, but this was the first time she had seen this safe, secure Earth feature in it. After a moment she looked down and confirmed -- yes, she was also in her Claremont outfit, and the bow she held in her hand was the high-tech piece she'd been gifted by the Freedom League, not the curved and laminated piece of wood she had brought with her. She finally shook off the shock and stood up, looking around to get her bearings. A part of her screamed that she should make for the treeline, but she knew that she couldn't do that. She had to find out what had happened; she didn't remember an attack by the Terminus, or being woken up, or whatever had led to her being dumped in a ditch. The young archer pulled her bow out and unfolded with a single, hard jerk. She nocked a broadhead arrow and headed into the city, eyes alert and watching.
  21. "Non. There wasn't a lot of time to play music back home. We always had to be on watch for Omegadrones or steam soldiers, so music would just give our camp away." The pair stepped around a large tree and were suddenly standing at the edge of a river. The water level was low and consequently rushing quite dramatically over the riverbed. Tona stooped and picked up a handful of rocks, sorting through them carefully to find good, flat ones. "I've heard a lot of music on the radio since I came here. Are orchestras usually on the radio?" Very quickly she had a handful of stones and handed most of them to Sam. "Mon pere taught me this," she said, curling one finger along the long edge of the rock and whipping it downstream. It managed two, three skips before falling underwater. She tried it again and got four skips, hitting the other side of the river channel before it disappeared. Tona smiled broadly and then stepped back, giving Sam plenty of room to swing. "Go on, it's easy."
  22. Well the character bank is for presumably completed character sheets. That's where they go when you're ready for refs to look it over and approve it or revise it.
  23. Starlight picked up the discarded weapon and studied the face and form of the downed woman, preparing her own imitation. The sounds of battle grew suddenly closer, however, and so the heroine dropped the weapon and moved quickly down the corridor. She turned a corner and saw another armed terrorist. She heard his question and smiled. "The rest of your allies," she said, raising a palm to face the criminal, "failed to see the wisdom in surrender. Just like you." The glow intensified to the point of pain and the hall was filled with white light, which punched into the terrorist.
  24. This totally slipped my mind, sorry. Starlight Move Action: Fly over to where the hostages are. Standard Action: Blast the guard. He's a minion, so Take 10 to hit and DC 25 Toughness.
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