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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. First thing I would recommend is rewriting the sheet into the new format, instead of simply listing changes.
  2. Raveled

    Ironclad II

    Design Journal 7.45. I'm a fool. I had a run in recently with a super-criminal by the name of Flechette, a magnetokinetic. She sensed the metal in my bones and pulled it out, rather harshly. I'm typing this from a bed in the Freedom Medical Center, because three vertebrae in my lower back were shattered and if I had been more cautious, none of this would have happened. Well, sobbing over my failure won't fix things. I need to devise a way to fix my back, as well as remove the metal still in my system. Hm, a metal rod with reinforcement could work for a replacement spine, but then I'd still be vulnerable to magnetokinetics... Ooo, but what about ceramics!? I wouldn't be able to bend that part of my spine, but it would remove the vulnerability...
  3. Raveled

    Ironclad II

    Design Journal 7.44. I've been dealing with some headaches and muscle aches lately. There's no readily discernible cause, but I have a theory. Almost two years ago I was gassed and developed technopathic abilities. An examination by Doktor von Archeville confirmed that heavy metals were bonded to my brain and bones, allowing me to generate and perceive radio and other wireless signals. I need an fMRI to confirm, but I think the metals are starting to come loose. The particles from my bones would being traveling through my lymphatic and circulatory systems, causing reactions from my immune system. The particles in my brain could cause, essentially, electrical shorts across the gaps between transmitters. It's just been odd ideas and headaches so far, but if this continues it could get deadly, quickly. I have to deal with this before too much more time passes.
  4. So more of a time hero, then? ;)
  5. The fact that the girl in the mirror could pull at her sweater while Tona couldn't feel anything between her fingers was disconcerting, but then life at Claremont was full of weird situations. This was just one more to get used to. Sam took her hand and lead her through the press of people. Tona hung back a bit, watching how the other girl moved, how she put her feet, how she swung her arms and hips. How she moved her rear end, how her hand felt in Tona's... The young archer's face grew bright red suddenly and she took a step to the side, pointedly looking away from Sam. "I didn't. Um. If we bought things. Ahem. I mean, shouldn't we stay outside of the shop? If we went inside and Changeling saw something weird..."
  6. Tona frowned, not sure exactly what Sam was talking about -- until she looked over at the other girl and saw someone who looked a lot more like Asimova than Kit. She blinked and took a step away, but then remembered Sam's trick on Mali. "Alright then." Tona stopped speaking abruptly, realizing that her voice sounded more nasal and high-pitched. She crossed her eyes for a second, trying to look at her own mouth, then sighed and surged on, partially pulling Sam but mostly trusting the other girl to keep close. Changeling was carrying a big bag and moving from shop to shop on the Promenade, keeping up a brisk pace. The walkway was moderately crowded but Tona didn't know much about hiding in a crowd, so she hurried to a nearby lamp post and half-crouched there, watching her target intently. She glanced over at the nearest store and did a double-take at the image of her new self. She reached up and slowly touched her fluff pink sweater, pulling at the yarn. "I owned something this color when I was six," she said softly, momentarily lost in her look.
  7. Tona felt a pleasant tingle move up her spine as Sam squeezed her shoulders, and her fingers fumbled at the brief kiss. She smiled at Sam, her hands handling the task of tying nooses without her even watching it. "That might be a lot of fun," she said. "As long you're around." Tona wasn't much for big cities, but then Sam wasn't much for the outdoors and she was here, wasn't she? The snares ready, Tona stood and started securing them to the dead wood. The free ends were tied to what short branches remained, and the nooses stood off the wood, barely visible in the dappled sunlight. "Et voila," she said, standing back and giving a good look over. "With luck, we'll be eating squirrel tonight." She reached down and took Sam's hand, pulling the other girl tom her feet. "C'mon," she said, leading the other girl through the forest. "I want to see if we can find a bit of water."
  8. Starlight is all about the space.
  9. Starlight stood before the airlock, hands raised dramatically. The air to either side of the open airlock shimmered from deck to ceiling, leaving a hole just wide enough for a single Grue drone. Her golden eyes flared as she stared down the Grue. "Forward, to face your doom, servant of darkness," she intoned, "or withdraw and know that you have gained a little life before I wipe the rest of you from the galaxy!"
  10. Starlight Starlight's energy wall is up, so let's just go with scaring those Grue, hm? Full Round Action: Intimidate check. Starlight's Intimidate check. (1d20+12=31)
  11. Starlight rose from the rubble of the house she'd been shot into, the pounding in her head contributing to her wobbling flight path. She managed to make it to the space above the tanks, where she would hopefully be out of their line of fire. Part of her burned for the chance to tear Erasmus's tank apart, plate by steel plate, but she recognized that the active tanks still posed too great a threat to the town. If they started firing indiscriminately, they could demolish the town and kill a lot of people.
  12. Starlight Move Action: Flying up and over the tanks. Hopefully they can't hit me with the cannons or coax guns from that position. Standard Action: Going to blast one of the functional tanks. As much as Erasmus needs to go down, these tanks are still threatening the town. Starlight's ranged attack roll, vs Tank's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=27)
  13. Ironclad News Thread A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Office Re-Gifting Glowstar Starlight Earth Victoriana: Yanks in Tanks Meant to Fly OVERTHROW in Freedom Hall Blue Jay Roughin' It Mistaken Identity Test Site I Paint the Town GM A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Office Re-Gifting Paint the Town
  14. Brian laughed and caught the jar of spices. He opened it easily and sprinkled a pinch on either cut of fish, then turned them over and smeared the spiced sides on the pan before flipping them back again. He didn't want to let one side get over-seasoned on one side, but he didn't want to let one side get under-cooked, either. "Not sure how effective putting it up a tree will be in Wharton," he said. "With our luck there'll be flying squirrel-bears that will snatch it mid-air." He chuckle and poked the fish a bit.
  15. Tona didn't know much about street drugs, but she did know a fair bit about tracking a wounded, desperate animal. The window slid open smoothly, revealing a gap more than generous enough for any of the group. Directly underneath the window was a Dumpster with the lid closed, making an easy step down from the window sill and from there to the alley; it was almost like this was a planned escape route, straight out of the women's restroom! The young woman approached the rear door the brute had used to exit, and had almost carried Tona off through. It was hanging half off its hinges, and the wall opposite had a few crumbled, pulverized bricks. At the mouth of the alley was some decorative ironmongery, with a tailing edge squeezed into a shape that clashed harshly with the rest of the design. It seemed a good enough trail to go on, so Tona returned to the window. "I can follow him," she said, her tone not even admitting the possibility of defeat. "But we should grab our gear and get ready for a fight beforehand." She grinned suddenly -- this was the sort of night out that she knew how to handle!
  16. You didn't forget that this existed, did you? Tona will try and use her Track to follow the big guy's trail. Anyone have a problem with that kind of roll working? Base DC is 10; seems good enough to me.
  17. Starlight Move Action: Intimidate as a Move action, so -5 to the check. Standard Action: Blast the Merge group with the same effect as before. Bah. She'll be scared next round and YB can finish her off!
  18. Starlight stood still as the power of the Light of Pharos boiled between her hands. The stark shadows it cast seemed to make her form taller, her eyes deeper, and her expression harsher. "Repent, and your agony shall be shorter," she informed the cowering criminal and her clones. "Resist, and it shall be prolonged!" More beams of focused light leapt out at the group, spearing through them and seeking the original, the true Merge.
  19. "Bully!" Brey pulled a flat piece of plastic from his pocket and started poking at the surface. "The Omni's computer should be done crunching the numbers, so we can simply move directly to the ship. No time like the present, ehn?" The heroes were surrounded by a slight green glow, which grew to block out the entire city, until they almost seemed to dissolve in a sea of emerald. After a moment the green withdrew and dissipated, but now the five of them were standing in an open, metal bay. One wall was a single long, curving window, and outside the window was Earth, hanging in space. Brey glanced out the window and nodded sharply. "Well, that went fine." He clapped O'Rouly on the shoulder. "I told you that incident with the fern was an anomaly." O'Rouly had never stopped looking Comrade Cold's suit up and down. "You have all of Lor technology to turn to," he said, disbelief evident in his voice, "and you go with a relic like that?" He shook his head and grabbed the other man's arm, almost pulling him out of the room. "We have to fix this."
  20. *Shakes himself awake* Oh crap, I really let this one slide. Okay, executive decision: I don't know where 42 is. We'll go forward with Wisp and CC.
  21. Tona sniffed and smiled at Sam. "Going to be a pirate, then?" After a moment the young woman nodded sharply. "That seems like it would be plus interessant than waiting for a woman to drive across town and --" Tona stopped abruptly. Her phone was vibrating in her hands. The blip representing the tracker on Changeling's car was drawing closer. The young woman stood and looked around for a hiding spot. It wouldn't do to be found at the very beginning of the exercise, even if they had beat their target here.
  22. Tona looked over at what Dam had found and her eyes lit up. "Oh, oui, that will work beautifully." The girl walked over, still moving all but silently, and stowed her bow in order to heft the deadwood off the forest floor. It rose above her head a few inches, but she was strong and managed to get it upright. "Okay," she said, "now we need to get it next to a tree." It wasn't easy, but between the two of them they managed to walk it over and lean it against a nearby birch. Tona sat down next to the dead branch and shrugged off her quiver. The bottom unzipped to reveal a cache of survival supplies, including a tightly wound spool of stiff wire and a pair of fold-out cutters. She went to work, cutting lengths of wire and bending them into nooses. "Thank you for coming out," she said suddenly between snares. "I know this isn't something you'd normally do." She glanced over and gave Sam a small smile. "It would have been a lot less interesting if you had stayed in the city, I think."
  23. Blue Jay turned and saw the cat-man again. This time the sight clicked and she recognized the fast-moving hero from the apartment fire. He went by some weird word, what was it again? "Jubatus. That's it, right?" She looked around, still trying to locate Constance. "I fought a man who threw water and another one in a top hat who cheats. Now I'm talking to a girl who isn't here. Weird seems to be the order of the day, yes."
  24. Tona had a few seconds to consider her options, which was more than she usually had in combat. Her arms came up in parallel wide, sweeping motions, intended to brush aside Erik's mimed attack. At the same time she took two quick steps back. She ended up with the same profile toward Erik, the same foot forward, but hopefully out of reach of the imaginary, two-handed weapon.
  25. Blue Jay didn't stop moving, trying to keep the center of the sound in 'view.' "I didn't make them myself. People I lived with made them. They were the only way of remembering things and marking certain events. We never had --" The heroine realized she was beginning to ramble and sidled up to Riff, still trying to keep the source in her sight as best she could. "What. Is. Happening. Here," she demanded.
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