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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Suit's Toughness save, vs DC 24. (1d20+8=12) That is Staggered + Dazed. Jay'll be up next. That's a post for tomorrow, though.
  2. Suit's opposed Acrobatics check, vs DC 32. (1d20+18=31) Just enough. Hit away!
  3. Iapetus's opposed Grapple, vs DC 38. (1d20+12=25) He is Bound + Helpless.
  4. Suit's Will save, vs DC 17. (1d20+7=23) Well he blew that one out of the water, didn't he? Tiger's up next.
  5. Iapetus's Toughness save, vs DC 23. (1d20+10=26) Nope.
  6. I'd say Glow could catch up with Iapetus in a single Move action. So she can still get a Standard action in, if you want.
  7. Starlight's eyes narrowed as the screen filled with Grue ships, and when the pilot stood from her station she manifested lips just so she could twist her expression into a snarl. She walked down towards the helmsmen, closing the distance between them rapidly as her aura flared into existence. "Do you really think pointing a weapon at me is a smart thing to do," she asked. "Do you have any idea what I do to Grue and their collaborators?"
  8. GM The speed freak in the greasy suit slammed into the Welsh ninja's hand at full speed and fell back, choking and grasping at his throat. The leader of the group, though, continued to spar with Crimson Tiger, each throwing and blocking punches and other blows. She swung and he turned almost before she committed to the attack, so instead of the force going into his vitals it was wasted on muscle and bone. In turn he circled around Crimson Tiger's left -- except that the image of him wavered after a moment and disappeared, as he kicked at her knee from her right side!
  9. Initiative 34 -- Speed Freak 1 -- Asleep -- GM 25 -- Speed Freak 2 -- Bruisex1 + Daze (9) -- GM 24 -- Suit -- Bruisex1 -- GM 23 -- Kit -- Bruisex1 -- HPx1 22 -- Crimson Tiger -- Uninjured -- HPx2 21 -- Blue Jay -- Bruisex1 -- HPx2 11 -- Bruiser -- Escaped! -- GM 9 -- Blodeuwedd -- Bruisex1 -- HPx2 Suit Move Action: Feint. Skill Mastery makes that a DC 27 Will, Bluff, or Sense Motive to resist. Standard Action: Punchy punchy. Suit's melee attack check, vs Crimson Tiger's Def. DC 20 Tou (1d20+15=29) That should hit.
  10. I've still got it bookmarked, so yes.
  11. Blue Jay's second Search check. Blue Jay's Search check. (1d20+1=11)
  12. Blue Jay ducked under the hedge and followed the tracks, deeper into the Park. She felt more at home underneath the trees but she never stopped watching, never stopped looking for danger. When she found the smoking clearing she stopped and squatted down for a moment, studying the scene. The man, Paris, had used some water abilities; maybe the woman had fire powers? Maybe she had used a strong blast of fire to propel herself into the air? But there were no singed leaves or branches that high, so that was unlikely. The tracks led away from and then back to the River, so after a minute of contemplation Blue Jay headed down there. She paced up and down the length of the lazy waterway, looking for any more tracks or evidence that someone had passed this way.
  13. Blue Jay'll take 10 on the Search checks to find any tracks, for a result of 11. Once she finds them, Skill Mastery makes Survival an auto-30 to follow them.
  14. Blue Jay shrugged, her gaze sliding off the hovering man and taking in the surroundings. "Wet-Dry was talking to a woman at the concert," she told Riff. "They came out of the park and walked this way. When I confronted them the woman slipped away, but I expect that I could still find her..." She squeezed the grip of her bow and shook it, and the carefully weighted arms folded in on themselves quickly. She reached around and hooked the collapsed weapon on her quiver, then began looking around where Pawn had been standing. She spiraled out, eyes and head swiveling as she looked for signs of the woman Paris had been talking to.
  15. Jessica flashed a brief smile at the quantum manipulator. She knew that he was joking about connecting Voltage to the power main; she just hoped Voltage would recognize it as a joke. She worried sometimes that people would associate the Lab with Victor Archeville and his recent madness. The only thing they could do to stop that, though, was keep on their course. "He's an electricity manipulator, I know that," she said. "I've seen him fly, and loose blasts of lightning. I suspect his suit is more than just cloth, but I haven't been able to get an example." She considered what she knew of not just the superhero, but his alter ego Thomas Morgan as well. "I suspect he's done some interesting work with computers," she said, trying not to reveal too much. It wasn't Jessica's place to reveal who Voltage was under the mask, but the skills he developed and honed in his civilian life would be useful at the Lab.
  16. Blue Jay blinked in surprise when Pawn simply exploded, shying away from the grasping hands of the grateful civilians. She moved forward to collect her arrows and almost didn't notice when a man dressed in her father's formal suit appeared, complete with the hat. She crouched down and prepared to draw when he released the hat, and watching it suck up the remains of Pawn. She blinked as both hat and man disappeared, stamping her foot irritably. "Now that's just cheating," she muttered as she stalked forward, reclaiming the arrows. She examined the burst reservoir on the acid arrow and made a face, sticking back in her quiver regardless. Rearmed, she gave the hovering Riff a long, appraising look. "I was handling him just fine," she called up to him.
  17. Blue Jay was silently grateful for the appearance of the flying man with the guitar. She made a break for Pawn's other side, quickly drawing and releasing several arrows at him. She made sure to circle around to the side opposite the new opponent, so that the villain's attention would be divided. "Face it, Wet-Dry," she called out. "This is the point where you lay down and give up!"
  18. Blue Jay Move Action: Acrobatic Bluff, -2 for previous uses. DC 23 to resist. Free Action: Switch Array to Arrow Flurry. Standard Action: Blue Jay's ranged attack check, vs Pawn's Def. DC 20 Tou + Autofire (1d20+15=20) Rolls!
  19. OOC for thread. Lady Winter, Wisp, and debuting Comrade Frost, dealing with Soviet space madness!
  20. Saturday, September 1st, 2012 2:43 PM Freedom Hall The most well-known landmark in Freedom City (well, second-most well-known after the Sentry Statue) stood proud and clean in the middle of the city. Freedom Hall was a beacon to the world, and a place most superheroes dreamed of calling home one day. Of course, it also served other functions from time to time, which is why the superheroes Comrade Frost, Lady Winter, and Wisp had been summoned there. Inside they were greeted by the programmed cheerfulness of Cynthia, the League's robot receptionist. They were each directed warmly but firmly to a conference room towards the back of the building; at the moment it was empty, the long table in the middle unoccupied and the sideboard bare of all but a carafe of coffee and a pitcher of water.
  21. Optimus Prime. Megatron. Arcee. Metroplex. Aaaaaaaaand Hot Rod. :D
  22. Speed Freak's Toughness save, vs DC 23. (1d20+10=17) Daze + Bruisex1!
  23. Jessica ground her teeth together, mentally berating herself for forgetting the tea. She was just glad Supercape had remembered to bring some of his own, she didn't want anyone to feel left out today. She did have a smile for her friend. "You're one to talk of pockets. You could've carried the entire sideboard down in a smorgasbord dimension," she reminded the other young genius. Miss Americana, as always, made the young woman feel as if she had a piece of broccoli stuck in her teeth. Jessica smoothed down the front of her skirt, tugging at her coat to straighten it. "Alright. The invitation I sent Voltage said eleven-thirty, so he should be arriving any moment." She looked around at the rest of the executive board of the Lab. "Are there any last minute topics to bring up? We're here to officially extend him an invitation to join the Lab."
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