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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. He cannot possibly make that check, so he falls prone. Gets right back up again and keeps running, mind, but he falls prone for a bit! Glow's up next.
  2. The telekinetic blow opened a hole in the ceiling and pure, bright sunlight poured in. It lanced through the water and the area around Tethys immediately started bubbling and boiling, as the vampire screamed in pain. Her pale skin turned beet red and she propelled herself out of the water quickly, landing on her feet and dashing deeper into the building. It didn't take long to realize that her path was different from Iapetus; the heroes could follow one or the other, but not both...
  3. Tethys takes -1 to all physical ability scores per minute in sunlight, so her Str and Dex are both down by 1. That reduces her Ref save, melee damage, and grapple check by 1, each. She is going to flee in a different direction from Iapetus. Fun!
  4. "Never much liked cars," Blue Jay admitted as she stretched back to her quiver. Her nimble fingers flitted over shafts with squared-off ends and found one with a concave end; she pulled it out, double-checked the green fletching, and rose to a crouch. "But I like this one." She quickly ran from the fender of the first car, to its roof, to the roof of the van Pawn had just tried to throw at her! She leapt off it and loosed the arrow in mid-flight, landing in a tuck-and-roll and looking up to see the impact... against a tree just to the right of her target. She swore in French as her eyes darted around for more cover. This was taking longer than she had anticipated!
  5. Blue Jay Move Action: Acrobatic Bluff. Skill Mastery makes it 25, loses 1 because I used it before so 24. Free Action: Switching AP to Drain Fort arrow. Standard Attack: Arrow'd! Blue Jay's ranged attack check w/ +5 Power Attack, vs Paris's Def. DC 20 Fort (1d20+10=12) Rassum, frassum.
  6. Starlight's Ini. (1d20+7=14)
  7. After Tiger comes Blue Jay, who is still Dazed. That means it's Blod's turn to act!
  8. Brian poked at the strips of fish frying in the pan. "All I hear is the soul of this sushi crying out in horror, man. 'What did we ever do to you, Morgan,' they're crying. 'We just wanted to be delicious, why do you cook us so poorly?'" He started pawing through his pack, and when he didn't find what he wanted there he went into the tent and checked the bags there. Eventually he came out holding a long-handled fork triumphantly in the air. He went back to the fire and squatted down next to it, poking at the fish. "See, you've got to keep turning it, like this." The long metal tines speared the fish expertly and flipped it, pressing down on the meat to force some of the fluids out. "Hm. Did you remember to bring any garlic or anything?"
  9. Ironclad nodded to the general. "I promised you I'd be back," she said, "and I meant that. Now let's go get your world back from those Nazis." She stepped up to the portal and cranked her suit's sensors all the way open. This was a... well okay, it wasn't a unique situation, but the last time she'd traveled from her home dimension to another she hadn't had the chance to take measurements. Plus, on the chance that there were enemies on the other side of the portal, she didn't want to waste time with confusion when she could be fighting back.
  10. Suit's Toughness save, vs DC 21. (1d20+8=25) Aces the Toughness save.
  11. Starlight hung around the edge of the group, listening in on conversations and using the benefit of her disguise to look over shoulders and get an idea of what kind of overall plan the other heroes were going to attempt. Once she had a good idea of their intentions, she wandered away to get some privacy. Out of sight of the rest of the group she allowed the disguise to relax and reassumed her guise as a superheroine. With a flash of light she disappeared and reappeared inside City Hall. She'd chosen somewhere secluded but still reasonably close to where the terrorists had gathered the hostages -- a bathroom. Luckily no one was inside so she was free to step out in the hall. She needed to get the attention of a single guard...
  12. Tethys and Subito rolled around each other in the water, as Iapetus and Glow traded ephemeral blows on the floor. Iapetus hissed at Glow suddenly, showing wickedly curved fangs, before backing away at speed. "This is a distraction," he spat. "Tethys! Deal with these children. I go to get ours!" With that he turned and fled deeper into the complex, presumably making a beeline for the eggs.
  13. *Looks at all that's been happening* Right-o. Iapetus Full Action: Running away. Flee!
  14. Glowstar's energy field snapped off and he stepped forward, looking across the way to the warehouse for a moment before turning back to their subject. "What about this chanting," he said. "What kinds of things were they saying? Did you see anything weird -- guys with horns or scaly skin, eerie smoke, gnarly blades, anything like that?" Glowstar didn't have a lot of knowledge about the arcane and magical, but he had at least had C- and D-grade horror movies to go on, not to mention the side-effects of Morgan's experimentations.
  15. "I find myself unable to muster much sympathy for anyone who would place that sort of riches out in the open, protected only by a plastic box," Starlight said dryly. "Let their money disappear. I am more concerned with the fate of the hostages." She scrutinized the screens. "The hostages seem to be on their way to the police, so they are safe. I wonder... When I came in here, Merge was talking with a man who was working these controls. He was uncostumed, so I took him to be a civilian, a regular worker here. But she talked kindly to him, and he teleported out when I attacked. It may be that he is an accomplice, and Merge is waiting for him to appear so they can make their escape together. If that is the case," she finished, "we should attack before he can make his move."
  16. Blue Jay in a three-point stance and was almost immediately back on the move, drawing more arrows from her quiver and turning these to a blunt setting. If she could push some of the liquid mass out of her opponent, maybe it would slow him down? "I'm surprised you're still standing," she said. "You have a talent for annoying people. I'd've smacked you down before, if I knew about you." The archer loosed on the move, finally hunkering down behind a parked car. At the very least she might draw him in closer...
  17. Blue Jay Standard Attack: Arrowing with Bludegoning damage this time. Blue Jay's ranged attack check vs. Paris' Def. DC 20 Tou (1d20+15=20) Move Action: Taking cover.
  18. Blue Jay's Ini. (1d20+15=18)
  19. Blue Jay felt the watery mass dissolve under her blows and retreat. Thank you, Erik, she thought to herself as the liquid returned to the older man. "Trust me," she said, "I'm the best you've ever seen." She took off at a sprint to a nearby streetlamp, hand reaching behind her shoulder to the quiver. She grabbed an arrow and quickly dialed the head to the bodkin setting. She reached the post and raced up it a few steps; then took a jump up to the crossbar that that supporting flags promoting the concerts and loosed a volley of shafts at Paris.
  20. Blue Jay Move Action: Going to make an Acrobatic Bluff as a Move Action. -5 for trying to do it fast, SM so it comes out to DC 20. Standard Action: Arrowing with Piercing damage. Blue Jay's ranged attack check vs Pawn's Def, DC 20 + Autofire (1d20+15=18) Let's hope the feint works.
  21. Tona continued swearing and pounding uselessly at the big bruiser's back as he fled towards the fire exit, carrying the diminutive archer with him. She struggled and twisted in his grip, trying to break free, but the only success she had came when he threw her back into the room as he barreled into the door bar, disappearing from sight. Tona screamed during her short flight, crashing into the drum set on stage; she lay across the instruments, breathing shallowly, her head lolling loosely. The dance floor was clearing out, patrons and employes getting far away from the fight (but not so far away that they couldn't record it on camera phones). The second ferret in the greasy suit had no trouble racing away from the reeling Cerys to the woman in the scarf who had floored his brother. "Hey," he snorted, "all he wanted was a dance! You b----!" He slapped her full across the face, the force of his hundred-and-fifty pounds augmented greatly by the speed he was traveling at. The man in the dapper suit, however, was having more fun toying with Mali. He recoiled from the blow, his form flickering slightly as he rubbed his chin. "Yowch! You got a mean right hook on you. Did you last boyfriend teach you that?" His grin widened. "Or is that why you don't have a boyfriend?" Before she could respond he was suddenly on her left side, kicking out at her ankle.
  22. Jay's up next. Blue Jay Move Action: Try to escape from the grapple. Blue Jay's Escape Artist check to escape grapple. (1d20+15=29) Bruiser can beat that without rolling. Bruiser Standard Action: Throws Tona into a wall. DC 30 Toughness check. Blue Jay's Toughness save, vs D 30. (1d20+9=21) Le sigh. Rerolling that. Blue Jay's Toughness save, vs D 30. Reroll (1d20+9=21) ... You have got to be kidding me. Initiative 34 -- Speed Freak 1 -- Asleep -- GM 25 -- Speed Freak 2 -- Uninjured -- GM 24 -- Suit -- Bruisex1 -- GM 23 -- Kit -- Uninjured -- HPx2 22 -- Crimson Tiger -- Uninjured -- HPx3 21 -- Blue Jay -- Bruisex1 + Daze (11) -- HPx2 11 -- Bruiser -- Escaped! -- GM 9 -- Blodeuwedd -- Bruisex1 -- HPx2 Blod is Dazed and one of the Freaks is down. Freak 2 moves over to Kit. Speed Freak 2 Move Action: Move to Kit. Standard Action: Attack! ATATATATATATATA! Speed Freak 2's melee attack check, vs Kit's Def. DC 25 Tou + Autofire (1d20+10=19) That just barely hits. DC 25 Tou. Suit is up next. Suit Move Action: Fast Taunt. DC 27 Bluff/Will/Sense Motive check to resist going flat-footed. Standard Action: Attack w/ +5/-5 Power Attack vs. Crimson Tiger. Suit's melee attack check, vs Crimson Tiger's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=26) Owch. That'll hit without the Feint. If Kit's not downed by the attack, she'll be up next.
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