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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Suit's Toughness save, vs DC 21. (1d20+9=20) Bruisex1! Just barely.
  2. Suit's Acrobatics check, vs DC 29. (1d20+18=37) Yikes!
  3. Speed Freak 2's Will save, vs DC 17. (1d20+6=10) I believe that means that he is down. Crimson Tiger is up next.
  4. GM The knot of young toughs lost no time in picking their own quarrels, now that Tona was being carried off. The twins grinned, and then blurred, covering the distance between themselves and their intended targets impossibly fast. One popped up in front of Cerys and gave her the full benefit of his yellowed grin. "Why don't you take a seat, babe," he said. "We'll get to you in a second." He swung at her, his fists moving faster than the eye could follow; his fists were mere blurs as he pummeled the ninja. The other greasy speedster stopped in front of Sam. "Wrong way to do it, bro," he called over to his twin. "You gotta be smooth with the ladies, like this." He reached out and grabbed Sam's arms, pulling her in close. "Wanna dance, baby?" The pair sniggered together, clearly expecting an easy victory to kick off the night. The leader of the group, meanwhile, sauntered up close to Mali. "You know, you'd be kind of cute." He smirked at her and then disappeared himself. Her battle-hardened senses warned her a moment before his fist came from behind and buried itself in her kidney. "If you weren't trying to look like Xena or whatever."
  5. Initiative 34 -- Speed Freak 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 25 -- Speed Freak 2 -- Uninjured -- GM 24 -- Suit -- Uninjured -- GM 23 -- Kit -- Uninjured -- HPx2 22 -- Crimson Tiger -- Uninjured -- HPx4 21 -- Blue Jay -- Uninjured -- HPx3 11 -- Bruiser -- Uninjured -- GM 9 -- Blodeuwedd -- Uninjured -- HPx3 Everyone gets a HP for being in their Secret Identities. Speed Freak 1 Move Action: Moving up to Blod. Standard Action: Attack Blod with Unarmed + Autofire. Speed Freak 1's melee attack check, vs Blod's Def. DC 25 + Autofire (1d20+10=15) 3 pts over her flat-footed Def, so that's +1 DC, for a total of DC 26 Toughness. Speed Freak 2 Move Action: Moving to Kit. Standard Action: Grappling. Speed Freak 2's melee attack check, vs Kit's Def. (1d20+10=12) That will just barely hit. Speed Freak 2's Grapple check. (1d20+20=33) Yikes. Suit Free Action: Activate Concealment 4 (All Visual, Flaw: Miss Chance only). Move Action: Step up to Mali. Standard Action: Punch her in the face. Suit's melee attack check, vs Mali's flat-footed Def. DC 20 Tou (1d20+15=19) Yikes, that will hit. Okay, once IC post is up, it'll be Kit's turn.
  6. Cross-referencing time tables and survivor stories, Jubatus can see that the only transit stop all the victims have in common is a subway station in Hanover.
  7. Suit turned and sneered at Mali. "Me and my friends are just having a bit of fun, Amazon. Why don't you go back to American Gladiators and stop bothering us?" The twins in the slick suits sniggered while the big man merely grinned, tightening his grip on Tona's arms. At least, until Sam started burrowing into his mind and tripped all those lovely little fear receptors. Suddenly his face went white as a sheet and he barreled through the twins, running for an emergency exit near the back -- towing Tona along with him! "Casse-toi, idiot," she screamed at him, fighting to keep her footing between his long strides. "Lache-moi la grappe!"
  8. Those who beat DC 20 notice that the Bruiser has a small white patch on his underarm. Looks kind of like a nicotine patch. For the record the bad guys are a pair of Zoom survivors, a Powerhouse (though rather stupider than that one suggests), and a Psychic Martial Artist. Speed Freak 1 & 2's Ini. (1d20+14=34, 1d20+14=25) Bruiser's Ini. (1d20+2=11) Suit's Ini. (1d20+8=24) Blue Jay's Ini. (1d20+15=21) Bruiser's Will save, vs DC 17. (1d20+6=8) Hah! Well he's not feeling like fighting ATM.
  9. "The Light is... compassion and justice." Starlight frowned. In truth, she wasn't as well versed on this aspect of her powers. "And the Shadow is hatred and fear; the Light and the Shadow are opposed, as much as fire and water or life and death, are. I have been chosen to bear the Light; this man was infused and empowered by the Shadow. We are destined to clash. As for the old jar." Starlight shook her head. "I could detect nothing special about it. Though that does not mean there is no significance to it." Someplace under Freedom City Shadows gathered and vomited out Hooded Menace and Ricochet, the former holding the canopic jar close. Ricochet quickly checked her gear while Hooded Menace looked the jar over, nearly basking in it. She took a deep breath and turned towards the big man. "At least we got out," she said. "And you got whatever it is you went in there for. Right?" She eyed the jar. "That doesn't look like much." Hooded Menace turned to face her, still smiling beatifically. "This is another step on a long path," he said, "that will end with my apotheosis." "Is that so," Ricochet muttered. She'd been around long enough to hear lots of self-proclaimed gods and self-evident monsters rant about how they were one step away from greatness. The trick, she'd found, was to make sure your paycheck wasn't dependent on their plan succeeding. Hooded Menace turned back to his contemplation of the jar, and slowly and with great ceremony, crushed it between his hands. The shattered pieces of pottery fell to the floor and a thin drizzle of sand followed them. The villain opened his arms wide... and nothing happened. He frowned and one shadow tendril poked at the shards of ceramic. "That's... how could that be? There should be power in there, power of the darkness, power of Apep! It is one of the jars that He was sealed into!" "Or a replica," Ricochet pointed out. "Kind of stupid for the Museum to keep something like that on display, especially if it's going to entice people to walk up and break the glass." Hooded Menace cried out in rage and lashed at the walls of the enclosure with tentacles of smoke and shadow, cracking the concrete walls and sending Ricochet scurrying back. Eventually though, he calmed and sighed. "This has been long delayed. It can wait a few more months." A shadow tendril reached out and picked up a duffel bag, carrying it over to Ricochet. "Here is your payment," he said, handing it off to the woman. She unzipped the bag, quickly counted the bills inside, and backed out of the room, tipping an imaginary hat to the shadow controller. Once she was out of sight though, she turned and picked up the pace. Perhaps it was time to be getting out of the city?
  10. Starlight stayed quiet and towards the back of the group, safely behind her mask of shaped flesh, as Director Schultz sketched out the plan. Her part seemed obvious; Silver Spider would need back-up inside, and Starlight's abilities made her uniquely suited to the task. She'd need to wait, though; revealing herself now, after trying to stay under cover like this, wouldn't endear her to the other heroes. The detective hung around the back of the group, ready to make a quick exit once the plan was finalized.
  11. The two inventors worked quickly and easily together, crafting a pair of odd-looking headphones. A pair of earbuds, really, which met up on the wearer's throat. The joined wires thickened and met up with a small speaker/microphone. The whole thing was done in gold and green, and Ironclad took an extra minute to make small adjustments so they would fit perfectly in hers and Silver Spider's ears. They had a few minutes before they were due to meet up with the Roman warrior again, so Ironclad rushed around packing an overnight bag. Shoes, toiletries (extras of those, for the other woman as well) and a change of clothes all went in the bag. Finally, as the pair of inventor-heroines left, she made sure to draw all the blinds and lock all the doors. No telling when she would be home next, after all! It was a short journey back to the spot in Liberty Park and Ironclad landed lightly, bag over one should. She glanced around and opened the suit's sensors as wide as possible, hoping to record as much as possible about the dimensional opening.
  12. Can I get a Notice check from folks?
  13. Tona was having fun, rocking and writhing, lost in her own world of rhythm and motion. She started moving away from Sam on the dance floor, space opening up between them and quickly being filled in by other warm bodies. The music wound down abruptly and group of twenty-somethings climbed onto the stage, taking up the instruments leaning up there. The dancers on the floor applauded the group as they warmed up, but Tona was lost for a moment as the music died and different noise took its place. She froze and looked around, fear and adrenaline making her heart beat. At moments like this, being so much shorter than everyone else was a real hazard. She caught a glimpse of Mali and Cerys sitting around a table, but it was obscured when a broad-shouldered man in a too-big suit stepped in front of her. "Hey there baby," he said. "How about we have a dance?" Tona looked around, but a pair of rat-faced men in matching suits a a truly huge individual in a muscle shirt were blocking her exits. She tried to dart past Suit and the Twins, but he was moving almost before she was. He caught her with a straight arm and pushed her back into the big guy; she stumbled and almost fell. "What, can't even say hello?" Tona pressed her lips together, resisting the urge to break the guy's arm. "I don't want to dance with you," she said. "I want to get back to my friends." She tried to get out of the big man's grip, but his huge hands were like vices and she could barely move them. "Well that's too bad," Suit said. "'Cause I want to party. What do you say to that?" Tona fixed him with her best glare. "I think you're about to make the biggest mistake of your night."
  14. So now it's Blue Jay vs. Paris?
  15. Liz Moya was at work, carefully typing out a piece of correspondence for one of the higher-ups at the Albright Institute. She glanced quickly from the computer screen to the handwritten letter, pausing occasionally to decipher some section of chicken-scratch or short-hand. As for the requested information re: Angelique Monez, she typed out, hands flying over the keyboards, the Institute once again reminds you of our policy of strict confidentiality among test participants. If this request is made again, it will be-- A sudden gathering around one particular cubical caught her interest and the young woman stood, stretching and wandering over. It seems that one of the office workers had a radio, and had tuned it to WSAR, a local news station. "For those just joining us," the broadcaster announced, voice sounding strained, "Freedom City Hall has been taken over by members of the terrorist group Overthrow. They have informed us that they are holding Mayor O'Connor hostage as well as many other civil employees. WSAR's city correspondent will remain on the scene, and we will keep you posted on all developments." At the back of the crowd, Liz's eyes narrowed and flicked back to the workstation and the half-finished letter. It would have to wait; she signed off the workstation, picked up the letter, and dropped it in the In box on an empty desk. If it didn't get written, well it would wait for a few hours. The atmosphere in front of City Hall was worried and tense, with uniformed police officers holding back the crowd and reporters. Starlight made sure her appearance was in an unobserved spot -- a bathroom at a local coffee place -- and took a few minutes to double-check her disguise. She glanced in the mirror and a middle-aged man of Asian descent stared back at her, flat black hair cut in a conservative cut, grey suit rumpled. She glanced down at her legs and a gold police badge formed on one, while a holstered pistol grew on the other. Amply disguised, the superhero made her way out of the cafe and towards the police barricade. One uniformed officer held out a hand to stop him, but Starlight swung the tail of her coat back and tapped the gold shield. "They called me in," she/he said, injecting a touch of boredom into the East Coast accent. "Where's the command center setting up?"
  16. So Arich, is there anyone on the roof? How many targets, how close together, etc?
  17. Okay. How do you want to start that research, Cubist?
  18. Blue Jay's eyes widened and she leapt back from her liquid assailant. She'd assumed that someone who looked like a regular person would be a regular person, not some creature of mist and water. She made a mental note that in the future, she would have to be more careful about assumptions like that! In the meantime, she considered her options. She could try sticking an arrow in it, but she didn't much fancy digging her shafts out of the watery mass after the fight. Besides, it was a bit close for a shot, so instead she decided to put her hand-to-hand training to use. She stepped to the side and spun on one foot, lashing out and striking it twice with her heel; once where the man's knee had been, and again midway up what had been his humerus.
  19. Blue Jay Def +6. Blue Jay has +15 attack with unarmed. So she can full Power Attack and still hit the bugger. Heck she could go partially Defensive Attack if I wanted to be particularly cheesy. Standard Action: Unarmed attack w/ +5 Power Attack vs. Minion. Taking 10 on attack roll for a 20, hits, DC 25 Toughness save. Move Action: Retreating 30 ft away from the water thing.
  20. Hm, the build shouldn't have Impervious Protection. Must be from an earlier version. Fix'd.
  21. Blue Jay's Reflex save, vs DC 17 Snare. (1d20+12=24) :mrgreen: Hm. So water man has no degree of Insubstantial, then?
  22. Public transit is more than buses, you realize.
  23. Tona felt a momentary panic when Sam pulled her away from the group and onto the dance floor, but she quelled it and forced herself to relax. This is what she had come out here for, after all, no use worrying about how odd the surroundings were -- time to throw herself into it! So that's exactly what she did. Tona didn't really know how to dance -- archery and survival skills were considered much important in the Terminus -- but she was young and athletic, and the music had a heavy bass line that wasn't hard to follow. Before long she was swinging and wriggling in tune to the beat, letting the music fill her up. Her piercings caught the light and twinkled light stars around her head, as she let herself be carried off by the rhythm.
  24. Blue Jay pressed her lips together in irritation. Well, so much for trying to go the clever route. "" she said. "" she pointed out, "" She paused and added, ""
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