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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. The tank was beginning to grow murky; the continued motion of the dead-yet-moving villainess and the brightly-clothed hero were stirring up the remains of the sharks, and the shredded meat floating in the water seemed to drive Tethys into a greater frenzy. She kicked out and spun closer to El Heraldo, mouth opening in a ghoulish grin. She reached and punched El Heraldo low in his back, driving her hand into a particular nerve cluster. Either she was a lot more skilled than she let on, or she was damn lucky, because the blow made his limbs tingle and twitch in an uncoordinated manner.
  2. Initiative 22 -- Tethys -- Uninjured -- GM 13 -- El Heraldo -- Buisex2 -- HPx1 11 -- Iapetus -- Uninjured -- GM 10 -- Glow -- Uninjured -- HPx2 Tethys is up next. Tethys Move Action: Close the distance to El Heraldo. Standard Action: Punch. Tethys's melee attack check, vs EH's Def. DC 24 Tou (1d20+9=29) ... Yikes. Um, let's stunt a Paralyze! Paralyze 9, so that's a DC 24 Tou and a DC 19 Will. Someone might want to throw her out a window soon, is all I'm gonna say.
  3. Blue Jay gave the pair a bright smile and a quick wave. "" she said, her native language tripping off her tongue lightly. "" She looked at the man, then the woman. ""
  4. So what do you folks want to do next?
  5. Starlight folded her arms, frowning. "You do no understand. The man cloaked in darkness -- he reeked of the power of the Shadow, of the Shattenwalt. I bear the Light of Pharos, the Light of Logos; it is my place in the universe and my great honor to strike back as the Lightbearer. But I could not stop him. Whatever he had planned will now continue, regardless." She shook her head ruefully. "I cannot imagine that it will bode well for this town."
  6. Tona shook out her hands and moved away from the wall, then turned to face Kristen. "Seems like it's you and me," she said. The young girl put her feet shoulder length apart, left foot leading slightly, and brought her arms up close to her core. She bounced from foot to foot, getting a feel for the mats and how they'd react underfoot. "Do you want to take the first shot, or shall I?"
  7. Ironclad shook her head ruefully. "Three hours? I'm a scientist, not a miracle-worker." She looked at Silver Spider and jerked her head towards one of the apartment buildings that surrounded the park. "C'mon. I hope you're not afraid of heights. And I really hope you know how to use a sodering iron." The armor's jets fired and she sped upwards, arrowing for her penthouse. The doors unlocked automatically as she landed and she strode inside, sparing a glance for the kitchen. She'd left a crock pot there, cooking away at tonight's dinner. It would probably be prudent to clean it out before she went dimension hopping, or at least unplug it so it didn't cook over if she was gone for a few days. The stairs in the center of the apartment led up, past the bedroom and bathroom, to the workshop at the top floor. The young genius didn't bother removing her armor, instead merely folding the helmet back so she could get a little more freedom before being encased in the suit for goodness knew how long.
  8. Tona joined the rest of the girls in the line, futilely attempting to peer around and over the taller people in front of her. The club seemed bustling, spilling light and noise out onto the street and the groups gathered around the entrance; it must not have been too full though, because the doorman glanced over the four girls and sent them right on inside. Just inside the door was another bouncer checking IDs. Tona took a moment to dig hers out and the big man scrutinized it for a moment, then pulled out a marker from his pocket and grabbed her wrist. The archer reacted instinctively, twisting her arm and breaking the grip, then backing up -- or trying to, anyway. The vestibule wasn't very large and the rest of the group was crowding in behind her. The bouncer held up his hands placatingly. "House rules, lady. If you're under 18, you got to get a mark on your hand. Don't worry, it only shows up under UV lights." He demonstrated by scribbling on a piece of paper. The paper appeared unchanged, until he flicked a switch on the wall and a bank of purple florescents hummed to life. Suddenly a glowing white stick-man appeared on the paper, at least until the man flicked the light off again. "House rules," he repeated. "If you don't want to follow 'em, door's behind you." Tona pressed her lips together, but held out her hand for the man to mark with a cross. Passing through another doorway, they entered the club proper. the back of the club was devoted to a large, open dance floor, with a stage beyond; it was empty at the moment, but the instruments set up there promised live entertainment later. Between the door and the floor was a number of small tables perfect for gatherings of two or four, with a bar set off to one side prominently displaying soda, energy drinks, and fruit juices. UV lights over the counter top highlighted many marked-hands. A spiral staircase in either corner led up to a second floor, and from her vantage point Tona could see a railing that wrapped around three sides of the room and frosted glass doors that opened off it, allowing private parties a degree of solitude. The music playing over unseen speakers was instrumental, was a heavy bass guitar carrying the speedy rhythm. Tona felt a grin crossing her features as she swayed slightly to the music. "This is interesting," she said, pitching her voice above the music. "I've never been in a place like this."
  9. Okay, with Silver Spider's help, Ironclad can Design the communication device in 15 mins and Construct it in 1 hour, by taking 10. So that's two gizmos that will let anyone in the party speak and understand any one language at a time. Ironclad's bogarting one of them. Victory, Spider, your call for the last one.
  10. Jay pressed her lips together as the pair got up and walked off. Part of her wanted to open fire right now, another part advocated staying in the shadow and following them more, but the young woman was getting anxious. So instead she jumped down and strolled right along behind Paris and the woman. Her arms swung freely, the bow in hand and mask in place, and she whistled tunelessly as she stepped in their footprints.
  11. That's a Bruise. Feel free to get an IC post up.
  12. Ironclad folded her arms, frowning behind her helmet. "I'm sorry, I'm supposed to leap through a dimensional portal? And the only three things I know is that there's Nazis, and Romans, and no one speaks any English on the other side?" She shook her head. "General, I'm all for helping you. But I will not step through that portal without the translation devices, I simply will not. Now," she added, "there are facilities in this city for you to rest at while I work. I'll even open my home to you, so you know that we aren't hiding anything. Or I can meet you back here tomorrow. But I'm not going through that portal as it stands."
  13. Edit'd by Fox. Got your grapple bonus fixed up, too. Blue Jay :arrow: 2 PP into Str, bringing it up to 20. [-2PP] :arrow: Taking 2 ranks off Climb, putting it on Concentration. :arrow: Losing one rank of Attack Focus (Melee), buying three ranks of Attack Specialization (Unarmed). Blue Jay should now hit caps with her unarmed attacks. [-2PP] Edit'd by Fox. Got your grapple bonus fixed up, too.
  14. Edit'd by Fox. Nice catch on the skills! Starlight :arrow: I was apparently underspent on Skills, so putting 3 PP into that without gaining any ranks. [-3PP] :arrow: Changing the PFeats on Blast to Affects Insubstantial 2. Edit'd by Fox. Nice catch on the skills!
  15. Edit'd by Fox Ironclad :arrow: Two PP into Skills. 2 ranks into Drive, bringing it up to 8. 3 Ranks into Notice and Sense Motive each, bringing them up to 9 apiece. [-2PP] Edit'd by Fox
  16. Edit'd by Fox. Glowstar :arrow: Fixing the modifier on Diplomacy. Should be +15, not +12. :arrow: One point into Impervious Toughness. [-1PP] Edit'd by Fox.
  17. "Call me Misri. Amir ibn Jafar ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Misri. Or, you know, Asad."
  18. Well if it's a European adventure with some intrigue and skullduggery thrown in, Starlight works perfectly for it.
  19. I don't think OVERTHROW has underwater bases. They're more the 'bomb in a bus' type, IIRC.
  20. You lose as many points of whatever as you failed the roll by. So in this case 2 pts of Wisdom.
  21. Tona slumped down in her seat and tried not to look out the windows, not trust her body's sense of motion that told her she was moving way, way too fast. instead she focused on learning how Sam had arranged her things in her new bag, in her purse. All of it seemed fairly logical and Tona amused herself by looking at the ceiling of the car and tried to extract different items by touch alone. She was getting used to it, when Mali stopped the car. Tona sat up and looked around, seeing all the cars parked around them, and in a moment everyone was piling out. Tona hung her purse over one shoulder and looked around. There was a building nearby with people standing outside a large clock face over the entrance, the hands stopped at midnight (or noon, depending on one's point of view), lit red from underneath and green from above. She smelled the night air and looked to the sky. The girl abruptly ran towards a nearby fence and grabbed the chain, digging her shoe into a link partway up and pulling herself up into the air, putting her head against the level of the night crowd. She sniffed the wind and dropped down, walking back towards the group. "Gonna be rain tonight," she said mildly. "Do we have to walk far?"
  22. Ironclad A Convocation of Eagles Party Time Glowstar Street Sharks Just Another Fishing Trip? Right. Starlight OVERTHROW in City Hall! Right By My Side Starlight's were meant to fly Blue Jay Paint the Town (also GMing) Riffsational The Espadas School: Helping Hand-to-Hand GM Paint the Town (also IC as Blue Jay) Shark Week: Ghost Sharks You Can't Go Home Again
  23. Tethys swam through the shredded shark skin and offal, snapping her teeth at the superhero. "So you don't drown? A pity. I love to see the terror close in when someone feels their live slipping away. I like to think I'm doing them a favor, when I kill them before they can know what it is to drown." Outside the water, Iapetus charged in close to the young telekinetic. "You risk the wrath of the serpent, child," he hissed, grabbing her struggling form and opened his mouth to expose two fangs as long as a finger. He ducked his head down and bit into the meat of Glow's shoulder, the fangs puncturing the fabric of her uniform easily. She felt a brief burning sensation, and then a coldness spread out from the wound as venom seeped into her body.
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