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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. "Now wait a darn second here." Ironclad stepped between the Roman and the scaly servant of... Chalchiuhtlicue? She'd have to look that one up, later. It sure was a mouthful, at the very least. "We are not here to invade. But neither is this your homeworld," she informed the Roman. "This is Freedom City, in the United States of America. Not Ultra Columpnas, whatever that is. If you want to talk, to get our help returning to your home, fine. We can help you. But if you insist on fighting, then I can promise it will go poorly for you." And then we'll dump your ass back on your home turf, with a big 'Keep Out of Earth-Prime' sign on your back, she added to herself. It wasn't exactly diplomatic, but it was true.
  2. Starlight is Grue. So far she's avoided letting people know, but she's adventured with both Penitent and Wave-Eye, so there's some face-name recognition there, at least.
  3. Jessica tried to make her smile reassuring, wishing she could get up and give Corbin a hug. "I'm sure the both of you will do fine," she said. "You're a great couple, and it's not exactly like you have to buy an airplane ticket out there to see her. Heck, I'd be surprised if your, uh, jewelry didn't have some tricks for that!" The topic wasn't exactly comfortable for Jessica. The only time she had met Quo-Dis was during a double date when she was with Blake, which brought up its very own set of painful memories. So she changed the subject as quickly as she could. "Is there a reason you want to stay out here, though? I'm sure there's lots of great history colleges on the West Coast."
  4. Tona had calmed down on the ride over, and even started the enjoy the sights of the city through the window. It was an endlessly fascinating parade of strange sights and experiences for her, and while she could have asked a thousand questions about nearly anything she had stayed quiet and tried to enjoy the music, as well. Whatever it was, with the guitars and the fast rhythms, she liked it, a lot more than the jazz. She privately hoped there would be a lot more music like that tonight. When the car stopped (stopped for good; she's tried to get out earlier and there had been a brief discussion of red lights and stop signs) she waited impatiently for Sam to get out, then popped out of her own seat, dragging the bag containing her bow behind her. She shrugged it on and wandered over to a nearby store, where mannequins posed dramatically in the latest fashions. Tona stared at one modeling a low-cut blouse and hip-hugging jeans for a long minute before announcing, "There's no way that's a practical outfit. Anyone wearing that could hardly move!"
  5. Tona pulled a cloth bag with a rawhide drawstring and a clean cloth from one of her many pockets and dropped it in her lap, then began the long process of removing the many metal-and-wood bits stuck in various holes in her face. Each stud or ring was carefully wiped down, the cap re-screwed, and dropped in the bag. At one point she pulled up her shirt and gave the rest of the class a good look at her well-defined abs as she retrieved a belly button piercing. Eventually they were all packed away and she tossed the bag from hand to hand, listening to them clink. She dropped the bag in her backpack and stood, stretching against the wall in preparation for the training. She didn't have much to contribute to the conversation, so she stayed quiet. She'd seen the Raven at Freedom Hall when she was living there, before moving to Claremont; the woman had a grace and an ease to her movements that Tona only associated with a few people in her life, all of them supremely dangerous. Tona didn't think that she herself would ever reach such levels, but on the other hand no one else could follow a trail or fire a bow like Tona, so she was content with that.
  6. The two clones turned abruptly at El Heraldo's challenge, their movements just a little too quick and sinuous to be human. As one they slowly lowered into a crouch, hissing slowly at the heroes. They glanced at each other, and one backed off slowly before making a break for the open door. The other apparently decided the best defense was a good offense and charged at the heroes, claws swinging. He must have remembered the last fight, because the swung his claws for Glow!
  7. Behold the terror of a well-groomed butler! Ernest 1 & 2's Ini. (1d20+9=23, 1d20+9=22) Gee, even using a slower build it out-fasted you guys. Initiative 23 Ernest 1 -- Uninjured -- Mook 22 Ernest 2 -- Uninjured -- Mook 13 Glow -- Uninjured -- HPx3 12 El Heraldo -- Uninjured HPx3 Okay, after reviewing the last fight one will go after Glow first, and the other will rush inside. Wonder where he's going? :twisted: Ernest 2's melee attack check, vs Glow's Def. DC 23 Tou. (1d20+12=24) Whelp, that'll hit.
  8. Starlight smiled at Synth's outburst. "I did not say that I would allow them to kill me," she said. "The Lor control a great deal of space; if they are angry with me or looking for me, I have to know why so that I know what to avoid. If I can never clear my name with them, well, it will be very awkward moving through their space." Her eyes unfocused as she stared off into the distance. "To be frank, I am not sure the Lor can design a prison cell that will hold me, without my consent."
  9. Jubatus and Young Britannia had learned a bit in their trip to Boston, but now they were returning to Freedom City to put this information to use. The pair rendezvoused at the Freedom City University campus, where they could already see the Ages Lost hovering in the sky. They couldn't possibly know what Strombreaker and King of Suits were doing here, but they had other priorities. They had to find Vincent MacBride, and discover what he was doing! Aboard the ship, the pair of superheroes made sure to keep an eye on Vincent while ordering the crew to cast off and set sail for the Drunken Mule.
  10. All the running around and investigating had taken close to an hour for the young heroes, but when they returned to the Aquarium there didn't seem to be much activity there. In fact there seemed to be even less than when the Claremont kids had taken their tour, but presumably news of a giant skeletal shark attack had driven off most people. In fact, everything was so quiet and peaceful that the heroes were almost convinced they had arrived in plenty of time to avert the villains' plans -- then a door in the rear of the building opened up and two Ernests walked out, in deep conversation. They were dressed in loose jumpsuits more suitable for hauling crates than butlering, but the slightly off-color skin and identical features were impossible to mistake
  11. "You stay on board," Starlight said firmly. "Captain, Synth. I thank you for your offers of help, but I have been called here, to answer for my crimes." She took a deep breath. "I am the champion of freedom, of liberty. But liberty is just a word if one is not willing to take responsibility for one's actions. I will plead my case before the Lor, the case of the whole of the Earth, but if they decide that my actions were misguided and that I shall be punished, then I would not have either of you come to harm for defending me in this matter. These are my sins, and mine alone. Others should not have to suffer for them."
  12. Starlight gave Marlow one final, withering stare. "Stay here," she ordered. "The creature will not return if it thinks you are deceased." And then she was gone in a flurry of lights, swirling up into the air and away. Miles away, the cosmic heroine of liberty reappareted next to Lucy Harker. She blinked, getting her bearings, before turning to the woman in the sensible suit. "I see that you appear to be unharmed," she said. "Did you do successful battle with the imposter?"
  13. Well there's a couple folks that are near. There's Sirocco, who is currently already Helpless, and then there's Hooded Menace, who hasn't actually done anything yet.
  14. HUM A FEW BARS'D by GIZMO Blue Jay Second verse, pretty much the same as the first. :arrow: Boosting Str by 2 points, to 18. [2PP] :arrow: Boosting Fort and Ref save, to +8 and +12 respectively. [2PP] :arrow: Buying one rank of Attack Focus (Melee), one rank of Dodge Focus, two ranks of Defensive Roll, and a second rank of Evasion. Wee, no more armored suit! [5PP] :arrow: Losing the Baton as Equipment. Keeping that rank of it, but using it for a Flashlight, Handcuffs, Binoculars, first-aid kit, and multitool. Change to her Description and Powers Description section to reflect that. :arrow: Losing the Device suit. [-4PP] HUM A FEW BARS'D by GIZMO
  15. SHAPE SHIFT'D by GIZMO Starlight :arrow: Buying another rank of Continuous Morph. Adjusting Disguise values accordingly. SHAPE SHIFT'D by GIZMO
  16. Blue Jay :arrow: Boosting Str by 2 points, to 18. :arrow: Boosting Fort and Ref save, to +8 and +12 respectively. :arrow: Buying one rank of Attack Focus (Melee), one rank of Dodge Focus, two ranks of Defensive Roll, and a second rank of Evasion. Wee, no more armored suit! :arrow: Losing the Device suit. Again, you need to list a how many PP you're spending on each change, especially if you're removing things as well as adding. You didn't mention anything about the changes to her equipment; just submitting a codeblock is not enough. Handcuffs and flashlights each cost 1EP in the Core Rules. Decide how you want to handle her equipment and make another Edit Request accordingly. PARTIALLY DONE by GIZMO
  17. MISS DAISY'D by GIZMO Ironclad :arrow: She should've picked this up before-hand, really. All 3 PP into Skills. 7 ranks into Pilot, 5 ranks into Drive. MISS DAISY'D by GIZMO
  18. GIZMO DIDN'T KNOW WHERE THIS WAS GOING. NEXT TIME, SAY "+1 RANK OF IMPERVIOUS FOR 1PP". Glowstar :arrow: You know where this is going, I know where this is going. Impervious Protection! DONE ANYWAY by GIZMO
  19. Sometimes Ironclad cursed the heavy, armor-laden design of her suit. In moments like this, when it kept her from getting out of the way of Ace's blast, it seemed the most foolish thing possible. The electricity crawled over her body, cutting through the usual sensory dampners and wrecking havoc with her body. It tried to drag her under, but after a brief battle she surfaced, still standing upright. "I think it's time for you to sit down," she growled, forcing one arm up and in line with Ace. A flat metal disc spun out of it, exploding just short of Ace and engulfing him in sticky foam.
  20. Standard first round diplomacy: shove a Snare down his throat! Ironclad's ranged attack check, vs Ace's Def. DC 22 Ref. (1d20+12=22)
  21. Pay no attention to the inventor behind the workbench.
  22. Okay, King of Suits can figure out that this guy seems to be telling the truth about Tory, but he still isn't telling the whole truth of the situation.
  23. New idea. Let me see some Sense Motive rolls.
  24. Tona sat in the back seat, jaw clenched as she tried to come to terms with the speed they were moving at. Even without the wind in her hair it was a startling vista, and she was working hard to take it all in. Slowly, though, the music began to infiltrate her awareness and she looked at the nearest speaker, frowning. "Is this what you usually listen to," she asked. "This is the sort of music my parents listen to. This isn't the only thing around is it?"
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