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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. "People do not exist in a vacuum," Starlight pointed out. "They have family, friends. Lives that were interrupted when the victim died. If we talk to them, perhaps we can understand a bit more of this imposter's reasons. Perhaps whoever it is even shares a connection to you, Penitent, that you unaware of. Tell me, have you angered anything with shapeshifting capabilities recently? The Grue Unity or perhaps a mageling with such power?"
  2. "I don't know about that, man. I mean, a big world-saving job means there's got to be a big world-threatening baddie, right?" Brian cast a practiced eye over the burning logs and picked up a long stick to turn them, exposing fresh wood to the flames. "Maybe it's better for the world if all us heroes have a reason to stay small-time, you know? No more threats than muggers and purse-snatchers and bank robbers."
  3. "Um. It turns out the unit was received," the receptionist said, tapping at her computer, "but it was never shipped out. It seems like there's an executive hold order on it." "That's ridiculous," Jessica said, her voice rising. "Who would put an order like that on my item?" "According to the computer," the receptionist replied, "the CEO. Heather Dawes-Parker." Jessica closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. "My mother. I see." In contrast to the drama unfolding at the front desk, Rupert was all smiles and gladhanding. "Thomas, hm? Glad to meet you, boy! You should meet my son, he's down in R&D right now. Heck, in a few years it'll be you buying from him, ha ha!" The salesman twisted around to see who was shouting at the poor receptionist. "What in Hell's bells is... Oh, I think I know what's going on. That's Jessica Parker." He whistled long and low, turning back to the Morgans and herding them towards the elevator bank. "You want to get caught up in the Parker's drama, trust me. Let's go up to a conference room, okay?"
  4. The man's eyes widened as he saw his weapon taken away and destroyed by the super-strong protector of Puerto Rico. He backed away, jaw opening slackly. "But... the Lady said that you couldn't... oh, no! How did you find us!?" He turned and ran as fast as his legs could carry him, quickly reaching a door that lead into the warehouse. He wrenched the door open and dashed inside, letting the heavy steel plate bang shut behind him.
  5. He literally cannot beat that and runs away... into the warehouse.
  6. Starlight frowned. She wasn't greatly interested in being at this woman's beck and call, and having her contact them at any time could be more of an annoyance than anything. On the other hand, she was not going to let Nell go. "I will accept the phone," she allowed, "but I do not promise to answer every time. I do have my own plans in place." She paused and added, "I will not allow that vile creature to remain overlong in this city."
  7. Cultist's roll of disarm vs DC 20. (1d20+1=10) Loses either the knife or the gun. Your call.
  8. The robed man seemed startled to see El Heraldo step out of the shadows and speak up so boldly. "Listen, Sir Mix-a-Color, this isn't any of your problem." He opened his robe and showed off the weapon inside, a nasty-looking double-barrel shotgun that had been sawed off to only a few inches in front of the hand grip. "Just move along and we can avoid any unpleasantness, ya understand?"
  9. Crow notices that the guy's robe has a swirling serpent design on it. Cultist's Intimidate check. (1d20-1=11) El Heraldo should make a Will or Sense Motive check to avoid being scared of the scarey man.
  10. Starlight had arrived at the station in a taxi as Liz Moya. She didn't think it would be a good idea to suddenly appear in a closet in a flash of light like she was used to, so she had spent some money on a cab, instead. Now she walked through the doors of the building and up to the receptionist's desk. She tapped her fingers on the counter to get the woman's attention and gave her a smile. "Hello, there. I'm look for Agnes -- er, Annice Stone. She's supposed to be performing today?"
  11. Time for Starlight to cheer on her friend! Go, 'Fro Girl!
  12. Starlight would not like to leave Ness un-dealt with, and where can the Light shine brighter than Hell?
  13. So who will run this combat?
  14. El Heraldo notices a man standing near the warehouse closest to the water, the one Hayden pointed you at. At first glance he wearing a woolen cap and long coat, typical longshoremen gear, but a closer examination reveals the hat and coat to be a single piece, a long, dark robe that falls to his knees. You can also make out a long knife, almost a machete, stuck in his waistband and sawed-off shotgun snugged up under one arm.
  15. Jessica strode into the building like she owned it. The lobby contained a few chairs and a blond wood desk with a blonde secretary behind it. Jessica marched up to her and put on a strained smile. "Hello. I'm Jessica Parker. I was expecting this facility to deliver a thruster unit before the weekend, but it hasn't come in yet. Can you let Simon Jacks know I'm here to see him?" The secretary raised her eyebrows and turned towards the computer at her station. "Ah, Mr. Jacks is in a meeting until 11 AM. I could put you down for an appointment if you'd like." Behind her, Thomas and James Morgan walked through the front door. As they entered, a portly man in a grey business suit rose from his chair and approached them. "James! Great to see you." It was, of course, Rupert Yoder, one of Dawes Tech's top salesmen for the region. "And who's this gentleman with you?"
  16. OOC for this thread. Maybe it'll be needed, maybe not.
  17. June 20th, 2012, 10:42 AM Business District, Freedom City Dawes Consumer Technologies East Coast The East Coast branch of one of the largest electronics supplies in the world was a surprisingly anonymous high-rise, a square-built edifice of glass and concrete that presented a dazzling face of windows to the world. There was parking underground for employees, but visitors had to either take a taxi or pay the spurious parking rates common so near the heart of a major city. Of course to Jessica Parker such things weren't much of a concern; though anyone familiar with the young genius would probably question why she had chosen to drive to the building, instead of fly there in her wondrous armor. Similarly, anyone familiar with the easygoing young woman would wonder at her quick pace, tense shoulders, and overall angry body language.
  18. "We'll just have to be insistent," Glowstar said. The hero nodded at the pile of unconscious shark-men, glancing over at the one who stood there, smiling widely (not like a shark could do much else). "What should we do with these guys? I don't much fancy letting the police lug these things back to the station one at a time until one wakes up." Normally the teen would do what he thought was best and catch up with the group later, but this time he was willing to stand aside and let the older, more experienced heroes decide the best course of action.
  19. Well YB knows Starlight AND knows that she is stage shy...
  20. Glowstar snapped his fingers and a red dome, black motes crawling over it, appeared over the piled-up sharks and gangers. "Well, this is a new one," he admitted. "I've beaten up thugs on Max, Speed, PCP, and drunk on way too much firepower. But shark-men, that's a different one." He cracked the bones of one hand and stared off wistfully over the water. "Well, there was that time in the park, but that was a shark-octopus. I don't think these guys have tentacles."
  21. With most of the enemies pacified, Glowstar felt a little more secure in coming out of the air. He set down lightly and walked over to Wail, who was holding the struggling shark-man pretty easily. "That's a neat trick, Gabriel," he said to the white-clad hero. "You're going to have to teach me that some time." He paused, lined up a shot, and punched the grappling shark-man in the back of the head with a fist that glowed crimson. "Always nice to end a fight before everyone's bleeding on the ground."
  22. Ironclad decided to stay up high in the air, not wanting to tempt fate by getting face to face with these empowered demons. Crow and Wisp seemed to have the climbing bear handled between them, so she turned her attention to the ground forces. She didn't much like how the cat demon was eying her, so she let loose a blast at it. "No touchy, kitty," she said. "Or I'll have to put you out for the night."
  23. Glowstar will land and punch the unfriendly shark. Switching to Entropic Strike. Glowstar's melee attack check vs. shark 3's Def.(1d20+12=25) That's a DC 27 Tou and a DC 22 Fort to resist the Tou Drain.
  24. Ironclad will stay up high and blast the cat demon. Ironclad's ranged attack check vs. cat demon's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=27)
  25. I'm going to be away part of Saturday and Sunday. So don't expect overly-much postage those days.
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