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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. If the group's not full I'd like to recommend Starlight. No one would understand the problems of having a doppleganger like a Grue.
  2. Glowstar's Ini. (1d20+6=19)
  3. Glowstar was, true to his name, a shining spark slicing through the air, a red star floating above the water. He was humming tunelessly to himself, watching the pattern of moonlight and stars on the waves. His thoughts were far away, meditating on his future -- or the lack of one. What was he supposed to do after Claremont? He was pretty sure that professional superheroing wasn't something you could get paid for, unless you worked for AEGIS or UNTIL. And neither of them would hire someone whose parents had been supervillains... The young man scowled to himself and banked in towards the city, hoping to find something to take his mind off his predicament. Luckily he did, stumbling over the criminal gathering in enough time to hear Gabriel's ultimatum. "Or, you know, don't," he added, pulling up short and floating over the water. His force field crackled and made his costume look ruddy in the half-light of the moon. "I could use with a distraction. So go on and resist. Please."
  4. We have to keep our ocean monsters clean!
  5. "Don't you dare talk about what my husband does," Tackle snarled. "There are men and women alive today that wouldn't be if my husband didn't do what he did. And before you assume all we do is cover another person's ass, maybe look at the folks we do business with. You might be surprised to find people like --" "Are you going to move?" Tackle blinked and glanced to the side, noticing Ironclad standing over her. "I've scanned every square metre of this warehouse while you were yelling at Wail, and there's no hidden or invisible flier here. There's no tunnel for it to disappear under, either -- unless you're sitting on it. So you can move, or we can move you." Tackle pressed her lips into a thin line, but after a moment picked Block up and moved off several feet. Ironclad punched straight into the concrete floor -- which crumbled away, revealing itself to be a thin shell reinforced with rebar, over a deep, dark pit. She glanced over at Wail. "I'm guessing you won't mind much if we take off and these two escape?"
  6. Goggles glanced around and grinned as Jack appeared. "Sailing around in a sub is a bad time to discover that you're claustrophobic," Goggles pointed out. "But I'm sure we could push a few bunks against the walls and see what kind of room that makes. Or, you know, keep them together." She grabbed his arm and led him past Armor and his sister, back towards the ship's bow. Armor held her breath until her double was safely out of sight through a hatch, then let it out slowly. "Okay, I'm still giving that marker to you, Ellie." She resumed walking back towards the engine room. "I'm sorry, but the other me just creeps me out. I mean, have you seen her eyes?" A few hallways away, Goggles lead Jack through the ship. "So you and your sister, huhn? Crime-fighting duo across the cosmos?"
  7. Scuffles, you just made a Sense Motive check that tells you that this guy has no freaking idea where the skeleton really came from.
  8. Well scaling up or down in PL is fairly easy. As long as it's not too wide a spread of PLs I don't really have a target I'm shooting for.
  9. More disease than you can shake a mercury thermometer at! Freedom City's hospitals are filling up with victims of strange and exotic plagues. Undoubtedly seems like the work of a supervillain! Can our heroes discover whose dastardly plans it is this time? And can they stop them before it's the Black Death all over again? Well, I dunno, can you? Who's up for a little crimefighting with a stuffed up nose?
  10. Ironclad Scrier's Masquerade Science Shenanigans Seal of Sedna Public Anomie Jade Arena: Shock the Monkey A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Office Glowstar Street Sharks Fishing Trip Starlight The Sins We All Share Right By My Side Double Pink Starlight's Were Meant to Fly GM Shark Week: Flying Sharks Scrier's Masquerade Shark Week: Ghost Sharks
  11. Chrome Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Chrome Power Level: 10 (150/150) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Impervium Status: 0/150 In Brief: A sickly boy catapulted to superheroics with the help of alien nanotech. Alternate Identity: Warren Locke Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy, AEGIS Family: Maj. Anthony (USAF, ret.) (Father), Marie (Mother) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian/Cyborg Height: 5' 8" Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Brown/Yellow Hair: Brown/Black Warren Locke has an appearance that would make most creatures in the galaxy scream in fear. He looks a great deal like a Communion drone; his skin is shiny metal, his eyes are a glowing, solid yellow, and his 'hair' is a collection of black threads that glow with UV light. While many Communion drones were a forceful melding of such features, Warren has the entire package. His skin is obviously not normal metal, showing off his muscles underneath and moving just like natural skin. With his image inducer activated, Warren looks like an unremarkable, if extremely fit, young man. His hair is brown and he lets it grow out down to his collar, and his eyes are similar and bright. He's naturally incapable of growing a beard, and his skin is pale (but the inducer could be reprogrammed to change either of those facts). He is extremely well-muscled and likes to show it off with tight shirts and shorts, when the weather's appropriate. Power Descriptions: Warren Locke has been infested/augmented by an AEGIS-modified dose of Communion nanobots. They've completely infused his body down to the last cell, and this makes him stronger and tougher than most people. The nanobots have been modified to sever their connection to the Communion overmind, but they still allow Warren to mentally interface with computers and other machines. Since his bones and skin and muscles are all now a nanobot construct, he can even transform his limbs into weapons. History: Warren Locke has been sick for as long as he can remember. He had developmental problems and seizures as a child, but it wasn't until he was ten that he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. It was a blessing and a curse; now the family knew what the root of the problem was they could fight it more directly, but Warren's parents had to face the fact that he was never going to magically get better, than he would probably die of the condition before they did. It was hard on their relationship, especially since Anthony was a soldier often deployed overseas, which left Marie to handle Warren's treatments and try to raise him. Things go easier when Anthony transferred from active duty to AEGIS and took a posting stateside. Marie and Warren moved with him from posting to posting, eventually settling in Freedom City when he was transferred to the AEGIS central office in the Federal Building. He continued to liaise between the Air Force and the experimental, superhuman exploits of AEGIS field agents. His job became much more hectic in late 2015 as the intergalactic menace of the Communion came to Earth. AEGIS and UNISON worked hand-in-hand, along with dozens of superheroic individuals and teams, fighting back the metallic enemy from beyond the stars; even after the Communion's overmind was destroyed the remnants of the incursion had to be collected and carefully stored away, lest they become a threat all on their own. In this, Anthony saw a oft-dreamed for opportunity. A sample of Communion nanotech was lent to ASTRO Labs for testing. Anthony made sure as many scientists as possible were called to a meeting and hired a group of super-mercenaries to attack the lab. He was able to get his hands on a sample of altered Communion nanotech and raced to Freedom Medical Center, where Warren was being treated. He deliberately infected his son and, as his only child was overgrown with Communion metal, was taken into custody. The Communion nanobots went to work in the boy's body, forcing his disease into remission and rebuilt him. In a few days the silvery shell retreated, leaving him permanently changed and healed. After a long conversation between his mother, AEGIS agents, ASTRO scientists, and a quiet woman in dark clothes, it was decided that he should be enrolled in Claremont Academy. The school was uniquely equipped to help Warren learn to use his new abilities -- and to contain him if he should turn out to be some kind of sleeper agent. Personality & Motivation: Warren's an enthusiastic, earnest young man. He sincerely believes that he's been given a second chance at life and intends to take full advantage of it. He wants to see everything and travel everywhere, try a little bit of all that's around himself. Growing up with MS forced him to mature at an early age and sometimes he can seem overly serious compared to his peers, but that facade usually crumbles in minutes when he finds something else to be wide-eyed and enthusiastic about. Warren's an army (well, Air Force) brat at heart and has an open and trusting view of the world, combined with a deep commitment to lofty ideals like Justice, Service, and Duty. He's also young enough to be naive, and sometimes the harsh realities of the world can clash disastrously with his untempered views. Powers & Tactics: Warren is a largely untested combatant, and he favors simple tactics over elaborate battle plans. He's likely to charge straight at the biggest threat with his big claws, or stand off and blast it with his arm cannon. While he's perfectly capable of following more complex plans, he's also likely to be taken in by a villain's deception. Complications: Secret Champion of the Communion Chrome's nanobots are Communion constructs and scan as Communion technology to anyone with advanced enough sensors. Many individuals, especially in the wider galaxy, may attack him on sight. Complicated Relationship Warren has a... complex view of his father, the military, and the Communion. A villain could exploit this to make him unsure of himself. Electromagnetic Disability A powerful or targeted EMP could scramble the nanobots in Warren, reducing him to a normal person. In the middle of a fight that could be deadly. Big Eater Warren's nanobots don't create matter from nothing; while they're very efficient, a large or prolonged use of a power like Regeneration would require him to eat a big meal. Or several big meals. Tumblr Distraction Warren is always connected to the Internet, which means he can get distracted by trivial matters at any moment. Naive Newcomer Warren has a simple view of the world, where Good and Evil are starkly defined and in sharp contrast. A persuasive enemy could confuse him, even temporarily turn him against his allies. Abilities: -4 - 2 - 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 2 PP Strength: 6/18 (-2/+4) Dexterity: 8/14 (-1/+2) Constitution: 4/28 (-3/+9) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16 PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +4 Melee, +4 Ranged, +10 Cybernetic Enhancements Grapple: +13/+9/+2 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -6/+1 Saving Throws: 1 + 4 + 6 = 11 PP Toughness: +10/-3 (+10/-3 Con, +1 Protection) Fortitude: +10/-2 (+10/-3 Con, +1) Reflex: +6/+3 (+2/-1 Dex, +4) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 64R = 16 PP Computers 8 (+11) Diplomacy 8 (+10) Gather Information 8 (+10) Intimidate 10 (+12) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10) Notice 8 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 13 PP All-Out Attack Challenge (Fast Startle) Dodge Focus 6 Evasion Move-By Action Power Attack Startle Well-Informed Powers: 4 + 88 = 92 PP Comprehend 2 (Electronics 2) [4 PP] Alternate Form 17.6 [88 PP] Cybernetic Enhancements 10 (20 PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 1) [23 PP] Base Effect: Damage 6 (Feat: Mighty, Extra: Linked [+0] [Super-Strength], Penetrating [10]) + Super-Strength 4 (Stacks with Super-Strength 1 for Super-Strength 5, Str 53, Extra: Linked [+0] [Damage]) (Cyber Claws) [20/20] Alternate Power: Damage 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged) (Arm Cannon) [20/20] Density 3 (+6 STR, +1 Protection, +1 Immovable, +1 Super-Strength, Feat: Innate, Subtle 2, Extra: Permanent) [Cyber-bulk] [12 PP] Enhanced Constitution 24 + Enhanced Dexterity 6 + Enhanced Strength 6 (Cyber Bodybuilding) [36 PP] Integral Comms 3 (6 PP, Feat: Alternate Power) [7 PP] Base Effect: Datalink 5 (5 miles, Feat: Machine Control) (Computer Chat) [6/6] Alternate Power: Communication 5 (5 miles, Feat: Subtle) (Cyber Cell) [6/6] Leaping 2 (x2, move action) [1 PP] Regeneration 3 (Bruised 3 [No Action]) (Self-Repair Subroutines) [3 PP] Speed 2 (10 MPH) [1 PP] Super-Senses 5 (Accurate Radius Ranged Radio Sense, Feat: Uncanny Dodge [Audio]) (RADAR) [5 PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed (Unpowered) Touch DC 13 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Unarmed (Powered) Touch DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Cyber Claw Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Arm Cannon Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Totals: Abilities (2) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (16) + Feats (13) + Powers (92) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
  12. Ironclad walked through the crowds, holding the battery core from Weissnacht's suit. It was n interesting design with a rather ingenious tertiary backup system. It definitely bore investigating for a future suit. At the very least the materials involved would serve to make an interesting coffee cup... Once outside she was surrounded by the usual mass of reporters who congregated at any interesting sight in the city. As usual she put her head down and prepared to barrel through the morass when one question in particular caught her attention. Her head snapped around and she focused on an older, balding man thrusting a microphone at her face. "Dawes Tech? He had nothing to do with Dawes Tech! He calls himself Weissnacht, and he's just a lone kook."
  13. So that's 20 full rounds, or 2 minutes. Ironclad's occupied for the duration. I move that we skip to the final scene.
  14. Character Name: Hooded Menace Power Level: 10 (165 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: An aspiring archeologist, now the earthly avatar for Apep. Alternate Identity: Brandon Dunn Identity: Secret (the general public is unaware of the existence of Apep) Birthplace: Logan's Landing, Iowa, United States Occupation: Supervillain Affiliations: Freedom University Family: Father (estranged), mother (estranged). Description: Age: 22 (DoB: 1990) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 6' 4" Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Black Brandon Dunn is a large, well-built man who towers over most anyone he meets. His skin is unnaturally pale and his eyes and hair are matte black and cut short. Apep's power provides him with any sort of clothes he can imagine, as long as its black; he usually appears in black jeans, a white muscle shirt, and a black hoodie with the image of a coiling serpent on the back, picked out in white. Brandon is not an agile man and prefers to stand in one place, glowering if need be. When utilizing his powers shadows boil around him threateningly, obscuring his features and seeming to leech the very light from the environment. Power Descriptions: Brandon Dunn has access to the collective powers and abilities of Apep, an ageless cthonic god. Or at least most of them -- Apep's power was divided ages ago and now Brandon seeks to gather them all. Primarily, he can summon snakes made of shadow-stuff; to strike out at people, to wrap them up, to create extra arms, or even to block blows aimed at him. History: Brandon Dunn was an inquisitive child, always digging deeper for answers. Often literally. He grew up on a farm in Iowa, and he was never happier than when he was digging along the property line, or in the fields and forests beyond. He grew to love history and the past, and nothing thrilled him more than turning up some stone arrowheads, or brass bullet shells, or some animal bones long picked clean. Once he found a half-complete dinosaur skeleton. He donated it to the local high school; they sold it to a collector for several thousand dollars. The money was spent to buy the football team new training equipment. That was the way things worked in Brandon's home town. Sports were the most important thing for most of the citizens. Brandon's parents sure didn't care what he dug out of the ground; they just cared that he was big and strong, but he was utterly indifferent to sports. Part of it was that he was simply clumsy, but an equal part was he simply had no desire to work hard at pushing other people around. As the end of high school neared and college loomed, all Brandon could think of was getting out of his little town. He applied to every single college that had a half-decent archeology department (even then he knew that he wanted to spend his life digging in the dirt) and tried for every scholarship that was vaguely applicable. When the replies came back, the best choice was Freedom College. Brandon had grand dreams for college. A meeting of minds, a place where he would be judged base on his genius. He thought it would be free of the cliques that plagued his high school experience and to a degree he was correct; at Freedom College, everyone belonged to a single clique instead, the party crowd. Brandon, though, wanted to study hard and a good job, so he once again found himself on the outside. So he persevered and studied hard, and landed an internship with the Hunter Museum of Natural History. It was announced that the museum would be participating in a dig in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, and Brandon volunteered. He was chosen and sent on his way. The expedition explored several tombs recently uncovered after a hard rain, including one that bore no dynasty markings; in fact it seemed to be from an era long before pharaohs were interred in the valley. Brandon worked hard and ingratiated himself to the scientists leading the expedition, so he was allowed to follow the first group to enter the tomb. They broke the seals and entered the stone structure, discovering that it was fairly small and in fact seemed to be a natural stone corridor leading to a single, square room with a low roof. The interior of the room was covered in hieroglyphs and other, more arcane symbols, and dead center was a single ceramic jar bearing the image of a coiled snake. As he was examining the jar, his clumsiness struck and Brandon tripped over his own feet, knocking the jar off its plinth and shattering it. A cold, dark fog filled the tomb almost immediately and Brandon felt like he was going to die. Instead a voice spoke to him, promising him power and revenge on his enemies if he just bowed to the will of Apep. The terrified student agreed at once and became heir to a power from before the beginning of time. Empowered, Brandon walked out of the Valley of Kings and traveled the world, hunting down more of the jars that held Apep's essence. Now he's tracked the remainder to Freedom City, so he has returned there. He lost his job at the Hunter Museum lost any chance of graduating, but he doesn't care. Now he has a new goal, a new purpose, and a new friend whispering in his ear from the shadows... Personality & Motivation: Brandon feels slighted by the world; with more supportive parents or a different home town or a better college experience, he could have become one of the great scientists of history! Now he's out for the revenge against all those who've wronged him. He often comes across as angry and bitter to others, but he knows in his mind that he's fully justified; or at least that's what the voice whispering in his ear tells him. Apep's motives are both impossible to fully comprehend and deceptively simple. It wants to destroy the world, indeed all that exists, and will do so by any means necessary. Not because it's angry at the world or because it lost something, simply because the order and life of creation is anathema to its existence and it wishes to return to the primordial chaos that existed before time began. That being said, Apep is not a raving monster of destruction. It is quite content to play the (millennial) long game, accruing power and resources before striking. Powers & Tactics: Hooded Menace has had time to explore his news powers and he's found that he has some distinct advantages. Usually he'll start a fight by blanketing the area in suffocating darkness, then striking at his enemies from concealment. He prefers to focus on one until it is dealt with, but he's not above tying down one or two foes to cut down on the number of attackers. If he's outmatched, he'll attempt to withdraw under cover of darkness and make good his escape. Abilities: 8 - 2 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 22PP Strength: 18 (+4) Dexterity: 8 (-1) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 12 + 8 = 20PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, +10 Shadow Snake Array Grapple: +14, +18 w/ Additional Limbs, +23 w/ Super-Strength Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Shield), +2 Flat-Footed, +5 Flat-Footed w/ Shield Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 7 + 6 + 6 = 19PP Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+3 Con, +7) Reflex: +5 (-1 Dex, +6) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6) Skills: 80R = 20PP Climb 8 (+12) Concentration 4 (+6) Gather Information 8 (+10) Intimidate 12 (+14)Skill Mastery] Investigate 3 (+5) Knowledge (Arcane) 3 (+5) Knowledge (History) 7 (+10)Skill Mastery] Knowledge (Theology & Philosophy) 3 (+5) Language 4 (Ancient Egyptian, French, English [Native], Hebrew, Latin) Notice 9 (+10)Skill Mastery] Search 10 (+12) Sense Motive 9 (+10)Skill Mastery] Feats: 8PP Accurate Attack Defensive Attack Improved Grab Improved Pin Move-By Action Power Attack Skill Mastery (Intimidate, Knowledge [History], Notice, Sense Motive) Startle Powers: 12 + 4 + 7 + 35 + 12 + 5 + 4 = 79PP All powers have the Divine descriptor Additional Limbs 4 (8 limbs, +4 Grapple) + Elongation 4 (50 ft. Extra: Projection) [12PP] (Shadow Limbs, Shadow) Enhanced Feat 3 ( Challenge [Fast Startle], Fearless, Quick Change 2) [4PP] Protection 7 [7PP] Shadow-Snake Array 15 (30 PP array, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 3) [35PP] BE: Strike 6 (Extra: Autofire [10], Linked [super-Strength] [+0], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Mighty) + Super-Strength 5 (Effective lifting Str 40, Extra: Linked [+0]) [29/30PP] (Shadow-Arm Strike, Shadow)AP: Blast 10 (Extra: Penetrating) [30/30PP] (Boiling Shadow Toss, Shadow) AP: Snare 10 (Extra: Constricting) [30/30PP] (Shadow Snakes Bind, Shadow) AP: Obscure 10 (Visual & Mental, 10 000 ft [~2 miles], Extra: Independent) [30/30PP] (Shadow Fall, Shadow) Shield 6 [12PP] (Shadow Arms Intercepting, Shadow) Super-Senses 5 (Counter Visual Obscure [All]) [5PP] Teleport 6 (20 miles, Feat: Subtle, Flaw Long-Range Only, Medium [shadows]) [4PP] (Shadow Walk) Drawbacks: -3 = -3PP Vulnerable(Light Energy, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate) [-3PP] Abilities (22) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (20) + Feats (8) + Powers (79) - Drawbacks (3) = 165 Power Points
  15. Clad can hit DC 25 Disable Device by taking 10 or 35 Disable Device by taking 20. If that doesn't fix things, we're booooooooooned.
  16. "Like I said earlier," Ironclad said off-handedly, walking towards the bound Weiss, "I'm Jessica. But you could know that already, so it's no big deal." She leaned over the unconscious villain and pulled out a pair of short metal probes, then quickly began stripping Weiss out of his armor. "If one of you could go downstairs and make sure that the civvies aren't panicking, I'll see what I can do about getting this force field down."
  17. Ironclad routed power away from the blasters and towards her servo muscles, letting the former cool down and making a mental note to replace that insulation. "Right, Weiss. Your 'bots are proving way more annoying the second time around." She bent down and lifted the unconscious villain, hefting him above her head. "So it seems fair that you help us with them!" She threw the armored villain and struck the remaining robot's chest. It bent back, then farther back, and then finally snapped in two with a shower of sparks. She took a deep breath and posed with her hands on her hips. "Right, then! Now that we've got some peace and quiet, time to take this force field down."
  18. Throwing Weiss at the remaining bot, automatic DC 31 Tou save.
  19. An alternate HQ for Ironclad built around a dimension-hopping venture. Verg Institute (PL12 HQ) [14EP] Size: Huge [3EP] Toughness: +10 [1EP] Features: [10 EP] [*:1qkxms6b]Computers [*:1qkxms6b]Defense System (Snare 12) [*:1qkxms6b]Fire Prevention System [*:1qkxms6b]Infirmary [*:1qkxms6b]Laboratory [*:1qkxms6b]Library [*:1qkxms6b]Power 1 [*:1qkxms6b]Security System 2 (DC 25) [*:1qkxms6b]Workshop Verge Array (23PP, Feat: Alternate Power) [24PP] BE: ESP 5 (All senses, 5 miles, Feat: Dimensional 2 [Any Scientific]) AP: Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional [Any Scientific])
  20. Ironclad tracked the robots and raised both arms, each gauntlet tracking a different target. She powered the blasters up -- and frowned as a flashing warning popped up in front of her eyes. Her blasters were overheating and threatened to explode; she dialed the power back incrementally until the heat levels fell back to acceptable levels. The entire process only took a fraction of a second and she fired off two gilded bolts at the remaining robots... Who both took the shots and still stood. Ironclad's jaw dropped open and she simply stared. "What? WHAT!?" She looked down at Weiss, still dumbstruck. "How... what are... I am going to beat those robots with your unconscious body!!"
  21. Ironclad will Surge (and take the Fatigue, since she already used a HP this round) and use a Standard Action to fire at each of the remaining Weissbots. Can use (nearly) full Power Attack and still hit the minions automatically, DC 31 Toughness check.
  22. "Sounds awesome!" Glowstar jumped up, clapping his hands. "Time to test out a few tricks against big, mean, and gribbly, you know?" He strode back through the doors, paused, and turned around. "Um. Where are we actually going to be fighting it, anyway? City, jungle, on the moon? I mean, I like big explosions as much as the next man but property damage can be a concern, you know?"
  23. Ironclad edged into the room, eyes wide behind her mask as her enhanced mind strove to take it all in. Most of the structures were unfathomable at the moment but her brain went to work on them. Meanwhile, she focused on the multi-limbed reptilian thing and just beyond it... "Paragon!" Ironclad routed power to her wrist blasters but kept from actually aiming them. "Wait, what's going on here? Supercape and I were tracing an energy signature, but... Okay, I'm lost here. Where is all this Terminus energy coming from, anyway?"
  24. Hayden's Bluff check. (1d20+10=19) Hayden's Bluff check. (1d20+10=22) Couple more Sense Motives! If you beat the first, you realize that he doesn't really know who created the rest of the skeleton. If you beat the second, you realize that he's scared of Ernest.
  25. GM "It, it, it... It was a private company," Hayden said, sitting back deeply in his chair and crossing his legs. "They do castings and moldings of all sorts of things. Only the teeth were real, like I said, so they had to construct the rest out of paleontological records. Which they did." "May I offer a drink to your guests, Mr. Hayden?" Ernest's voice rang out in the study again and Hayden started in his chair. "Um, no, Ernest. I think we're all good here. Yes?" He glanced between the heroes, and something in his expression seemed very desperate.
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