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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Then why the hell are they all on a team at the same time? If the team doesn't come together at any point, why have a single team?
  2. King, you don't want to run a thread with six members. Now you want to run threads with seven or eight?
  3. Brian barked out a laugh and rose out of the water, duckweed clinging to him. He flew over the campsite, shaking his wet legs at Morgan and flicking green flecks at his friend, before landing on the far side of the tent. He ducked inside and came out towling his head off, slowly working down the rest of his body. "As long as John doesn't do the cooking," he said, rubbing his legs down, "we might just be able to survive." He pulled his jeans back on and lay back on the grass, watching the clouds scud across the sky. "Do you think that'll be how it'll be, then," he asked, his voice growing quiet. "You and me and everyone, the team together from now until Doomsday?"
  4. First thing I'm going to say -- you need a different name for the organization he works for. Aegis is already a group in the Marvel universe, so you need something different. Now, onto the mechanics! All adds up. Formatting is just a touch off, but fixed that for you. As listed, that's +15 Defense, not +10. Since the character is not +Def-shifted, they can only have a maximum of +10, so you need to drop that somehow. Flat-footed Defense is half of base Defense, so right now the character's flat-footed Def would be +5; but as noted that will likely change. Formatting, spaces and such. Adds up and is the proper amount. Adds up. Could be optimized better, but meh. Alphabetize the skills though, please. All adds up. Sneak Attack deserves a mention, though; one singular rank adds +2 to the DC of an attack against a flat-footed opponent. This definitely does count towards caps, so a rank of Sneak Attack basically means all your other attacks have to be two ranks lower than they would otherwise be. Keep that in mind. Oh, where to being with, here? I'm guessing the Darkness Control is actually Obscure (Visual)? That's fine. Um, c.f. about Sneak Attack re: Strike 9. Teleport has to be at least Rank 3 before is can be Short-Range Only or Long-Range Only. And I would write it differently. Alternate Form, I'm going to write that out as a Container. Concealment 2 (Normal Visual) [4PP] Immunity 2 (Critical Hits) [2PP] Insubstantial 4 (Energy Form, Extra: Duration/Continuous) [24PP] [b]Shadow Form[/b] [30PP] [device][b]Concealment 2 ([/b]Normal Visual[b])[/b] [4PP] [b]Immunity 2 ([/b]Critical Hits[b])[/b] [2PP] [b]Insubstantial 4 ([/b]Energy Form, [i]Extra:[/i] Duration/Continuous[b])[/b] [24PP][/device] As you can see, this version comes out to a little bit more than 25 PP, so you're either going to have to drop Insub down to a Sustained Duration or come up with those extra points somewhere. There's some food for thought, a quick first pass over the mechanics. Any questions?
  5. Ironclad grunted as the incoming fire impacted her armor harshly. Her display flickered and buzzed for a moment as a connection came loose within her armor; it rerouted itself almost instantly, but it was still a sobering moment. "I remember these guys," she said as she took to the air. "Shoddy work the first time, shoddy work all the time, Weiss!" Once against panels popped free of the smooth surface of the armor, revealing numerous small missiles that zipped out and buried themselves in the robots. A moment later the line of weissbots was engulfed in rippling explosions that blew dust out and against the force field engulfing the tower. The heroine landed near Weiss and put one armored boot on his chest. "Barely worth the cost of scraping them, frankly."
  6. Ironclad will use Cluster Munitions again, w/ full Power Attack. Taking 10, hits all but #9 apparently, needs a DC 32 Toughness save for all but that one. The Surge and move over to where Weiss is.
  7. QxfdC7U_mgQ Parachute drop from 19 miles up. See, this is the sort of science they used to do, badass science. Want to know what it's like on a rocket sled? Build a gorram rocket sled and strap in! Want to know what happens when you freefall from space? Get in your balloon and step off!
  8. "I mean, I'm not saying that I'm not happy helping them. Finagle knows, you don't get into this sort of life and then complain when someone needs your help, but they kind of messed it all up." In the depths of the submarine, Jill and Ironclad, looking a lot more like Ellie and Jessica, were navigating the cramped corridors of the vessel. Since they had left dock the young inventor had headed steadily towards the stern, determined to see what was powering the ship with her own eyes. On the way she had kept up a running monologue on the whole situation to Jill. "If they had just popped in and given us a couple of days, we could've had enough heroes between us to simply flatten Mastermind's troops between, um, wherever we are and wherever he is. I just know we could have!" The pair turned a corner and practically butted heads with another tall blonde, this one wearing the same welding goggles as when they saw her last. Goggles smiled widely as Armor's eyes widened in response. "Oooo, me! I've been looking for you. Listen, I'd like your input on a couple of designs for some tracked vehicles. If you can convince Gabriel to use these, we could dig right under the city! Mastermind would never know we're coming!" "Oh... okay." Goggles grabbed Armor's arm and pulled her along; Armor turned around and mouthed to Jill, "Save me!"
  9. "This isn't encouraging." Ironclad flew down to the wrecked chopper, holding one of the empty robot-heads in her hands. She walked over to Equinox and showed the witch the interior of the head; she'd pulled out the lining and exposed layers of criss-crossed gold wiring. "I mean, it's downright insulting. Look at the wiring there, the hatch-mark pattern. Characteristic of stuff Talos was using almost two years ago! Huhn!" She shook her head and tucked the helmet under one arm. "Whoever sent the robots here isn't exactly working with the latest tech."
  10. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 25 (1d20+15=19) Yikes! Rerolling that. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 25. Reroll (1d20+15=28) Much better. Still got one more to go, though. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+15=23) Ehn, I'll take another Bruise.
  11. Ironclad's going to keep cutting the thing. Another Rank 17 Drain Toughness.
  12. Ironclad gave a cry and fell back as the cat demon leapt for her. The armored heroine raised her arms and fended off the demon's strikes, claws raising sparks as they struck against her gauntlets. "Grandpa always said to look your best," she said, waxing philosophical as she gave ground. "If I ever knew it would mean getting attacked by a cat-girl like I'm the last can of tuna, I would've reconsidered." Ironclad spun away from the demon, leaping and hovering several feet in the air. "Or did you just miss the sushi bar last night?"
  13. Crow and El Heraldo realize that Hayden is worried about something, but it doesn't seem to be the exhibit being destroyed.
  14. Starlight shook her head. "This business situation seems immaterial," she said, "next to this Nyx creature. It can potentially infiltrate any organization it chooses to, including businesses." She looked down at the demon in the neat suit. "What do you know of it? What interest does it have in your business and your goals? Have you encountered it before?"
  15. Anyone listening to Hayden can make a Sense Motive check (DC 15) and anyone in the room can make a Notice check (DC 25).
  16. GM Hayden stepped back from the group and walked over to a high-backed leather chair. He settled himself in the chair and gestured to several other standing nearby. "You said there was an attack? At the Aquarium? Well, most of the skeleton was fake -- was plaster. There's only a few complete megalodon skeletons that have been retrieved, and most of them are being studied by paleontologists. I just donated a few fossilized teeth." He paused and opened his mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by a cleared throat from the door. "Will there be anything else, Master Hayden?" Ernest leaned in slightly, eyes flicking from one hero to another suspiciously. Hayden shook his head slightly. "That will be all for now, Ernest." He waited for the butler to withdraw before he asked the heroes, "Was anyone hurt?"
  17. "Would kind of miss the point of going to Claremont, yeah." Brian shifted to his back, floating on the top of the water and watching the light fade from the sky. "Are you going to do that straight out of high school? Graduate, and then set up the private detective thing? Or are you going to study detectiving in college first?" He flipped idly at the water, setting himself to spinning gently.
  18. Brian did a backstroke out to the middle of the lake, dove into the cold water and came up splashing. He cut through the water with a textbook breaststroke back to the shore, where he touched ground lightly, his toes resting against the sandy lake bed as it sloped up to shore. "I don't know," he said honestly. "I don't plan to go anywhere after graduation." In truth he didn't even know what he wanted to study in college, but he'd probably study it at FCU. "Vic's folks life in the city, right? So there's no reason for her to leave. John... well, he doesn't really have family, does he? Except for us. I guess he could join AEGIS, but that doesn't seem like a likely career move. I think Etian's girlfriend lives out in Port Royale so she's not going anywhere. I guess it's up to you, Morgan." Brian cut his arm across the surface of the water, raising a splash and watching the fishing lure bob up and down. "Are you going back to Boston after you graduate Claremont?"
  19. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+16=25) Eek.
  20. Power Level: 10 (150 PP) Trade-Offs: +4 Tou/-4 Def Abilities: 10 + 4 + 10 + 2 + 4 + 0 = 30PP Strength: 30/20 (+10/+5) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 20 (+5) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 12 + 6 = 20PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +6 melee, +6 ranged, +10 Earthcrafting Grapple: +11, +25 Strength of the Land Defense: +6 (+4 Base, +2 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7 Saving Throws: 5 + 3 + 6 = 14PP Toughness: +14 (+5 Con, +9 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+5 Con, +5) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 60R = 15PP Concentration 10 (+11) Craft (Structural) 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Diplomacy 10 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Tactics) 4 (+5) Language 1 (English [Native], Latin) Medicine 4 (+5) Notice 10 (+11)Skill Mastery Profession (Soldier) 2 (+3) Sense Motive 10 (+11) Skill Mastery Feats: 14PP Accurate Attack Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 2 Endurance Equipment 2 Improved Grab Improved Initiative Improved Overrun Improved Trip Interpose Power Attack Skill Mastery (Craft [structural], Diplomacy, Notice, Stealth) Protection 2 (Lorica Segmentata) [2EP] Strike 3 (Feat: Mighty) (Warhammer) [4EP] Strike 2 (Feat: Mighty, Thrown) (Pilum) [4EP] Powers: 26 + 4 + 10 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 57pp Earthcrafting 10 (20 PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 4) [26PP] BE: Enhanced Strength 10 (20 to 30, Extra: Linked [+0] [super-Strength]) + Super-Strength 5 (Lifting Str 55, Extra: Linked [+0] [Enhanced Strength]) (Strength of the Land) AP: Trip 10 (Feat: Progression/Area 3 [x50, 500 ft radiusFlaw: Range/Touch, Extra: Area/Burst [General]) (Earthquake!) AP: Blast 10 (Toss Rocks!) AP: Snare 10 (Rock to Mud) AP: Emotion Control 10 (Flaw: Limited [One Emotion, Calm], Feat: Subtle) (Furycraft Emotions) Immunity 4 (Cold, heat, pressure, suffocation [underground]) [4PP] Move Object 10 (Extra: Range/Perception, Flaw: Only Earth) [10PP] Protection 9 (Earthskin) [9PP] Speed 2 (25 MPH, Feat: Alternate Power, Flaw: Platform) [3PP] AP: Burrowing 2 (2.5 MPH) Super-Movement 3 (Dimensional Movement [Any], Flaw: Needs Unworked Earth) [3PP] Super-Senses 2 (Ranged [Normal Tactile], Extended 1 [x100, Normal Tactile]) [2PP] Abilities (30) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (15) + Feats (14) + Powers (57) - Disadvantages (0) = 150/150 PP Here's a furycrafter, courtesy of Jim Butcher's other fantasy series, the Codex Alera. The title nation, Alera, is dominated by descendents of the Roman Empire that all have a singular ability; the power to manipulate a specific element, either air, earth, fire, water, or metal. This usually manifests in the form of an anthropomorphic beast called a 'fury.' Most people have some aptitude with all five elements, but here's someone who can only work with earth. Mind you, this doesn't make him someone you want to mess with! He's strong enough to throw a car, can ride along a raised platform of dirt or burrow directly through the earth, or throw it at you in all sorts of ways to mess up your day; an earthquake to knock you down, a rock to the face, turning the ground under you to mud, or, um, calming you down. Hey, it's in the books! Though Emotion Control (Lust) is also in there, but that's a bit squicky to consider. The Dimensional Movement and Equipment suggest that this character could in fact be a refugee from Alera, albeit one who has some method of constructing dimensional gates out of untouched, unworked dirt (the unworked part is important: he can't make a gate out of an artificial hill or a concrete wall just because it has some dirt or stone in it! It has to be a natural formation). Even if he's denied his powers for some reason, he's still PL 7 or so with his hammer and armor. With those, well, he's technically brakes caps with the hammer, but it'd also probably crumble in one blow with all of his 30 Strength behind it! I figure with his Calm ability, he's the peacemaker and talker of the group (hint: I'm gonna make a few more of these) and is likely the one trying to get folks to give up before they get too hurt. Don't push 'em, though, or you'll find the very earth under your feet rising up to hit you!
  21. GM The formally-dressed man sniffed harshly at El Heraldo. "I am not the current Master Hayden," he said. "I am merely his manservant. And as I said before, we hardly have any need of ones such as --" A voice rang out from within the house, a much younger and stronger one. "Ernest? Who's at the door?" The butler -- Ernest -- stiffened even further and turned towards the interior of the house. "A gaggle of young superheroes, Master Hayden. They pretend that they have reason to speak to you." "Well, bring them in!" Ernest bowed stiffly to the interior of the grand home and stepped back from the doorway, leading them into the building. The inside of Hayden House was as grand as the outside, with marble floors and dark wood finishings and furniture. The moldings were done in the shape of waves and undersea creatures. The main hall was dominated by a huge, sweeping staircase that fell from the second floor down to the first, the bannister carved in the shape of foaming sea-waves. For all the grandeur, though, there was an air of neglect to the surroundings; a thick layer of dust was on the bannisters and stairs, and cobwebs gathered in the corners of the high ceiling. Ernest took the group into a study done in shades of dark red and warm brown. A man sat at a huge, roll-top desk covered in papers and old books; he was barely into his thirties, with narrow-shoulders, sandy-blond hair that fell to his collarline, and a permanent tan to his skin. He dressed in dark trousers and a denim shirt. He glanced up from the books as the young heroes filed in and flashed them a bright smile. "Hello," he said, standing and walking around the desk. "I'm Todd Hayden." He offered his hand to the group. "Do you have something to ask me?"
  22. Ironclad looked at the components in her hands. There wasn't any explosives there at all; just the countdown timer and something that looked a lot like what Mara used for her dimensional work. In fact, if she assumed that the green writing was coordinates in Eisenstein space/time, this wouldn't blow anything up. It could move something all the way to... Oh no. The heroine dropped the bits in her hands and rocketed up through the elevator shaft, dodging around cars and heading for the top level. Before long she had pried open the door at the top of the shaft and flew out to the roof, where Corporal Cosmos and Penitent were already confronting Weissnacht. "Don't let him get the bomb," she called out to the other heroes. "It's not a bomb, it's an escape route. Designed to send someone straight to the moon, isn't it?"
  23. Ironclad will spend her whole turn moving up and to Weissnacht.
  24. Ironclad's Ini. (1d20+5=6) Her usual swift self.
  25. Ironclad pulled a face at the helpfully-provided diagram. "Right," she said, rotating one wrist and causing a pair of thin metal rods to pop out of her gauntlet; she plucked them free and began to work on the seals of the bomb. "Malcolm Dawes didn't raise no stupid granddaughter. You're not going to get me with something that stupidly obvious. She carefully teased open the face of the bomb, ignoring the diagram and time display both. She briefly considered contacting Corporal Cosmos and talking him through the disarming process, but she didn't even know if he had a cellphone or commlink or anything like that on him.
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