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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. It is literally impossible for Ironclad to fail those checks. So using Mental Quickness to Take 20 on both Int and Know/Tech check to decipher the real purpose of the bomb! Int is 25, Know/Tech is 40. Use Skill Mastery on Disable Device to hit DC 25.
  2. "Depends on the kind of bomb," Ironclad admitted. "If it's directional, just putting it in the middle of a room without anything around it might serve to effectively disable it. Something like thermite could be broken into little bits, with C4 you could just pull out the detonator as long as it isn't booby-trapped." She shrugged and stepped back, the map snapping off. "I'll take the one in the elevator shaft, I'll need to fly for that anyway. Cosmos, search the foundations. Penitent? Go ahead and be an annoying bee." She rose into the sky with a burst of thrusters and made her way to the nearest bank of elevators. She didn't wait for them to respond to her call, simply forcing the doors open with servo strength. There was no car waiting for her and she simply headed up, thrusters flaring in the darkness of the unlit shaft.
  3. Starlight shook his head. "I have given you all the chances that anyone could ask for," he said, "and you will not turn aside from this disastrous path. In that case, I can only tear down your home around your ears -- maybe then you will learn!" He brought his hands close together and concentrated his power; soon there was a glowing ball of light floating between his rough palms. With a cry he threw his hands wide open and cast the power out, letting it fly loose and run through the office with power and heat.
  4. Starlight will stunt the following power. Strike 10 (Extra: Area/Burst [General], Feat: Progression/Area 2 [x25, 250 ft radius]) [big Boom] So that's a DC 20 Reflex save for half (or none if they have Evasion) and then either a DC 20 or 25 Toughness save.
  5. Don't worry, there'll be a signal for them.
  6. Don't worry, there'll be a signal for them.
  7. Cruising Yacht (Vehicle) [30EP] "The Argo" Size: Huge [2EP] Strength: 50 (Medium Load: 8 tons) [8EP] Defense: 8 [0EP] Toughness: +11 [6EP] Features: [10EP] Alarm 4 (DC 35) Communications Hidden Compartments Infirmary Library Living Space Power System Powers: [4EP] Speed 2 (25 MPH, Feats: Subtle) [2EP] Super-Movement 1(Water-Walking) [2PP]
  8. Jessica shrugged with one shoulder as she and Jill -- that is to say, Ellie -- climbed the gangplank. "It's your secret to tell," she said. "Or yours and Er-- er, Jack's. And Mara's. Oh, hell, I don't know. You don't have to apologize to me for not telling me your life's story, Jill!" She smiled tightly as she ducked through a door, making sure to step high over the raised threshold. She straightened slowly, making sure her head wasn't going to hit the low ceiling. It was a close thing, and she reminded herself to keep an eye out for hanging pipes. "Ugh. Right now I'm supposed to be reviewing plans for a hundred-and-thirty-centimeter nanofabber line. Instead I'm about to go underwater with creepy-alterna-Me and fight some creepy-alterna-versions of my own personal heroes." She shot Jill a tight smile. "The life we lead, huh?"
  9. GM Finding where Todd Hayden was laying his head wasn't a problem at all. It seems that his family was old money in Freedom City; the sort that was so old, it didn't matter that the current generation didn't have so much money because they had inherited enough property to live comfortably. The Hayden residence was a Gothic mansion in Port Regal, in fact just across the water from the Aquarium. A short hop, skip and flight over the water brought them to Hayden's doorstep, and when they knocked the door was promptly answered by a tall, balding man with an aristocratic bearing. He looked the colorful heroes over closely before speaking. "I can assure you," he said, "there has been no criminal activity in this house recently. We are not in need of a... heroic presence."
  10. Everyone fine with fast-forwarding to Hayden's house?
  11. Ironclad set down in the corridor, her metal boots raising swirls of dust. She ran a metal hand over the surface of the door, brushing away cobwebs and settled grime. "Right," she said after a minute. "Just stand ready to protect us in case of errant T-Baby activity, Supercape." The heroine shook out her right arm and a golden glow built up around the fingers of that hand. "Phalanx? Watch our back and make sure the complex doesn't protest this too much. Like with guns." The heroine brought her glowing, crackling gauntlet close to the door. At first it appeared that nothing had happened, but when Ironclad tapped the door an entire sheet of metal came away, holding its shape for maybe half a second before dissolving into fragments and floating away. "Right," Ironclad said, sniffing in the comfort of her own helmet. "Gonna have to peel this thing like an onion..."
  12. Ironclad will stunt the following off her Weapon Array. Drain Toughness 12 (Feat: Slow Fade 2 [1 min], Extra: Affects Objects [+0]) (Cutting Torch) She'll be Power Attacking, so it's effectively Rank 17.
  13. "Ironclad," the heroine said as she knelt down next to one of the devastated robots. "This is actually not bad work, you know. If he wasn't twisted and evil, Weissnacht could be an okay guy." She stood up, shaking her head sharply. "Guys like the Contenders, I can take them or leave them. But folks like Weissnacht are wasting so much potential, so many chances to do good. And that just makes me angry." Ironclad gathered the heroes close. She projected a hologram against the wall of the skyscraper's schematics. "If there are explosives," she said, "they should be placed here and here." She pointed to two places, one very close to the building's foundations and one partway up the building's core. "I figure, one of us each goes to the explosives, just in case he has more robo-bullies standing guard. And the rest of us will keep Weissnacht busy, directly."
  14. Ironclad makes a DC 35 Knowledge/Physical Sciences check to determine where the best place to put explosives would be.
  15. Starlight's Ini. (1d20+7=14) I'm pretty sure they get the first hit in.
  16. Starlight's Intimidate check. (1d20+4=15) All the scariness!
  17. "Call me Buck if you like," Starlight said, "or Tom or Big Jim or Eddie Blank. Because I can promise you that you can't pronounce my real name. As for where I'm from? Father away that you can even imagine, little man." Starlight stood, dropping the drawl and the slow smile. "Now, if those are your boys causing a ruckus, then it's back on your head." The cowboy's eyes slowly filled in with gold, until they were solid from side to side. A moment later his skin began to glow with a soft white light and he floated an inch into the air. "Now I'll give you one last chance to do the right thing, or by any god you care to name I will tear this building down around your ears."
  18. Ah, the curse of being pretty. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 20. (1d20+10=24)
  19. I just had an idea. How big can a robot get? Fighting a huge mech that's determined to destroy the city would be a cool way to bring the group together.
  20. I'd like to avoid a mystical threat for a team that's supposed to be tech-oriented. But I could see some sort of Preserver-tech going bonkers and requiring a group to check it out. Actually, depending on how SoS shakes out, we could use the Lor and the Communion as a threat to bring the team together. EDIT: To expand on my idea: In Seal of Sedna we were introduced to two NPCs. Verlee Mirta is a captain in the Lor space fleet, specifically a commander of one of the ships blockading the Sol System. It also has Admiral Kalf, the overall commander of the blockade effort who doesn't think much of humanity or its heroes at all. My idea is that a scout of the Communion is headed towards Earth. Kalf expresses the belief that the Lor blockade fleet can destroy it; Captain Mirta thinks otherwise and comes down to Earth in a disguise to warn the superheroes about the threat. Additionally, Quintessence and Ironclad are already in Seal of Sedna and are personally known to Captain Mirta, so she would naturally come to them anyway. Stormdragon is probably known to the Lor as a pirate, i.e. someone with their own spaceship who is used to doing stupidly dangerous stuff, so she'll be 'volunteered' as transport. We would have to work out how to connect Voltage, Crusader, and King of Suits to it all, though.
  21. Ironclad stared down the robot that had tried to blast her to pieces. "You see, the problem with that," she said to Weissnacht, "is that to fix something you have to have both time, and resources. Now while prison will give you lots of free time." The heroine paused and brought up one wrist blaster, almost casually striking at the robot with a gilded beam of energy. "You aren't really going to have the resources to tinker with robots when you're locked up in Blackstone, you know?"
  22. Ironclad's ranged attack, vs Sneakbot 1's Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+12=29)
  23. Giz, can I assume that Jill is following Clad onto the sub?
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