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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Shark Monster's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+14=32) Toughness shifting FTW! In retaliation, he's gonna... roar! Again! Shark Monster's Intimidate check w/ -2 for Helpless. (1d20+18=24) 24 vs your Will, Sense Motive, or Intimidate scores. Your choice on the matter. Initiative 22 Glow -- Uninjured, Inspire +4 -- HP x1 16 Crow -- Bruisedx1, Inspire +4 -- HP x3 14 El Heralado -- Uninjured, Inspire +4 -- HP x0 11 Saiph -- Uninjured, Inspire +4 -- HP x3 10 Monster Shark -- Bound + Helpless -- GM
  2. SL hit Heat Wave and refreshed the Daze, so she's not doing anything this turn.
  3. There is a published adventure path that takes a party from lvl 1 to 10. It's called Traitor's Gambit, but I'm not sure where to find them online anymore, since Wizards seems to have axed their Star Wars section.
  4. Am I the only one who's going to be playing it on the PC? :(
  5. Glowstar made a face when the robed villain punched a hole straight through his energy dome. "I tell you, magic really gets under my collar," he muttered aloud. "At least if you're going to punch like that, have some big, obvious, bulging muscles, or something! See, I'm flying up here, and glowing all kinds of ominous colors," he added, "so you kind of expect it when I do something like this!" He concentrated and drew his power out, pooling it in his hands. He kept drawing it out, more and more, until it shone and illuminated the theater and the stage with lurid light. With a karate shout he directed it down and towards the stage, where it slammed into the villain, hammering him with a volley of concussive blasts. "Sort of like -- aw, hell! No fair!" As the smoke cleared he could see the villain standing there, seemingly untouched by the barrage. "Are you sure you're reading from the same script," he called down.
  6. Okay, since he's Shaken Glowstar'll use full All-Out Attack to get his Attack bonus back up there. Glowstar's ranged attack check w/ +5 All-Out Attack, vs Zodiacus' Def. DC 27 Tou + Autofire (1d20+15=25) With luck that hits.
  7. Bionic pancreas helps patients beat diabetes? The future is now, folks, and it is awesome.
  8. Ironclad didn't even bother dodging the attack; she put her faith in the armor and it served her well. The guard's foot connected with her armor and she didn't move an inch. A moment later Geckoman arrived in a green blur and put the guard on the ground, hard. The armored heroine nodded crisply at the other hero and launched another glue grenade at the now-somnolent guard. "Silhoutte's keeping an eye on Wilkins, and Crow's getting the evidence for the police. We need to meet up with Cannonade before we confront him, though, so c'mon." She didn't wait for an answer, but simply routed the power to her thrusters and shot off down the hall, making a beeline for the front door.
  9. Ironclad is going to goo up the other guard, Taking 10 on the attack 'cause it's a Minion. If Attack 20 hits, it's a DC 20 Reflex check.
  10. For the record: First Reflex save. Shark Monster's Reflex save, vs DC 25. (1d20+8=28) Second Reflex save. Shark Monster's Reflex save, vs DC 20. (1d20+8=15) Yeah, so it's Bound + Helpless. El Heraldo is up.
  11. Okay, so per discussion in chat, Glow will stunt the following off her TK array: Enhanced Feat 13 (Attack Specialization [Grapple], Extra: Affects Others [+0}, Range/Ranged) [26PP] that will give Crow a +26 to his Grapple score, but Glow will have to roll to hit him as he's being carried around by the Shark. Of course, she could up the range to Perception but that would be even more points...
  12. Hm, can you describe how she would be doing that? Not mechanically, just what she's doing with her powers.
  13. Initiate 22 Glow -- Uninjured -- HP x2 16 Crow -- Bruised + Bound + Helpless -- HP x3 14 El Heralado -- Uninjured -- HP x1 11 Saiph -- Uninjured -- HP x3 10 Monster Shark -- Uninjured -- GM Glow's up. Go punch 'em!
  14. GM Crow's many knives flew up and scored along the shark's exposed ribs. It gave a sound that traveled straight to the hindbrain and told it to run, and most of the Claremont students took the hint. The students scattered, with Hawke and Perry trying to herd them all in the same direction. It was a terrifying sight, but four who stood their ground as it stooped and dove at them. Its oversized jaws snapped at Morgan Crowe, razor-sharp teeth closing around his shoulders and chest as it lifted him up and nosed back towards the ceiling.
  15. Saiph gets a HP for his Secret Identity. Shark Monster melee attack check, vs Crow's Def. DC 26 Tou + Grapple (1d20+10=28) It only has one rank of Improved Crit, so count yourself lucky! Shark Monster's Grapple check. (1d20+27=42)
  16. Shark Monster only has a Def of +10, so that's the full +5 to the Toughness DC. Shark Monster's Toughness vs DC 26. (1d20+14=16) Staggered + Dazed. This isn't turning into the massive sweep I thought it would be... Rerolling so it doesn't go down in one turn before anyone else can do stuff. Shark Monster's Toughness vs DC 26. Reroll. (1d20+14=34) No damage, Crow gets a HP.
  17. Crow's up first, since Glow can't act during the Surprise round. Initiate 22 Glow -- SURPRISED -- HP x2 16 Crow -- Uninjured -- HP x2 14 El Heralado -- SURPRISED -- HP x1 11 Saiph -- Uninjured -- HP x2 10 Monster Shark -- Uninjured -- GM
  18. Raveled

    Vith's New Idea

    I would like to point out that you're making a blonde-haired, blue-eyed lady super-genius. Just something to be aware of.
  19. Fighty fight time! Crow and Saiph are the only ones who can act during the Surprise round, since they were the only ones to make the DC. Everyone else can make their rolls, though. Shark Monster's Ini. (1d20+9=10) Well, of course.
  20. GM As the rest of the class stepped through the toothy portal, there was another odd keening above the group. It was undeniable that something was happening up there -- and that something soon became apparent as the huge skeleton ripped its way free of the moorings and took flight, snapping at the Claremont teens! There was a few shrieks as it circled the ceiling, and more than a few as it dove towards the group once again!
  21. "Oooooookay, then." Ironclad looked at the ceiling and flexed her metal-clad hands. "We can assume the Preservers were smart enough to know about the Terminus, yes? It would be silly to assume that they built this whole big complex to hold a couple of Omegadrones, but what if it's something more powerful, like an Annhilist? I don't like the idea of letting one of them run around the Solar system. So, shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Step back, Supercape, I'll lead the way on this one." The armored heroine rerouted her suit's power to the servos flight system and fired her thrusters, aiming for the ceiling.
  22. If we desired, could/would Snake hook us up with horses or cars?
  23. The Jessicas didn't keep the rest of the group waiting long. Goggles had ditched the goggles for a pair of wrap-around sunglasses, and her head was covered by a short-cropped blonde wig. She was wearing a frame backpack and held something that looked like a human head in her hands. Armor-Jessica wasn't armored at the moment or carrying anything extra, but she was playing with a tool that looked like the love child of a monkey wrench, a soldering iron, and a volt meter. "So you see," Goggles said, "we had to make the head rigid to fit in the voice modulator and logic centers. Of course, that meant it raised the lowest potential size; no carrying the dummies under the clothes anymore. I always felt the payoff was worth it, but Boss Man scrapped the project. Now I just have the prototype heads." She shrugged and left the head on a convenient packing crate. "Anyway, are you sure you don't want a wig? It's 100% protection against Mastermind's psychic spies!" Armor shook her head, looking uneasy. "I'm fine, really. If it gets to the point where we're being scanned by psychics, we've kind of already lost the fight, haven't we? In that case I'll armor up and punch them, or whatever." Goggles nodded distractedly, as the pair came to a halt in front of the sub. "Well, well! Looks like the gang's all here. Anyone want to come on board and get the nickle tour?"
  24. She can still try to do something this round, even if it's just attacking the Snare.
  25. Starlight barely had to move to avoid the creature's wild, flailing attacks. "Silly, ineffectual creature," she sneered. "Take my message back to your master. I now know his face, but remember! I move with every face in the crowd. He shall never know of my attack, until I choose to lower the blade!" The cosmic heroine raised her hands up over her head and channeled energy into them, forming a huge, scintillating ball of light and power. She brought it down in a heavy, over-handed blow, lighting up the conference room as she unloaded into the disabled drone.
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