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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Ironclad is going to coup de grace. Rank 10, auto-crit makes it all DC 25 Fortitude for Tackle. Tackle's Fort save, vs DC 25 CdG. (1d20+10=25) Just makes it. Tackle's Grapple check to break free. (1d20+18=32)
  2. Power Level 12 (137 pp) Abilities: STR: 32/20 (+11/+5), DEX: 20 (+5), CON: -- (Nil), INT: 4 (-3), WIS: 12 (+1), CHA: 18 (+4) [14PP] Skills: Intimidate 12 (+20), Notice 4 (+5), Sense Motive 4 (+5), Survival 4 (+5) [6PP] Feats: Fast Overrun, Improved Initiative, Improved Pin, Power Attack, Startle [6PP] Powers: [76PP] Growth 8 (Extra: Duration/Permanent) [24PP] Huge, -2 Att/Def, +8 Grapple, -8 Stealth, +4 Intimidate, +16 Str, +8 Con Flight 1 [2PP] Protection 14 [14PP] Immunity 30 (Fort Immunity) [30PP] Strike 3 (Feat: Mighty, Improved Crit [19-20]) [5PP] Super-Sense 3 ( Accurate [Tactile], Ranged [Tactile]) [3PP] Combat: +12/+10 Attack, +12/10 Defense (+5 flat-footed), +9 Initiative, +27 Grapple, -7 Knockback [48PP] Saves: +14 Tougness (+14 Protection), Immune Fort (Nil), +8 Ref (+4 Dex, +4), +7 Will (+2 Wis, +5) [9PP] Drawbacks: [0PP] None Abilities 14 + Skills 6 + Feats 5 + Powers 76 + Combat 48 + Saves 9 - Drawbacks 0 = 137
  3. Ironclad watched the other heroes at work. Young Britannia's blast was true, but the spectral opponent twisted in the air (impossibly for someone with a solid spine) and laughed at her. Victory was handling the civilians, and none of her weapons could hit the ghost, so what could she do? A sudden thought occurred to her and she swooped under Sage, letting the tiny telepath land on her back. "Hold on," she shouted, making a circuit of the room and angling back. "I'll fly you close enough to hit it with your sword."
  4. That does not hit. Ironclad is up but she cannot hit the thing. Hm, time to get creative. Aid action, for... Sage! Ironclad's Aid Action, vs DC 10. (1d20+10=15) Sage gets +2 to her Attack next turn. Asad is up!
  5. Ironclad is going to EE to get Split Attack on her Snare, 5 ranks apiece. Taking 10 for an attack, so 20 to hit and DC 15 Reflex save for each. Would you like Initiative, TT?
  6. Ironclad listened to Crow's detailed plan and then glanced over at Geckoman, sharing a shrug with him. "I think he's not used to making plans with people who are bulletproof," she said. The armored heroine stalked out the office, banging open the doors and making the secretary jump. She gave the woman a hard, blank-faced look and said, "Call the police." With that order given she followed Crow's directions to the latest group of guards. There were two of them, big men in white uniforms standing on either side of a wide door. If her helmet had been down she would've given them a bright smile; instead she raised her wrist blasters to each one and fired a quick glue capsule apiece.
  7. Starlight kept any reaction to Mr. Snake's odd appearance off his face. He'd been around the galaxy and seen plenty weirder, even if the gunseller didn't look exactly like what most humans did. "Well for starters," he drawled, "we can tell you where we got that gun." He winked at the other man. "Wouldn't you like to know who's selling cut-rate models of your product?"
  8. The length of the fight was telling on Young Britannia and the beam of light curved around and smashed into the ceiling above Heat Wave, showering them all with plaster dust. The criminal's mouth curled into a sneer to dismiss the heroine's efforts, which is why she was caught unawares when Starlight blasted her from the side, knocking her to her knees. Cold Front shook her head sharply to clear it, then gasped at the sight of Heat Wave on her knees. She summoned her powers and gestured at Young Britannia, and the temperature around the British light-slinger plummeted again. "Let us go," she shouted at Starlight, her voice breaking and almost panicky, "or I'll pop the other one's head! See if I don't!"
  9. Dragonfly's warped blast threaded through the air and sliced at the Glacier King's arm. In fact, she sliced a chunk of ice off his arm, revealing a thin, pale arm! He clutched at the exposed skin, hissing at the flitting-about heroine. "When I rule this land, no one will ever know you ever existed!" "Yak, yak, yak," Ironclad called out from her position semi-frozen to the ground. She switched her weapon system over to a non-damaging option. If she could get him to stand still, maybe Dragonfly could get a bigger hit in and knock him out, ending this impromptu blizzard. "You should learn to shut your mouth, you know?" She fired off a pencil-sized capsule at the villain; inches away from his skin the radar trigger went off and it exploded into a mass of quick-drying foam. He was too nimble for it, though, leaping out of the way and coming down rolling. "Insolent pups," he spat. "I was once worshiped as a god! How dare you stand against me!" He summoned another icicle from the air and threw it at Ironclad. It struck square in her chest and knocked her down, and for a moment it looked like the cold javelin had pierced the heroine through her heart! After a moment though she got up, casually shattering the shard of ice that got stuck in the front plate of her armor. "Gonna take more than that to finish off this Iron Lady, you second-rate god."
  10. Glacier King's Toughness save, vs DC 26. (1d20+8=23) Bruise x2. Ironclad is entangled, so -2 to Att and Def. She'll try her brand-new Snare on Mr. Ice, see if she can't lock him down long enough for Dragonfly to get off a bigger hit! Ironclad's ranged attack roll w/ +3 All-Out Attack, vs Glacier King's Def. DC 20 Reflex (1d20+11=15) She has the HP, I'll reroll that. Ironclad's ranged attack roll w/ +3 All-Out Attack, vs Glacier King's Def. DC 20 Reflex. Reroll (1d20+11=28) Oh, yeah. Glacier King's Reflex save, vs DC 20. (1d20+7=25) Ouch. But he aces the save. Glacier King goes after Ironclad in retribution for the hit! Glacier King's ranged attack roll w/ +5 Power Attack, vs Ironclad's Def. DC 32 Tou (1d20+7=10) With her Defense drained, that is actually enough to hit her. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 32. (1d20+15=35) This is why we Toughness-shift, ladies and gentles! Initiative 18 Glacier King -- Bruise x2 -- GM 17 Dragonfly -- Uninjured -- HP x3 12 Snow Monster 1 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 2 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 3 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 4 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 5 -- OUT -- Minion 10 Ironclad -- Entangled -- HP x3
  11. Raveled

    Shark Week

    I'm looking to start a thread involving (initially) ghost sharks and the Mayombe cult. This'll be for 3 or 4 PCs, range from PL 8-10. Originally I thought of this for Claremonters primarily, but I think anyone could work for it. Fair warning: It'll start at the aquarium, so characters who have problems around water might want to look elsewhere.
  12. Is this covered under ArcheTech's medical plan?
  13. 20 does indeed just hit. Tackle's opposed Grapple check, vs 38. (1d20+18=33) Is grapple'd, and per House Rules she is Pinned, Bound, and Helpless. Tackle's Toughness save, vs DC 28. (1d20+9=14) Staggered + Dazed.
  14. Ironclad checked her sensors and saw the last two upright soldiers readying their weapons. Clearly they were waiting for her to pick a target so that the other could attack her without worrying about retaliation. So, instead, she put out a hand to either side and blasted both of them at the same moment! They were caught off-guard and flung a good distance; neither was going to get up again. She smirked under her helmet and straightened, just in time for Tackle to hit her full in her back and ram her into the wall. She ground the armored heroine's face into the wall, abrading away the concrete. "You're gonna pay for that hit," she hissed. "First I'm gonna tear that armor off, and then I'm gonna really start hurting you!"
  15. "Morgan," Brian said as he headed towards the tree, "last year you were challenged by gods, had your girlfriend kidnapped, and gotten chewed out by one of the scariest men I've ever met. Not to mention routinely getting the crap beaten out of you by big men with sticks. If that's your idea of a great year, we're going to have to take you to Six Flags or something after graduation." Regardless, he said it all with a smile and threw his arm around John. Last year had been, by and large, something worth reliving; his parents getting arrested hadn't been great, but it had lead him to Claremont, to Morgan and Vic and the rest of the Irregulars, not to mention to Gwen. He'd learned more about his powers, and right now he was surrounded by people who accepted him just for what he was. Yeah, this could been seen as a pretty good time, all things considered.
  16. Ironclad's helmet folded back and she shook out her short blonde locks, running a hand through her hair in a nervous gesture. She glanced at the other heroes and shrugged. "Good luck with your other-yous," she said, before leaving the room to deal with her own alternate self. She spoke to one of the aides and he guided her into the complex. She thought she was headed deeper, but she couldn't be sure. Her GPS couldn't link up with any satellites (from the bottom of the ocean? Of course not) but her inertial direction finder left an electronic breadcrumb trail, and she was heading steadily away from where they had all woken up. Eventually they came to another airlock, but this one was covered in geometric designs picked out in silver and gold, like a single huge circuit. The aide punched something into a keypad next to the door and left. Jessica waited for the door the open -- and reeled back from the wave of high-energy, heavy-metal music that poured out. She put her hands over her ears, and only then realized that the music wasn't being produced aurally, but simply broadcast over regular radio waves. She reached out with her mind and found the controls to the music, and shut it off entirely. Only then did she manage to step inside the place and look around. It was a long, low-ceilinged room, made all the lower by strings of LEDs hanging from the ceiling that produced the only light. The walls were covered in shelves and the shelves were covered in all manner of random machinery and electronics with their guts spilling out. It was the electronic equivalent to a slaughterhouse, and with her helmet down Jessica couldn't see to the far end. She took a deep breath and proceeded, regardless.
  17. GoC's Intimidate check, vs DC 26. (1d20+10=20) He is Shaken until Steam's next action. YB is up next.
  18. Ironclad sat back at soon as the door slid up and away. She made the metal rods disappear with surprising speed, then peered into the darkness beyond. Her sensors probed and touched the rock and the air, searching for more signs, for any signs, of life. "I'm sorry, Supercape," she said. "Whatever you're dealing with is beyond me." She blinked and thought for a moment. "Although... Can you take us past the alarm, maybe? Just teleport straight past whatever is in our way?"
  19. Starlight dodged the swinging tentacles and the scything arm-blades, rising higher and higher towards the rafters of the warehouse. "" Starlight chided. "" She Spun as she dodged and brought both hands, palms out, facing the tentacled horror again. Another burst of light was sent racing into its center mass, lighting up the warehouse again.
  20. No reason to change. Starlight's ranged attack roll w/ +2 Power Attack, vs Nes' Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+8=16) Er. A reason to reroll, though? Starlight's ranged attack roll w/ +2 Power Attack, vs Nes' Def. DC 27 Tou. Reroll (1d20+8=21) With luck that at least hit it.
  21. Glowstar is going to use Create Object to try and create a wall of energy between the seating area and the stage where the guy appeared.
  22. Glowstar gritted his teeth at the magician's reveal and resisted the urge to pop him in his smarmy mouth. He sometimes bemoaned having villains for parents, but that's because they were his parents. This guy waltzing around, talking about folks he didn't even know, made the teenager want to do violence to someone. He sat through the rest of the act in ill-humor, picking apart the patter and the prestidigitation. He kept up a muttered commentary to Victoria about smoke and mirrors and how Etain's illusions would blow this guy away, fully invested in hating the rest of the evening. When the older man with the soul patch and the purple cape showed up, it was a refreshing change. He stood up, a grin on his face -- until the lion's roar shook through his body and soul, leaving him less confident of his ability to handle this enemy. In fact, he was having trouble standing upright! He floated into the air and moved towards the back of the theater, flying above the heads of the crowd.
  23. Victory's doing that... Hecate and Bonnie are down... Lord Steam! You're up, you gallivanting detective, you!
  24. Starlight's Reflex save, vs DC 20. (1d20+7=20) Ah-ha!
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