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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Well that wouldn't have hit anyway (Heat Wave's Def is 18) but remember that YB is also Fatigued, which is pretty much a -1 to everything. Starlight chooses to smack around the hostage-taker! Such a bad lady. Starlight's ranged attack check w/ +2 Power Attack, vs Heat Wave's Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+8=23) Hits Heat Wave's Toughness save, vs DC 27. (1d20+7=20) Bruise x2 and Daze Refreshes. Cold Front can act again, so she'll use her Snare to try and grab YB. Cold Front's ranged attack check, vs YB's Def. DC 18 Ref (1d20+8=21) That would hit even without her being Fatigue'd and all. Initiative 22 Cold Front -- Bruise x2, Staggered -- GM 21 Heat Wave -- Daze (Starlight), Dazzle (Visual), Stagger, Bruise x2 -- GM 13 Young Britannia -- Entangled, Fatigued -- HPx0 10 Starlight -- Bruise x1, -2 Def -- HPx3
  2. Brian lead the group towards the Danger Room; except when Morgan's swinging arms let him grab the lead for a moment. The two kept increasing their pace until they were half-running when they hit the doors together, and held them open for the rest of the group. He grinned and touched his ring, and the silver threads leapt out to contain him in his costume. "School is... going okay, you know." Glowstar fluffed his cape a bit, unsure of how to proceed. Talking about his studies was never his favorite past time, but in truth his grades were actually on the upswing. Not having to sleep meant eight more hours to study, after all.
  3. Ironclad reeled back from the Glacier King's attack as Dragonfly's distortions caused the last of his minions to crumble back into powder. She gained some distance and turned, leveling both her wrist blasters at him. "On the plus side," she noted, "Blackstone can finally have that ice rink the guards have been wanting!" The thunderous crack of twin particle beams discharging rolled around the drained lake-bed... but when the glare cleared, both heroines could see their icy foe still standing, albeit with a fine web of cracks over his skin. He threw his head back and howled into the storm. "Infuriating little gnats," he bellowed. "How dare you stand in the way of my conquest!?" He reached out one hand towards Ironclad and clenched it into a fist; ice precipitated out of the air and formed around her limbs, the cold causing her motor to seize once more and dropping her out of the sky. She landed and stayed in one place, apparently paralyzed. The King turned to Dragonfly, flexing his hands. "Now to take care of this last little annoyance," he growled.
  4. Apparently there's only 5 snow monsters, not 6 like I thought. Good thing that Dragonfly resisted that damage, hey? Okay, snow monsters are all down so time for Ironclad to hit the Glacier King again. She's getting angry, so let's bring 'dis. Ironclad's ranged attack w/ +5 Power Attack & +5 All-Out Attack, vs Glacier King's Def. DC 30 Tou (1d20+10=28) If only her ranged attack was the one with Improved Crit... Glacier King's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+10=29) You sunova... Bruise x1. King gets back on her with a Snare. Glacier King's ranged attack check, vs Ironclad's Def. DC 22 Ref (1d20+12=18) That would hit her even without her Defense in the toilet. Ironclad's Reflex save, vs DC 22. (1d20+7=21) She is Entangled Initiative 18 Glacier King -- Bruise x1 -- GM 17 Dragonfly -- Uninjured -- HP x3 12 Snow Monster 1 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 2 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 3 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 4 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 5 -- OUT -- Minion 10 Ironclad -- Entangled -- HP x4
  5. Disable Device, which is Auto-25.
  6. Ironclad stepped up and examined the door. "Well. I don't have the same senses as Supercape at my disposal, but I can think of one or two things that might be of help." The armored heroine rotated her wrist and a pair of thin metal rods stuck out suddenly; she took one in either hand and started probing at the crack between the door and the wall. After a moment she glanced around at the rest of the party. "This might take a minute," she said. "Everyone might want to step back. Supercape, please keep monitoring the energy patterns on the other side of the door and let me know if they change."
  7. GM Meagan looked back and forth between the heroes standing in her living room. "Enemies? No, I don't have any enemies! Well... There's that stupid critic in the Word that keeps giving my movies two stars. But I don't think Reginald Harcourt would hire Larceny Inc! "The gem was in a private collection. The owner died and his collection went up for auction. We had just finished shooting Black Mamba, you know, the fortress assault scene? We filmed that in Crete, so when we were done there we went onto the main land, and well, it was up for auction. One of the executive producers bought it for me. I mean, this is the last film I have to do with the studio, so they're trying to keep me happy." She turned to face Asad. "I don't know how many people know I have it. The auction was pretty high-brow, you know? I don't think of the gemstones went for less than a quarter of a million. A few people there gave me their cards if I wanted to sell it. I probably still have them, should I get them out?"
  8. Ironclad came in at a steep angle, preparing to blast the goo beast until it was baked crispy, but it had already been handled. Catalyst's flood of pellets had overheated the blob, driving the moisture out of it and leaving it a scrum of green yuck stretching for most of a city block. The armored heroine made a lap of it just to make sure there wasn't going to be an eruption, then set down next to the hazard-suited shooter. "Nice work, Catalyst," she said, her abnormally fast, abnormally connected mind already making connections between the woman with the paintball gun and the chemical heroine. "Don't know where you came from, but you put that thing down pretty darn quick! Don't worry, the Lab can handle it from here." She turned to survey the remains of the blob and tried to remember what the city ordnance for the use of napalm inside a built-up area was.
  9. Ironclad held the costume up and grimaced. This was the same outfit that the orderly had worn when he attacked the nightclub. This was the nail in the coffin -- Wilkins was the one behind these attacks. He needed to be brought down, and if he fought back... well, Ironclad could start gently. When Geckoman suggested she shut down the cameras, she shook her head. "Not enough," she said. "We need to get all the footage from today, and as much of Wilkins' session footage as exists." ~Crow. This is Ironclad. You need to find the security office and get all the recordings they have, from today and as far back as you can.~
  10. Ironclad blinked as the criminal disappeared from her grasp, her thrusters bobbling for a moment as they adjusted to losing over a hundred pounds of weight in an instant. The heroine lowered herself down to the floor, checking her sensors and scowling. "Everyone, stay down," she shouted to the civilians before jetting out the door. Outside was, well, Armageddon in capes and tights. A crashed, smoking helicopter, a safe that was mere scraps of steel, two suits of powered armor that didn't seem to be moving anymore, all pelted by golf ball-sized hailstones. Her sensors screamed at her and Ironclad spun, eyes fixing on the two villains standing tall on top of the bank -- Weather Mistress and Looking Glass, again! The armored heroine rose into the air, attitude thrusters easily dealing with the gale-force wind, and drew a bead on Looking Glass. "Naughty, naughty," she taunted, snapping off a smaller, more controllable blast. "You've got an appointment at Blackstone. Do you really want to disappoint the warden?"
  11. Okay, Looking Glass is gone. Ironclad will pop out and see Armageddon on the street. I suppose there's no reason to keep change her target from Looking Glass. Ironclad's ranged attack w/ +2 Accurate Attack, vs. Looking Glass' Def. DC 23 Tou (1d20+12=26)
  12. They actually have Def 16. Snow Monster's Toughness save, vs DC 26. (1d20+10=15) It's down, one left.
  13. Brian glanced at the other members of his team and shrugged with one shoulder. "As long as Mr. Archer or Headmaster Summers doesn't object, I'm fine with it." He turned and started leading the group towards the security office. There were entrances to the underground corridors all over the campus, but he didn't know what connection Fulcrum had to the school. Vic and Etain seemed okay with her, but the secrets of Claremont weren't Brian's to tell, so he decided to simply use the most obvious entrance to the training facility and avoid showing Mona more than was necessary.
  14. Starlight can hit that without rolling.
  15. Glowstar's Will save. (1d20+8=18, 1d20+8=17) First yes, not so much the second.
  16. Brian looked around at the group, frowning slightly. Then his lips curled up, his expression cleared, and he laughed loudly. "This is great," he said. He turned to face each member in turn, pointing at them as he called them out. "A Nazi science project. A Soviet science project. Death's kid. A Terminus Baby. And whatever Etain is, she thinks it's too weird and wild for us to even handle." He shook his head, smiling. "I move we change our name to the Amazing Monster Squad. All in favor?"
  17. Jessica went to the papers on Wilkins' desk, shuffling through them rapidly and absorbing the information. While Geckoman went to the files and then investigated the director's office, she slipped into his office chair and started poking around on his computer. She'd barely had time to try and guess his password, though, before the other hero had called the alarm out and started changing. She stood and touched her bracelet/watch, and in a moment her armor was in place. ~Silhouette,~ she transmitted, ~stay with Wilkins, don't make any overt moves. We'll come to you.~ The armored heroine walked over to where Geckoman stood and peered around his shoulder. "What did you find," she asked.
  18. Starlight hissed in pain as the drone's blades cut at her. She warded the blows off as well as she could, but she felt her alabaster skin opening and blood running down her arms. She flew up, trying to get out of range of the drone and Nes' flailing tentacles, and fired off another double-fisted blast of white light. "" she cried. ""
  19. Brian Harris was seated opposite Etain in a half-lotus position. Balanced on his knees was a huge, square-book, an art-book featuring some of the most famous architecture in the world. Arches and castles and fortresses and pagodas all graced the pages with vibrant color, and the young man studied each one intently. Every so often he raised his hands and a roseate glow suffused him. Energy would pool off of his body and form into a three-dimensional shape in the air, growing more complex and more detailed as he bent his will to the task. Inevitably, it would begin to resemble something in the book; then sweat would break out on his forehead; and in moments the details would wobble, then crumble, then the whole thing would fade away. Brian set the art book aside and rubbed his temples. He was trying to learn to better control his powers, and at Brian Hughes' suggestion had started studying art, but he never seemed to be able to form a specific image for more than a few moments before it slipped out of his control and dissolved. He glanced up as he sensed someone approaching. For a moment he felt a sense of vertigo as his brain tried to fit the caped woman's dimensions into some sort of sensible scale, and then threw up its hands and admitted that she was just that tall. He stood, disentangling his legs from each other, and offered the woman his hand. "Hi there." He glanced over at Victoria. "Um. Fulcrum?"
  20. Starlight's going to keep the pressure up on Nes. Starlight's ranged attack roll w/ +2 Power Attack, vs Nes' Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+8=20) Hee hee. Keep up the bangin'!
  21. Starlight's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+10=21) I'll take a Bruise.
  22. Then shall we say that's what Vic is doing for the rest of combat?
  23. So, are the Irregulars supposed to be training with Archer or just hanging around, or what?
  24. Tiff, do you realize that Starlight's Impervious is only against energy attacks?
  25. Ironclad took to the air once again, magnetic drive pushing against the bulk of Tian itself and levitating her off the ground. She ran through her combat options; she could barely believe the creature was still standing, it had already taken such a pounding! She briefly considered hitting it with a taser dart of something more exotic, but soon decided not to mess with a classic. Diverting some power away from her drive coil she got a target lock on the elephant-demon and blasted it again with a shot from her wrist blasters.
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