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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Ironclad'll just blast the thing. Ironclad's ranged attack roll w/ +2 Power Attack, vs Elephant's Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+8=21)
  2. Starlight flew into the air as the pink goo-creature reached out for her. The tentacles struck out and swept underneath her as she rose into the ground. Starlight narrowed her eyes at the tank-thing's resistance to her attack. "" She struck down with both hands, concentrated power flashing and lighting up the warehouse as she blasted the center of the tank/fog mass.
  3. Gonna keep on that tank. Starlight's ranged attack check w/ +2 Power Attack, vs Nes' Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+8=23) Woot.
  4. Glowstar followed the magician's assistant to the front row and took his seat, adjusting his half-cape so it didn't get caught between his back and the seat back, choking him. He took the proffered drink and sipped it -- once. The alcohol in it made him choke and he set it aside, looking at it like it had betrayed him. So that's what a rum and coke tasted like, then? Why in the world would anyone want a second? He sat back and watched the show, applauding at the tricks and laughing at the patter. The man was rather good at his job, even if he came off as rather abrasive one-on-one. The teen was surprised when the magician singled him out for a 'psychic' reading, though. He was even more surprised when the man was right on the money -- or nearly so, anyway. Glowstar squirmed in his seat slightly as he replied. "Well, my birthday is on the twenty-sixth, so it's close, yeah. I don't know what my astrological sign is. Being a hero is... not exactly in the family, no."
  5. I'll forfeit the roll, if it's all the same. Glowstar's not really the sort to hide his reaction well, especially if he isn't expecting it.
  6. Soldiers cannot make that save, so they're gone. Tackle, then. Tackle's Toughness save, vs DC 28. (1d20+9=29) Heh, beat it. Forgot the Ref save for Toughness, but she critted it so it doesn't really matter either way. Tackle's Reflex save, vs DC 19. (1d20+6=25) Half effect. Tackle's Fort save, vs DC 15. (1d20+10=22) Nope, sorry. Tackle goes next. No offense to Wail, but he did nothing to her so she'll swing away at Ironclad. Tackle's melee attack check, vs Ironclad's Def. DC 25 Tou. (1d20+10=24) That'll hit. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+14=21) Bruise x2. This is getting worrisome. Ironclad is up next. She's going to... hm... EE to get Split Attack on her wrist blasters, slap down the two Minions still standing. Take 10 on an attack roll for 20, plenty to hit them. DC 20 Toughnes for each of them. Toughness saves for Soldier 1 & 2, vs DC 20. (1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=14) Initiative 24 Ironclad -- Bruise x2, Fatigue -- HPx4 16 Wail -- Uninjured -- HPx3 11 Block -- Unconscious -- GM 8 Tackle -- Bruise x1 --GM 5 Soldier 1 -- Out -- Minion 5 Soldier 2 -- Out -- Minion 5 Soldier 3 -- Out -- Minion 5 Soldier 4 -- Out -- Minion 5 Soldier 5 -- Out -- Minion 5 Soldier 6 -- Out -- Minion Waiting on Wail's IC post.
  7. Starlight's Ini (1d20+7=16) Starlight's ranged attack check w/ +2 Power Attack, vs tank's Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+8=28) Muwaha. Let's just take the extra damage, shall we? DC 32 Toughness save.
  8. "" Starlight mused aloud, nodding slightly. "" She placed her hand on the curved glass of the water tank. "" Without warning Starlight's hand glowed brighter and brighter, almost too bright to look at, and the power leapt out and burrowed into the tank's glass!
  9. Brian dropped his hand from Morgan's face as John started speaking. He was used to his friend's serious, deadpan tone, but this sort of information... A Nazi. More than a Nazi, the clone of a man who had kept fighting the second World War for decades after Hitler and Japan had given up. It was a sobering thought -- but on the heels of that, came the realization that he himself had something to share. He cleared his throat and glanced around at the group. "Well. John told us about him, so I think it's fair that I let you all know. I'm a, well, a Terminus Baby." He clenched his teeth as the silence stretched. "I didn't really know until a few months ago, but I got checked out and ArcheTech confirmed it. All of my powers -- I'm not throwing around some generic cosmic energy. It's entropy."
  10. Brian started when he felt the snow impact the back of his head and spun around, floating a few inches into the air and letting power pool in his fists. As soon as he saw who it was, though, he touched down again and recalled the energy; normally he'd just let it dissipate into the environment, but ever since finding out what kind of energy he was using he was more wary about that. "Dude! Morgan! Where have you been, man?" He walked over and ruffles the shorter man's hair, before pulling at his beard. "Nice chin fur. You end up tossed to Scandinavia or something?"
  11. Dragonfly's dimensional distortions ripped through the living snowbanks, causing most of their number to crumble to the ground. A couple managed to lumber past the outer edges of Dragonfly's attack though, and raised their trunk-like arms in her direction. Without warning a flood of snowballs started flying through the air at her, dozens every second! She dodged and deflected as best she could, but even a teleporting genius can't be everywhere and a few snuck through her defenses, smacking against her armor far more solidly than packed snow should have been able to. While her friend was dealing the approaching soldiers, Ironclad faced off against the self-proclaim King. "You know," she said, plodding forward and taking a few light swings, "the snow really isn't all the bad. We could use it for Christmas. You just need to schedule it a bit better and -- whoops!" Ironclad had planned to follow a quick punch through with a burst of her thrusters, to lend extra mass and speed and force to her blow, but they were still messed up from the cold and she was caught on her off-foot. Her blow went wide, the Glacier King barely having to move to avoid it. He laughed at the heroine's attempts to land a punch on him. "If this is the best your planet has to offer, then I won't have to wait a whole day after conquering this city!" He summoned a long icicle with a wicked point from thin air and threw it at Ironclad. The ice-spear hit her -- and shattered into a billion shards on her armor, littering the ground with glittering flakes. That put the Glacier King back and he simply stared for a moment.
  12. Snow Monster 5 Aid attempt, vs DC 10. (1d20+8=13) +3 for Monster #6. I know I bought Teamwork for a reason. Snow Monster 6's ranged attack roll, vs Dragonfly's Def. DC 23 + Autofire (1d20+11=23) JUST hits. No extra damage from Autofire, though. DC 23 Toughness save, Dragonfly. Ironclad's gonna smack the guy around a bit. Ironclad's melee attack roll, vs Glacier King's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=11) Reroll, please. Ironclad's melee attack roll, vs Glacier King's Def. DC 25 Tou. Reroll (1d20+10=22) Well, that doesn't merit +10, anyway. Of course it's STILL not enough to hit his Def of 24. Oi. King gets back his own by pummeling Clad. Glacier King's melee attack roll, vs Ironclad's Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+12=26) That'll hit. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+15=34) At least that +Tou shifting is helping, here.
  13. Starlight had some trouble with her mount, but she managed to get the animal pointed in more or less the correct direction and the trio set off, trotting along uncomfortably down the road. By the time the factory came into sight, they were at least no longer visibly struggling with their horses; as long as someone didn't look too closely, they might pass as natives. The Lightbringer stood in his stirrups and squinted down the road at the guard shack and all the workers swarming about. In a burst of inspiration, he reached over and pulled the rifle from Siphon's saddle holster. He rode up to the guardhouse, holding the weapon above his head. "Hey there," he called out. "Is this where I can buy these guns?"
  14. A red glow in the distance heralded the arrival of the final member of the Irregulars, at least as long as Morgan was away. Brian descended quickly to the Claremont grounds, his leather jacket flapping in the breeze as he shed speed. He touched down lightly, the ruby glow fading from around him as he let gravity take over again. He walked a few paces, feeling the ground solid underneath his feet, before noticing his friends and teammates. "Hey there Vic, John!" He waved and jogged over to join them. "What's happening?"
  15. Heat Wave turned to sneer at Young Britannia, but before she could snap out something her eyes fixed on the strobing, flashing lights. The barely-dressed woman's jaw hung open slackly, and her entire body relaxed. After a moment the grandmotherly woman slipped free and retreated back to her table, pausing briefly to thwap Heat Wave on the side of her head. Cold Front gaped at her partner in crime. "Heat Wave! Let's go, we've got to get out of here!" "Oh, no," Starlight hissed. "Neither of you are going anywhere." She drew on her power until it rested, fat and hot, in her palm. She hurled it overarm like a baseball and it smacked the suited cold controller in the side of her head and sent her reeling. "You two are going to answer for your crimes here," Starlight proclaimed stalking towards the other woman. "Answer to the proper authorities!"
  16. Heat Wave's Will save, vs DC 16 Stun. (1d20+6=11) Yep, that's pretty darn Stunned. Starlight's going to do what I've been putting off and lay a big-ol' PL 10 smack-down on Cold Front. Starlight's ranged attack check w/ +2 Power Attack & +2 All-Out Attack, vs Cold Front's Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+10=25) Cold Front's Toughness save, vs DC 27. (1d20+8=13) 14 points. Misses Unconscious by one freaking point... Bad gals can't go, so we're back to YB. Initiative 22 Cold Front -- Daze (Starlight), Bruise x2, Staggered -- GM 21 Heat Wave -- Dazzle (Visual), Stagger, Bruise x1 -- GM 13 Young Britannia -- Entangled, Fatigued -- HPx1 10 Starlight -- Bruise x1, -2 Def -- HPx3
  17. Yeah, he has enough Movement to do that.
  18. POWER ROUTED TO THE PHASERS BY GIZMO Ironclad :arrow: All 3 PP into Skills, buying 12 ranks. 5 more ranks of Craft/Chemical, bringing her up to 10 ranks; 5 ranks into Craft/Electronic, bringing her up to 15 ranks; and the last 2 ranks into Sense Motive. :arrow: Shifting around some points in the S-Senses array to free up a PP inside the suit. Investing it in the Weapon Array to buy her some glue capsules and a missile attack. Yay for impromptu cuffs and Perception Range attacks! POWER ROUTED TO THE PHASERS BY GIZMO
  19. REDUNDANCIES BUILT IN BY GIZMO Starlight :arrow: Bundling her Immunities into a single power with both the Alien and Magic descriptors. :arrow: Bought her a second, single-target-only Morph. Yes, she now has three ranks in Quick Change. My plan is to eventually make the first, big Morph into a Grue Array with all sorts of fun, pseudo-shapeshifting effects. She'll need the second Morph if she doesn't want to go back to being a Grue when using her Grue Array. REDUNDANCIES BUILT IN BY GIZMO (Also, if you're going to give the code for the whole sheet - which is good! - don't forget to adjust things like the PP totals at each section and the number of unspent PP.)
  20. will.i.am'D BY GIZMO Glowstar :arrow: Buying a rank of Will save, and that's all. will.i.am'D BY GIZMO
  21. Ironclad inhaled deeply when Gabriel mentioned her name. It could have been some other gadgeteer named Jessica, of course, but it didn't seem that the multiverse worked that way. "Okay," she said. "I guess we'll meet with my alternate-not-really-me version of myself." She paused and looked the battered Gabriel over closely. "She... she didn't make that exoskeleton for you, did she?"
  22. I never do figure out how a battle's laid out until too late. Let's say the warehouse has a big bay in the middle, mostly filled with stacks of wooden crates; raised concrete walkways along either side that the soldiers are on (split three and three, with Ironclad on the left); and B&T are in the middle, resting in the wreckage of some crates. That work for you?
  23. We-ll, let's say one turn minimum. But unless you can figure out some way for Victory to get Affects Insub, there's not much he can do to a ghost, is there?
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