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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Ironclad and Wail's blitzkrieg assault had put Block and Tackle on the back foot, but their soldiers weren't so willing to back down easily. Each one of them snugged their weapon up to their cheek in proper position before firing, using short bursts. Their professional manner didn't make much difference to Wail, who simply waded through the hail of lead, but Ironclad wasn't so lucky. Her armor was designed to angle most of it up and away, but an errant shell ricocheted up into armpit and shattered a connection. The suit quickly routed around it, but it brought the flying heroine down to the ground, hard. After a moment she stalked over to one of the soldiers, who was quickly changing the magazine in his gun. She yanked the weapon out of his hands, tossed it into the corner, and clobbered him smoothly. "Don't you read the papers? Guns get you hurt."
  2. Block's down, Tackle's Dazed, so it's down to the Minions. Half are on Ironclad, half are on Wail. Soldier 1, 2, 4, & 5 Aid Action, vs DC 10. (1d20+5=22, 1d20+5=10, 1d20+5=21, 1d20+5=22) So Soldier 3 and 6 get +4 to their attack rolls. Soldier 3 & 6 Ranged attack checks, vs Ironclad & Wail's Def. DC 21 + Autofire (1d20+5=17, 1d20+5=9) That should actually be +9 attack for both, so on Ironclad it's a DC 24 Toughness, and Wail's Impervious defeats it so no Toughness check. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 24. (1d20+15=23) Bruised by Minions... Well, she can get her own back! Land next to Soldier 3, break his toy. Take 10 on attack for a 20, Soldier needs to make a DC 25 Toughness check which he cannot do even with a 20, so he's out. Initiative 24 Ironclad -- Bruise x1 -- HPx4 16 Wail -- Uninjured -- HPx3 11 Block -- Unconscious -- GM 8 Tackle -- Bruise x1 --GM 5 Soldier 1 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 2 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 3 -- Out -- Minion 5 Soldier 4 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 5 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 6 -- Uninjured -- Minion
  3. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Sleepless Knight Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: A disabled lucid dreamer joins with a native of the Dreamscape to protect Freedom City's dreamers. Alternate Identity: Josephine Caroline Girard Identity: Secret Birthplace: Occupation: Accountant Affiliations: Rath & Stromburg Investments (work), FCU (alumni) Family: Fredrick (father), Ruth (mother), Jude (brother), Robert (uncle). Description: Age: 26 (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5' 7" Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black (Describe what they look like!) Power Descriptions: History: Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: Complications: Secret Identity Josephine works to keep her identity as the Sleepless Knight a secret from her family and the world at large. Disabled Josephine has been a parapalegic since she was thirteen; she spends virtually all of her time in a wheelchair, which can limit her mobility. Two People, One Head The Persona tied to Josephine's soul can make an interesting experience for psychics. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 0 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 18PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 12 (+1) Combat: 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +4 Melee, +4 Ranged, +10 Strike Grapple: +0 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5, -10 Saving Throws: 8 + 5 + 6 = 19PP Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Protection, 10 Impervious) Fortitude: +8 (+0 Con, +8) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +9 (+3 Wis, +6) Skills: 88R = 22PP Bluff 12 (+13) Computers 7 (+10) Concentration 14 (+17) Handle Animal 4 (+5) Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Business) 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 3 (+5) Language 1 (French) (Native: English) Medicine 3 (+5) Notice 10 (+13)Skill Mastery Search 10 (+13) Sense Motive 10 (+13)Skill Mastery Feats: 13PP Dodge Focus 4 Challenge (Fast Feint) Improved Initiative Luck 2 Move-By Action Skill Mastery (Knowledge [behavioral Sciences, Business], Notice, Sense Motive) Redirect Trance Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 44 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 10 = 62PP Dream Knight Array 20.5 (41 PP, Feat: Alternate Power 3) [44PP] BE: Stun 10 (Extra:Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range [Perception], Sleep, Feat: Sedation) [41/41PP] Slumber AP: Blast 10 (Extra: Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range [Perception]) [40/41PP] Nightmares Rise AP: Strike 10 (Extra: Penetrating, Feat: Extended, Improved Crit [19-20]) [22PP] Impervious Toughness 10 [10PP] Enhanced Feat 9 (Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Attack Specialization 3, Defensive Attack, Power Attack, Takedown Attack 2) [9] Knight's Raiment AP: Teleport 10 (200 000 miles, Flaw: Medium [Dreams], Long-Range Only, Feats: Change Velocity) [41/41] Dreamwalking Flight 1 (10 MPH, 100 ft per round) [2PP] Immunity 4 (Cold, heat, pain, sleep) [4PP] Morph 1 (Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Limited [Only in dreams], PF: Metamorph [Dreamweaver]) [2PP] Protection 10 [10PP] Drawbacks: -4 = -4PP Normal Identity (Full Round Action, Incantation) [-4PP] DC Block (see below) Totals: Abilities (18) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (22) + Feats (13) + Powers (62) - Drawbacks (4) = 150/150 Power Points
  4. Bah. Even so, Starlight can switch back to her normal Teleport and join them next round.
  5. Starlight narrowed her eyes at the hastily-formed drone, but followed it peaceably. The corroded tank with the murky water was not what she had been expecting, frankly, but after an (albeit short) lifetime abroad in the galaxy, she didn't let false expectations throw her off her game. "" she demanded, playing the part of a senior partner to the hilt. ""
  6. Long-range teleport is for Rank 3 and above. And Affects Others has two versions; the +0 version lets a power only affect other people, and the +1 version allows the power to affect other people and the user.
  7. Starlight stunts Teleport 3 (Flaw: Long-Range Only, Extra: Accurate, Affects Others (+1), Area/Burst) [12/22 PP]. Moving everyone north towards the factory, taking the Fatigue (so she'll be effectively 1 PL lower, and therefore closer to the rest of the group). Potentially necessary check for a horse spooked by a teleport. Starlight's Animal Control check. (1d20+4=13)
  8. Starlight endured the celebration with stoicism. She/he understood that, for the townspeople, this was a great evil vanquished, or at least driven off, but the heroes this was simply the first part of their mission, and Starlight for one was eager to get going. As soon as she was able, the cowboy broke away from the festivities and gathered the other heroes up by eye. They mounted their horses and rode out of town, to another round of cheers, hurrahs, and gunfire. He lead the group down the road a little ways, not really caring what direction they were headed as long as it was out of sight of the ton. Once he was sure they were alone, he brought them to a halt and closed his eyes, concentrating. He touched the core of power within himself and slowly wove a web of light to encapsulate the three heroes and their steeds. "When we get to the other side," he muttered, focusing on his power, "I hope you can each deal with your own horses." With that he let the threads snap into place and they disappeared in a blaze of light and magic.
  9. Snow Monster 1-4 Toughness save, vs DC 28. (1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=12, 1d20+10=11) They are all down, and start crumbling immediately.
  10. I'm gonna say no, because of this. Block's Toughness save, vs DC 38. (1d20+10=20) Block is down in one hit. Well, that's what happens when PL 10 fights PL 14.
  11. There are various rich people cowering and trying not to get hit, yes.
  12. You can only spend 1 HP a round. Do you want to take the Fatigue for the Stunt instead?
  13. Ironclad Science Shenanigans (also GMing) Scrier's Masquerade Cold Front Shock the Monkey Public Anomie Worth Its Weight Cup of Gigawatts Seal of Sedna Pass the Plate Glowstar The Stars Say That Meet the Irregulars Irregular Revelations Starlight Earth Victoriana: Yanks in Tanks Double Pink Light Lunch GM Hot Goods Shark Week: Flying Sharks? Science Shenanigans (also IC as Ironclad)
  14. Glowstar sighed as he landed. There was never anyone around to hear when he came up with a really good quip. Pushing aside his annoyance, he landed and examined the cut struts, close up. This didn't look like any kind of rush job; someone had sat up here and worked for a goodly while at this. That meant that whoever had done had done with malice aforethought, as the legal saying went, and that they knew when there would be a big crowd beneath the sign. A pretty sick puppy, in other words. His powers wrapped around him again as he lifted off and drifted towards the ground and towards Wisp. "Hey, Wisp. I think it's pretty safe to say that... um, hello?" He put his head to the side as he looked the stage magician up and down. "Uh, hi. I'm Glowstar, and she's Wisp. Are you okay?"
  15. Starlight is Bluff'ing the big scarey voice, SM at 22 for Bluff.
  16. Starlight froze as her mind worked through what the sourceless voice was saying. It -- they -- whoever somehow knew that she was Grue. That changed things. These creatures, whatever they were, could not simply be delivered into AEGIS custody anymore. She moved over to the nearest mold, examining it as her brain worked feverishly. "" she said finally. ""
  17. Giant Blob's Toughness save, vs DC 35. (1d20+10=16)
  18. "Block and Tackle, ehn?" Ironclad spun in the air and, after a moment's deliberation, picked out the woman as the bigger threat. It was a deliberation based on her literal size, admittedly, but the young genius had no desire to take her on hand-to-hand. If this was just the front door, then there might be a lot of fighting yet to come and she had to keep the armor in pristine condition. "I wonder what happens to a pulley if you knock out half of it?" She brought both wrist blasters to bear and hammered out a full power shot. It caught the tall woman full in the chest and she was thrown across the warehouse. It was several seconds before she managed to stand up again. Block turned to watch his wife's trajectory, and once she landed he glared at Ironclad angrily. "You're going to live just long enough to regret that, hero!"
  19. Initiative 24 Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HPx4 16 Wail -- Uninjured -- HPx3 11 Block -- Uninjured -- GM 8 Tackle -- Uninjured --GM 5 Soldier 1 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 2 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 3 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 4 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 5 -- Uninjured -- Minion 5 Soldier 6 -- Uninjured -- Minion Ironclad's going to attack Tackle with a good ol' Power Attack while she's Flat-footed. Ironclad's ranged attack w/ +5 Power Attack and +5 All-Out Attack, vs Tackle's Flat-Footed Def. DC 30 Tou (1d20+10=28) Oh, yes. Tackle's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+10=21) Bruise x1 + Daze. Wail is up next.
  20. Young Britannia's focused light blast took Cold Front in the solar plexus and the criminal doubled over in obvious pain, hugging her stomach and squeezing her eyes shut. After a moment she straightened, still with a hand on her midsection. "You'll... pay for that... hero. One day..." Starlight shook her head sharply and started forward to engage Heat Wave again, but as she noticed Cold Front was off her game decided to switch up tactics. She gathered another dazzling burst of light in her hand and thrust it towards Cold Front, but the icy criminal managed to barely duck out of the way. Heat Wave gasped at what was happening to her compatriot. "Cold Front! Don't worry!" She danced out of range and snapped out her arm, grabbing one of the cowering civillians, an older woman with silver hair and deeply wrinkled skin. "Heroes! Back off, or grandma gets roasted!" Heat Wave summoned a wreath of fire around her hand and waved it in front of the old woman, causing the civilian to shriek and pull back.
  21. Cold Front's Toughness save, vs DC 22. (1d20+9=17) Juuuust 5 under, so Daze + Bruise x2. Starlight's back on form, so she's going to Dazzle Cold Front (who totally doesn't have Termorsense, thank god). Starlight's ranged attack roll, vs Cold Front's Def. DC 20 Ref, DC 20 Fort. (1d20+10=14) That's going to miss. Magmin grabs a bystander tries to flee! Take a HP, heroes. Initiative 22 Cold Front -- Daze (YB), Bruise x2 -- GM 21 Heat Wave -- Dazzle (Visual), Stagger, Bruise x1 -- GM 13 Young Britannia -- Entangled -- HPx2 10 Starlight -- Bruise x1 -- HPx3
  22. We are facing the husband and wife super-mercenary duo of Block and Tackle, along with 6 minions of the Soldier variety. Ironclad's Ini for SS. (1d20+5=24) Block's Ini for SS. (1d20+7=11) Tackle's Ini for SS. (1d20+6=8) Soldier Ini in SS. (1d20+1=5) That did not shake out like I was expecting it.
  23. Ironclad nodded slightly when Wail mentioned the flying saucer, and grinned under her helmet when he mentioned kicking the door down and smacking the goons inside around. "Ah, Wail. Never say you don't know how to show a lady a good time." She fired her thrusters and boosted high into the air, coming down boots-first on the warehouse's skylight. She fired the thrusters again and hovered in the air, her combat computer immediately picking out targets amid the well-lighted interior. "Surprise inspection from the teamster's union," she called out. "You guys have been paying your dues right?" Most of the warehouse workers fled at the sight of the armored heroine literally bringing the roof down, but several pulled out concealed weapons and readied them for combat. Two in particular, a statuesque woman with blue-black hair and a clean-cut gentlemen with rugged features and a bald head, both dressed in conservative suits, glared at her. "A hero," the woman spat. "Well, we can deal with that, can't we dear?" The man grinned and cracked his knuckles. "Oh, we certainly can." He glanced back and around at the armed workers. "Pin her down," he said. "Don't let he get to the tunnels! Block and Tackle will stop her here!"
  24. GM The Glacier King wasted no time in responding to the presence of the heroes. He brought his massive hands together and inhaled deeply, fur-clad chest expanding to ridiculous proportions. Then he exhaled and bitterly cold air washed off the heroines. Ironclad tried to fire her thrusters, but the cold got into them and they seized; since she wasn't going to be leaving the cone of attack she leaned into the wind and kicked her suit's heaters up another notch. The young genius goggled at the temperature plummeted under the wintery assault. -40, -50, -60 degrees Celsius and falling! This man wasn't a glacier, he was a one-man Ice Age!
  25. Initiative 18 Glacier King -- Uninjured -- GM 17 Dragonfly -- Uninjured -- HP x3 12 Snow Monster 1 -- Uninjured -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 2 -- Uninjured -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 3 -- Uninjured -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 4 -- Uninjured -- Minion 12 Snow Monster 5 -- Uninjured -- Minion 10 Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HP x4 Hm, should I be mean and exploit the fact that Defense-shifted Dragonfly is Flat-footed? Nah. Let's just go with the ice breath. Damage 12 (Cone/General). Reflex save DC 22 for half damage, DC 27/21 Tou. Ironclad's Reflex save, vs DC 22. (1d20+7=10) Well, this is why we Toughness-shift. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 27. (1d20+15=34) :D
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