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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Hulking Blob attacks. Blob's melee attack check, vs Ironclad's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d10+10=14) Amazingly, that actually misses. Ironclad's melee attack check, vs Blob's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=27) But that doesn't! Blob's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+12=28) Octo-blob swings... Initiative 25 Octo-Blob -- Uninjured -- GM 25 Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HPx3 17 Catalyst -- Bruisex1 -- HPx1 6 Blob -- Staggered + Bruisex2 -- GM
  2. Starlight makes a Notice check to see if either of the paramedics is acting oddly. Starlight's Notice check. (1d20+5=8) She... must've blinked. Sense Motive to see how the paramedics react to her tagging along. Skill Mastery, so auto-22.
  3. Starlight carefully studied the pair of paramedics. Was one of them really another shapechanging assassin? If so, which one? Or was it both? She opened her mouth to speak and was interrupted by Synth's arrival. She hadn't been planning on letting anyone know about the shapeshifter -- it could only impede their efforts at this point -- but the time to talk to the other hero about it wasn't now. "Yes," she said slowly. "Mrs. Thorn is under attack by quite formidable forces. Therefore, she is under my personal protection -- starting now." Starlight watched the EMTs carefully, trying to judge their reaction to having a superhero force themselves into the situation.
  4. Starlight relaxed as the posse of bandits literally rode off over the horizon. As soon as they were safely out of sight, the ersatz cowboy swaggered over to the dropped rifle and picked it up, handling it cautiously. He really didn't know all that much about firearms. He'd seen a lot of movies, but from what he'd absorbed from the internet Hollywood played as fast and loose with gun rules as they did with everything else. Still, this piece looked more like what he'd seen in military movies than in cowboy movies. His eyes snapped up and he focused on one of the applauding townsfolk. "Get over here, little pilgrim," he drawled. "What can you tell me about this fine looking weapon I seem to have my hands on?"
  5. Meagan blinked owlishly as Asad explain the situation. "Just wait. There are other people in my apartment?" The actress slid out of bed and pulled on a bathrobe and slippers, following Asad out into the main room. there she took in the open and empty safe, as well as the heroines crouches over it. "Hey, hey," she shouted, stomping over and shooting them away. "Get out of there! That's my stuff, that's... oh my god!" She looked inside the picked-clean safe and her eyes widened. "They took everything. They even took the Heart!" Ironclad blinked, her reaction hidden under her helmet. "I'm sorry -- the Heart?" Meagan nodded, turning back to face the heroes. "Yes, the Heart of the Phoenix! It's a gemstone I bought in Greece, it's --" "A sixteen and a half carat ruby," Ironclad interrupted. Once she had a name, the technopath went hunting through cyberpace and she read out the information as quick as she could assimilate it. "Supposed to be a treasure of Troy. According to the Aenid, was taken by the city's survivors as part of their treasury. First appears in the historical record as part of Ceaser's regalia. Was looted by the Goths when Rome fell, eventually turned up in the Ottoman Empire. Was acquired by a British Army major sometime before World War One. Used by Lady Celtic in several rituals during World War Two, passed to a private collection afterwards." As Ironclad trailed off Meagan sniffed sharply, rather peeved that her spotlight had been stolen. "You didn't mention the most important part," she snapped. "It's always warm." "Yes," Ironclad replied, "her voice soft and vague. "It keeps a consistent temperature of ninety-nine point eight degrees Fahrenheit. Exactly human body temperature. I wonder what could account for that? An exothermic chemical reaction? But why would it still be going this long?" The young woman seemed to snap back to the here and now and looked at Meagan. "After we retrieve it, would you let me take a core sample?" The actress merely sniffed again and tossed her hair.
  6. Glowstar made a hole in the energy wall for Changeling to duck under, and the security guards on the other side raised the gate far enough for her to pass. While his teammate was talking among the civilians, he turned to face the miniature general. After a moment the hero spoke up. "Why in the world are you doing this? Why are you working so hard, putting so many people in danger, just to find one person?" "He's our leader," the general replied. "He's the only one authorized to give us orders." "Except for finding him and destroying all in your path, apparently," Glowstar pointed out.
  7. The Mayans were right and this is a sign of the apocalypse?
  8. Brian stood and waited for Gwen to wrap herself up properly, then let her out of the greenhouse, checking to make sure that the door sealed and latched properly. It had become second nature in the last few months when he left the greenhouse to make sure that there was no way the cold weather could get in to harm the plants. With that he put an arm around Gwen's shoulder (still not feeling the cold) and hurried her across the snow to the dorms. Halfway through he started laughing more or less at random. This, this was what he needed; he could feel good feelings bubbling up in him almost despite all the dark thoughts in his head. The pair of teens stumbled indoors and up the stairs, stealing kisses from each other when they thought they could. Eventually they managed to get into Brian's room and lock the door behind themselves; by that time, they didn't care which bed they fell into first.
  9. Brian's skin tingled pleasantly when Gwen kissed it and he squirmed in his seat. Part of him wanted to lay her out and do, well, all sorts of things to her right there, but the fact that there were glass walls all around rather spoiled the idea. Then an idea occurred to him. "You know," he said, shifting on the bench to slip an arm around Gwen and kissing her forehead, "they haven't gotten around to giving me a new roommate since Morgan left, right before Christmas. That means I technically have a room to myself." He leaned down and kissed her lips. "If that means anything to you."
  10. Brian grinned at Gwen suddenly. "A different person? I don't think so. Maybe a bit... I dunno. More me? Mostly I've just been trying to figure out big questions, like what I want to do and why I want to do it. You know, answers to life, the universe, all that jazz." He blushed as she started looking him over. "And I.. While you were... I mean... Oh, to hell with it." He leaned in close and kissed Gwen, inhaling her scent and feeling a tingling spread from where their lips touched all the way down to his toes. After a moment he pulled back and licked his lips. "I really missed that."
  11. Brian brushed a long lock of Gwen's hair back behind her shoulder. "I've thought about that for awhile," he said. "Talked to some people who know... quite a bit more than be about the Terminus. I guess I kind of figured out that this is like my parents, but way bigger. I mean, I was always worried that people would learn that they used to be villains, you know? Just another thing that I'm fighting against as a hero." He took a deep breath. "Which I don't think is a really good reason to be a hero. Fighting against something? Fighting to stop other people from seeing you a certain way? I don't think I agree with that. I'm not giving up on fighting the bad guys, but I'm thinking... I don't know. 'Fight for the world because the world's worth fighting for' seems kind of trite, but I don't know if there is a better reason to do things." He looked down at Gwen, smiling slightly. "You really don't have a problem with the T-Baby thing?"
  12. Brian half-smiled and rubbed at his nose with one hand. "Well, no one's been expelled, anyway." He lead Gwen to one of the benches and they sat down facing the water, his arm still around her shoulders. "Morgan went back to Boston, said he had some all-fire important training program to do." Brian frowned and squeezed Gwen's shoulder. He wasn't sure how Victoria was handling that. She seemed okay with it, but he wasn't about to pry. "Everyone else is doing... pretty well. Um." He inhaled deeply and turned to Gwen, pulling his arm back and taking her hand. "There's something I've got to tell you, Gwen. I was pretty sure about it before you left but I never got a chance to tell you, and while you were away I made sure. I'm... I'm a Terminus Baby." He fell quiet, waiting for her response.
  13. Brian wondered what he'd do if one of his parents died, moreover if they died in front of him and he knew that he could have, should have saved them. Maybe he'd go a little crazy; property damage would certainly ensue. It was good that Gwen's father had been saved by someone else, but he didn't want to imagine what kind of torture she'd gone through. "I didn't... No one told... I'm sorry, Gwen." He squeezed her tightly, letting her lean against him. "Listen, I understand if you need some time to get your head on straight. Just, promise you'll let me know when you're feeling... normal. I guess."
  14. Character Name: Jolly Regina Power Level: 7 (105/105PP) Trade-Offs: +2 DC/-2 Att, +3 Tou/-3 Def In Brief: A fangirl with the wrong idea about her idol takes to the street with a battlesuit to 'help' him. Alternate Identity: Molly O'Connell Identity: Secret Birthplace: Sumner Run, Iowa, United States Occupation: Super-criminal, grad student Affiliations: The Freebooter (she claims), Hanover Institute of Technology Family: Mother, father, siblings Description: Age: 22 (1989) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Scots-Irish Height: 5' 0"/6' 3" in armor Weight: 75 lbs/400 lbs in armor Eyes: Green Hair: Brown Outside of her armor, Molly O'connel is a rather unassuming-looking woman, short and slim. Her mousey-brown hair usually left long and brushed to cover her emerald eyes. She prefers to dress in loose clothes that hide the shape of her body and rarely makes eye contact if she can avoid it. The Jolly Regina suit is pitch black, aside from the white skull-helmet and the white markings on the wings that spread out from the back. Power Descriptions: Molly is the designer and creator of the Jolly Regina, a suit of super-advanced armor. In addition to its mass which gives it a hefty punch, the suit can leap amazingly long distances and utilizes an integrated gatling cannon. If she faces an unusual challenge, Molly can also devise unique contraptions to help her past them. History: Molly O'Connell was born in Sumner Run, a sleepy farming town in Iowa where not much had changed since the Fifties. She was an incredibly smart young woman though, and more interested in noodling around with her family's defunct microwave than the 'normal' female activities. She very nearly monopolized her family's internet connection; even when she wasn't actively surfing, she was usually downloading or uploading something. She taught herself how to build machines and circuits, how to program and hack a mainframe. For her high school science project she built a supercomputer out of parts from the city's scrap metal yard. For her genius she was awarded a full ride at HIT. As she settled into life in the city, Personality & Motivation: (Describe here) Powers & Tactics: (In-character descriptions of how they do their thing) Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 0 + 0 = 0PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +0 Melee, +0 Ranged Grapple: +0 Defense: +0 (+0 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +0 Flat-Footed Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Toughness: +0 (+0 Con, +0 [Other]) Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con, +0) Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0) Will: +0 (+0 Wis, +0) Skills: 0R = 0PP [skill] [# of Ranks] (+[Total Bonus]) [skill] [# of Ranks] (+[Total Bonus]) [skill] [# of Ranks] (+[Total Bonus]) Examples: Craft (Structural) 5 (+5)Skill Mastery (would be used for someone with 5 ranks in the skill and a +0 Int modifier) Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10)Second Chance (would be used for someone with 8 ranks in the skill and a +2 Int modifier) Languages 2 (English, French [Native], German) (would be used for someone who speaks those three languages, but learned French first) Notice 5 (+4) (would be used for someone with 5 ranks in the skill and a -1 Wis modifier) Feats: 0PP [Feat Name] [Feat Name] [Feat Name] Examples: Accurate Attack Dodge Focus 2 Equipment 2 (10EP) Luck 2 ~OR~ Name (power breakdown, if applicable) [XEP] Example: Please note that the Equipment quoteblock is only applicable if your character has the Equipment feat. Powers: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Power/Array Name (Extras: ???, ???, Flaws: ???, ???, Feats: ???, ???, Drawbacks: ???, ???) [XPP] (Descriptive Name, Descriptors) Base Power: Power Name (Descriptive Name, Descriptors; Extras: ???, ???; Flaws: ???, ???; Feats: ???, ???; Drawbacks: ???, ???) {power cost/array cost} Alternate Power: Power Name (Descriptive Name, Descriptors; Extras: ???, ???; Flaws: ???, ???; Feats: ???, ???; Drawbacks: ???, ???) {power cost/array cost} Device 1 (Descriptive Name, Descriptors; 5PP Container; Extras: ???; Flaws: Easy/Hard-To-Lose, ???; Feats: ???; Drawbacks: ???) [3/4PP] Power Name (Descriptive Name, Descriptors; Extras: ???, ???; Flaws: ???, ???; Feats: ???, ???; Drawbacks: ???, ???) [XPP] Examples: Electrical Control 10 (20PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [22PP] Base Power: Blast 10 (Chain Lightning; Extras: Autofire; Flaws: Action [Full]; Feats: Accurate; Drawbacks: Full Power) {20/20} Alternate Power: Blast 10 (Ball Lightning; Extras: Area [50-ft. Burst, General]; Flaws: Distracting) {20/20} Alternate Power: Stun 6 (taser blast; Extras: Range [Ranged]) {18/20} Device 2 (Mighty Shield; 10PP Container; Flaws: Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Indestructible) [9PP] Damage 3 (Feats: Improved Critical, Mighty, Thrown) [6PP] Force Field 2 [2PP] Shield 2 [2PP] NOTE: If your powers do not have any Extras, Flaws, Feats or Drawbacks, you do not need to include those categories. I.e., if you have a plain Blast 10 (a bolt of fire), all you need to write is "Blast 10 (fire bolt) [20PP]". If all Powers have the same Descriptor (all Mutant, all Tech, etc.), you can just write that under the Powers header. Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP Drawback (Description; Frequency: [uncommon, Common, or Very Common]; Intensity: [Minor, Moderate, or Major]) [-XPP] Example: Vulnerability (Fire; Frequency: Common; Intensity: Major [x2]) [-4PP] (Please note that you can only have a number of drawbacks equal to your PL, not including power drawbacks. Also, power drawbacks, such as Full Power or Power Loss, should be listed on the power, not here.) DC Block (see below) Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 (or 150/150) Power Points
  15. Brian felt his anger drain out of him in a moment. Gwen hadn't simply run away from Claremont or even from him. She'd gone away to try and help -- try and save -- her father. He mind flashed to his own dad and knew he would've done the same thing. And he was trying to give her a hard time... He took a step forward and folded his arms around her, holding her close as she began crying. "It's alright," he said, his voice quiet. He wanted to ask her what had happened, but he refrained from it; if she didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't force her.
  16. Brian felt a flash of, strangely, anger. She just disappeared for who-knew-where and now she was back, and all he got was "hi" and her drying her feet? Mind, Gwen drying her toes wasn't something he disliked watching, but he was expecting a little more from her. He took a deep breath against the conflicting emotions even as his face flushed. "I'd heard you'd gone back to live with your family for a bit," he said. "I didn't know if you were coming back. Is this just a visit to check on the plants?" He gestured limply to the greenery surrounding them.
  17. Ironclad walked into the room cautiously, sensors active and scanning. She had insisted on being the first in, reasoning that her thick armor and sensing equipment made her best suited to weather any surprise attack, but she was disappointed. The room seemed as empty as the rest of the base had been, so she gestured the rest of the heroes in and wandered over to read the note. "This is getting more than faintly ridiculous," she pointed out. "The notes, the absence of anyone, the nice tone of everything. It's creeping me out." Her eyes stared upwards as she tried to put it all together into a sensible picture. The disparate pieces didn't match any villain she could think of, but maybe... "I don't suppose," she offered, "that anyone here has recently befriended a hero with an aquatic theme and a paranoid streak? And recommended the rest of us in glowing terms?"
  18. Glowstar set down on the green quad of the Claremont Academy. He'd been out patrolling for most of the day, and while he wasn't exactly tired he was a bit mentally overwhelmed by all he had done. It had been a very full Saturday for him so far, and right now all he wanted to do was to get to his room and watch a movie or something. Just basically veg out. He touched the high collar of his costume and it retracted into a gunmetal gray ring on his finger. He was left wearing a polo shirt and worn jeans, but he didn't seem bothered by the snow on the ground. He walked towards the dorms, going out of his way to tread on untouched snow and hearing the crunch underneath. Perhaps that's why he detoured close to the greenhouse. He glanced inside and noticed a girl with long hair sitting next to the pond. He glanced away, then did a double take. That was Gwen! The young man hopped into the air for a quick moment, red light burning around him, and landed near the door. He took a deep breath to settle his nerves, opened the door and stepped inside, making sure to close it quickly and firmly behind him. He stepped up the pond and faced Gwen, working hard to keep a wide smile off his face. Seeing her again after her long absence was like wrapping himself in a warm blanket, but he knew there was something he needed to talk about. He cleared his throat to get her attention. "Hey... hey there, Gwen."
  19. There was a slight woosh of in-rushing air and Starlight disappeared from 'his' position. A heartbeat later Catalyst could see 'him' kneeling next to the unconscious bandit. 'He' touched the real man's shoulder and they disappeared again, only to reappear right back in the middle of town. Starlight stood up quickly and looked towards the line of retreating vigilantes. "Did they notice?" 'he' asked even as a hand of solid light lifted the unconscious man into the air and floated him behind a wall, keeping him out of sight of his compatriots.
  20. Um... She has Know/Life Sciences! And Skill Mastery, which gives her auto-15. I think I have a few too much Skill Mastery.
  21. Starlight took the journal back and held it closed, staring at the cover. "I may know who is responsible for this," she admitted, "but if I am right then to confront him will take... preparations." She looked up at Arcturus. "When it comes time to storm his citadel, I shall keep you mind for it, warrior. It will not be easy to break through his defenses, if it is who I think it is." She walked towards the building's exit, pausing at the door. "I shall keep in touch with you, Arcturus." And with that she was gone, disapperating and vanishing.
  22. Do you want medicine, a Knowledge check, or just the roll for Healing? Also, edit'ed.
  23. Using Healing on the CEO, should fix him up pretty well.
  24. The motes of light slammed together and Starlight was floating there, looking around herself with eyes of molten gold. They fixed on the bloodied CEO and she stepped forward, bright white light gathering around her hands. She kneeled and touched the woman's shoulder, the light flowing from the heroine and enveloping her body; in a moment the bleeding stopped and she started breathing easier. "He shall survive," Starlight said, just as the elevator doors opened. She looked around and glared at the conveyance, standing slowly. "She needs no further immediate attention, but I shall escort her to the hospital."
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