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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Done by Ecal. Also, your Str score for the new CO power was wrong, so I corrected it. Starlight :arrow: Replacing CO with Movable CO, losing Tether as a feat to keep it under cost.
  2. Blob's Ini. (1d20+1=6) Ironclad's Ini. (1d20+5=25) I guess Ironclad's going first! Initiative 25 Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HPx4 17 Catalyst -- Uninjured -- HPx2 6 Blob -- Uninjured -- GM
  3. Jessica Parker had dressed for a business meeting this morning in a charcoal gray suit, dark flats, a blindingly white silk blouse, and a dark vest. Her short hair was held back off her face with a pair of brushed steel clips, and the only jewelery she wore was a titanium bracelet. She approached the Center in her own car and by a different route than the Lab van she had signed out for Silhouette and Cannonade. All told the subterfuge was a different approach for her, and quite invigorating. Still, she worked to keep her face neutral as she walked up to the building and met Wilkins. "Coffee's always welcome," she said, "but I was hoping we could get down to business quickly, Director Wilkins. The Lab's always interested in cutting-edge, radical techniques and your results can't be argued with. I think we have much to offer each other."
  4. Couple of notes vis a vie Ironclad's set-up: basically Geckoman has been set up with a fake identity as an intern at the Lab. Officially, he's a psychology student attached to the medical section. I also think Ironclad would have time to jury-rig something like a Bluetooth headset rewired to only pick up some absurdly high frequency, so that she can transmit to him (using Communication) without a problem. I don't know how well she'll be able to communicate with Cannonade in the van as the distance on both her talents is only 100 ft, but if worst comes to worst she can boost it with Extra Effort. Oh, and FYI? Clad's Invention should still be useable since she never turned it on in the nightclub.
  5. So did the Disable Device check work? Seems like it didn't, but I want to make sure.
  6. Starlight shifted back to her heroic form, still holding the teacup stiffly. Catalyst made several points that were near and dear to her own heart -- not so much about American patriotism, but in regards to personal liberty. After all, the Light existed, in part, to bring freedom to the oppressed, not to help the oppressors! But Lord Steam's answer mollified it somewhat. "If there is a problem that we turn up," she said, "what are we expected to do? Go to a military agency on this other world? Come back here and report to you? Or should we use our discretion and deal with it?"
  7. Asad gets teleported! And gets a HP for being taken out of the fight by fiat.
  8. Asad's fist buried itself in Smash's solar plexus and drove the huge man back, wheezing. Trap Door scowled and slammed his kenitistaff into the side of Asad's head. The hero stumbled to the side and fell through the door into the bedroom -- fell literally, as he suddenly found himself passing through a freezing cold space that stole the breath from his lungs. Trap Door snapped his fingers and the portal closed behind the hero, nodded smartly, and went back to his theft. For his part, Asad found himself suddenly falling out of a door onto a wooden platform. He certainly wasn't in the same apartment as before; this one was done in shades of white and cream, with the platform he was on in front of a... elevator door? The elevator shaft was in the very center of the room, and the platform turned out to be a landing on a spiral staircase that wound around it and lead upwards. The four walls were all glass and it seemed that Asad hadn't moved very far, but -- His thoughts were interrupted when the staircase vibrated with heavy steps and he heard an angry voice speak to him. "Whoever you are, stay on the ground while I call the police." Asad turned his head to see Ironclad, in full armor, standing on the steps -- aiming her wrist blasters at him.
  9. Ironclad raised an eye at Silhoutte's actions, but didn't make a move to stop her. If the other woman wanted to do a recon, then that was her decision to make. Instead, she addressed Cannonade and Geckoman. "So Geckoman, if you can get to the Lab by eight, eight fifteen tomorrow morning and ask for me, I'll have your identity all set up. And maybe a couple of extra toys. Cannonade, we should get to the Center by eight forty-five or so, traffic pending. Sound good?"
  10. The bad guys are AA's Magmin and Icy Genius knocked down to PL 8 caps. Heat Wave's Ini. (1d20+7=21) Cold Front's Ini. (1d20+5=22) Starlight's Ini. (1d20+7=10) Of course.
  11. "As far out as I can," Liz said truthfully. I want to vicit every planet in the galaxy before I'm done. which is another reason why I'm not going to be in Freedom City forever, I suppose." Just then, the front door of the cafe literally exploded inwards, shards of glass and superheated metal spalling over the customers. Liz stripped out of her sweater and dropped it on the floor as she turned towards the entrance just in time to see two unseasonably dressed woman lugging overstuffed backpacks dash inside. One was wearing a red bikini with an orange flame motif, and the other was clad in a white and blue skisuit, complete with polarized goggles. Goggles stopped just inside the cafe and gestured at the frontage, and instantly a thick sheet of ice formed over the whole thing. Bikini sauntered into the cafe like she owned it, turning slowly to watch everyone. "Humble city of Freedom," she said, "I am Heat Wave, and over by the door is Cold Front." Cold Front disappeared into the kitchen, returning quickly with the few employees not out front already. "Do what we tell you, and we'll only take your wallet, m'kay?" Heat Wave dropped her backpacks on the counter, and now the heroes realized that the bags were stuffed full of bills!
  12. Ironclad :arrow: 2 PP into skills. 5 ranks of Know/Tech, 3 ranks of Know/Physical Sciences. Metalshod by Supercape
  13. Starlight :arrow: Bought Quick Change 2 for Morph :arrow: Bought Feature (Sound Mimicry) linked to Morph. Illuminated by Supercape
  14. Starlight picked up one of the tea cups and examined it carefully, before pouring a bit of the hot liquid into it. She was aware that caffeinated drinks were often offered when relaxing, and that such apparently paradoxical behavior was often so ingrained as to be invisible to the host culture; but didn't this nation favor coffee as the caffeine medium, over tea? Nevertheless, she held the cup as she spoke. "I am Starlight," she said simply. "I bear the power of the White Light; the power to heal and harm, the power to promote liberty and tear down tyrants." She debated in her head briefly for a moment, then added, "I also am... gifted with the ability of a more malleable form than most." To demonstrate, her body shrank slightly and her golden armor softened to tweed and cotton. In moments she was a mirror-image of their host. "As you can imagine," she continued, still speaking in her 'heroic voice,' "it can be useful skill when infiltration is called for."
  15. ASIMO Dances I'm not sure whether to put this here or in the thread, but since I ended up laughing so damn hard...
  16. The bad guy(s) are AA's Hulking Blob with the Octopus Hero in reserve.
  17. Jessica turned the ball over and over in her hand as she considered the idea. It had merit, certainly, but how much the young woman wasn't sure of off the top of her head. She's have to consult a dietician for that -- the Lab kept one on staff, in the medical section. In the meantime, she put the ball back and hopped off the desk. "If you want environmental data, we have full-range simulators on site. Not as precise as a chem lab, but it's really real weather and --" Jessica's speech was interrupted when the lid of the grate under one of the chemical showers was pushed up and out. A luminescent green ooze began to push its was out of the drain. Jessica blinked and took a step backward. "Jasmine. Get out of here, now!"
  18. Glowstar didn't seem inclined to take that much time. He just found the first door marked "Employees Only" and barreled through. He found himself in a amaze of unpainted service corridors, but after a few minutes of opening doors and glancing inside, he found one with black and white TV screens on three walls and a couple of guys in mall security uniforms staring at them in horror. One turned and made to shoo the teens out, but then got a good look at what they were wearing. "Oh thank God," he said. "Heroes." He dragged them over to the bank of televisions and they could clearly see the toy soldiers and plastic tanks on most of them. "They just appeared a few minutes ago," the guard said, "but they're already all over the place!" He turned tot he two heroes, his expression hopeful. Glowstar realized with a shock that this man expected him and Changeling to just fix things, but the young man didn't know where to even start! Dammit, I just wanted to pick up a present for Gwen and hang out with Etain! "Listen, um." Glowstar squinted at the man's nametag. "Larry. Me and my teammate need to... confer. Plan, you know?" He pulled Changeling back to the door. "Any ideas?"
  19. Starlight had received the message at work, hand-delivered from Langston Albright at the bottom of another pile of letters he had ordered her to distribute around the office. She hid in a supply closet to read it. The envelope had the Freedom League's symbol on it, the paper inside bore a strange devices she'd never seen before: two dogs, standing on a cogwheel, with a trumpet rising between them. The message itself was short and to the point, and she read it over several times before folding it away and returning to her job. At the appointed time a cluster of bright motes of light swirled over the peak of Steam Manor, floating over and around the many crenelations and chimneys before seeping in through an open window. They passed through the interior walls and drifted into place above the tea set, rushing together and revealing the white-and-gold form of Starlight. She glanced around and down, drifting to a place on the carpet. She formed a mouth long enough to frown and say, "I was summoned here for a mission. I didn't think tea would factor into it."
  20. Wellspring forfeits his turn. Next up are Bonnie Blue and Lord Steam, neither of whom can act. So we're on to Young Brittania's turn!
  21. Actually you could make an Int check to get a DC 10 or 15 answer, but let's move it along. The symbol belongs to Hopolite Security, a PMC that works hard to avoid the media limelight. There have been rumors, though, that they have been involved in kidnapping of people with superpowers, and that the technology they deploy is leaps and bounds beyond what's available to their competitors/the public.
  22. Is the Concealment inside the suit from all Visual, Auditory, and Olfactory senses? Concealment from an entire sense type as opposed to a single sense (Concealment vs. all Visual Senses as opposed to Concealment vs. Infravision, for an example) costs 2 ranks for each sense type; double that for Visual senses! So right now his Concealment could protect against one Visual sense, one Auditory sense, and one Olfactory sense. Or it could protect against all Auditory and Olfactory sense types; or it could protect against all Visual sense types.
  23. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Reactor Power Level: 7 (105/105) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Alternate Identity: Anthony 'Tony' Costa Identity: Secret Birthplace: Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Description: Age: ??? (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Apparent Age: (if applicable) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair: (Describe what they look like!) Power Descriptions: (Describe what their powers look like, if applicable) History: (Please remember we are a relatively family friendly site. Your story should be PG-13 at most. If your character wouldn't fit in an episode of Justice League Unlimited, The Dresden Files, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, please rethink it.) Personality & Motivation: (Describe here) Powers & Tactics: Complications: Chip on His Shoulder Tony has a lot of pride. Pride in his blue-collar background, pride in his technical skill, and pride in the power of his suit. The quickest way to get a reaction out of him, especially an angry reaction, is to insult him. Future Me Scares Me Abilities: 0 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 18PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 6 + 8 = 14PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +3 Melee, +3 Ranged, +7 Blast, +7 Strike Grapple: +3 Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +3 Flat-Footed), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 4 + 3 + 4 = 10PP Toughness: +7 (+1 Con, +6 Protection) Fortitude: +5 (+1 Con, +4) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3) Will: +5 (+1 Wis, +4) Skills: 48R = 12PP Computers 2 (+5) Craft (Electronics) 7 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 7 (+10) Disable Device 2 (+5) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 12 (+15) Notice 6 (+7) Sense Motive 5 (+6) Feats: 8PP Dodge Focus 3 Eidetic Memory Equipment 3Gold Reward Improved Initiative Inventor Online Research Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Urban Exploration Kit [4EP] Gas Mask [1EP] Flashlight [1EP] Multitool [1EP] Climbing Rope [1EP] Motorcycle Cobbled-Together Warehouse Working Space [11EP] Size: Medium [1EP]Toughness: +10 [1EP] Features Concealed 2Fire Prevention SystemGarageGymLaboratoryLibrarySecurity SystemWorkshop Powers: 41 + 2 = 43PP Armor (43PP; Feat: Drawback: Action/Full Round) (Name) (Descriptor) [41PP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Improvised Tools) (Name) (Descriptor) [1PP] Flight 2 (25MPH) (Plasma Jets) (Descriptor) [4PP] Protection 6 (Armor Plating) (Descriptor) [6PP] Immunity 5 (Cold, heat, high pressure, radiation, breathe underwater) (Name) (Descriptor) [5PP] Super-Senses 2 (Counters Visual Obscure [Darkness]) (Name) (Descriptor) [2PP] Array 11.5 (23PP, Feats: Alternate Power 2) (Name) (Descriptor) [25PP] BE: Blast 7 (Extra: Autofire [7], Feat: Accurate 2) (Plasma) (Name)BE: Blast 7 (Extra: Area/General [burst], Feat: Progression/Area 2 [25 ft/rank]) (Plasma) (Name) BE: Enhanced Strength 10 (Extra: Linked/Super-Strength [+0]) + Super-Strength 2(Str 30, Feat: Bracing, Extra: Linked/Enhanced Strength [+0]) (Name) (Descriptor) [15PP]Strike 2 (Feat: Accurate 2, Mighty, Takedown Attack) [6PP] (Name) (Descriptor) Armor AI (2PP) (Keet) (AI, Technology) [2PP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Power Attack) (Name) (Descriptor) [1PP] Feature 1 (Library) (Name) (Descriptor) [1PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block (see below)Totals: Abilities (18) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (12) + Feats (8) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points
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