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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Critical Power Level: 7 (105/105 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Engineered to be a slave, he lives as free as possible. Alternate Identity: Adam Frei, Adem Identity: Public Birthplace: Inside the Stellar Khanate Occupation: Adventurer, professional superhero. Affiliations: None Family: None Description: Age: 20 (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Genetically engineered lifeform Height: Weight: Eyes: Green/Green Hair: Green/Black Adam Frei is a short, slim man with dark hair and dark, green eyes. His face is rounded and open, and his skin has the sort of tan that comes from being out of doors most of your life. Power Descriptions: Adem has been genetically engineered to be an ideal gladiatorial opponent, naturally strong, tough, and (Describe what their powers look like, if applicable) History: (Please remember we are a relatively family friendly site. Your story should be PG-13 at most. If your character wouldn't fit in an episode of Justice League Unlimited, The Dresden Files, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, please rethink it.) Personality & Motivation: Adem is a free-spirited individual, always focused on the moment and how he can wring maximum enjoyment from it rather than planning for the future. He's not malicious, he just prefers to enjoy what he has now rather than what he could have in the future. This includes flirting with just about any woman who enters his line of sight. Adem is a performer, and never happier then when he can show off his athleticism, his good looks, or his quick wit. If there is one thing Adem is truly passionate about, it is freedom and liberty. He has been a slave, been a commodity who only existed to fight and die at the pleasure of others; he cannot and will not sit by when those with power use it to crush or subdue others. Powers & Tactics: (In-character descriptions of how they do what they do) Complications Not From This Planet Adem was born far, far away from Earth. Earth culture and Earth customs are strange to him; while he's assimilated well enough not to raise too much suspicion, he could still commit a faux pas. Green-skinned Alien Adem has an alien machine that helps disguise his non-human features, but if something happens to the disguise it would be very difficult for him to hide. Couch Surfer Adam Frei has no fixed address, and relies upon the kindness of (mostly female) strangers to not be sleeping on the street. Bounty Head Adem is a runaway slave in the Khanate, and his genes are a valuable commodity elsewhere. Bounties hunters are coming. Shiver Shiver Adem has no body fat; cold environments are even less pleasant for him than they would be other people. Ladies Man Adam Frei has a hard time not hitting on women. Rubber Band Luck Adem has wildly varying luck. When things go right, they go very, very right, and when things go wrong it is spectacular. "I call it improvising!" Adem lives in the now, and that means he can go off a plan pretty easily. Abilities: 6 + 6 + 6 + 0 + 2 + 8 = 28PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 6 + 8 = 14PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +7 Melee, +7 Ranged Grapple: +15 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3/-1 Saving Throws: 1 + 3 + 3 = 7PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +4 Defensive Roll) Fortitude: +4 (+3 Con, +1) Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +4 (+1 Wis, +3) Skills: 40R = 10PP Acrobatics 10 (+15) Bluff 7 (+11, +15Attractive) Diplomacy 7 (+11, +15Attractive) Gather Information 4 (+10) Knowledge (Galactic) 5 (+5) Language 2 (English, Galstandard, KhanateNative) Notice 5 (+6) Feats: 16PP Acrobatic Bluff Attack Focus (Melee) 4 Attractive Connected Defensive Roll 2 Dodge Focus 3 Luck 2 Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Taunt Powers: 10 + 5 + 17 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 37PP Device 3 (15 PP, Easy to Lose, Feat: Subtle) (Gladiatorial Weapon) (Alien, Technology) [10PP] Battle Mode 10 (14PP, Feat: Alternate Power 1) [15PP] BE: Strike 4 (Extra: Autofire [7] Feat: Mighty, Stunning Attack, Takedown Attack) (Battle Sticks) (Bludgeoning) [20PP]AP: Blast 7 (Battle Staff) (Kinetic) [20PP] Device 1 (5 PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Subtle) (Holo-costume Ring) (Alien, Technology) [5PP] Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) (Holo-costume) [1PP] Morph 4 (Adam Frei form, +20 Morph) [4PP] Device 5 (20 PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Subtle) (Monocle Computer) (Alien, Technology) [17PP] Communication 5 (Radio, Feat: Subtle) (Earbud Communicator) [6PP] Comprehend 3 (Understand & Read Any Language, Speak Any One Language) (Universal Communicator) [6PP] Enhanced Feat 4 (Attack Focus [Ranged] 4) (Telemetry Computer) [4PP] Super-Senses 4 (Radio, Direction Sense, Distance Sense) (On-Board Computer) [4PP] Leaping 1 (x2, move action) (Faster, Stronger, Higher) (Alien, Genetic, Mutation) [1PP] Immunity 2 (Disease, Poison) (Perfect Biology) (Alien, Genetic, Mutation) [2PP] Super-Senses 2 (Visual Counters Obscure [Darkness]) (Slitted Eyes) (Alien, Genetic, Mutation) [2PP] Drawbacks: (-4) = -4PP Weakness to Cold (Major [DC x 2]) [4PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) (NOTE: The easiest way to get your DC Block to line up is to write it out in a word processor in a Courier font, then just copy/paste it into your post.) Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (7) + Skills (10) + Feats (16) + Powers (37) - Drawbacks (4) = 108/105 Power Points
  2. Ironclad Seal of Sedna Cup of Gigawatts Public Anomie Hot Goods (also GM posts) Cold Front Glowstar School Counselor Playing With Toys Starlight Not My Best Side Freeks and Geeks Playing to a Packed House Yanks in Tanks Light Lunch Double Pink GM Hot Goods (also IC as Ironclad) Science Shenanigans Pass the Plate
  3. That does indeed hit. So Smash's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+13=17) That's not a good result.
  4. When searching the soldiers (which you could Take 10 or 20 on) you notice a small badge with a peculiar symbol: a round shield, subdivided into a number of hexagons by thin black lines. The soldiers are also wearing radios and ear buds under their armor, but if you try to take them more than a few inches from the body they are on they fry themselves. You could try a Know/Current Events to try and identify the symbol.
  5. Brian lowered himself onto the bench, giving Murdock a good look up and down before switching his gaze to the top of the school buildings. He opened his mouth, shut it, thought more, and then opened it again to speak. "Is the Terminus evil?" He spoke rapidly after that, almost running over his words. "I mean, I know it's where Omega and his whole crew live, but we have some really bad guys living here, right? Overshadow and Donar back during World War 2, and now folks like Red Death and Mastermind and god knows what else. But this place, Earth, our dimension, whatever, it's not inherently, basically evil. But... the Terminus is different, right? Is there anything good there?" He paused and added, "Can anything good come from it?"
  6. Brian Harris normally had history class this period, but he'd handed his teacher a note straight from Headmaster Summers and been excused. Summers had called Brian in at the beginning of the week and told the young man that he had set up an interview with someone very special, someone with a personal take on the Terminus. Brian had found the tests at ArcheTech to be illuminating, but not really satisfying on a personal level. It seemed Miss Americana's understanding of things was very detached and, well, scientific. Brian had hoped for some more well-rounded answers and it seemed like he was about to get them. Brian walked out onto the quad dressed in jeans and a Rockets tee-shirt. He didn't seem to notice the cold, and crunched over the frosted grass straight towards Murdock. He stopped a fair distance away and stood tall in front of the older man. "Steve Murdock," he said. "My name's Brian Harris."
  7. GM Trap Door moved forward with an odd sort of sideways shuffle, spinning the glowing kinetistaff easily. Once in range, he jabbed at Asad's face with the butt of the staff; the hero had enough presence of mind to move his head in time, though, and the staff simply shattered some floortiles. He spat and backed off, making room for Smash. "Step on 'im, Smash," he instructed his steel-skinned ally; and the metallic thief stepped up, eagerly stomping on Asad's stomach. Or where it wood be, if the absorbing hero hadn't rolled at the last moment. Now the two thieves retreated, watching warily as the hero climbed to his feet.
  8. Starlight blends in everywhere.
  9. Starlight glanced at the injured girl. "I know a little about how the body works," she said, "but I do know that life springs from the Light." She reached out with her other hand and extended the healing energies over the speedster. "Feel the Light. Let it into you and let it flow through you. Know the power of the Light, and let it bring you back from the threshold of death. Be healed!"
  10. Liz sipped the tea slowly, trying to take the measure of the two detectives. Detective Burns seemed half asleep, and anyway looked like someone who had been serving and protecting Freedom City for a long time. Such officers usually learned what kind of madness could be encountered in the city, and learned to accept some of the weirder explanations. Like 'aliens threw my car on top of the building,' or 'strange-looking guys in robes stole half my house,' or indeed 'a Grue invader kidnapped me for my mind and a superhero saved me.' "I am fine," Liz said, keeping her voice steady. "I told you, the Grue appeared in my apartment and captured me. Starlight fought it and forced it to release me. She told me that the Grue was looking for a little boy who lives in the apartment building. Apparently he's a very powerful psychic and Grue do not like them -- or at least that is what she told me. I do not know anything about those aliens." She sighed and rubbed her eyes with one hand. "Can I go back home, now? I would very much like to take a name."
  11. Starlight can Skill Master Bluff at 22.
  12. Starlight blinked as the hulking giant shrunk rapidly and collapsed. She took a few tentative steps forward, wary for any kind of deception, but when she saw the blood streaming from his head she rushed forward. The heroine's hands glowed brightly as she brought for the healing power of Light. She laid her hands on his chest, willing the energy to go through him and the repair the damages. "Now is not your time to depart," she said softly. "Come back to us, and feel the restorative powers of the Light."
  13. GM Jacob rushed over to the hole in the wall and leaned out of it, trying to spot the fog as it sped away. He punched and kicked the remaining fragment of wall, yelling out in anger and fear. Cathy moved over to Wail, bouncing the crying newborn on her shoulder. "Keith! Oh my god. These men, they blew our wall down! They had guns and... they rushed in and kidnapped Lamont!" Jacob strode over, pain and anger written clearly over his face. "Please. Please. Please! You have to get my boy back. Promise me!"
  14. Pretty solid build all around. I would again recommend lowering exotic saves, but you don't really need to. As for Linked powers, they use a single AP slot. So the Blast is the base power of the array, Strike + Stun is a single AP, the Snare is a single AP. However, the Blast cannot be linked to the Stun like that. They'd need to be in the same 'slot' to be Linked. There's a couple of formatting errors, like you'd probably want to list the speeds for the Flight, but that's about it.
  15. First things first: It's an interesting concept. We have a couple of folks empowered by or native to the Terminus hanging around, so it'll be interesting to see how he reacts to them. That being said, there's several problems with the build as I see it. Mainly, no powers is a very bad idea. One of the core concepts of the M&M system is something called Extra Effort and Stunting, both of which let you do cool stuff but only with your superpowers. Since this guy has no superpowers, no Extra Effort or Stunting for him. There is no reason whatsoever to have all of your Attack and Defense be base Attack and Defense. Use Dodge Focus, use Attack Focus and Attack Specialization. They save you lots of points; they are your friend. His exotic saves (Fort, Will, Ref) are very high. As a rule, you want them to be = PL - 2. So a PL 10 character should look for them to equal out to ~8, for all three of them. According to our House Rules, Defensive Roll is +2 to Toughness, not +1 to Toughness/+1 to Reflex. So right now his Toughness is +15. I'm also not sure how much use he's going to get out of Improved Throw and Improved Trip with a grapple like he has. Straight off the bat, a blast pistol is not going to be accepted as Equipment. Yes, it's in the book, but in general Equipment is stuff you can go out and buy right now (and vehicles. Vehicles get a pass because they are ungodly expensive otherwise). Unless you can point to a blaster pistol in Colt or Heckler & Koch's magazine, it's not going to fly. The character concept seems solid, but right now I think you're trying to do something a bit too complicated for your understanding of M&M. Try flipping through the Oddball thread or Ecal's Improved Archetypes (both at the top of this forum) and check out how they build similar characters.
  16. They are out. Blown out of the hole in the wall, if you'd like.
  17. Starlight took in the apparent non-effect her blow had on the giant of a man, and decided to switch tactics. She gathered her power in her core and sent out a beam of overwhelming, shimmering light aimed at the large man's head. Ones chest is the not the most precise tool, however, and the ray of sunlight went awry, wasted on the shattered building. She cursed and moved slightly, trying to get a new angle on him. "Surrender peacefully," she said. "Your ally has already abandoned you. It is only a matter of time."
  18. So the big guy is Dazed and Bruised right now? Starlight's going to try and Dazzle him. Starlight's ranged attack check, vs Big Guy's Def. DC 20 Ref & DC 20 Fort (1d20+10=13) That is probably not going to hit.
  19. Smash's melee attack check w/ +5/-5 Power Attack, vs Asad's Def. DC 33 Tou (1d20+2=12) And Smash misses. Okay, GM post up shortly. 46 - Get-Away -- Uninjured -- GM 13 - Smash -- Uninjured -- GM 12 - Asad -- Bruisex1 -- HPx1 9 - Trap Door -- Uninjured -- GM
  20. Jessica picked up one of the protein balls and examined it closely. Food wasn't something that really interested her; in face, since she'd broken up with Blake, she hadn't done any cooking that didn't involve reheating prepacked meals. "The shape seems inefficient," she observed. "Spheres have terrible packing efficiency. Rectilinear shapes or triangles would pack together much better."
  21. The necromancer's throat closed with a squeak and before Arcturus could do anything rash, Starlight plucked the death mage away with fingers of light. "Be at peace, Arcturus!" The heroine physically placed herself between the floating necromancer and the werebear. "Do not let you rage o'ertake you. This one is not worth staining your soul with his death." Squriming in Starlight's luminescent grip, the necromancer nodded madly.
  22. Starlight climbed the bare concrete steps, mind moving as she planned her next step. She needed her Grue self to disappear, Elizabeth Moya to reappear, and ideally for Starlight to be seen defeating the Grue. Being in three place at once was a little beyond her powers, but with luck she wouldn't have to be... The stairwell went all the way to the roof and Starlight paused in front of the door. She morphed into Liz Moya, losing a food in height and redistributing her mass around her frame. She added bags under her eyes that the 'default' Liz didn't have, some bruises on her arms, and after a moment's thought her nose nose snapped to the side and flattened out, like it was broken. She held one hand out over the empty air in the center of the stairwell and summoned a series of intolerably bright flashes of light. With that done, she pushed open the door to the roof and stumbled out onto the gravel. The heroine wrapped her arms around herself and glanced around in feigned confusion, doing her best to look like a sick, injured alien abductee.
  23. As the heroes were herded along the corridors of the Lor spaceship, Ironclad's helmet was impassive. Normally it concealed a very different expression, but for once she was just as bored and unimpressed as the mask made her seem. Yes, the alien ship represented a wealth of technology, quite possibly decades ahead of anything comparable on Earth, but all she could see right now were gleaming, polished bulkheads. She didn't trust herself to be able to hack into the ship's computer without being detected, so she was pretty much stuck watching the Lor officers they were passing, but that didn't hold her interest either; after all, if brocade and medals mattered to her she'd take more interested in the day-to-day running of Dawes Tech. She nodded absently at Supercape's advice -- probably best to let him do most of the talking -- and trudged along.
  24. Gather Information will tell you that Trap Door, Get-Away, and Smash are members of a group of superpowered burglars that go by Larceny Inc. There's usually another member that goes by Grab, but she's (supposed to be) in jail right now. Trap Door's melee attack check w/ +2/-2 Power Attack, vs Asad's Def. DC 26 Tou (1d20+9=14) That'll hit. DC 26 Toughness save for Asad, please. 46 - Get-Away -- Uninjured -- GM 13 - Smash -- Uninjured -- GM 12 - Asad -- Bruisex1 + Daze (Smash) -- HPx1 9 - Trap Door -- Uninjured -- GM
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