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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. GM As Asad advanced, Get-Away took a step towards the balcony doors -- then disappeared, becoming a gray streak as she moved too fast to follow. She literally ran down the side of the building to a white, unmarked panel van sitting in the apartment building's alley. She halted inside and sat down next to a huge man with steel skin. "You're up, Smash," she said, touching his shoulder. "Trap Door's in trouble and needs back-up." Smash nodded and opened the van's sliding door, jumping down to the street and zooming off in another blur of super-human speed. He retraced Get-Away's route almost exactly, except his four-hundred pound footsteps broke windows and bent structural members out of true. Appearing suddenly in the apartment, he slammed into Asad, sending the superhero flying back. Slowing back down to mortal speeds, he blinked and took a good look at the hero. "Uh. Trap Door?" Smash raised a hand to his head and stretched at his bald, metal pate. "Why is this guy in his underwear?"
  2. 46 - Get-Away -- Uninjured -- GM 13 - Smash -- Uninjured -- GM 12 - Asad -- Uninjured -- HPx2 9 - Trap Door -- Uninjured -- GM Get-Away shall do as her namesake implies and get the heck out of there. Smash's Ini. (1d20+2=13) And introduces Smash to the fight! Smash'll do what Smash does best and hit Asad. Hard. Smash's melee attack check , vs. Asad's flat-footed Def. DC 33 Tou (1d20+7=24) Smash lives up to his name. DC 28 Toughness save for Asad, please.
  3. GM The AEGIS crew weren't used to having criminals drop from the sky -- well, they were, but usually the villains weren't obliging enough to drop straight into the holding pen! Nevertheless, they sprang into action and before long the Last Loyal Soldier was bound up and destined for a holding cell. The Soldier was out, Bonnie and Thunder were down, and who knew where Zippy had got to? Hecate yelled in frustration and disappeared in a flare of sulfurous smoke. Wellspring's watery prison contracted and closed on nothing, before falling apart into a thousand droplets and disappearing.
  4. Hecate is going to use a full-round Teleport to leave the fight. Ozob, you're up! ... And he hasn't been on for half a month. I'll give him until the weekend to tag this before I move on.
  5. "Still. You must've impressed someone. Most people never get top visit this high up on the Lab, and when they do it's on one of the guided tours. Most never get to speak to one of the board members face to face." Jessica flashed a smile. She tried not to brag about her accomplishments, but it was hard not to be proud of being so involved with a high-profile endeavor like the Lab. "So what are you working on," she asked, craning her neck to see. "It must be complex if you need to use our equipment."
  6. Let's get those Initiatives out of the way, shall we? Trap Door's Ini. (1d20+7=9) Get-Away's Ini. (1d20+40=46) I think Get-Away is going to go first, but let's just see.
  7. GM Aside from the bedroom and the master bath, the apartment was one huge open space. When Amir opened the door, he could clearly see two people crowded around a safe concealed behind a folding wall panel. The one standing was a small-boned Asian woman wearing a gray jumpsuit with purple highlights on the arms. She glanced over at Amir and her eyes widened; she reached down and tapped the other burglar on the head, then stepped clear. The other burglar was a man nearly as tall as Asad; he was dressed in a bodyglove so deeply purple it was almost black, with an unruly mane of blonde hair spilling over his shoulders. He grinned and snatched a glowing green rod from his belt; with a quick snap of his wrist it extended to nearly his own height. He grinned easily, holding the staff between him and Asad. "Well well. What do we have here, Get-Away?" The woman eyed the playboy hero carefully. "Got me, Trap Door. I thought this woman lived alone."
  8. Yup. Pass straight through.
  9. "I... think I am I going to go up and get a sandwich. Excuse me." Liz pushed her chair back and made her way over to the counter, ordering a club sandwich and thinking over Agnes' question. It wasn't simple, not at all. For one, what exactly was her home? Technically the homeworld of all Grue was Gruen-Prime, bu the Unity created spawning pools as needed, so there was no guarantee that she had even been 'born' there. She counted her age from the time that she encountered the White Light, but she had fled that star system so precipitously that she had almost no memory of it, and certainly no way of finding it again. And anyway, that wasn't home for her -- but then neither was Spain, or Freedom City. She felt no more protectiveness towards Earth than she had any of the dozens of planets she had visited before. In truth, she had no home to go back to. Liz took her food back to the table and sat across from Agnes again. "I don't really have a home to return to," she said, once more blending truth and lies artfully. "My family would be... well, I simply can't go back to where I was born. And I don't feel any particular loyalty towards Freedom City or the United States." She looked up, her eyes rested on one of the zeerust models hanging from the ceiling. "What I'd really like to do is go out into space."
  10. Ah, yes. The Ghost is incorporeal. Though Victory could try and go through him.
  11. No damage, and it's time for Wail to lay the smack down on some fools.
  12. I for one welcome our new cephalapod overlord.
  13. I thought it was that until his turn comes around in Initiative the first time, he counts as flat-footed.
  14. GM The troopers reacted quickly to Wail's presence. Two of them dropped to their knees to get a better firing angle, their rifles spitting out points of stinging light that bracketed the hero in a smaller space. Behind them, one of the soldiers that had thrown Lamont out of the apartment swung his gun around and fired from the hip, unleashing a hail of laser bolts at the veteran hero. He could feel the energy bolts stitching across his skin, the tremendous energy somehow getting through his increased muscle mass.
  15. Initiative 20 - Mook 1 -- Uninjured -- Mook 20 - Mook 2 -- Uninjured -- Mook 15 - Mook 3 -- Uninjured -- Mook 14 - Wail -- Uninjured -- HPx3 14 - Mook 4 -- Uninjured -- Mook 8 - Mook 5 -- Uninjured -- Mook 4 - Mook 6 -- Uninjured -- Mook 4 - Mook 7 -- Uninjured -- Mook 3 - Mook 8 -- Uninjured -- Mook Mooks 1 & 2 help out Mook 3 with Att. Mook 1 & 2 attack check for Aid Action, on Mook 3. DC 10 (1d20+5=25, 1d20+5=20) Mook 3 shoots you with his blaster rifle. Mook 3's ranged attack check, vs Wail's flat-footed Def. DC 20 (1d20+9=17) That actually hits because Wail's still flat-footed.
  16. It took a minute or so for Ironclad to clean herself and her workspace up, but in due time she stood, armor sealed and imposing again. "Dark Star is the only reason we were warned about the Gorgon's approach at all," she observed, apropos of nothing. "Without him, the first Earth would've know was when it passed the Oort Cloud." The helmet unfolded and formed around her head, hiding her face behind a smooth metal mask. "But because of Dark Star's warning, we were able to fight it off. So this backwater human is more than a little bit glad that he chooses to 'weaken' himself by having a life besides the stars."
  17. Glowstar trailed behind Changeling, using his first-aid knowledge to make sure none of the bystanders had been hurt. "No idea where they're from," he said, "or even what they are. They look like those old Army Men toys you always see at the dollar store, but plastic can't move like that. And those 'bullet's felt very real, not to mention the tank shells..." He shook his head, looked around at the crowd of milling villains. "I don't know. Want to hunt down the security office, see if there's something to see on the cameras?"
  18. The OOC for this thread. Asad, Ironclad, and Whiplash go after Larceny Inc. Nothing can go wrong with this plan, right?
  19. GM November 12th 1:23 AM Parkside Freedom City slept fitfully. Lights pushed back the blanket of night and here, in the heart of the city, traffic noise and emergency vehicles kept it from ever being exactly silent. For the two figures ghosting around the apartment, though, it was all to the good. Any long-time city-dweller developed a certain deafness to the everyday -- or everynight -- sounds. That created a safe zone for the thieves to operate in, and they plied their tradecraft well. But not well enough. In a large, well-appointed bedroom, Amir al-Misri's eyes opened. The candles placed at strategic points around the room has mostly burned down and guttered out, leaving him in darkness leavened only by the glow of streetlights outside. The shapely brunette next to him felt the change in his breathing pattern in her sleep and pressed up closer to him. For just a moment everything was perfect and Asmir wondered what had woken him. Then he heard an unoiled hinge out in the apartment's living area squeal, and all the hints his unconscious mind had picked up on clicked together and the knowledge appeared in the forefront of his brain -- someone else was in the apartment!
  20. With Victory's range, he could probably get to any of them.
  21. Would be interesting if this was a Mr. Infamy thing. A failing comic book creator signs over his soul to get one last chance for "Everyone to remember his creations." Is turned into his villain in the expectation that he'll go on a rampage and be, you know, evil, but stays true to his heroic nature.
  22. Does indeed. LLS's Toughness save, vs DC 37. (1d20+12=19) Yikes. Knock him out of the park. Or just out of the building, if you'd like.
  23. Starlight knew she wouldn't be able to follow the speeding girl; she could fly, but not nearly as fast as the criminal could run. Instead she turned her attention to the towering man, gathering her power once again. "I would recommend you sit down," she said, one hand glowing brightly, "before we are forced to hurt you." The heroine gestured with her glowing hand and a sphere of bright energy streaked towards the giant's chest.
  24. Doing what I can to bring down the giant this round. Starlight's ranged attack roll w/ +2/-2 Power Attack, vs Giant's Def. DC 27 (1d20+8=21)
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