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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Jessica Parker was surprised to be contacted directly by the Freedom League. Normally if the League needed some technical help, Daedalus supplied it, and if they needed contract work done that was handled by the appropriate employees. She quickly realized, however, that this wasn't a business matter; they needed her personal experience and combat capabilities in deep space. A few days passed and the appointed day came around. After some internal debate she decided not to drive to the League headquarters, and flew there in her armor instead. She set down on the sidewalk in front of Freedom Hall and folded her armor into its interdimensonal storage space with a blaze of light. She entered the pyramidal building with a spring in her step and humming cheerily. Perhaps some folks would find it disconcerting to be sent into who-knew-what dangers, but she was determined to look on the bright side -- she got to go into space!
  2. Starlight and Glowstar are going to bank their points this month. That just leaves Ironclad :arrow: Slight description edits. She dyed her hair and got a tattoo! What wild and crazy years these are for her. :arrow: Buy Interpose. :arrow: Buy two ranks of Device on her Battlesuit; put all the points into Super-Senses. TRICORDER'D BY GIZMO P.S. Next time list which Super-Senses you're buying so I don't have to hunt through the whole sheet, kthx.
  3. Ironclad, signing in.
  4. Ironclad and Glowstar are both spaceworthy! I think Ironclad would be the better ambassador, though. :P
  5. Well Starlight's a student at FCU.
  6. GM Wellspring's summoned water cage wove around Hecate's chosen outfit, snapping her arms to her side and making her bindings tight. "How are you doing this," the villainess demanded. "You were just supposed to be a bunch of guys in suits!" Across the room, Bonnie Blue seemed unaware or at least unconcerned by her sister's plight. Her eyes scanned the crowd of notables until she settled on Agnes. "Hey, you!" She fixed the British singer with a finger, taking a few steps forward. "I remember you. You said Aryan Angel's music sucked! You *%$@, she's a lot more talented than you are!" The slim woman inhaled and let out a piercing scream, a shockwave of concussive energy that rolled across the dance floor and smashed into Young Britannia and Asad both!
  7. Bonnie Blue's going to blast Young Britannia and Asad with a General AoE (they're close together, you see). Both of them need to give me a DC 20 Reflex save; if they make it, then a DC 20 Toughness save (in fact if Asad makes it his Impervious will soak up the damage). If they don't make it, a DC 25 Toughness save. And then Lord Steam is up!
  8. So that would be a DC 20 Reflex save for Hecate. Hecate's Reflex save, vs DC 20. (1d20+6=13) Nope. She's Trapped and Helpless.
  9. GM Zippy was fast, but not fast enough to get out of the way of several hundred pounds of jet-powered AEGIS superagent. He took Victory's charge full in the chest and flew back through the swinging door, and even though the heroes couldn't see where he landed they could hear the clatter of pots and pans as he impacted something big and metallic. Hecate stared wide-eyed as Johnny evaded her blast with a quick handspring, making it look easy. "How did you do that," she asked, astonished. "There's no way you should've been able to avoid that. You should --" Just then, her attention was wrenched away by Victory's charge into her brother. She swung her arm around and gestured sharply again, sending a wave of heat and concussive force against the cyborg. It did little but burn off the last remnants of the her suit, though, and she spat in his direction.
  10. Liz nodded. "Yes, I am a student at Freedom City University. Right now my courses are... do they call them gut courses in England? Two years of basic education in everything under the sun, it feels like, before I even get a say in what I want to do. It gets to be... very frustrating at times." She sighed softly. "I do like music, though. I really have not heard of any of your songs, but that it because I mostly listen to jazz. It is a very... energizing kind of music." she looked down suddenly, eyes locked on the rim of her mug. "I sing sometimes," she said hesitantly, "in the student union. I even play piano, when the week has been particularly... frustrating."
  11. Yeah, his Reflex save shouldn't be anywhere near that. Made both Ref and Fort +8. I didn't add a Comprehend because he was getting close to 250 PP, but I managed to wrangle a version that lets him talk to pretty much anything with a brain.
  12. Ironclad Seal of Sedna Pass the Plate (also GMing) Cup of Gigawatts Glowstar Just In for a Check-Up Playing With Toys Starlight Not My Best Side Light Lunch Playing to a Packed House Freaks and Geeks Drank their Milk GM Pass the Plate (also IC as Ironclad) Science Shenanigans Hot Goods
  13. Starlight will spend a HP to get rid of that Fatigued and stunt again, this time off her White Light array. Nullify 10 (Mind Control, Extras: Area/Burst [General], Effortless, Flaw: Range/Touch)
  14. Starlight's sharp green eyes narrowed, taking in the police snipers, the cordon, and the very open window that gave everyone an excellent view of the happenings. She considered closing the window, putting the crib against the opening, or even moving the whole tableau into an inner room; both mother and child were under the effect of her earlier calming influence, after all. But no, she had to end this situation now, before it got anymore out of control than it was. Starlight closed her eyes and spread her arms out to either side. The power of the light gathered in her and spread out through the room like a mist, making the mother and her child appear indistinct for a minute. "Know the touch of the Light," the heroine intoned, "and know liberation in your mind and soul!"
  15. Liz picked up her coffee again, taking the time think over Agnes' words. Unfortunately, she could only think of the millions -- billions? Trillions? -- she had harmed as part of the Unity. "You know," she said, putting the cup down, "we really have only talking about being superheroes. We each have a life outside of saving the city, don't we? Do... do you still sing?"
  16. Raveled

    The Lab

    A gym? Masterwork workshop and library? More Powers/Toughness? Really, I think with another 5 EP the Lab would be maxed out. ... Unless we want to put another Lab on the Moon! Or make a mobile, one-the-scene Lab!
  17. Brian submitted to the test with stoicism, if not good humor. Some of the tests were disorienting, some made him uneasy (he'd held his breath inside the MRI machine -- not a tremendous feat for him, but still), and some were just confusing. What did they learn by sticking him in a bare room and playing tones that went off the register, or ones that made his guts quake? Some time latter they sent him back to the bathroom to change back. He found himself vaguely dissatisfied with the whole situation and wondered why. Certainly he couldn't find any fault with Miss Americana's knowledge or the skills or thoroughness of ArcheTech's employees. Maybe it was simply that there were still questions to ask; they hadn't been able to produce a magic wand and solve all of his problems just like that. The young man straightened and caught himself in the bathroom's mirror. He leaned on the counter, staring at his reflection. After a minute he called up an aura of red-black energy over one hand and brought it level his his face. "I'm stuck with you," he said quietly, almost whispering, "aren't I? Miss Americana's not going to sit me down and tell me how to get rid of all this. I'm just going to have to learn to live with it, like cancer or something." He stared his reflection in the eye for a few more heartbeats, then stepped back from the counter. He sighed and ran his hand through his short hair. "Time to go face the music," he said to his reflection, and turned to the door, making the quick walk to Miss Americana's office.
  18. Raveled

    The Lab

    Is Quote still around? Moreover, is Blueshift the sort of person that the Lab wants? She's not exactly the most stable sort, after all. I'm all for folks committing more EP. Ironclad has plenty of Bronze Reward to go around. :D
  19. Sorry JP, only one reroll in a round. The 21 stands, but it does in fact hit him. His Def is only +10, after all. Zippy's Toughness save, vs DC 34. (1d20+10=20) Dazed + Staggered! Let's say Zippy goes flying back into the kitchen and lands with a bunch of clattering, shall we? Hecate is going to turn away from the boy that is surprisingly difficult to hit and instead aim a blast at the guy that just clocked her brother. Hecate's ranged attack check, vs Victory's Def. DC 25 (1d20+10=23) That's just barely a hit. DC 25 Toughness, JP.
  20. Nobody can hit that 35, so no one sees the sneaky telepath. Victory's up!
  21. Sounds like great fun to me, then! :D
  22. We're continuing with this bee-yatch. Time to introduce the New Confederates. The Last Loyal Soldier is facing off against Lord Steam. Bonnie Blue is up on the steps alongside Rolling Thunder Victory is facing off against Zippy Hecate was enjoying a nice dance with a cute boy until the rest of the family barged in! The Ghost of the Confederacy doesn't change. He's still good. Will be editing the thread to line up with the new, well, line-up. Will not be changing the first-round or Initiatives because seriously, I don't want to roll all that again. To answer your question, JP, the guy's dancing just outside of arm-range. Let's say at least 10 ft away, sure.
  23. I am currently debating how to handle this, so the thread is on hold ATM. Sorry, folks.
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