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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. ... Right, Uncanny Dodge. Which is not noted in the Combat section, for some reason. Okay, after checking things, only Lord Steam needs to make that Toughness save.
  2. GM All hell broke out at once. The doors leading out to the entry hall banged open and a young raven-haired bombshell in tight jeans, a blue tee-shirt with a white star dead-center, and a loose-hanging leather jacket strolled in, swaying from side to side for maximum effect. "Good evening, wealthy and deluded of Freedom City," she called out in a well-trained voice that had no trouble cutting through the ambient music. "I am Bonnie Blue, and this night it's time for some... Hm, let's call it redistribution of wealth! As in, you give all of your wealth to us -- the New Confederates!" At Bonnie's side was a huge man with flowing, dark hair, dressed in something that was the biker counterpart to Bonnie's garb -- black jeans, a ripped black tee with a Confederate flag on his chest, and a leather jacket. All in all he looked like what middle-age doctors imagined themselves to be when they bought a Harely-Davidson, and the pair of battered and unconscious security guards he hefted in either meaty fist reinforced his dangerous air. Bonnie smiled up at him and winked. "As for the security," she continued, "you can see that Rolling Thunder has the situation well in hand! Hah!" Thunder threw the security guards into the room, the disabled men flying several feet before landing, and pulled a heavy hammer from his belt, spinning it casually. He took a wide stance and glared at the group of the city's rich, as if daring them to try him. At the bar, Lord Steam's debate partner stepped forward and glared at Bonnie. "Thought you were never going to get here, girl," he growled, ripping his ill-fitting suit away to reveal a gray bodysuit with the flag of the Confederacy planted firmly over his chest, and red stripes overlaid with white stars marched across either arm. Bonnie laughed. "So you were going to start the party without us, grandpa?" "I don't know about that," the Last Loyal Soldier replied, "but some of the folks here need a lesson in manners." Without another word he turned on one heel and smashed Lord Steam in the face with his cold fist, sending the Victorian gentleman flying over the bar and smashing into the racks of bottles behind it! On the dance floor, Johnny's partner sighed at the interruption and stepped away from him, shaking her head. "I was hoping we'd have some more time," she said, her voice sounding distantly sad, "but it seems events are getting away from us." She clicked her fingers and in a moment was in a different outfit; a close-fitting black bodysuit, with a high purple headdress, boots, and gloves. A flaring purple cape completed the ensemble, the ends of which were attached to the ends of the high gloves in some fashion. In any case it billowed dramatically when she gestured at Johnny. "You really don't want to be awake for this," she said, before releasing a wave of hellish energy in his direction! As the events drew Victory's attention, his sensors flashed a sudden warning to him -- moments too late, it seemed, as he felt his suit being ripped away by a cadaverously thin figure, a young man with a mane of dusty-black hair, whose skin was stretched over his face, emphasizing his high cheeks and burning gold eyes. The whole ensemble was made odder because he was dressed in the spiffy uniform of a hotel waiter! "Almost thought I wouldn't have any fun tonight" he breathed, mostly to himself as he danced just outside the cyborg's reach. "Thought sis' cloaking spell was working too good, there!"
  3. Initiative 31 - Sage -- Uninjured -- HPx6 28 - Victory -- Uninjured -- HPx3 26 - Fucostreghe -- Uninjured -- GM 25 - Wellspring -- Uninjured -- HPx5 22 - Aryan Angel -- Uninjured -- GM 21 - Lord Steam -- Uninjured -- HPx3 19 - Young Britannia -- Uninjured -- HPx3 17 - Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HPx5 16 - Captain Hammer -- Uninjured -- GM 15 - Johnny Reb -- Uninjured -- GM 8 - Asad -- Uninjured -- HPx2 6 - Ghost of the Confederacy -- Uninjured -- GM
  4. Ironclad's Ini. (1d20+5=17) For those of who who haven't figured it out (shame on you!) the bad guys are the Stormbringers with... one or two little changes. Johnny Reb is using the American Werewolf sheet minus the lycanthrophy angle because American Patriot's sheet is horribad, and Aryan Angel is using the Siren sheet because I can never figure out how to use Luck Control on an NPC. Oh, and there's a ghost. Have fun, Sage! Johnny Reb's Ini. (1d20+5=15) Fucostreghe's Ini. (1d20+6=26) Teuf's Ini. (1d20+3=18) Aryan Angel's Ini. (1d20+6=22) Captain Hammer's Ini. (1d20+1=16) Ghost of the Confederacy's Ini. (1d20=6) All the good guys get a HP for the bad guys jumping Ini and getting a free round. Fuco changes into her outfit and blasts the other Johnny. Fuco's ranged attack roll, vs. Wellspring's flat-footed Def. DC 25 (1d20+10=12) That exactly hits. DC 25 Toughness for being blasted by Hellfire. Angel's taking a full round to expound. Teuf's smashing Victory. Teuf's melee attack check, vs. Victory's flat-footed Def. DC 25 (1d20+10=21) That hits. DC 25 Toughness. Captain Hammer tosses a shield to Johnny Reb and stays near Angel. Johnny Reb smashes Lord Steam. Johnny Reb's melee attack check, vs. Lord Steam's flat-footed Def. DC 25 (1d20+10=26) That hits. DC 25 Toughness. Ghost of the Confederacy flies around being spoooooky.
  5. Init is fine. And an IC post, if you would.
  6. Character Name: Phantasmagore Power Level: 14 (224/224) Trade-Offs: +3 Def/-3 Tou Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Grue Arcane master of illusion and mental magics Alternate Identity: None Identity: The general public is not aware of the existence of Phantasmagore. Birthplace: Gruen-Prime Occupation: Evil sorcerer Affiliations: Grue Arcane Family: Genetically related to all of the Grue Unity Description: Age: Several hundred years Apparent Age: Middle age Gender: Asexual, nominally male Ethnicity: Grue Height: Any, normally 5' 8" Weight: 150 lbs Eyes: Any, normally pale green Hair: Any, normally none Phantasmagore is an masculine humanoid with brick red skin and pale, sharp green eyes -- more or less identical to uncounted trillions of Grue across the galaxy. Unlike most Grue though his build is thin, almost skeletal; he also eschews the close-fit Grue uniform for a billowing cape of black with red underlining, over a loose robe the same shade of green as his eyes. The cape has a stiff collar which rises above his bald head, and his hands are encased in flaring black gloves. Power Descriptions: Phantasmagore is a master of illusion and fear magic, and a skilled summoner as well. While he prefers to use illusions to confuse and trick his opponents, he can summon spectral weapons to attack them, influence their emotions, or even summon objects made of pure arcane force. As a last resort, he can veil himself from living minds to escape. While he's mostly neglected his innate Grue abilities in favor of arcane secrets, he can change his form to facilitate his escape. History: Phantasmagore is an old, old Grue. He is one of the original drones who were chosen by the Meta-Mind to experiment with magic, and in time his will and force of personality broke out from under that telepathic monster's control. Like the other Grue Arcane, he rebelled against the control of the Unity only to be driven from Gruen-Prime, eventually settling on a shadow world far from the grasp of the Unity itself. The Grue sorcerers withdrew from each other, each pursuing their own projects. Phantasmagore delved into the infernal realms, seeking allies among demons and other twisted wizards. In time he became a master of the insidious magic of the mind, and used this skill to try and take over the Grue Arcane. He tried enacting a ritual that would bind the other alien sorcerers to his will, but they detected his working at the last moment and broke into his tower, ruining the spell. He fled to the Underworld and perfected his formidable mind-magics there. When Phantasmagore returned to our world, he quickly ensconced himself on a primitive planet, ruling it as a god-king. His power was unmatched, until a former Grue drone now bearing the mystic White Light appeared and challenged his rule. She broke his grip on the natives and chased him off the world. It was the first time he and Starlight had met and matched each other, but far from the last. Again and again they tested one another, almost as if drawn by destiny to be each others' rival. Eventually Starlight traveled to Earth and established herself there as a superhero. Phantasmagore created a base for himself on Europa and began to observe the little blue orb. He is tired of the game the two of them play, and is determined to finish it by killing Starlight. Personality & Motivation: Phantasmagore is a meglomaniac, convinced that he is the greatest sorcerer in existence -- and he will not rest until the universe acknowledges this! He prefers to dominate whatever group he is a part of, either through sheer force of will or through subtle magics. He prefers bombastic displays of ego, both to cow his opponents and reinforce his own sense of self-worth. The alien sorcerer wants nothing less than complete domination of the galaxy, through whatever means he can achieve it. Time and again he's attempted to use vast rituals to impose his will on entire planets at a time. As well, he likes to teach tidbits of knowledge to the natives of whichever planet he's focusing on at the moment -- nothing boosts his ego quite like a cult of aliens proclaiming him as the arcane god he knows himself to be! Powers & Tactics: Phantasmagore never fights fair if he can avoid it -- in fact, he never fights an opponent face-to-face if he can avoid it! He prefers to work through allies and proxies. He almost never fights without demons or golems to aid him, and his tactics usually revolve around confusing his foes long enough for him to make a clean escape. If caught in a one-on-one battle, he will use his illusions and shape-shifting to confuse and wrong-foot his opponent and strike them when they are least expecting it. Abilities: 0 + 8 + 4 + 6 + 10 + 10 = 38PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 12 + 16 = 28PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +6, +14 Magic Array Grapple: +28 Move Object Defense: +17 (+8 Base, +9 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 6 + 4 + 9 = 19PP Toughness: +11 (+2 Con, +9 Protection) Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, +) Reflex: +8 (+4 Dex, +4) Will: +14 (+5 Wis, +9) Skills: 132R = 33PP Bluff 19 (+24) Skill Mastery Concentration 10 (+15) Craft (Art) 17 (+20) Skill Mastery Diplomacy 19 (+24) Disguise 0 (+5/+45) Gather Information 10 (+15) Knowledge (Arcane) 17 (+20) Skill Mastery Knowledge (Theology & Philosophy) 12 (+15) Language 3 (English, Lor, Infernal) (Grue: Native) Notice 15 (+20) Sense Motive 10 (+15) Skill Mastery Feats: 21PP Attack Specialization (Magic Array) 4 Dodge Focus 9 Improved Initiative Equipment 4 Ritualist Skill Mastery (Bluff, Craft [Art], Knowledge [Arcane], Sense Motive) Europa Crystal Palace (PL14 HQ) [16EP] Size: Huge [3EP] Toughness: +15 [2EP] Features: [12 EP] [*:v8xh6vey]Communications [*:v8xh6vey]Concealed [*:v8xh6vey]Defense System (Blast 14) [*:v8xh6vey]Infirmary [*:v8xh6vey]Isolated [*:v8xh6vey]Laboratory [*:v8xh6vey]Library [*:v8xh6vey]Living Space [*:v8xh6vey]Power 3 [*:v8xh6vey]Workshop Concealment 10 (All Senses, Feat: Close) [21PP] ESP 15 (All senses, Feat: Subtle) [61PP] Powers: 10 + 3 + 47 + 24 + 9 + 7 = 100PP Comprehend 5 (Speak and understand all languages at once, speak to and understand animals.) [10PP] (Telepathy) Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison) [3PP] (Perfected Alien Biology) Magic Array 23.5 (42PP, Feat: Alternate Power 5) [47PP] (Magic) BE: Illusion 14 (All senses, Flaw: Phantasm) {42/42} AP: Blast 14 (Extra: Alternate Save [Will]) {42/42} AP: Create Object 14 (Extra: Movable) {42/42} AP: Emotion Control 14 (Extra: Area/Targeted [shapeable]) {42/42} AP: Teleport 15 (Same Solar System, Feats: Easy, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) {34/42} AP: Concealment 10 (All Senses, Flaw: Phantasm, Feat: Close, Selective) {12/42} Morph 8 (Any Humanoid, Extra: Duration [Continuous]) [24PP] (Alien) Protection 9 [9PP] (Magic) Super-Senses 7 (Magic Awareness [Mental], Detect Magic [Tactile], Ranged [normal Tactile]) [7PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP None Abilities (38) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (33) + Feats (21) + Powers (100) - Drawbacks (0) = 224/224 Power Points
  7. Section 13 is an 'ultra patriotic' villain group. They are mostly concerned with controlling the world's governments. When possible, they prefer to force others to do their dirty work through blackmail or outright mind control. Section 13 was established during World War II as a department of the OSS. Their purpose was to coordinate the actions of superpowered allied agents, specifically those unaffiliated with the Liberty League or the Allies of Freedom. The group was officially disbanded after V-J day, but in fact they remained active through the Cold War, as an informal group of intelligence agents mainly in the CIA and NSA. Their goal remained the same, using the country's superpowered resources in advancing American interests abroad. Their methods change as they saw themselves in more desperate times. They put any pressure they could think of on potential recruits, but their favorite one was blackmail. In 1978, Chicago accountant Lynn Webb published the book "My Time as a Secret Soldier." In it, Mrs. Webb outed herself as a superhuman with the ability to 'ghost' though walls. She alleged that Section 13 had threatened her family and her career unless she infiltrated various Russian embassies abroad. The controversy raised by the book caused lawmakers in Washington to investigate allegations against Section 13, and after three years of sub-committee meetings, twenty members of America's intelligence community, mainly from the CIA and NSA, were let go without ceremony. Nineteen were dead with a year; the last, Roland Ritter, disappeared without a trace. Throughout the eighties and nineties, several acts of super-terrorism abroad served to remove politicians and other public figures that espoused 'anti-American' views. However it wasn't until the 2000s that law-enforcement agencies began to suspect that there might be a single, well-coordinated organization behind these strikes. A few years later the name 'Section 13' began showing up on many ultraconservative websites as a group "not afraid to take action, to wrest control of America back from the weak-willed parasites that control it and make this country great again!" Section 13 is structured into cells. Most of the 'front' organization falls under various domestic terror cells. Some of these merely write and distribute propaganda, others gather intelligence, and still others carry out attacks against various governmental or private organizations world-wide. The vast majority of Section 13 is unpowered individuals, perhaps with some military or paramilitary training, but there is a core group of superpowered agents that answer directly to Roland Ritter. Director Roland Ritter was your typical All-American son, born in Delaware in 1923 and planning a smooth rise through college and into business. World War II interrupted those plans, and with patriotic fervor he enlisted in the US Navy. When word came down that the military was looking for subjects to test a serum on, one that would turn an ordinary soldier into a match for a regiment, he quickly volunteered. He received a variation on the same compound given to Jack Simmons, but instead of making him a superhuman soldier it accelerated his mind until he outstripped the primitive computing machines of the day. He was transferred to the Office of Strategic Services, where he eventually found himself drawn to the fledgling Section 13. The challenges of coordinating the actions of dozens of unique supercapable agents around the world appealed to him, and he soon he rose to command organization. After the war he officially joined the CIA, but he never lost contact with his subordinate agents from Section 13, and for almost forty years they continued their goal of utilizing superpowered agents to advance America's interests in any way necessary. Now, the man who plans the day down to the smallest detail is facing the one hazard even he can't avoid: Death. Roland's body has been preserved for these sixty-plus years by the same drug that gave him his frightening mind, but now he fears that his life will end before he can see America strong and triumphant over her old enemies. Roland Ritter is a man of average height and broad build, a linebacker or a farmer. He seems to only wear exquisitely tailored suits of a style fifty or sixty years out of date. Everything about him is crisp and clean, from his polished, patent leather shoes, to his sharp, clean haircut (touched just at the wings by grey), to the polished gold watch he sets his life by. He maintains an air that all events are proceeding exactly as he wishes, and his most often-uttered phrase is "all according to plan." Tin Man -- Curtis Coeman didn't want to be in the military, but the draft picked up thousands like him -- young men from lower class families with indifferent prospects. He was sorted into the Army and had the bad fortune to be assigned to a unit training in England, for a landing on Europe in early June of 1944. He was part of the same squad as Malcolm Dawes and they hit the beach together, came under fire from the same pillbox together. While Malcolm had a leg ripped to shreds, Curtis nearly died from the attack. While Malcolm went back to the States, Curtis went to an Army hospital. There, he was approached by a scientist who offered to rebuild him, make him tougher, faster, stronger. Since Curtis's other prospect was to spend the rest of his life in a hospital bed he agreed readily. Bonfire -- Natalie Nowak was born into a simple rural family
  8. GM The couple exchanged a glanced and Jacob raised one hand to tap his chin. "He did rebuild that air conditioner unit," he admitted. "And his own computer," Cathy put in, absently adjusting the baby's bottle so it could get at the last drops of milk. "A few others, too. Made some money doing it." "But... but fighting crime? Lamont? He could --" Wail was close enough to see, in agonizing detail, as the two adults went through a whole emotional range; puzzlement, a shocked realization, and finally, at least in Jacob's case, anger. He stalked down the hall and began knocking heavily at Des' door. "Lamont! Come out here young man! We have something to discuss." Cathy took Wail's arm and began steering him gently to the door. "Thank you for protecting our son and telling us about his... activities." From the woman's tone, it was clearly turning into a family matter.
  9. Combat seems imminent, so if everyone could get their Initiative rolls in we can get that part going ASAP.
  10. Because I promised, this is what you were fighting.
  11. It took some doing, but compared to fighting the Gorgon's cosmically-empowered herald, securing Christopher Beck was a cakewalk. Not that they'd taken any chance -- Myrmidon had deployed the foam gun again, and Changeling had put the alumnus under with an honest-to-god sleep spell. Crow had been trying to summon some sort of magic net when a helicoptor bearing the AEGIS logo had shown up, to carry Chris off to somewhere that even his super-side would have trouble breaking out of. Now the team was sitting in the shattered remains of the zen garden; Glowstar was perched on the big rock that normally sat in the middle of the pool. He looked around a the shattered remains of what had been a place of calm and contemplation, and fervently hoped that it was the worst devastation the city would see that day.
  12. Starlight closed her bottle-green eyes and cursed in alien tongues. She'd hoped it would be as simple as matching her strength against that of the psychic intrusion, but it seems that she had simply set up two independent influences within the minds of the afflicted. She hadn't wanted to resort to this, but she had no choice; the only solution the heroine could think of was the apply the power of the Light more directly. She opened her eyes and took a step towards the child. And paused. For all of it, she still didn't know that this child was the cause of the whole mess. Starlight wasn't about to subject this child to such a great force without being sure it was needed. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again they were burning bright, featureless white with the ancient energy inside of her.
  13. Ironclad's going to spend a HP to get a chance to Recover from that Staggered condition. Ironclad's Recovery check, vs DC 10. (1d20=12) Booyah. Other than that, SM on Disable Device means DC 25 without rolling. Take 20 on Know/Tech means DC 35, same. Working to shut the reactors down safely, but quickly.
  14. Ironclad breathed a bit easier with the space around her cleared. There was still a large, lightning-spitting robot menacing the heroes, but she felt certain that Protectron and Caradoc could handle it. In any case the whole fight was a sham, merely delaying while the villain's true plot was prepared and Ironclad was the one best-positioned to stop him. She gave a quick nod to the golden android and leapt into the air, her flight path a perfect parabola which deposited her in the reactor room. The display of dials and buttons and knobs and levers would've been overwhelming to most people -- but then, she wouldn't be here if she was most people. Ironclad approached the main control board with a confident step, already working out the best way to shut down the reactors and short-circuit the unseen villain's plans.
  15. Supercape, a Sense Motive for Lord Steam, if you would. DC 15 or better tells you that this guy is not nearly as drunk as he should be with most of a bottle of bourbon in him.
  16. "So has the Lab," Jessica said, "and Dawes Tech. But it's important to put in an appearance. Some of these people would never think of the less fortunate, but there's a party and so they're here. It gets their money out there, which is the important thing." She paused and added, "Of course if you want me to know which parties your brother is attending..." Isabelle's body swayed perhaps a bit more than was strictly necessary as she and Johnny moved through the steps of the dance. "Mmm. I know how it is not to belong. You work and try to fit in, but at the end of the day no one really wants you, do they?" Her eyes slipped past the Claremont hero and focused somewhere far over his shoulder. "And sometimes you end up hanging out with entirely the wrong sort of person." She blinked and came back to herself, her gaze meeting Johnny's once again. "I'm sorry, I was years away for a moment. You wanted to come here with... someone else? Does that mean that I might have to share your company?" Her eyes sparkled with laughter and she smiled widely. Victory's bulk impeded his movement through the crowd; the server moved much more ably through the press, disappearing behind a cafe door that led into the kitchen. Between swings, he glanced back and met the AEGIS agent's eyes. For just that moment, his eyes glowed a bright, inhuman gold. The bald man scowled and sat upright, turning in his seat to face Lord Steam. "Oh, come off it," he growled. "Do you think any of this is going to make a real difference?" He gestured widely with the hand holding the liquor bottle, indicating the entire charity event and absent-mindedly spilling a good deal of the alcohol on the floor. "Okay, sure. You get a few million for the cause celeb and then what? Next disaster comes along and you have to go back to the same assholes to wheedle and beg for more! I'll tell you what the problem really is," he offered, poking Lord Steam in the sternum to emphasize his point. "Too much money, going to the wrong place. Ehn? You know what I mean?"
  17. Oh-kay. Spending a HP to negate that Fatigue and stunting a new power off her Super-Senses array. Super-Senses 3 (Visual; Detect Psychic effects; Tracking 3) [6PP] Gonna track the shiz-nit out of this guy and wreck his day.
  18. Bad guys retreat. Both heroes take a HP for the fiat.
  19. As the Claremont heroes continued their attack, the toy soldiers began to pull back. The tank covered the infantry while they fell back to a vent cover; a series of bright detonations blew the cover off and soon the belligerent toys had retreated into the ductwork. Glowstar hung in the air, waiting for a second wave, but none appeared to be forthcoming. He gingerly lowered himself to the ground, looking in every direction, alert for a sneak attack. "That's a new one," he said. "Attacking army men. Where do you think they got to?"
  20. "Breaking and entering is one way to do it," Ironclad admitted gingerly, "but I was thinking of walking in the front door. I generally don't like to bring the Lab into crime fighting -- that's not really what it's for, after all -- but if I approach the center with the offer of a mutual research project or even a grant, I should be able to meet a few of the higher-ups. Of course," she added, "I don't need to talk to them. I just need to be near their computers for a few seconds."
  21. GM The woman seemed surprised by Johnny's offer, but she recovered quickly, offering him her hand and a smile. "Why not?" she said, leading him out to the dance floor. Almost the moment they stopped onto the polished floor, the band shifted to a slower piece and Johnny's impromptu partner began to lead him through the steps of a waltz. "My name is Isabelle," she said, an Italian accent leaking through her words. "I must say, I am surprised to see someone like you here. I expected everyone to be dumpy society dames and old men in older suits. But now I think this night might really be interesting." As Lord Steam stepped up to the bar, he had to shoulder his way past several people deep into their cups. He ended up standing next to a slim bald man near his own age, a badly-tailored grey suit hanging off his frame. He was hunched over a shot glass and a bottle of bourbon. As the Victorian adventurer waited for his own drink, he could hear the man's not-so-sotto voce complaining. "Idiots," he said to no one in particular. "Goddamn morons squatting at the top of Babel and thinking they're gods." He knocked back a slug of liquor and glanced at Lord Steam. "What are you looking at," he demanded. Victory moved through the party like an iceberg through a shipyard; gingerly, and doing his best not to crush the smaller forms all around him. As he turned from one conversation to another, his gaze rested on one of the waiters for a second. The man flickered as the cyborg's sensors probed him, the server's entire body being obscured by static for just a heartbeat.
  22. I believe we're waiting on Bree to get back from her vacation.
  23. If nobody has anything to add, I'll do a wrap-up post in a couple of days.
  24. Airon almost speaks the truth on all things. Def 4 + Dodge 3 has a flat-footed Def of 2; Def 3 + Dodge 4 has a flat-footed Def of 1. Why does a physically active teenager (and yes, she has to at least be 16) have a negative Strength modifier and such a low Fort save?
  25. JP, still waiting on that Notice check.
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