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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Liz accepted her latte and sipped it gingerly before setting the drink aside. It was good coffee, at least for a chain, but she didn't think caffeine was what she needed just at the moment. "It is hard to explain. I do not know much of magic, beyond the practical application," she admitted, "but I have absorbed a little knowledge. Apparently -- this is how it was explained to me -- all the positive emotions in the galaxy, all the peace and compassion and justice, empower a force known as the White Light, or the Light of Pharos. I have been chosen to bear it -- for the moment, at least." She shrugged, pulling her drink close and holding it with both hands. "I have the feeling it's important, but so far I've seen so many other people doing so much more for this city."
  2. Jessica rubbed her nose, taking a moment to examine Even's winking comment from all angles. Personally she made no bones about being a superhero, but she was aware that others in the cape and cowl community preferred to be more circumspect about it. Not that she had any evidence that the Martel heir was a superhero; she was a publicly known psychic, and had to be some kind of warrior if she had shown up at Guan Yu's tournament, but even put together they didn't mean she was a hero. Accordingly, Jessica lowered her voice when she answered. "Yes, well. I'm a lot more comfortable in those shoes or a lab coat than these heels." She glanced down for a moment before flashing the heiress a smile. "How are you finding the evening?" Johnny had struck out resoundingly, but the night was still young and his youth wouldn't let him dwell on his failure for very long. He spotted a woman further down the window from him; she wasn't as tall as Jessica but she was more curvy, dressed in a purple gown that hugged her hips appealingly. Her long black hair was done up in a complicated 'do, and she kept throwing frequent glances at a slim watch around one wrist. She caught Johnny looking at her and arched an eyebrow; she jerked her head towards the dance floor and the eating area, rolled her eyes, and shot the young man a smile.
  3. Liz felt a frisson of terror at the idea of someone looking into her head and seeing her secrets. "Not needed," she said quickly. "I am fine, really. It was just a momentary thing." She took a deep breath and spread her hands on the table, giving Agnes a weak smile. "See? Fine." After a moment she relaxed, sitting back in her chair and letting her face relax. "I am sorry," she said in a more subdued tone. "Parts of my life are not... well, are not fit for public consumption, let us say. I am afraid I cannot go into more detail." She smiled briefly, just a flash of teeth. "Though I can sympathize with seeing the face of a stranger in the mirror, trust me."
  4. Could I get Notice checks from Johnny, Victory, and Asad? Gather Info as well, if you have Well Informed.
  5. Alright, then. If Roo or SA wants to get in a post about foaming Chris down or putting him to sleep, go for it. Otherwise, in a couple days I'll post a wrap-up (and Cosmicstar's stats!)
  6. Everyone can get a free round against Hopeless Chris. Because this fight is, frankly, starting to drag just a tad and it's time to end it.
  7. Glowstar's hastily-aimed blast passed well clear of its mark, and the herald sneered at the heroes arrayed against him. "Again and again I offer you continued existence, and again and again you turn me down. You offer only violence to the Herald of the Gorgon!" Mega's eyes flared. "You do not deserve to be Preserved! I shall tear you asunder and toss your remains into the sun. None shall mourn you. None she remem-- ARGH!" Mega clutched his head and sank to the ground. His skin rippled disquietlingly and began to began shrinking. His silvery 'flesh' retracted and his form lost bulk with visible speed. In moments all that was left was Christopher Beck, pulled into a fetal position. "Please," he moaned, "before it comes back. I can hold it off for a little while, but... I don't know how long!"
  8. Starlight is a student at FCU, currently cranking through her gut classes.
  9. GM Marie accepted the tracker bug mutely, simply nodding. She showed the heroines a concealed exit from the building and in minutes was on the road, the radio beacon transmitter strongly. Catalyst and Flora followed in the chemical sharpshooter's van. Targetter led them south through the city, skirted the shoreline, and eventually made her way into the once-grand neighborhood of Port Royal. They passed many large houses set back from the road, most of them clearly having seen better days. The criminal stopped at the base of one small rise. At the summit was a rambling Queen Anne style home with a dark, weathered color scheme and many, many shuttered windows. It was a location that could've easily doubled for the Addam's Family manor. Targetter's motorcycle was idling at the base of the hill as Catalyst's van pulled up alongside. She pulled off her helmet and ran a hand through her hair, glancing between the house and vehicle. "There's a couple of guards at the front gate," she said, "and some dogs on the grounds. I'll take care of all that and clear your path up to the house. Come up five minutes after me." Without waiting for a response, she secured her helmet again and raced up the road.
  10. Glowstar's ranged attack roll w/ full Power Attack & full All-Out Attack, vs Cosmicstar's Def. DC 23 (1d20+12=15)That actually misses, but this fight has dragged on forever. Time to end this.
  11. Jessica took a deep breath. "I think you're just underestimating these people," she said. "You assume that because they're born to plenty they don't work hard. There's a lot of people who work hard to increase what they have, and put their fortunes to good use. A night like tonight shows that perfectly. Now, if you'll excuse me." She turned to leave, navigating around the individuals who had gravitated towards the lounge space. Maybe she could talk to Victory? But just as she was about to exit, she spotted a familiar face, a bit lower to the ground than she was used to looking. "Eve Martel," she said, stopping the woman in the green dress. "You probably don't remember me. Jessica Parker. We met in Tian, briefly."
  12. Ironclad :arrow: Not buying anything, just fluff changes to reflect that she broke up with KC. Tub Of Cookie Dough Ice Cream Passed by Gizmo
  13. Jessica's mouth pressed into a thin line and she shook her head. "I don't know if that's possible, Corbin. I don't even know what to say about Blake. I was worried when he told me that he dropped out of Claremont, but okay. He was starting his own business -- lots of people do that! Most don't drop out of high school to do it, but fine. Corbin, I thought we serious. I thought we might be... I don't even know anymore. So I asked him to move in." She ran a hand through her hair, breathing deeply. "And then it all stopped. He let the ghost-hunting business fall apart. He went out patrolling, alright, but he didn't seem to be doing anything else." She shook her head again, more sharply. "I... I don't know how I feel about him, Corbin. But I don't think I'm going to want to see him again for a few days, at least." She rubbed at a finger, and for the first time Corbin noticed a thin tan line, like a ring that had been removed.
  14. The AEGIS agent was a woman of medium-height, with sharp cheekbones and a burned-in tan. She listened to Protectron's story with a stony face, though the android could detect a flicker of reaction when he mentioned Section 13. She inhaled sharply and nodded curtly. "Right. Well. We'll take the superpowered criminals into custody and question them on base. The police can keep the baseline lackeys, we'll get to them in time. As for the uplifted animals, we'll have to come to some arrangement, but right now I think it's best if --" "Excuse me!" The officer on scene was a big, blustering man with a full mustache, almost a parody of a police sergeant. "The FCPD's not a holding pen for AEGIS! This crime happened inside Freedom City. We'll take these guys into custody, and if AEGIS wants to talk to them, well, there's procedures, aren't there?" The AEGIS agent stepped directly into the sergeant's face and spoke to him in a tone that was a hair below a shout. "Section 13 is a known domestic terror group! If these people are connected to them, it's a matter of national security, and where this nation's security and superpowers intersect, that's AEGIS territory!" Still up on the tanker, Glowstar leaned on the rail and watched the jurisdictional fracas build, making sure to keep one eye on the bound criminals. Farther down, the uplifted animals were greeting their imprisoned member. "So," he said, directing his question mostly at his fellow Claremonter, "what do you think the chances are of actually getting breakfast today?"
  15. A thin smile curved Liz's lips. "Yes, I can really sympathize with not understanding your powers. When I was empowered, I traveled for several years; it was only recently that I gained a mentor and any kind of clear understanding about what I could do with my new abilities." She glanced over at Agnes. "It could be interesting, though. The last time there were two Lightbearers around, it was the 1940s." She let that comment hang as the two women entered Starbase Coffee. The chain was ubiquitous in the city and spreading rapidly beyond, and the quality of the drink was at least as striking as the decor. Swooping chrome decals and bright primary colors decorated the walls, and models of starships from old serials and syndicated shows hung from the ceiling or were half-embedded in the architecture. On an impulse Liz reached out to touch one that seemed to be all saucer, her finger tracing the thin break around the hemi-- -- flashing lights and shrieking noises filled the air. Rank after rank of red-skinned Grue manned stations stoically, even as they began exploding. A psychic presence hung over them and pressed into their minds, linking their wills together and providing an efficiency no other organic crew could match. This was a starship that would not yield to fear or self-preservation. This was one that would fight until each plate had been rent asunder. And from that fearlessness would come victory this day, victory for the Uni-- Liz came back to herself suddenly. She was sitting down, and was pale and shaking. She hugged herself tightly, trying to remember the last few seconds but they were a terrible blankness. She hugged herself and slowly panned her vision around until she saw Agnes. The young woman tried to smile, but it was weak and quavering. "I'm sorry," she said. "I don't remember some parts of my life very clearly, and some things can... trigger them unexpectedly. When that happens it's... it's a shock to the system."
  16. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 28. (1d20+15=25) Bruise x1. Ironclad's Toughness save, vs DC 26. (1d20+14=33) And slammed it out of the ballpark. Yes.
  17. Tank's Sense Motive, vs DC 13. (1d20+4=7) Amazingly enough, doesn't make it. Tank's Toughness save, vs DC 21. (1d20+8=21) Exactly makes it.
  18. Sorus, I'm assuming the character you're referring to in your post is Ironclad.
  19. Both tanks are going to target Changeling, in an attempt to even wing the girl. Tanks 1 & 2's ranged attack checks, vs Changeling's Def. DC 23 (1d20+12=27, 1d20+12=24) One hit, anyway. Squaddies are going after Glowstar. Squads 2 & 3's ranged attack check, vs Glowstar's Def. DC 23 (1d20+5=24, 1d20+5=6) Only one hit, which is good. Glowstar's Toughness save, vs DC 23. (1d20+11=21) Bruised x2. Not looking good. Glowstar's going to try and finish off the wounded tank. Glowstar's ranged attack roll, vs Tank 2's Def. DC 27+Autofire (1d20+12=31) Yess. That's +4 to DC for a total of 31. Tank 2's Toughness save, vs DC 31. (1d20+6=24) Down it goes, and they are on the retreat. Initiative 20 Glowstar -- Bruisedx2 -- HPx4 17 Changeling -- Uninjured -- HPx1 17 Tank 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 11 Tank 2 -- Destroyed -- GM 9 Squad 1 -- Destroyed -- Minion 8 Squad 2 -- Uninjured -- Minion 6 Squad 3 -- Uninjured -- Minion Changeling's up.
  20. Starlight shone again, her brilliance filling the dirty theater with the noon-day sun. Against the glare it was almost impossible to see many small beams of light striking out at the zombie horde; the last few who were on their feet were carved into pieces and dropped down, unmoving meat once more. On the stage, Arcturus' claws closed around the necromancer's skinny arms, making his bones rub together and turning his face genuinely pale with pain. The bear raised him into the air and shook him roughly. Between the bellowing and the pain, the man's concentration was broken and he could only babble meaninglessly.
  21. Starlight's going to blast the zombies again, hopefully taking them down. And she's going to Power Attack (as well as she can) to do it. Starlight's ranged attack check w/ +2 Power Attack, vs Horde's Def. DC 27 (1d20+8=28) Alright! DC 32 Toughness. Horde's Toughness save, vs DC 32. (1d20+5=24) that is a second Staggered condition, which takes them out. Necromancer's Toughness save, vs DC 24. (1d20+10=11) Necromancer is Staggered + Dazed from the grab. Necromancer's opposed Grapple check, vs DC 30. (1d20+8=23) He is Bound + Helpless. Since he's Dazed, he's not going to be doing much with his turn, either. Initiative 23 Starlight -- Uninjured -- HPx3 9 Zombie Horde -- Destroyed -- GM 8 Necromancer -- Staggered + Dazed (Arc), Bound + Helpless -- GM 6 Arcturus -- Uninjured -- HPx1 Arc's up.
  22. "That's probably Victory," Jessica said. "He usually flies around. I think he's a bit heavy and bulky for a vehicle, anyway." Johnny's admittance of ignorance about her made Jessica pause for a moment. It was a different sensation, speaking to someone who didn't recognize her face or name; probably just another sign that she needed to get out of the Lab more often. "I invented a power suit," she said. "And there's nothing wrong with inheriting money, as long as you do something worthwhile with it." His next comment made he take a step away from Johnny. All of a sudden speaking to him was like smelling curdled milk and all she could think of was to get away. "I don't think you're giving these people very much credit," she said. "They're here, aren't they? They're helping folks."
  23. Glowstar's gaze snapped back to the dragons as they continued to rampage through the sky, shrugging off the attacks of several superheroes as if they were nothing. "Right," the young hero muttered to himself. "Time to up the ante." He inhaled slowly, gathering his energy up, forcing it into the core of his body. Cupping his hands close to his chest, he drew the energy out into a bright, crackling sphere. At the last he let loose and thrust the energy forward with the whole of his body and hips behind it, sending innumerable thin streaks of ruby light arrowing in to the fire-breathing dragon.
  24. Well, hitting it with an attack that really hurts didn't do anything. Time for a Multi-Blast, me thinks. Glowstar's ranged attack check, vs Dragon's Def. 27+Autofire (1d20+12=20) Urgh. Hope that hits.
  25. For the record, Ironclad can hit DC 25 on all Gather Info checks without rolling.
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