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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Starlight had been expecting this sort of reaction and was prepared for it. She reached out physically at well as mystically, the warmth of the White Light enveloping the woman's mind. "Be calm," she said softly, even as her own eyes glowed the same mystic power. "Go to your child, and calm his mind."
  2. I knew this was going to happen. Stunting the following off the Mystic Light Array. Emotion Control 10 (Extra: Contagious, Flaw: Limited [Calm], Drawback Noticeable) [19PP]
  3. Brian's eyes flicked up and down Miss Americana almost without his consent and he became acutely aware that he was just wearing a Raygun's jersey and old jeans, with clunky work boots. He smoothed his shirt as best as he could and stood up straighter. "Yes! I'm Brian Harris. It's a, uh, a pleasure to meet you Doctor. Miss. Um, how should I call you?" He brushed a hand through his hair, wishing that he'd spent some time on it before coming here.
  4. Starlight's using her Healing power in her White Light array on the woman. Please, please, please just let her be unconscious...
  5. Pieces began to fall into place for Starlight. A child with overdeveloped psychic powers, a disabled parent, and a pressing need on the child's part. It all painted a rather grim picture, but one that was easily solved. Of course, there was the question of just how this psychic plague had spread to the rest of the building, but before that could be solved she had to shut down the source of this terror. The Grue kneeled down next to the unconscious woman, pushing healing energy into her. "Miss," she called out softly. "Miss, you have to get up. Your child needs you!"
  6. Anyone else want to jump onto this before I start the thread?
  7. Tank 2 can't fire, so Tank 1 will pick up the slack. Tank 1's ranged attack roll, vs Changeling's Def. DC 23 (1d20+12=17) Miss. Soldiers start to weigh in. All of them on Glowstar. Squads' ranged attack roll, vs Glowstar's Def. DC 23 (1d20+5=19, 1d20+5=16, 1d20+5=23) Well, only the last one hit so that's not so bad. Glowstar's Toughness save, vs DC 23. (1d20+12=14) Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Rerolling that. Glowstar's Toughness save reroll, vs DC 23. (1d20+12=17) +10 makes it 27, so no damage. Oi. After two hits like that, Glowstar isn't going to mess about anymore. Multi-Blast on Tank 2. Glowstar's range attack roll, vs Tank 2's Def. DC 27+Autofire (1d20+12=18) Nope.
  8. The uninjured Alphadroid ignored Flora's attempts to harm it; instead the robot kept up the assault on Glowstar, who continued to dodge the rockets nimbly even as the rockets did more and more damage to the parking tower. The teen hero stopped for a moment to focus on another attack; more crimson beams arced out and struck the already-battered robot about its conical head. It sparked and its voice box started stuttering so hard it was impossible to understand what the creature was trying to say. "Flora," Glowstar called out. "These things are too damn big to miss. Just put more oomph behind those attacks!"
  9. Alpha 1 blasts Glowstar. Alpha 1's range attack roll, vs Glowstar's Def. DC 29+Autofire (1d20+10=14) Bwaha no. Glowstar blasts Alpha 2. Glowstar's ranged attack roll, vs Alpha 2's Def. DC 27+Autofire (1d20+12=23) Beats Def by 5, so +2 to DC makes a Toughness check of DC 29. Alpha 2's Toughness save, vs DC 29. (1d20+15=21) Bruise x2 + Daze refreshes. Yay! Initiative 28 Alpha 2 -- Daze (Glowstar) + Bruisex2 -- GM 18 Flora -- Uninjured -- HPx4 13 Alpha 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 7 Glowstar -- Uninjured -- HPx5 Alpha 2 can't act, so Flora's up.
  10. Tank 2's Sense Motive check, vs DC 17. (1d20+4=23) Whups, sorry. Feint fails, but the attack still hits. Tank 2's Toughness save, vs DC 19. (1d20+8=13) So Bruise + Daze.
  11. The Mighty feat just adds to the Damage of the power, it doesn't affect the Attack roll. Your first roll actually hit, but you technically can't take back using HP; not like Flora's hurting for them ATM, anyway. Alpha 1's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+16=26) Nope, not quite.
  12. The plastic soldier moved back quickly. "That's top secret, lady! We're not going to tell the enemy!" He raced back to rejoin his unit, skidding back into cover and raising his hand. "Big guns. Open fire!" The tanks, sitting in their semi-concealed next to potted plants, aimed their barrels at the teen heroes, the blasts sounding far too loud for the tiny cannons. Glowstar instinctively raised his arms to cover his face, but he felt the impact in his stomach like a medicine ball in his gut. He folded for a moment and almost collapsed, but managed to suck in first one breath, than another. The shell aimed at Changeling missed the nimble illusionist and impacted on the ruby-red energy wall, cracking it. Straightening, he gritted his teeth and glared at the miniature weapon of war, eyes flaring red. "Made in China my ass," he muttered. "That hurt worse than a bullet!" He raised one hand, angry energy coalescing in one hand. He tossed it like a fast ball but the blast missed the tiny target. As he retaliated the energy wall behind him faded, but the civilians had all fled; at the very least, none were in sight.
  13. Tank 1 targets Glowstar, Tank 2 targets Changeling. Tank's ranged attack roll, vs target's Def. DC 23 (1d20+12=32, 1d20+12=26) :cry: Oh, that's not a good way to start things off. DC 28 Toughness save for Glowstar, just barely misses Changeling and impacts on the wall. Glowstar's Toughness save, vs DC 28. (1d20+12=21) Rerolling that. Glowstar's Toughness save reroll, vs DC 28. (1d20+12=28) Much better! Soldier dudes are holding their actions. Was going to have Glowstar just stomp the guys, but that's just owch! Focused Blast against Tank 1. Glowstar's ranged attack roll, vs Tank 1's Def. DC 27 (1d20+12=15) That's a miss. Initiative 20 Glowstar -- Uninjured -- HPx5 17 Changeling -- Uninjured -- HPx1 17 Tank 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 11 Tank 2 -- Uninjured -- GM 9 Squad 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 8 Squad 2 -- Uninjured -- GM 6 Squad 3 -- Uninjured -- GM Changeling's up.
  14. The second robot ignored Flora, letting loose with another volley of rockets at Glowstar. He was ready for them this time, though, leaping to one side; the mini-muntions missed and instead exploded a random car. The teen hit the ground rolling and came up with his hands cupped close to his body. He concentrated and a sphere of crackling energies grew between his palms. With a wordless grunt he flung the sphere away from him and it broke into a thousand different streamers, slamming into one of the robots and denting its metal surface. The targeted robot stumbled back, hitting a concrete-and-rebar pillar with a resounding, echoing clang. "Al-Al-Al-Alphadro-ro-ro-roid zero-zero-zero-four requests ass-ss-ss-ssitance from ground personnel-el-el. Request... Request... ERROR! Terminus energies detected. DESTROY!" Its slit of an eye turned and focused on Flora. "Additional Terminus agents detected. DESTROY!"
  15. Alpha 2 blasts Glowstar as well. Alpha 2's ranged attack check, vs Glowstar's Def. DC 29+Autofire (1d20+10=14) Misses again! This is turning out better than I'd hoped. Glowstar switches to Multi-Blast and lays it on the second 'bot. Glowstar's range attack check, vs Alpha 2's Def. DC 27+Autofire (1d20+12=16) Not quite. Spending a HP to reroll that. Glowstar's range attack check, vs Alpha 2's Def. DC 27+Autofire (1d20+12=13) +10 makes that a 23. Beats Def by 5, so +2 to DC. Alpha 2's Toughness save, vs DC 29. (1d20+16=20) Ouch! Daze + Bruise. Initiative 28 Alpha 2 -- Daze (Glowstar) + Bruisex1 -- GM 18 Flora -- Uninjured -- HPx5 13 Alpha 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 7 Glowstar -- Uninjured -- HPx5 Alpha 2 can't act, so Flora's up.
  16. Somehow Brian wasn't surprised to find a badge with his picture on it already waiting for him. He took it with a smile and thanked the receptionist, hanging it around his neck and adjusting it while he walked towards the bank of elevators. He stepped inside and scrutinized the wall of buttons for a moment, until one began glowing with a soft blue light, all on its own. After a moment Brian shrugged mentally and pressed it; a self-directing elevator was hardly the weirdest thing he'd seen in the last year or so. The car ascended swiftly and before long he was deposited on a floor near the top of the building. The walls and floor were a sterile white, aside from the line of blue arrows that pulsed across one wall, leading him down the corridor. He followed the markers until they stopped at a door, seemingly identical to all the others in the hall. The young man tugged at his badge to make sure the picture was laying face-out and knocked on the door. "Miss Americana?" he called out. "Is this the right door?"
  17. The soldiers drew up short at the heroes' approach; the infantry scattered to defensive positions and the tanks aligned themselves to catch the area in a cross-fire, but surprisingly none of them opened fire. One solider stepped forward and nodded at the towering Changeling and floating Glowstar. "Ma'am. Sir. We're going to have to ask you to open your, uh, force field. We've objectives to secure past this point." Glowstar exchanged a look with Changeling before replying. "I'd love to help, soldier," he said, "but we can't let you roam all over the mall. Maybe if you told us your objectives..." "No can do, son." The plastic soldier shouldered his weapon and took a few steps back, subtly moving out of the firing lane. "Our orders are classified. Top secret, from the very top. That sort of thing. Now, I'm afraid if you don't step aside I'm afraid that me and my men are going to have to take... steps."
  18. Surprisingly... the soldiers don't attack! What will they think of next? Straight through the Ini order, back to Changeling.
  19. Alpha 1's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+16=30) Nope.
  20. I really should've posted this link earlier.
  21. Brian glanced up at the security cameras. "Right," he muttered and suddenly disappeared inside a ruby-red force bubble. A moment later he reappeared, clad in his metallic-silver jumpsuit. "Drop the cloak," he said to Changeling. "I need to draw these things' fire, before they take their frustration out on the civilians." Matching word to deed, he flew out above the crowd (that was close to stampeding) and spread his arms wide; in a moment a barrier of the same red energy appeared between them and the advancing... Toy soldiers? Glowstar squinted at them and that is certainly what they appeared to be. Green plastic army men, about thirty or so, rushed down the tiled mall floor, covering each other in classic infantry tactics that the Irregular recognized from what Myrmidon had tried to drill into his head. Down the middle of the hallway a pair of green plastic tanks advanced, turrets traversing much more smoothly than mass-produced plastic should've been able to.
  22. Initiative 20 Glowstar -- Uninjured -- HPx6 17 Changeling -- Uninjured -- HPx1 17 Tank 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 11 Tank 2 -- Uninjured -- GM 9 Squad 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 8 Squad 2 -- Uninjured -- GM 6 Squad 3 -- Uninjured -- GM First round: Glowstar steps up and erects a CO'ed force field, keeping the army dudes from firing at the civvies. Dealing with that instead of fighting nets him 1 HP. Changeling's up.
  23. Smash struggled free of the vines and struggled to his feet, roaring triumphantly -- before Glowstar slammed a fist into the metal man's elbow, red Terminus energies flowing from him and into the criminal. Smash staggered back, coughing hard, giving the teen hero a cross look. Before he could retaliate though, the slim Asian woman reappeared, blurring to a stop. She gasped when she saw the unconscious Trap Door in Flora's grip, dashing forward and cutting through the vines with forearms like buzz saws. Get-Away caught him with a grunt, quickly passing the blonde criminal to Smash. She touched his arm and said, "Get him to the Loft. I'll be right behind you!" Smash stared daggers at the pair of teen heroes but did as he was told, speeding away faster than the eye could follow. Get-Away dashed to the rear of the armored truck, unlocking the heavy doors and throwing them open. "Didn't even wonder what we were stealing, did you heroes," she spat. "Well, the Labyrinth can sit and spin for all I care. You're going down!" She blurred inside and then was a gray streak disappearing down the parking tower. Before Flora or Glowstar could follow her, they heard a loud, metal clanging from inside of the van. A pair of huge robots climbed out; easily twelve feet tall and bulky, each had a solidly built, roughly humanoid body that was topped in a conical head. A single red eye-slit scanned the teen heroes. A moment later, the robots brought up both arms, focusing on Glowstar. "TERMINUS RADIATION DETECTED," they bellowed in unison. "PRIMARY PROGRAMMING ENGAGED. DESTROY TERMINUS RADIATION. DESTROY, DESTROY!" True to their words, one of the robots fired off a salvo of rockets that, thankfully, curved wide around the young man; perhaps their targeting systems were still warming up?
  24. He's standing around, so Glowstar's going to take a swing at Smash. Glowstar's melee attack check, vs Smash's Def. DC 25 + DC 20 Fort (1d20+12=17) That just barely hits. Smash's Toughness and Fortitude save, vs DC 25 and 20 respectively. (1d20+13=23, 1d20+13=31) Just Bruised. Of course, before that the bad guys get fiat'd away and two new baddies enter the fray! Alphadroid 1 & 2 Ini. (1d20+8=13, 1d20+8=28) One goes before Gwen, so he's gonna smash the icky, icky T-baby! Alphadroid 2's ranged attack roll, vs Glowstar's Def. DC 29+Autofire (1d20+10=16) Misses. Initiative 28 Alpha 2 -- Uninjured -- GM 18 Flora -- Uninjured -- HPx5 13 Alpha 1 -- Uninjured -- GM 7 Glowstar -- Uninjured -- HPx6 Flora's up.
  25. Ironclad's going to make a Computers check to, um... Find a File, I guess? Basically Googling those phrases she got to see if she can figure out which facility this is, and where it happens to be. Taking 20 for a result of 35.
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