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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. GM The security guards apparently bought Catalyst's line completely, and soon the streets around the building were filled with a mix of uniformed guards, and men and women in nice suits. From her hiding spot in the van, Flora could see them milling around aimlessly until an energetic Spanish man in a silk suit began moving among them, interrogating each person swiftly and efficiently. She recognized him from her research: Iago Olivas, head of the real estate firm. For her part, Catalyst had no problem figuring out where office belonged to Olivas; she walked into the biggest one there and saw a plaque with his name on the desk. She moved to the filing cabinet and started trying the doors, when she heard a door open. Spinning around, she noticed a door concealed in the woodwork open and a large, metal woman stepped out -- Steelshanks, still dressed in the abbreviated black uniform she'd been wearing during the fight! Steelshanks narrowed her eyes at Catalyst, large hands flexing. "You," she hissed. "I told Mr. Olivas this didn't feel right." She side-stepped over to the desk and picked up a high-backed chair in one hand without apparent effort. "Now that your green girlfriend isn't here, I'm gonna make you into a stain on the carpet!"
  2. Let me know when a minute's passed and Starlight can save again.
  3. As Starlight proceeded up the side of the building, heading for the probable source of the calamity, a cold wave pulsed through her body. This was infuriating; she should be enjoying a day off, or at least protecting the citizens of the city from some other danger, not tracking down a child with too much power on his or her hands. This was a hideous waste of her time, not to mention locking her physical form! The cold flash left her hot and bothered in its wake and as she smashed through a fourth-floor window, she was breathing heavily. She stamped down the hall towards apartment 412, absently blowing doors off their hinges as she passed.
  4. Ironclad's going to be using her S-Str to pull the thing apart.
  5. Ironclad considered the barrier for along moment, possibilities flashing through her mind. On the one hand if they forced their way through, it would almost certainly destroy any chance of stealth. On the other hand if they really were facing an artificial intelligence, it would be operating along logical lines, which meant that most if not all of the routes into the interior would be blocked. They could lose a lot of time trying to find a way around that didn't exist. The decision was made for them when Caradoc plunged into the barrier with his plasma beam. Ironclad shrugged and stepped up to another section, digging into a chink with her armored fingers and pulling the pieces apart with main (augmented) strength. "Is there a difference between artificial and organic intelligence," she asked. "It reasons, it feels, it plans. What's the difference if it's made of silicon or meat?" She fell quiet and for a minute there was only the sound of rending metal in the hallway. "Unless you mean something like a difference engine," she added. "But if it's a mechanical computer, why does it need nuclear power?"
  6. Cosmicstar's Will save, vs DC 26. (1d20+10=26) Ooooo, just makes it.
  7. Brian had followed the 'soldier' through the fair, happy enough to go along with the play-acting for now. Heck, he had Gwen on his arm; he would've walked into Summers' office with a smile on his face. Once under the canopy, more of the actors helped him into a tin breastplate and had been trying to find a helmet that fit him, when the portals tore open the sky and two long, scaly beasts that could only be dragons flew though. He glanced around at the ensuing chaos and shrugged out of the armor. "If it wasn't for the screams," he said, twisting a ring on his left hand, "I could almost believe this is part of the show." His half-costume disappeared as a silvery-metallic jumpsuit covered his body, the red stripe on either side matching the energy aura that slowly rose to cover him. He sprang into the air, more ruddy energy gathering around his fists, and gave the red dragon a solid uppercut. He continued flying past, coming to a halt a dozen or so feet above the beast. "Bam! Next up I clip your wings, Big Red, so... uh." He trailed off, squinting at the fair grounds. Maybe the distance was playing tricks on him, but he could almost swear that something was walking around in the middle of the big dusty field set aside for the joust. Which certainly looked to be empty to his eyes.
  8. Cosmicstar's Fort save, vs DC 26. (1d20+18=33) Bam.
  9. Glowstar Free Action: Use Quick Change to get into Costume. Switch Terminus Energy Control to Entropic Punch. Standard Action: Charge the fire dragon. +2 Att/-2 Def until next turn. Glowstar's melee attack check w/ charge, vs fire dragon's Def. DC 26 + DC 21 (1d20+14=29) Oh, that had better hit. DC 26 Toughness and DC 21 Fortitude to avoid Toughness Drain.
  10. After hours of intensive research, the heroes had all congregated in the dining area. One of the systems that seemed to be working perfectly was the coffee maker, and Jessica Parker was willing to thank any number of deities or congregations of such, for that small mercy. Right now she'd removed the plates and outer systems of her armor, storing them in the convenient dimensional pocket that she had her friend Mara to thank for, and was sitting around in what was essentially a flight suit; a form-hugging (if not very revealing, what with the air bladders) bodysuit intended to keep her from passing out when pulling high G-force maneuvers. It doubled in helping with thermal and pressure regulation, and its navy blue colors weren't exactly unflattering. Not that she was really worrying about something like that just at the moment. She sipped her coffee and put a touch-screen tablet on the table, the screen displaying a blizzard of text documents. "So to summarize," she said, speaking for the benefit of Victory more than her fellow Lab colleagues, "we probably can stop the nanites. Direct EMP burst at the point of release and they're nothing more than a storm of chaff." She blinked. "Which will cause its own problems, come to think of it. Releasing a few tonnes of metal confetti in the higher atmosphere isn't going to make any friends at Greenpeace. But the bigger problem is going to be the very large, very mad head-planet that could cause widespread damage if she decides to come down and give Earth a snuggle." She paused and sipped at her coffee again. "Did I miss anything?"
  11. Nope. He's spinning and cursing. Feel free to post for Myr.
  12. Power Level 10 (117 pp) Abilities: STR: 10 (+0), DEX: 16 (+3), CON: N/A (--), INT: 10 (+0), WIS: 10 (+0), CHA: N/A (--) [-14PP] Skills: Notice 4 (+4), Sense Motive 4 (+4), Stealth 0 (+26) [2PP] Feats: Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Improved Critical (Blast), Hide in Plain Sight, Move-By Action, Power Attack [7PP] Powers: [87PP] Blast 8 (Extra: Blast [General]) Immunity 42 (Critical Hits, Fortitude Effects, Mental Effects) Protection 8 (Extra: Impervious 4) Shrinking 16 (Feats: Innate, Permanent) Combat: Attack +0 (+12 Shrinking), Defense 12 (6 flat-footed), Initiative +0, Grapple -16, Knockback -8 [0PP] Saves: Toughness +8, Fortitude N/A, Reflex +10, Will N/A [7PP] Drawbacks: [-4PP] Vulnerability (Fire Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Major) Abilities -14 + Skills 2 + Feats 7 + Powers 87 + Combat 0 + Saves 7 - Drawbacks 4 = 85
  13. The power of Crow's runecoat spread into Glowstar. At first it seemed like it wasn't having any effect, but after a tense moment his red-on-black eyes opened slowly. He sat up, glancing around himself. "I seem to remember being in the garden, and then Megastar... Megastar went loco! And he hit me... Ow." Glowstar rubbed at his chin as he tossed the coat off himself. "Hit me like a damn freight train. Gimmie a sec." With a bright flash the young hero took off, making a beeline for the struggling, encased hero-turned-villain. Some part of him realized that Megastar wasn't acting of his own accord, but Glowstar wasn't going to cry if the other hero came out the fight a little bruised; that punch hurt! Glowstar hit the Claremont alum at high speed, spinning the cosmically-empowered 'herald' head over heels. He posed for a moment in the air, energy pooling in his hands and sparking dangerously. "I'm back in the fight," he shouted at his teammates. "What'd I miss?"
  14. "Heroism lies within the heart," Starlight said, "not within concepts of light or dark." After all, if anyone was going to judge someone based on how they appeared, it wasn't going to be the Grue. Leviathan did bring up a very good point, and she turned to address Young Brittania. "Estwhile ally," she said, bowing, "your powers and mine seem to spring from a similar source. Would you be willing to meet outside of our normal duties, to explore this connection?"
  15. Power Level 6 (74 pp) Abilities: STR: 4 (-3), DEX: 20 (+10), CON: N/A (--), INT: 10 (+0), WIS: 10 (+0), CHA: N/A (--) [-16PP] Skills: Climb 4 (+14), Notice 4 (+4), Sense Motive 4 (+4), Stealth 0 (+30) [3PP] Feats: Accurate Attack, Agile Climber, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Evasion, Improved Critical (Blast), Improved Initiative, Hide in Plain Sight, Power Attack [9PP] Powers: [71PP] Blast 2 (Extra: Autofire) Protection 2 Immunity 42 (Critical Hits, Fortitude Effects, Mental Effects) Shrinking 20 (Feats: Innate, Permanent) Combat: Attack +0 (+10 Shrinking), Defense 10 (5 flat-footed), Initiative +9, Grapple -13, Knockback -1 [0PP] Saves: Toughness +2, Fortitude N/A, Reflex +10, Will +6 [11PP] Drawbacks: [-4PP] Vulnerability (Fire Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Major) Abilities -16 + Skills 3 + Feats 9 + Powers 71 + Combat 0 + Saves 11 - Drawbacks 4 = 74
  16. Size: Gargantuan [3EP] Str: 50 [8EP]Toughness: 10 [5EP]Defense: 6 [0EP]Features [64EP]Alarm [1EP]Navigation System 2 [2EP]Remote Control [1EP]Communications [1EP]Fire Prevention System [1EP]Infirmary [1EP]Living Space [1EP]Teleport BeaconPower [55EP][container]Concealment 6 (All Radio, ESP, Mental, Feat: Close Range) [12EP] Engine Systems Array 10 (20PP, Feat: Alternate Power 1) [21EP] BE: Flight 10 (10,000 MPH) [20EP]AP: Super-Movement 2 (Space Travel) [5EP] Super-Senses (Radar, Accurate, Acute, Analytical, Radius, Extended 3 [x10,000 increment]) [8EP] Super-Senses (Visual, Analytical, Extended [x100 increment], Thermovision, Ultravision) [5EP] Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9EP] 3 + 8 + 5 + 0 + 64 = 80 EP
  17. Security's Sense Motive check, vs DC 20. (1d20+5=12) They believe Catalyst and start emptying out the building. Bree, where is Flora during all this?
  18. Yeah, I'm gonna need a Bluff check to go along with that, Roo.
  19. Unless there's anyone who wants to jump in quick-like, I think five's enough.
  20. So what exactly would Arcturus like to do?
  21. Glowstar's coming out of the cage swingin'! Charge + All-Out Attack on this sucker. Entropic Strike. Totals out to 29. Which is just a bit more than is needed. That's a DC 26 Toughness save and then a DC 26 Fortitude save to avoid losing more Toughness. Toughness is 20, which is a Bruise + Daze. Fortitude is 35 which... yeah. Passes handily. Initiative 32 Megastar -- Bruise x3 + Daze (Glowstar's action), Bound -- GM 19 Myrmidon -- -5 Def -- HPx3 17 Changeling -- Uninjured -- HPx1 15 Crow -- Uninjured -- HPx3 14 Wisp -- Uninjured -- HPx2 10 Glowstar -- Uninjured -- HPx6 Cosmicstar is Dazed and not doing much, so we're back around to Myr's turn.
  22. Yes it does. That's a 12, which beats him by more than 10... except that he has half Immunity to Cosmic Energy Control effects. So it's a DC 16 effect, which only refreshes the Daze.
  23. That hits. Result of 17. He is dazed!
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