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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Comes out to Reflex save of 25. Unfortunately not quite enough; the foam is reapplied and healed. Result of 21 for the Sense Motive means he epically fails the Bluff check.
  2. Doing to the nanobots. Know/Tech check of 35, Craft/Electronic check of 40, Craft/Mechanical check of 35, Computers check of 35. All other Knowledge/Craft checks are at 25.
  3. SWAT gets a 6, Battlesuit gets a 15. I'll say they're pretty much well Intimidate'd.
  4. GM The battle on the pier was becoming much quieter now that most of the gun-wielding opponents were out of the fight. The battlesuited figure glared after Protectron (well, the helmet looked rather angry, anyway) and spoke for the first time. "I'm not some ground-pounding grunt," it said, deep voice booming over the docks. "I'm prepared for all-weather combat!" Rockets fired in the base of the suit's boots and it rose after the golden robot, slowly but gaining speed. When it was within reach the suited figure took a swing, but the more nimble android was able to dance out of the way. Down on the pier the remaining gunman both ducked into cover simultaneously, dropping the magazines out of their weapons and inserting new ones. That odd cessation of weapons fire allowed Screech to jump through the air, flipping several times before landing on the martial artist's chest, fists first. His tail and prehensile feet came around to grab the man around his waist, but as the pair fell the jumpsuited villain's head cracked on the wood of the docks and all the fight went out of him. The elephant man, for his part, was beginning to think that brute force wasn't the way to go. He moved more slowly among the boxes and crates, serendipitously coming across the soldiers as they were reloading. The humans met the hybrid's gaze for a long moments before scattering in opposite directions, but Bruiser was surprisingly quick on his feet. He grabbed one by the shoulder and swung him around, slamming the man into and through a wooden packing crate. The man dropped to the ground, suddenly boneless. Protectron's on-board radio crackled as someone replied to his hail. "This is the United States Coast Guard," the female voice said. "Operator, please identify yourself and the vessel in question."
  5. And now the Pier. Battlesuit's up first, so he flies up and takes a swing at Protectron. Battlesuit's melee attack check, vs Protectron's Def. DC 29 (1d20+6=13) Swing and a miss. SWAT 4 boosts Battlesuit's Def, Soldier 4 boosts Martial Artist's Def. SWAT and Soldier Aid action, vs DC 10. (1d20+6=9, 1d20+5=9) ... And neither go off! Screech does a bounce and lands on Martial Artist's chest. Screech's melee attack check, vs Martial Artist's Def. DC 25 (1d20+10=30) So that's actually DC 30, and adds +5 to the Grapple attempt. Screech's grapple check, vs Martial Artist's. (1d20+21=37) Whoa. Martial Artist's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+7=16) Staggered + Dazed... Except the Staggered conditions stack and upgrade to Unconscious. Out! Bruiser can't reach the Battlesuit, so he'll charge at the final Soldier; with full All-Out Attack that'll automatically hit, and a DC 30 Toughness save is something he can't make, so that guy is OUT! Pier 30 Screech -- Uninjured -- GM 23 Martial Artist -- OUT -- GM 22 SWAT 1 -- OUT -- Minion 21 SWAT 2 -- OUT -- Minion 20 Bruiser -- Uninjured, -5 Def -- GM 20 Soldier 3 -- OUT -- Minion 12 Freedom Angel -- Uninjured -- HPx1 12 Soldier 2 -- OUT -- Minion 11 Protectron -- Uninjured -- HPx0 11 SWAT 3 -- OUT -- Minion 9 Battlesuit -- Bruise -- GM 7 Solider 1 -- OUT -- Minion 5 SWAT 4 -- Uninjured -- Minion 4 Soldier 4 -- OUT -- Minion Freedom Angel is up.
  6. The paramilitary pyromaniac easily dodge the blue-flamed counterattack, laughing breathlessly. "Aw, is baby getting cranky? I'll get you a bottle, I just have to heat it up first!" The woman planted both feet solidly on the deck, then spread her arms wide and willed the fire down them. It burst in a sphere around her, making the tar on the deck sizzle and bubble; Squirt had been winding up for another strike, swinging off several of the higher stacks, but he wasn't able to turn in time and blundered right into the firestorm. He swung back out quickly but his webbing through, and he hit the deck hard. Back in the pilot house, the gorilla rubbed his chin with one hand, eying the disarmed mercenary. "It'd be easier to dismiss the attack," he muttered half to himself, "if I wasn't wondering if my jaw was broken." He moved over to the command console and started examining it, trying to figure out which controls would stop the vessel. "Just don't move, or it'll be woman overboard." Glowstar, for his part, flew back out the window and over the ship. He spotted Cobalt Templar and the arachnid in combat with the flame-slinger and made an immediate decision; flying overhead, he blasted the woman with a burst of red energy. It struck her in the side and forced her to take a few steps to regain her balance, but she wasn't down yet.
  7. Ship first. Professor goes to stop the ship. That's his turn. Pyro uses Firebomb to get both Squirt and CT in an AoE. Reflex save DC 20 for half damage, then Toughness save DC 25 or 20. Squirt's Reflex save, vs DC 20. (1d20+7=16) Nope. Squirt's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+7=19) Daze + Bruise. Glowstar flies out and take a shot at Pyro! Double-team! Glowstar's ranged attack check, vs Pyro's Def. DC 26 (1d20+12=31) Yeeee. Pyro's Toughness save, vs DC 26. (1d20+4=24) Bruise x3. Kinda wished I'd popped Improved Critical now, so she'd be Dazed for CT's knock-out blow. Ship 24 Cobalt Templar -- Uninjured -- HPx2 22 Gunner -- Unconscious -- GM 21 Prof -- Bruise -- GM 19 Pyro -- Bruisex3 -- GM 16 Squirt -- Bruise + Daze (Pyro) -- GM 9 Glowstar -- Bruise -- HPx4 Cobalt Templar's up. IC post on the ship, and then I'll get the Pier rolls done.
  8. Battlesuit's Toughness save, vs DC 31. (1d20+14=30) That's a Bruise. If you could get an IC post up, Archy, I'll go for the NPCs and Glowstar.
  9. Starlight's Will save, vs DC 20. (1d20+8=11) :(
  10. Glowstar's Ini check. (1d20+6=20) Glowstar's Notice check. (1d20+8=26)
  11. Bruiser is one of the hybrids, are you sure that's who you want to grab?
  12. GM As Catalyst pulled the van up, one of the several guards standing near the doors jogged over. He was young and clean-shaven, and obviously took his job very seriously. He glanced at the woman in the unusual bio-hazard suit and studied her van for several minutes. "Well, we're not supposed to let just anyone in..." While the young man was vacillating, another guard ambled up and butted into the conversation. "Mr. Olivas is going to like it a lot less if the building fills up with gas and folks pass out," he pointed out, "or if the whole damn place blows up!" He gestured for Catalyst to step out, pulling his younger coworker back from the van. "Come on in, uh, miss?" The suit hid the heroine's gender fairly well, and it was obvious that the older man was going by her voice more than anything else. "We'll show you down to the building's basement."
  13. Starlight lunged and grabbed the janitor's sleeve, steering him back to the front steps. "No, no, no," she admonished. "You just sit here. See those pretty lights?" She pointed down the road, where the flashing red and blues of emergency vehicles could be distantly seen, bobbing back and forth as they wove through traffic. "Watch those. Pretty lights, right?" She took a few steps back, still watching the man, and once she was convinced that he wasn't going to go running off into traffic she flew back up the side of the building. Apartment 412 was on her own floor. She dimly remembered a young couple with a toddler moving in a couple weeks ago. She wracked her brain for details on them. If she was recalling things correctly, the husband had some job in the city government that kept him away for long hours, leaving his wife with their young child. She imagined that it would certainly be stressful, but who was responsible for this mess? Was it the mother, the husband, the child? Or were they innocent victims here and the real villain just happened to start there?
  14. Skill Mastery! Skill Mastery! ALL the Skill Mastery! 18 for Diplomacy, 22 for Sense Motive, and 22 for Notice.
  15. Ironclad shook her head at Caradoc's reasoning. "Hopefully," she said, "stopping him will require nothing more than smashing him until he agrees to stop moving. But if we need to disconnect or reverse the flow of something, if would be nice to have someone else to catch those lightning bolts." The armored heroine followed the shining knight and the golden android into the power plant, stopping momentarily to peer down the exposed neck of the steam-bot. Caradoc's sword, however, had made a mess of the internal couplings and wirings and she was unable to discern much. She made a note to try and take the next one down without frying the innards, so she could look it over afterwards.
  16. Ironclad was in a state of barely contained glee, getting a chance to run around in the personal laboratory of one of her idols. She could barely focus herself to work, getting one of the magnetic containment bottles in an electron scanning microscope and set it to work. While that was humming away, she wandered through the asteroid, part of her brain taking notes and extrapolating her own design, while the rest of her geeked out at the personal look into Doktor Archeville's head space. Protectron's flat statement of sacrifice stopped her cold though, reminding her why they were there. "I don't think it'll come to that," she said. "In any case, trying to, uh, transmute the Gorgon would likely take too long. The next star system on her list might thank us, but I'd prefer to find a solution that saves Earth, too."
  17. Starlight again felt the alien presence try to invade her mind, and against fought it off -- but by the skin of teeth this time. She reminded herself to stop grabbing the 'infected' people, but for now she had a bigger problem in mind. An easily-solved problem, though; the alien gestured sharply and the can rose in the air, covered in a bubble of light -- an airtight bubble of light, and with luck it would handle the flames easily enough. Turning her back on the problem for now, Starlight turned and confronted the janitor. "When did this happen," she asked, sharply. "When was it that you wanted to see... 'pretty lights'? Do you remember where you were, who was around?" She needed to confront whoever was behind this instead of just running around and dealing with their results
  18. Starlight's Will save, vs DC 20. (1d20+8=20) The power of the Light shields you!
  19. Starlight physically recoiled from the idea of sharing her true identity, but after a moment she accepted the clawed hand and gripped it tightly. "I am Starlight," she said, "the wielder of the Light of Pharos. No thanks is necessary, Leviathan. The heroes of this city should always support each other." She turned and cast a glance over the petite young woman who formed the third part of the their unlikely trio. Her powers had seemed very similar to Starlight's own; Langston Albright had assured her that no other Lightbringers had emerged since him, but could he have been mistaken?
  20. He will be able to hit... Two, two minons! Ah-ha-ha! So that's SWAT 3 and Soldier 1. Neither really has a chance at making that, so both are OUT! Protectron's up on the Pier.
  21. Yes, it is. I'm kind of delaying going on Glowstar, though, because I don't want the Ship and Pier sections to get too badly desynched.
  22. Starlight's flat green eyes widened and she dropped down swiftly, slowing herself just before she ran straight into Scaretto. She grabbed the jumpsuited janitor by the shoulders, barely suppressing the urge to shake him until his neck broke. "Scaretto! What did you do! What did you do!?" She glanced around and noticed tendrils of gray smoke curling around the front doors of the apartment building. A blast of white light smashed the doors off, letting out a backwash of flame and smoke. Most of the lobby area was engulfed in smoke, and she could hear the fire from where she was standing. Narrowing her eyes against the smoke, Starlight plunged into the growing conflagration. Maybe if she could find the source of the flames and smother it...
  23. Starlight held herself ready, but Zealot didn't reappear after his cowardly retreat. She sniffed dismissively even as she raised one hand and a bright point source of light appeared in the middle of the warehouse, lighting the entire space brightly. "Evil sorcerers," she scoffed. "That is one man who hasn't been off-planet." With the villain dispatched, the heroine turned back to the scaled hero. She knelt next to him and touched his arm, energy flowing out of her and into him. "Can you stand," she asked him.
  24. Starlight's using her Healing AP on Leviathan.
  25. I can run with that. Any chance she remembers any new families that moved in recently, perhaps with children? Starlight's Int check. (1d20+2=9) Well, now she doesn't...
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