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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. What in particular is he looking for, then?
  2. Luthor Lexington was starting to regret not sitting in traffic. The new construction site was out in the Meadows, because of course it was out in the Meadows. That was the only place people were still pouring money into the city, at least money that didn't end up in the pockets of crooked cops and politicians while accountants made the numbers chase themselves. Even then, there'd be no reason for him to get anywhere near Stark Hill except for the construction/repair work happening on Greely Bridge. Cars were already backed up to Ash Street when he drove past, which lead him to consider that it would be a lot faster to drive up to Woerner Bridge or M-5 than try to fight the construction traffic. That was the only reason he was driving past Stark Hill, the only reason he saw the broken window, the only reason he mentioned to his sister over his cell, the only reason she mentioned going out to investigate... Now his dirty truck was parked in front of a loaded meter in Downtown and he was hulking in an alleyway, a six foot black man trying to be inconspicuous in Stark Hill, waiting and watching to make sure his little sister didn't run afoul of the city's corrupt police force. He was worried about losing his place on the construction crew, but not nearly as much as he worried about his little sister tangling with the officers of the Second Precinct.
  3. The reason for Stronghold to be at the scene is that Justicar's at the scene...
  4. For Sneaky Things, the thread could start in the Doom Room. I'm not sure we've ever had a "Holodeck Malfunction" episode, and an uber-hacker trying to sneak into the school would be a legitimate reason for that to happen.
  5. This is actually already going forward, Ex, so I'm sorry but no room to fit someone else in ATM.
  6. Obviously Stronghold will come along to make sure his baby sister doesn't get hurt by the same thing that ripped up the Rothstein store.
  7. Jann followed the man with his explosion aura easily through the top levels of ASTRO Labs, the energy seeming to reach out to shatter glass walls or blow out lights or rip up floor boards. It didn't stop the trained Avian warrior from following him, though. The chase ended at a metal door with a complicated keypad to one side; the criminal turned and with a yell shot a beam of yellow-orange energy out that filled the corridor. Jann was able to duck it, but he felt the heat of it on his wings. On the ground, the teleporting man continued moving around the security guards with ease. He broke one's wrist with an economical snap and threw another down the stone steps leading up to ASTRO's front door. Then he was in the lobby, people screaming and fleeing from his hungry grin.
  8. Mayhem is punching out more security guards Airborne is going to fine a beam down the hallway. Results 1d20+8: 16 [1d20=8] But that's not going to hit Bird. Gauss is up.
  9. Is FF looking for something in particular or just checking to make sure no one is around?
  10. Endeavor is spending her turn helping civvies, so that gets her a HP back. Bird of Arms is up next; explosion man is flying down the hallway towards... something, surely. What are you going to do? 24 -- Bird of Arms -- Uninjured -- HPx3 23 -- Mayhem -- Uninjured -- GM 23 -- Airborne -- Uninjured -- GM 10 -- Gauss -- Uninjured -- HPx4 9 -- Endeavor -- Uninjured -- HPx3
  11. If you spend the whole turn getting away and changing, I'll give Gauss a HP for playing into her Secret Identity complication.
  12. One of the hostages, rubbing at his back as it stood up, raised his hand. "I was a Navy pilot for seven years, ma'am," he said. "I've fired off Sidewinder missiles more than machine guns, but I know how to use them." Another person, a woman with a tie-dye shirt, shrugged and stepped forward. "I'm in the National Guard," she said. "We don't use SMGs much, but..." Tona turned as she stepped in front of Sam, positioning herself so that only her girlfriend would see the archer roll her eyes. "Maybe everyone should just go back to their cabins," she offered. "No one's going to get past us, and we've already cleared out the last couple of cars, so there shouldn't be anymore surprises coming behind us." She stepped through the crowd of people still milling around and considered the problem of the dinosaur. She had climbing rope -- in a kit that was somewhere in the cargo compartment of the train. She carefully taped up the creature's muzzle, but the tape only gave her a couple of layers before it simply ran out. She considered the zipcuffs, but she wasn't convinced that the powerful animal wouldn't be able to snap the plastic. Moreover, it could even hurt itself while it struggled. She thought for a long minute, then returned to the bar and started looking around underneath it. Tona ended up putting a tub full of fresh, white towels on the bar top, along with several folded table cloths. When she caught Sam's look she just shrugged. "Best option," she said.
  13. Raveled


    Aside from, say,m the Patriot or Director Powers, you mean?
  14. Tona glanced at the offered hand for a moment before shaking it. "Bow-din," she said, emphasizing each syllable clearly. There was a moment of muscle tensing as their hands gripped each other, then the big man pulled her around to the back to the car. He used the motion of opening the tailgate to disengage from her hand without actually getting go or admitting conceit; for her sake, Tona didn't want to be responsible for crushing an old man's hand. "I'll remember that," he said, helping her lay the stuffed backpack in the back of the car. "I'm Isaac Campbell, from Danger International." When he turned to take her others bags, she met his expression with a quiet question on her face. "You only brought one bag?" he asked, incredulous. "You're over here for a whole week, and you only brought a single bag?" Tona snorted and reached past him, unhooking the hard case from the side of the backpack. "It's not going to take a week to walk through the forest I saw on the way in," she said. "Don't worry, I'm not going to put the search for DI's specialists on hold while I go shopping." Campbell shook his head, laughing quietly. "Fine, fine. If you can find my people in just a couple of days, I'm not going to whine about you not bringing enough clothes. Let's get into town."
  15. Wealth 8 is beyond the scale of these boards: we only go up to Wealth 4, which is comic book super-rich/Tony Stark levels of wealth. The sort of obscene wealth that can buy countries. I'm not familiar with Untapped Potential. What does it do?
  16. Monday, August 11, 2016 Emerald City, Oregon The long, ragged line of passengers spilled out of the jet liner, six hours of flight time taking their toll on legs and patience and attention. Tona Baudin did her best to keep her face together until she was able to get away from the crowd. She stood alone by herself for long minutes, focusing on her breathing and her thudding heart. Flying through the air -- such an impossible thing that people here handled so blandly! -- always got to her, and crowds always got to her, and the two together for so long left her feeling twitchy and breathless. For now she was just happy to be on the ground. In time she followed the signs and the crowds out to the main terminal of Benjamin Jacobs International airport and towards the luggage carousel. That, at least, was easy for her. No one else had brought along a bright orange hiking pack with a solid bow case webbed onto the side. No one else could probably heft it one-handed like she did, either, which earned her plenty of empty room when she swung it onto her back. Out on the street, Tona briefly wondered how she was supposed to go about hiring a taxi cab before she saw the big man with her name on a sign. He was broad-shouldered, with greying hair and a powerful, wearing the sort of brightly patterned tourist shirt the archer previously thought only existed in movies. He waved at her, pointing at a black SUV. "Antoinette Bawd-in, is that right? Glad as hell to meet ya, girl!"
  17. So the bad guys go, and they're just moving. It would be Endeavor up next, but she wants to go after Gauss, so Gauss is up next.
  18. Jann's mighty wings moved him easily into the hole, the backwash clearing out the smoke and revealing a lab thrown into disarray. Glass implements and electronic devices were scattered across the floor, and men and women in labcoats were cowering in corners or behind desks. The Avian prince gave a whirl of his weapon and the scientists screamed, cowering away from him. There was a dull roar that shook through the building and he saw the man with the yellow-orange aura flying deeper into the building. On street level, the man in the trenchcoat reappeared on the steps leading up to the building. A security guard tried to push him away, and was suddenly grabbing at an empty coat; a moment later the man reappeared in a blue and gray one suit and slammed his fist into the back of the guard's head. The man dropped and stopped moving, and the teleporter continued deeper into the building.
  19. I'll let you delay until after Gauss, sure.
  20. Results 1d20+8: 23 [1d20=15] Results 1d20+5: 23 [1d20=18] Well that's weird. 24 -- Bird of Arms -- Uninjured -- HPx3 23 -- Mayhem -- Uninjured -- GM 23 -- Airborne -- Uninjured -- GM 17 -- Endeavor -- Uninjured -- HPx3 10 -- Gauss -- Uninjured -- HPx3 Everyone has so many HP! Olopi, you're up. Dude has exploded into ASTRO Labs.
  21. Raveled

    Savage History

    There was a collective gasp from the crowd as a whirlwind of movement surged among them, and suddenly the reasonable-talking colonist was gone and a man in shockingly white garb was standing in his place, and the ruffians were on the ground and groaning. Miras took a step back from the confrontation and nodded sharply, satisfied for the moment and reining in her anger. The native woman, though, seemed more scared than ever, but she tentatively took Fast-Foward's hand, wrapping her other arm tightly around her child. Miras nodded at Richard and they sped out of town, the timber and stone construction passing in a blur until they were standing in the forest again. Miras pumped her fist in into the air, feeling jubilant about that confrontation. "Okay," she said to Richard, "racists 0 and superheroes 1, so far. Now we just have to figure out what's going on with this way-too-literal witchhunt and we can stop anyone else from getting hurt." She eyed the native woman, who was still shielding her child and looking around fearfully.
  22. Dropping this here so I don't have to go looking for it a second time.
  23. Raveled

    High Steaks

    It's an interesting idea, but I don't think any of my PCs quite line up with it.
  24. Fixed the Initiative score. I dropped a rank of Penetrating to get him under caps. In order to get another rank of Accurate I dropped the Evasion feat; he's more solid and bulky rather than dodgy, anyway. I also dropped Speed entirely from his Container so now he just jumps around places.
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