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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Megastar adopted a shocked expression when Changeling asked him for his name. "Man, I'm Megastar! Original Next-Gen, alongside Bolt and Sonic and Seven, and all of them!" When his forced levity failed to dispel the tension, he fell into a more serious mode. "Okay. What are your guys' orders, then?" Glowstar glanced at the rest of the Irregulars. "We're supposed to protect the campus," he said. "Maybe not from the Gorgon, but from rioters and villains looking to settle old scores." Megastar looked at the young heroes, then at the walls of the garden. "Great vantage point," he said sarcastically. "C'mon, Summers told me two of you are teleporters. And the young lady in the dress, you're a mage of some kind?" He nodded decisively. "Okay, the 'porters take the interiors. Make sure there's nothing ungainly popping up behind us. Ms. Changeling, is it? Can you whip up a telepathy spell to keep us all connected?" The alumnus turned to Glowstar and gave him a long look. "I'll bet you're a flier," he said. "The ones with capes usually are." His gaze fell on Myrmidon last of all. "You can summon up weapons? And only weapons? Well, why not settle down at the main gate, that's where any rioters are likely to be. If we need you somewhere else, one of the 'porters can stop by and pick you up." Megastar stepped back and clapped his hands loudly. "That work for everyone?"
  2. It's from the Light. Any sort of non-physical attack she encounters gets sort of diverted and swirled around her, until its energy gets used up and it dissipates.
  3. I... see your point there. Alright, dropped the Density for now and bought some more Flight and Impervious Protection. I'll let the idea rattle around my head and if I can figure out a better way to do it, I'll buy it later. Also added a note onto the Connected. It is explicitly her asking Langston Albright for resources that fall outside of her normal, everyday expenditures.
  4. It's planning for the future. I will eventually be adding APs onto the big Morph (and powering it up) to allow her, for instance, to swing around big heavy club-hands at the end of stretchy arms. The Density is just to justify having such massy strikes.
  5. I'd point out that Glowstar is a T-baby, and if it's set after the Gorgon he is acutely aware of the fact.
  6. Fixed. After some deliberation, grabbed the Total extra and dropped the PFeat. Handled in chat.
  7. "We were simple beasts, uplifted to the intelligence of men," the Professor told the angel. "At least, that is what our captors told us. We have no memory of being anything less than what we are." After a little time lost sorting out travel arrangements (none of the animal-hybrids could move very fast and Glowstar insisted on carrying them in an energy bubble; after a short discussion, they compromised by riding on an open platform maintained by the Claremont hero. Following the Professor's advice the heroes zeroed in on a particular warehouse on the Waterfront, near where a freighter was being loaded with shipping containers. It didn't look out of place in its surroundings; a long, low building with a roof of corrugated steel and cider block walls. It had probably been intended as a temporary construction, but that had been at least three decades ago; now it was as permanent a feature as the waves and the ships themselves. The only unusual feature was that it backed directly onto the water, and in fact had a staircase out the back leading to a wooden jetty. The heroes convened on a rooftop opposite the warehouse. Glowstar gave it a good, long look, but the windows were covered over the bug impacts, bird droppings, and general pollution of decades. He shrugged and turned to the rest of the group. "So how should we handle it," he asked, willing to abdicate the decision to the older, more experienced heroes. "Knock on the door? Tunnel underneath? Or rip the roof off?" The hybrids clustered a little ways off from the heroes, watching the warehouse with trepidation. "Something isn't right," Squirt said. "There were guards here. Where are the guards?"
  8. [floatr]<img alt="StarlightHF.png" src="http://freedomplaybypost.com/wiki/images/3/32/StarlightHF.png" />[/floatr]<strong>Player Name:Raveled Character Name: Starlight <strong><span>Power Level</span>:</strong> 12 (184/189PP)<br /> <strong><span>Trade-Offs</span>:</strong> None<br /> <strong><span>Unspent PP</span>:</strong>&nbsp;5<br /> <strong><span>Progress To Platinum Status</span>:</strong> 39/120 (Gold achieved with Ironclad II)<br /> <br /> <strong><span>In Brief</span>:</strong> Grue drone awakened to sentience by the White Light. Travels to Earth to better learn how to use the mystic power.<br /> <br /> <strong><span>Alternate Identity</span>:</strong> Leyla, Elizabeth Moya<br /> <strong><span>Identity</span>:</strong> Unnamed Grue Drone (Secret)<br /> <strong><span>Birthplace</span>:</strong> Gruen-Prime<br /> <strong><span>Occupation</span>:</strong> Student at FCU, intern at Albright Institute<br /> <strong><span>Affiliations</span>:</strong> Albright Institute, FCU<br /> <strong><span>Family</span>:</strong> Genetically related to all of the Grue Unity<br /> <br /> <strong><span>Description</span>:</strong><br /> <strong><span>Age</span>:</strong> 7 (From when she left the Unity)<br /> <strong><span>Apparent Age</span>:</strong> Mid-twenties<br /> <strong><span>Gender</span>:</strong> Technically neuter, nominally female<br /> <strong><span>Ethnicity</span>:</strong> Grue<br /> <strong><span>Height</span>:</strong> Any, normally 5' 4&quot; or 6' 4&quot;<br /> <strong><span>Weight</span>:</strong> 110 lbs.<br /> <strong><span>Eyes</span>:</strong> Any, normally green or pure gold<br /> <strong><span>Hair</span>:</strong> Any, normally blue-black or none<br /> <br /> As a Grue drone, Leyla's default form is a masculine humanoid with brick-red skin and dead, pale green eyes. As Liz Moya, she is a woman of average height and curvaceous build, with smooth, olive skin, large, dark green eyes, deep black hair that's usually cut to shoulder length and tightly braided, and a wide, expressive mouth. She favors simple clothes with elaborate stitching, rather than a riot of colors. She usually wears minimal makeup.<br /> <br /> As Starlight, she is as a towering, impossible slender woman carved from alabaster, a smooth, unbroken form of pure white. Her eyes are pools of pure gold, and the rest of her head is blank and smooth unless she needs a nose, mouth, or hair; she wears a golden breastplate with flared shoulders, and banded sleeves of gold down to plated gloves. Her legs are protected by similar greaves, a metal skirt, and high boots.<br /> <br /> <strong><span>Power Descriptions</span>:</strong> Starlight is a fusion of two separate lineages. On the one hand, she's a fully functional Grue drone. She can morph into a variety of humanoid forms, and even generate clothes and other accessories from her body. She even has a form of tactile telepathy that lets her launch psychic assaults at nearby targets. Her past as a Grue drone, however, has left her particularly vulnerable to abilities that target the mind.<br /> <br /> On the other hand, she is the bearer of the White Light, a mystic legacy reaching back to prehistoric times. She can generate and manipulate strong light, focusing it into blasts or shapes of pure energy. She can even use its mystic powers to heal others of their injuries. When she uses it to travel, her form appears to dissolve into a thousand motes of light, only to reform at her destination.<br /> <br /> <strong><span>History</span>:</strong> Elizabeth Moya was born on a farm in the north of Spain, and grew up a precocious, friendly young woman. She showed such intelligence that her grandfather, an old friend of Langston Albright, worried that her mind would be wasted on taking care of animals all day. When the woman was of age, he contacted his friend in Freedom City and convinced the man to give the young woman a shot at a special scholarship. She did well enough to impress him and secured herself a spot at Freedom City University, as well as a part-time job at Albright Insitute. She's just a freshman now, but great things are expected of her.<br /> <br /> That's what most people believe, anyway. The truth is a little more complicated. In a distant star system, the Grue Unity was fighting a war against a technologically undeveloped alien species. Normally there would have been no contest, with the more advanced interstellar aliens crushing their backwards opponents, but these primitives had mastery of powerful magics. Most notable was the champion of their species, a bearer of the mystic White Light. Unfortunately, even such a champion could not hold back the inevitable, and the hero lead the alien invaders to the edge of his star system in an attempt to finish things in a single climactic, suicidal battle.<br /> <br /> After a long and indecisive engagement, the Unity finally managed to gain the upper hand. With his back against the metaphorical wall, the hero unleashed the full power of what human occult scholars would call the Light of Pharos, burning out his life in order to wreck the Grue fleet. The plan worked -- the energy ran rampant through the ships, destroying most -- but there was an unexpected side-effect. Before destroying the last of the invaders, the Light empowered a lowly drone. This Grue was ripped free of the Meta-Mind's control; almost immediately it began to regret what it had done as a part of the Unity and teleported far away.<br /> <br /> The free Grue, calling herself Leyla and later taking the moniker of Starlight, began to fight for good in the galaxy. In time she heard stories of Earth and their great calamities, especially one where a pair of human superheroes had wielded powers which sounded a lot like what she could do. She traveled to that little blue marble and landed in Europe, specifically in Spain, where she started fighting the local criminals and villains. In time though, she was confronted by the Freedom League. Her first instinct was to flee, but when the hero Pseudo revealed himself and his story to her, she decided to let the League choose her fate.<br /> <br /> The heroes took her back to Freedom City and introduced her to Langston Albright. The retired Beacon was startled, to say the least, to find out that the Light of Pharos had chosen an alien -- and a Grue at that! Still, he agreed to train her and support her while she adapted to life on Earth. He suggested she enroll in college, both to gain important skills and to learn what it was like to live as a normal person. She agreed, and now Freedom is home to the bearer of the Light of Hope once more.<br /> <br /> <strong><span>Personality &amp; Motivation</span>:</strong> Starlight can come off as rather cold, detached, and alien to most people she meets. She tends to hold herself apart from groups for fear of her own secrets being exposed. However, she has an abiding love of novel experiences and can become very involved in any situation she hasn't come across before, as she tried to learn all she can about it.<br /> <br /> As the Lightbearer she is the self-proclaimed champion of liberty and justice in the world. She is well aware that without the touch of the Light, she would still be a thrall of the Meta-Mind, and very little angers her like someone who would psychically or magically dominate another. She usually focuses on protecting individuals rather than governments or institutions, but at the same time she is no anarchist; she realizes that a fair and just system is necessary for individuals to thrive.<br /> <br /> <strong><span>Powers &amp; Tactics</span>:</strong> Starlight doesn't have as much variety in her powers as previous Lightbearers did. Her tactics are pretty simple: Bear down on the enemy and blast them with concentrated beams of light and magic! In a team situation, she's likely to try and provide cover for her teammates with Create Object. If her allies are down or civilians are endangered, she will usually adopt a more defensive posture and try to get the injured out of the line of fire before returning to the fight.<br /> <br /> <br /><strong><span>Complications</span>:</strong><br /> <strong>Secret</strong> Liz strives to keep her identity a secret, as well as her past. Largely because...<br /> <br /> <strong>Grue Defector</strong> ... People don't trust Grue, even those that claim to have broken away from the Meta-Mind. Not only that, she's going to be hunted by the Unity wherever she travels. As if that wasn't enough...<br /> <br /> <strong>Rival</strong> ... Starlight made the Grue Arcane a particular target of hers, leading to an intense rivalry with a particular sorcerer who went by Phantasmagore. That's not even getting into...<br /> <br /> <strong>Legacy</strong> ... Her status as the latest Lightbringer. It is her job to protect the world, indeed all of the universe, against the power and disciples of Darkness.<br /> <br /> <strong>A Special Kind of Evil</strong> Due to her past as an appendage of the Meta-Mind, Starlight finds herself uncomfortable around psychics or others who can influence a person's mind.<br /> <br /> <strong>Amnesia</strong> Starlight's memories of her time with the Unity seem to be locked away in her skull...<br /> <br /> <strong>Flashbacks</strong> ... Except when some sensory input triggers an overwhelming memory.<br /> <br /> <strong>Shapeshifter Baggage</strong> Starlight's mass is more or less constant. While she can increase or decrease her density to take a larger or smaller form, she can't take truly huge or tiny forms, and no matter what her size she will always weigh the same.<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>Abilities</span>:</strong> 0 + 6 + 0 + 4 + 10 + 8 = 28PP<br /> Strength: 10 (+0)<br /> Dexterity: 16 (+3)<br /> Constitution: 10 (+0)<br /> Intelligence: 14 (+2)<br /> Wisdom: 20 (+5)<br /> Charisma: 18 (+4)<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>Combat</span>:</strong> 8 + 8 = 16PP<br /> Initiative: +7<br /> Attack: +4, +10 Mystic Light Array<br /> Grapple: +4, +17 Movable Create Object<br /> Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed<br /> Knockback: -5, -15 against energy effects<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>Saving Throws</span>:</strong> 6 + 4 + 5 = 15PP<br /> Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Protection, Impervious 10)<br /> Fortitude: +6 (+0 Con, +6)<br /> Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +4)<br /> Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5)<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>Skills</span>:</strong> 84R= 21PP<br /> Bluff 8 (+12)<br /> Concentration 10 (+14)<br /> Diplomacy 6 (+10)<br /> Disguise 9 (+13/+38 with Morph, +43 as Starlight)<br /> Intimidate 8 (+12)<br /> Knowledge (Arcane) 3 (+5)<br /> Knowledge (Pop Culture) 3 (+5) <sup>Skill Mastery</sup><br /> Knowledge (Life Sciences) 3 (+5) <sup>Skill Mastery</sup><br /> Knowledge (Theology &amp; Philosophy) 3 (+5)<br /> Language 3 (English, Grue [native], Lor, Spanish)<br /> Notice 8 (+12) <sup>Skill Mastery</sup><br /> Perform 6 (Piano) (+10)<br /> Perform 6 (Singing) (+10)<br /> Sense Motive 8 (+12) <sup>Skill Mastery</sup><br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>Feats</span>:</strong> 21PP<br /> Accurate Attack<br /> All-out Attack<br /> Attack Specialization (Mystic Light Array) 3<br /> Connected (Albright Institute)<br /> Dodge Focus 6<br /> Improved Initiative<br /> Luck 3<br /> Move-By Action<br /> Power Attack<br /> Skill Master (Knowledge [Pop Culture, Life Sciences], Notice, Sense Motive)<br /> Startle<br /> Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>Powers</span>:</strong> 2 + 20 + 9 + 5 + 3 + 28 + 10 + 6 = 83PP<br /> <br /> <strong>Flight 1 (</strong>10 MPH<strong>)</strong> [2PP] (Magic)<br /> <br /> <strong>Gruen Array 9.5 (</strong>19PP, <em>Feat:</em> Alternate Power<strong>)</strong> [20PP]<br /> <span>BE:</span> <strong>Morph 5 (</strong>Any humanoid; <em>Extra:</em> Duration [Continuous]; <em>Feats:</em> Precise, Quick Change 2<strong>)</strong> [18PP] + <strong>Feature 1 (</strong>Sound Mimicry<strong>)</strong> [1PP] [19/19PP] (Alien) (Shapechanging)<br /><br /> <span>AP:</span> <strong>Mind Reading 10 (</strong><em>Extra:</em> Action [Move/Standard], <em>Flaw:</em> Range [Touch]<strong>)</strong><br /> <strong>+ Drain Will 10 (</strong><em>Extra:</em> Alternate Save/Will<strong>)</strong> (Mental Assault) [15/19PP] <br /><strong>Immunity 9 (</strong>Life Support<strong>)</strong> [9PP] (Alien, Magic)<br /> <br /> <strong>Impervious Toughness 10 (</strong><em>Flaw:</em> Energy Only<strong>)</strong> [5PP] (Magic)<br /> <br /> <strong>Morph 1 (</strong>Starlight form, <em>Extra:</em> Duration [Continuous], <em>Feat:</em> Quick Change<strong>)</strong> [3PP] (Alien)<br /> <br /> <strong>Mystic Light Array 11 (</strong><em>Feats:</em> Alternate Power 6<strong>)</strong> [28PP] (Magic &amp; Light)<br /> <span>BE:</span> <strong>Blast 10 (</strong><em>Feats:</em> Affects Insubstantial 2<strong>)</strong> [22/22PP]<br /><br /> <span>AP:</span> <strong>Create Object 7 (</strong>Str 35, <em>Extra:</em> Movable, <em>Feat:</em> Stationary<strong>)</strong> [22/22PP]<br /> <br /> <span>AP:</span> <strong>Environmental Control 7 (</strong>Bright Light, <em>Extras:</em> Range [Perception], Independent, <em>Feat:</em> Slow Fade 1<strong>)</strong> [22/22PP]<br /> <br /> <span>AP:</span> <strong>Healing 7 (</strong><em>Extra:</em> Total<strong>)</strong> [21/22PP]<br /> <br /> <span>AP:</span> <strong>Dazzle 10 (</strong>Visual Senses, <em>Feat:</em> Reversible<strong>)</strong> [21/22PP]<br /> <br /> <span>AP:</span> <strong>Teleportation 6 (</strong>20 miles, <em>Extra:</em> Accurate; <em>Flaw:</em> Long-Range Only; <em>Feat:</em> Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, <strong>)</strong> [21/22PP]<br /> <br /> <span>AP:</span> <strong>Snare 10 (</strong><em>Feat:</em> Reversible<strong>)</strong> [21/22PP] (Solid Light Shackles) <br /><strong>Protection 10</strong> [10PP] (Force Shield, Magic)<br /> <br /> <strong>Super-Senses 6 (</strong>Detect Magic [Visual], Magic Awareness [Mental]) [6PP]<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>Drawbacks</span>:</strong> -3 = -3PP<br /> <br /> <strong>Vulnerability (</strong>Mental, <em>Frequency:</em> Common, <em>Intensity:</em> Major) [-3PP]<br /> <br /> <br /> <strong><span>DC Block</span>:</strong><br /> ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT<br />Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)<br /> Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Light)<br /> Create Object Ranged DC 17 Reflex Trapped<br /> Dazzle Ranged DC 20 Reflex/DC 20 Fortitude Dazzle (Visual)<br /> Mental Assault Touch DC 20 Will Drain (Will)/Mind Reading<br /> Snare Ranged DC 20 Reflex (Staged) Trapped <br /><br /> <br /> <strong><span>Totals</span>: Abilities (28) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (21) + Feats (21) + Powers (83) - Drawbacks (3) = 184/189 Power Points</strong></p>
  9. Ironclad watched at Torque's first attack sailed past the energy controller, but his second managed to rock the woman back several paces. The armored heroine took advantage of the villainess' divided attention to divert power from her thrusters to her wrist blasters. She hung almost perfectly still in the air, a sitting target for anyone with any training in tactics, but this duo seemed motivated by rage than a clear plan of attack. She let lose with a roaring blast that momentarily lit up the riverside like a flare; it hit the young woman and popped her energy bubble before bouncing her off the pavement a few times. When the energy of the blast faded, the woman in the black uniform was face-down and unmoving. Ironclad dropped down quickly and knelt to check the woman's pulse -- slow but steady. She was just knocked out, not in any permanent danger. The armored heroine caught Torque's eye (as well as she could, anyway, from behind her blank mask) and nodded. "She'll be fine," Ironclad assured him. "Check on 'Ajax,' would you?"
  10. Ironclad's going to take the chance to blast Dirae while she's... Well, not Stunned anymore under the House Rules. She's just Dazed ATM. Standard Action: Blast Dirae. Ironclad's ranged attack check w/ full All-Out Attack and full Power Attack, vs Dirae's Def. DC 30 (1d20+10=24) That hits. Dirae's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+11=14) And she is down for the count.
  11. We are officially out of combat time, so feel free to post in whichever order you want.
  12. GM Freedom Angel's words had the desired effect, calming the hybrid men down. The chimp jumped off Cobalt Templar's head and down to the pavement, putting himself between the armored hero and the gorilla. With a glance at the group, Glowstar snapped his energy bubble off and dropped the arachnid onto the truck, who quickly scuttled to put the elephant between itself and the majority of the group. "We have no names," the gorilla said, glancing over his companions. "The scientists that created us merely gave us numbers. I am One, my smaller companion is Three, the fellow on the truck is Six --" "Oh, come off it, Professor," the elephant grumbled. He was clearly smarting from running headfirst into Protectron's body, but whatever animosity he might have felt had evaporated at the angel's pronouncement. "I'm Bruiser. The talker is the Professor. The guy who doesn't know when to stop is Screech. And the scaredy-spider is Squirt." "I wasn't scared," Squirt protested. "The Professor said to run, I ran!" "And look where that got you," Bruiser rumbled. The Professor held up one meaty arm, cutting off any further arguments. "If you really want to help us, not all of us were able to get free of a laboratory where we were created -- and while we despaired of ever getting a chance to rescue them, with your help we might have a chance."
  13. Doktor'd 9/4/2011 I also placed her Datalink/Communication into an actual Array. Ironclad :arrow: Overall changes to bring it in line with the sheet templates. :arrow: Lost the Fame Complication. :arrow: Lose 1 rank of Reflex save. :arrow: Shift the 5 skill ranks from Computers to Craft/Electronic. :arrow: Buy Jack of All Trades for the Technopath container. :arrow: Lose Subtle on the Datalink, replace with Machine Control; add an AP of Communication on there, as well. :arrow: Buy 6 ranks of Mental Quickness for the Technopath array. Adding in a new spoiler underneath that. Doktor'd 9/4/2011 I also placed her Datalink/Communication into an actual Array.
  14. Doktor'd 9/4/2011 Glowstar :arrow: General formatting to bring the sheet in line with the template. :arrow: Added a Complication, clarified a few others. :arrow: Buying 2 ranks of base Attack. :arrow: 1 PP into Skills. Four ranks into Acrobatics, shift ranks in Computers to Diplomacy. :arrow: Buying Acrobatic Bluff, Defensive Attack, and another rank of Luck. :arrow: Losing Super-Senses, 2 PP into Immunity to buy Immunity (Sleep, Food/Drink). Big change, he's losing Autofire 3 on his Multi-Blast. Also switching out Force Field for Protection. :arrow: Added a Vulnerability to Daka crystals. Doktor'd 9/4/2011
  15. Character Name: Phantasmagore Power Level: 14 (232/232) Trade-Offs: +3 Def/-3 Tou Unspent Power Points: 0 In Brief: Grue Arcane master of illusion and mental magics Alternate Identity: None Identity: The general public is not aware of the existence of Phantasmagore. Birthplace: Gruen-Prime Occupation: Evil sorcerer Affiliations: Grue Arcane Family: Genetically related to all of the Grue Unity Description: Age: Several hundred years Apparent Age: Middle age Gender: Asexual, nominally male Ethnicity: Grue Height: Any, normally 5' 8" Weight: 150 lbs Eyes: Any, normally pale green Hair: Any, normally none Phantasmagore is an masculine humanoid with brick red skin and pale, sharp green eyes -- more or less identical to uncounted trillions of Grue across the galaxy. Unlike most Grue though his build is thin, almost skeletal; he also eschews the close-fit Grue uniform for a billowing cape of black with red underlining, over a loose robe the same shade of green as his eyes. The cape has a stiff collar which rises above his bald head, and his hands are encased in flaring black gloves. Power Descriptions: Phantasmagore is a master of illusion and fear magic, and a skilled summoner as well. While he prefers to use illusions to confuse and trick his opponents, he can summon spectral weapons to attack them, influence their emotions, or even summon objects made of pure arcane force. As a last resort, he can veil himself from living minds to escape. While he's mostly neglected his innate Grue abilities in favor of arcane secrets, he can change his form to facilitate his escape. History: Phantasmagore is an old, old Grue. He is one of the original drones who were chosen by the Meta-Mind to experiment with magic, and in time his will and force of personality broke out from under that telepathic monster's control. Like the other Grue Arcane, he rebelled against the control of the Unity only to be driven from Gruen-Prime, eventually settling on a shadow world far from the grasp of the Unity itself. The Grue sorcerers withdrew from each other, each pursuing their own projects. Phantasmagore delved into the infernal realms, seeking allies among demons and other twisted wizards. In time he became a master of the insidious magic of the mind, and used this skill to try and take over the Grue Arcane. He tried enacting a ritual that would bind the other alien sorcerers to his will, but they detected his working at the last moment and broke into his tower, ruining the spell. He fled to the Underworld and perfected his formidable mind-magics there. When Phantasmagore returned to our world, he quickly ensconced himself on a primitive planet, ruling it as a god-king. His power was unmatched, until a former Grue drone now bearing the mystic White Light appeared and challenged his rule. She broke his grip on the natives and chased him off the world. It was the first time he and Starlight had met and matched each other, but far from the last. Again and again they tested one another, almost as if drawn by destiny to be each others' rival. Eventually Starlight traveled to Earth and established herself there as a superhero. Phantasmagore created a base for himself on Europa and began to observe the little blue orb. He is tired of the game the two of them play, and is determined to finish it by killing Starlight. Personality & Motivation: Phantasmagore is a meglomaniac, convinced that he is the greatest sorcerer in existence -- and he will not rest until the universe acknowledges this! He prefers to dominate whatever group he is a part of, either through sheer force of will or through subtle magics. He prefers bombastic displays of ego, both to cow his opponents and reinforce his own sense of self-worth. The alien sorcerer wants nothing less than complete domination of the galaxy, through whatever means he can achieve it. Time and again he's attempted to use vast rituals to impose his will on entire planets at a time. As well, he likes to teach tidbits of knowledge to the natives of whichever planet he's focusing on at the moment -- nothing boosts his ego quite like a cult of aliens proclaiming him as the arcane god he knows himself to be! Powers & Tactics: Phantasmagore never fights fair if he can avoid it -- in fact, he never fights an opponent face-to-face if he can avoid it! He prefers to work through allies and proxies. He almost never fights without demons or golems to aid him, and his tactics usually revolve around confusing his foes long enough for him to make a clean escape. If caught in a one-on-one battle, he will use his illusions and shape-shifting to confuse and wrong-foot his opponent and strike them when they are least expecting it. Abilities: 0 + 8 + 4 + 6 + 10 + 10 = 38PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 20 (+5) Combat: 12 + 16 = 28PP Initiative: +8 Attack: +6, +14 Magic Array Grapple: +28 Move Object Defense: +17 (+8 Base, +9 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 5 + 8 + 9 = 22PP Toughness: +11 (+2 Con, +9 Protection) Fortitude: +7 (+2 Con, +5) Reflex: +12 (+4 Dex, +8) Will: +14 (+5 Wis, +9) Skills: 132R = 33PP Bluff 19 (+24) Skill Mastery Concentration 10 (+15) Craft (Art) 17 (+20) Skill Mastery Diplomacy 19 (+24) Disguise 0 (+5/+45) Gather Information 10 (+15) Knowledge (Arcane) 17 (+20) Skill Mastery Knowledge (Theology & Philosophy) 12 (+15) Language 3 (English, Lor, Infernal) (Grue: Native) Notice 15 (+20) Sense Motive 10 (+15) Skill Mastery Feats: 21PP Attack Specialization (Magic Array) 4 Dodge Focus 9 Improved Initiative Equipment 4 Ritualist Skill Mastery (Bluff, Craft [Art], Knowledge [Arcane], Sense Motive) Europa Crystal Palace (PL14 HQ) [16EP] Size: Huge [3EP] Toughness: +15 [2EP] Features: [12 EP] [*:3lsa40ok]Communications [*:3lsa40ok]Concealed [*:3lsa40ok]Defense System (Blast 14) [*:3lsa40ok]Infirmary [*:3lsa40ok]Isolated [*:3lsa40ok]Laboratory [*:3lsa40ok]Library [*:3lsa40ok]Living Space [*:3lsa40ok]Power 3 [*:3lsa40ok]Workshop Concealment 10 (All Senses, Feat: Close) [21PP] ESP 15 (All senses, Feat: Subtle) [61PP] Powers: 3 + 47 + 24 + 9 + 7 = 90PP Immunity 3 (Aging, Disease, Poison) [3PP] (Alien) Magic Array 23.5 (42PP, Feat: Alternate Power 5) [47PP] (Magic) BE: Illusion 14 (All senses, Flaw: Phantasm) {42/42} AP: Blast 14 (Extra: Alternate Save [Will]) {42/42} AP: Create Object 14 (Extra: Movable) {42/42} AP: Emotion Control 14 (Extra: Area/Targeted [shapeable]) {42/42} AP: Teleport 15 (Same Solar System, Feats: Easy, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout) {34/42} AP: Concealment 10 (All Senses, Flaw: Phantasm, Feat: Close, Selective) {12/42} Morph 8 (Any Humanoid, Extra: Duration [Continuous]) [24PP] (Alien) Protection 9 [9PP] (Magic) Super-Senses 7 (Magic Awareness [Mental], Detect Magic [Tactile], Ranged [normal Tactile]) [7PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP None Abilities (38) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (22) + Skills (33) + Feats (21) + Powers (90) - Drawbacks (0) = 232/232 Power Points
  16. I'm going to say this, to both of you. One the hand, I really would hate it if you refuse to post or otherwise drag out the thread, just so your character can have some tactical/mechanical advantage gained from September's edits. On the other hand, this thread can't go forward until Azuth is back, anyway. So as long as it doesn't seem like you're deliberately trying to slow things down, I have no problem with Crow and Changeling using their fresh, September selves for the thread.
  17. Jessica raised her head and gave Gossamer a wave. "Yes, this is the space suit I made for you. It should help keep you, ah, together in deep space." She flourished the jumpsuit dramatically; it was all white, a stark contrast to the deep blue of the armored sections. "This is the pressure suit. Combined with the surface tension from your skin, it should act to self-regulate your internal pressure in a vacuum." She hung the jumpsuit up and picked up the helmet. "There's an internal radio that should let you connect with all of us, activated by chin controls. Although thinking about it, you can probably use your hair for that, but either way." She turned the helmet around, picking up one of the loose metal tubes. "Your hair goes in here. They should extend to your maximum limit, and keep the entire system sealed." The helmet went back on the table and the young genius indicated the backpack. "That contains your CO2 scrubber and reaction mass. You won't be going very fast, but you should be able to do more than just swing from place to place within the Gorgon. Which is a good idea, since we don't want to upset it more than is necessary. Although maybe it wouldn't feel that -- you don't feel bacteria in your guy, do you?" Jessica realized she was babbling and shut her mouth sharply. She took a deep breath and let it out, smiling wanly at the group and taking a deliberate step away from the workbench. "We're just waiting for Torque and Protectron, right?"
  18. Ironclad The Final Frontier Continental Vacation Power Struggle Rage Against the Machines Public Anomie Shock the Monkey Confessions of a Teenage Superhero News 9 + 12 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 1 = 41 + Vignette Glowstar Animal Control: Breakout Legacy Heroes Don't Stop the Music Ravening Salt-Sea Sharks Robots! Freedom City Renaissance Fair Parting is such Sweet Sorrow Broke, Blind, and Bedlam Playing With Toys 6 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 27 + 1 + 2 = 50 Starlight Playing to a Packed House Arcane Defenestration Not My Best Side 6 + 8 + 11 = 25 + Reputation GM Legacy Heroes Animal Control: Breakout Science Shenanigans Playing to a Packed House Green Fire 4 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 18
  19. So Clad'll handle the space suit. And she literally can't fail it, what with SM and mental Quickness.
  20. For some unvoiced reason, the half-dozen brainy heroes who had chosen to confront the Gorgon directly had congregated in the hanger at the top of the Lab. The three-story space was open at the center, but there were side cubbies to let engineers tweak designs before flight. Jessica Parker was in one of those, mostly in her armor; one gauntlet and her helmet were retracted. On the workbench in front of her was a number of blue-and-white armor sections suspiciously similar to Ironclad's own design, but more more brief: a pair of kneecaps, some boots, gauntlets, pauldrons and faulds, and an odd-looking bubble helmet with a number of slack, flexible metal appendages trailing out the back. A jumpsuit on a hanger was folded over a chair, as the young genius worked on a bulky-looking backpack contraption. She glanced up as the odd young man walked into the huge room. "Too slow," she said, raising her voice to project over the open space. "Even factoring in that the Gorgon is coming here, we'd be weeks in transit and weeks coming back. If we do fail," she added, her tone determinedly upbeat, "the League will need to know ASAP in order for back-up plans to have any chance succeed." Jessica walked over and picked up the jumpsuit, tugging on it with her bare hand. Even taking into account the elasticity of the fabric, it had obviously hadn't been sized for her. "So Supercape's going to 'port us over and 'port us back once we're done. I understand Dark Star was going to come originally, but he's been tapped to help with the evacuation last I heard."
  21. Jessica blushed at Blake's peck, squeezing his hand. The train had side-by-side seats this time and Jessica had sprung for first-class accommodations; they had a pair of roomy seats together with no one else nearby, but they were still sitting knee-to-knee. She had to lean back a little to enjoy Blake's card-shark skills and examine the cards available to her. They looked like pretty normal playing cards, but her boyfriend was a magician of the oldest sense; the possibility that this was some normal sleight-of-hand was slim to none. She slid a card out and held it close to her breast, looking at Blake instead of the face of the card. "These aren't dirty playing cards, are they," she asked slyly. "Last night was very fun, but there's a time and a place for everything."
  22. Ironclad watched her blast and Caradoc's sword served for the robots holding the front of the plant. Surprisingly, the reinforcements didn't throw themselves into the battle; that was unusual, in her experience. Most supervillains didn't have any tactical plans besides "hit the heroes until they fall over." This bespoke a more cunning mind that usual, and it required a bit of forethought. The armored heroine withdrew, landing at the AEGIS/AEC command post near the entrance. She unsealed her helmet, the metal bowl folding away and into her armor. The young woman brushed a lock of blond hair out of her eyes and gave the scientists and government agents assembled a long look before speaking. "Alright," she said. "What's the situation, then?"
  23. Just to review from what I remember in the planning thread: Supercape is going to teleport everyone onto (into) the Gorgon, then they're going to use a Lab-built stealth (Concealment) generator to avoid most of the Gorgon's defenses. And sometime before the thread, someone's going to need to make Goss a spacesuit. The space suit for Gossamer will be 12 pts; the Design and Inventor checks will both be DC 22. The stealth field generator will be 21 pts; the Design and Inventor checks will both be DC 31. The space suit would probably be a cakewalk for either Ironclad or Dragonfly, but the stealth generator's a toughie. Any ideas?
  24. Ironclad slowly moved around the group of clockwork robots, looking for an opening in their shield. There didn't seem to be one -- their actions were too well-coordinated (and she was too shy of the lightning bolts) to exploit any opening. Eventually the heroine settled herself at a comfortable distance from the fight and examined her options. If she couldn't sneak an attack past the shield of electrified junk she would have to punch through it. It was a risky gambit, but if any hero on the scene had the power, she did. Ironclad held herself steady in the air as diverted power gathered in her wrist blasters, and in a flare of light she sent a maximum-charged blast towards the barrier.
  25. Ironclad's gonna stay at the limits of her range (450 ft) and blast the shield. Standard Action: Blast the junk shield. Ironclad's ranged attack check w/ full All-Out Attack and full Power Attack, vs junk shield. DC 30 (1d20+10=16) Ugh. Hope that hits. Ironclad's Initiative roll. (1d20+5=25) Why can't I get that for an attack roll?
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