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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. My Claremonter is now sitting in the C-Bank waiting for approval, but I still don't have a rival or real adventure idea for Chrome. I don't know why he would be involved in a big fight like this! He's not even good enough at hacking to hack the hackerbox. EDIT: An idea that occurs to me about his Shadow Academy rival; it could be someone that was unwillingly augmented. Think Adam Jensen "I didn't ask for this" taken to Cyborg levels; a sneaky individual with enough augmentations to make his attacks hurt. That could be a good counter and rival to Chrome's more straightforward smashiness.
  2. Let's start getting some Initiatives!
  3. The man in the trenchcoat laughed out loud at Gauss's burst of Spanish. "Look and learn, girl, look and learn. You don't need to know what I'm saying to get what I'm teaching, you know? Just have to keep your eyes open." Then he disappeared, a small clap of thunder and a cavity in the crowd the only sign that he was ever there. Up in the sky the man barely even glanced at the rising Avian before he put on a final burst of acceleration. He plunged into the building with a sudden gout of energy and fire. The crowds on street level suddenly looked up, taking a collective breath as the explosion rippled out of the ASTRO building. Then shards of glass glittered in the noonday sun and everyone started to scream and push at once.
  4. Gauss found herself back towards the rear of the group, listening as the tour guide started expounding on some of the superheroes and government groups that had worked closely with ASTRO Labs in the past. She found that she was walking next to a short man in a long coat who was laughing quietly at the tour guide's words. "Man, what a sack of crap," the man said, apparently to Gauss. "People see the capes going inside and they think this building might as well be the Lighthouse, ehn?" He punched Gauss lightly in the arm, like they were old friends, and gave her a lopsided smile. "Pretty soon though, they're gonna see just what a building full of eggheads can really do against scary people." The man rolled back the sleeve of his coat and checked a wristwatch. "Aaaaaany second now."
  5. Alright, time to move this forward, with or without Zu. Endeavor can see that there's someone flying through the sky They seem to be circling the ASTRO Labs building, and going pretty fast. Bird of Arms can see that there's a man high up in the sky, wrapped in yellow energy, that's circling around the ASTRO Labs building. You can see him check his watch, turn towards the building, and accelerate.
  6. I'd like a Notice check from Endeavor and Bird, please.
  7. For all the rolls and suchlike that show up in this thread. Everyone show up and start getting excited!
  8. July 30th, 2016 ASTRO Labs, Freedom City Lunchtime Downtown Freedom City was busy every single day. No matter what else was going on, the streets were crowded with pedestrians and cars, the weekend just meant the people were of a different flavor. The soaring towers of ASTRO Labs looked down on. Happy families and trendy teenagers thronged the streets, moving from place to place and interspersed with groups of tourists eager to experience the City of Heroes. A large group of elderly Asians with cameras around their necks lined up in front of the skyscraper, a young woman in a red pantsuit in their lead. The woman held a folded map in the air and started talking. "This is the headquarters of ASTRO Labs," she said, her voice projecting above the noise of traffic. "A world leader in scientific R&D, ASTRO Labs is proud to help Freedom City's hero population whenever a mystery is in their path!" Near the back of the group, a man in a trenchcoat lurked underneath a young tree. He chuckled when he heard to guide's pithy summation. Pretty soon ASTRO Labs was going to feel the burn from helping so many heroes.
  9. Raveled


    The union rep's phone only rang once before he picked it up. There were a few pleasantries and then they got down to business. "Yeah, Greg talked to me about money," he said. Joe knew from personal experience that the rep was a ferret-faced man with a high voice; even when he was being sincere he sounded like he was wheedling. "I said the union can't just give out money, that's why we fight for you guys and get you such good medical insurance, so you don't need to run to the bank every time a little problem crops up. I told him we weren't a bank, but if he needed a loan we could write him a recommendation." A few more phone calls confirmed Anne's story; Greg had asked around for more shifts at work, but he was already working every hour the mill could give him. He'd asked around about part-time work, but no one at the plant could get him anything than minimum wage service jobs. The strongest lead Joe turned up was that someone had seen Greg up in Hanover, and when that man tried to talk Greg turned scared and ran in the other direction.
  10. Joe finds out that Greg did ask the union rep for money, but it goes against union guidelines to extend a credit line to individual union members; the union could act as a character witness for a personal loan, but they're not a bank. Greg did ask for more shifts at work, but he was already working all the hours he legally could. A steel mill doesn't want a worker that's so tired he's going to make mistakes, after all. Joe asked around with some of the guys to see if anyone was hiring. Nobody could give him a solid line, but someone mentioned seeing him in Hanover a lot. If Greg got a second job, it might be up there.
  11. Blue Jay crept through the entire silent museum, checking each door and hallway carefully until she was sure that no one else was in there. There wasn't another soul in the building, and she made sure that the window blinds on the first level were closed. After a second's thought, she unlocked the front door and checked the bell hanging there; secure in the knowledge that she would hear anyone entering, she moved to examine the dinosaur skeletons on display. She moved around them carefully, letting the sensors in her mask probe and illuminate the depths of skull cavities while her sensitive fingers checked spinal columns, and she used lock picks to comb through the taxidermied fur of the non-skeletal exhibits. Her careful search turned up nothing out of the ordinary. Stumped, the archer checked the rooms until she came on one filled to the brim with filing cabinets. Her lip rose in a momentary sneer before she deftly unlocked the first drawer. She didn't care for slogging through paperwork, but if someone had called or mailed a threat to the museum, she could only hope that the staff had kept a record of it.
  12. Just so it's in the clear, Blue Jay doesn't have enough Notice to realize that someone is watching the building unless she looks, and Bonfire doesn't have enough Notice to beat her Stealth checks. So someone is going to have to knock on that door.
  13. Tona carefully stepped around and behind the cultist, tying her arms back with zip ties and then wrapping her hands and wrists and forearms in layers of duck tape. After a moment of fumbling and unclipped the woman's machine gun and laid it on the surface of a bar that was halfway down the train car. Then she went to work tying and taping up the rest of the cultists, occasionally glancing at the unconscious dinosaur and trying to gauge how much tape she would need for it. Halfway through the man who had been thrown to the floor spoke up. "Excuse me?" As Tona watched, he slowly rose to his knees. "Are... are you superheroes? Are you here to stop them?" Tona glanced at Sam and shrugged. "Serendipity," she said. "But yes, we are going to stop them." The man let out a long sigh and all of the hostages visibly relaxed. "Then, um, do we have to keep kneeling down." "Ah. Um, no. You can stand up." The archer tapped her chin for a moment and considered the dinosaur. "Stay away from the lizard, though."
  14. It's a good rule of thumb that a character should have two of the following three. Superpowers A costume A code name If your martial artist has two of the three, I'm sure she can work here. The concept might require some tweaking, though.
  15. I updated the Ability score line and yes, that Dazzle should be Touch range. I fixed that. I didn't put in any of the fluff because this is a published NPC in a Threat Report. I didn't know how much of Green Ronin's writing I should put in.
  16. Stronghold Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Stronghold Power Level: 7 (105/108 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 3 In Brief: A big man with a big arm trying to keep his little sister safe. Catchphrase: "I'll fight you with one hand behind my back." Alternate Identity: Luther Lionel Lexington (Secret) Birthplace: Bedlam City, WI Residence: Disused warehouse in Wolverton Base of Operations: Wolverton Occupation: Construction, bouncer, various jobs under the table Affiliations: Good News Thunderous Hammer Church of God in Christ Family: Alice (mother), father (unknown/estranged), Lena (sister) Description: Age: 32 (October, 1983) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African-American Height: 6' 0" Weight: 210 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Brown Luthor Lexington is a large man with a barrel chest and a heavy build. It would be easy to call him fat, except that he moves with the restrained grace of someone with a lot of power who knows how to use it. He wears a short, neat beard and close-cropped hair, and dresses in clean clothes, usually athletic shirts and old, baggy jerseys and well-patched jeans. His hands are large and calloused and his face is stuck in a permanent scowl. When he goes out on the street with Lena, he wears a similar outfit. The most eye-catching part is a bright red tee-shirt with a black shield on it. He wears a black mask wrapped around his head to hide his identity, and black motorcycle gloves and combat boots. History: Luthor Lexington was born in Bedlam and grew up in Wolverton, amid poverty and discrimination and need. His mother wasn't a very good provider, and at an early age he became responsible for his sister Lena. He did everything he could to keep her safe and warm, and in Wolverton that meant joining a gang. They weren't as high profile as the Devil Rays, but they did a brisk trade by stealing or disassembling cars on the street. One night Luthor ranged wide outside of their normal territory looking for a good mark, and ended up breaking into an up-market SUV too near Stark Hill. The cops caught him, chased him, and arrested him; they charged him with grand theft auto (stealing a stereo), resisting arrest (running away) and assaulting a police officer (throwing a trash can at one of the cops). He was thrown into Bedlam City Jail and waited for his day in court. So he waited, and waited, and waited. Months went by and Luthor didn't have any contact with the outside world. He tried to lay low, but the big man was actively courted by several gangs who had their tendrils in the penitentiary; when he refused to play ball, he was jumped in the shower. Luthor fought back and put a couple of his assailants in the hospital and two charges of assault were appended to his case. It began to look like he would never walk free again and he fell into a deep, dark depression. That was when he met with a trim woman and a fat man who dressed in dark suits that screamed "Fed." They offered him a chance to get out of jail and sidestep the entire trial, a chance to earn enough money to get him and his family out of Bedlam forever. It was the chance of a lifetime and Luthor jumped at it. He was transferred to Bald Hill Penitentiary and placed in solitary confinement, but before long the experiments began. He was cut open and machines were put in him, he was subjected to electric shocks and freezing baths, he was injected with drugs and poisons. At some point he began lifting things with streamers of blue-red energy, and with a little more work (and more 'enticement' by his handlers/torturers) he learned to refine these abilities. Still, the researchers weren't very happy with him and once again Luthor began to wonder again if he'd ever see the sun again. One gloomy day (all days are gloomy in doors) he was shackled and loaded into a van and drove out into the city. His chains were short enough that he could barely get off his bench, but he did his best to watch the city through the barred window in the side of the van. He was probably the first one to see the dump truck that hit them. In a few moments the strict, military air of the group descended into anarchy and gunfire. A tall figure in a hoodie literally tore the door off Luthor's truck and helped him out of the shackles, freeing him and helping him escape into the city. It was a shock when he realized that this was his little sister Lena, all grown up and casually throwing dumpsters around. They caught up, and while Luthor was happy to be free and out of prison he quickly realized that Lena wanted to go further with it. She worked out, took tae kwon do classes at the Y, and sought out injustice in the city. Luthor tried to dissuade her, but years on her own and her growing maturity meant Lena wasn't persuaded. Eventually he was the one who bent; if his sister was going to be risking her life out on the streets, the least he could do was go out with her and try to protect her. Luthor's not as devoted to saving the city as Lena is, but he is devoted making sure she comes back every night, safe and secure. Personality & Motivation: Luthor had learned, though painful lessons, that the world is mostly full of people trying to screw other people over. He doesn't want to be a part of that cycle of hurting and predation, and so he does his best to stay out of it. The problem is that a lot of people on the streets want a big, strong guy like him as an enforcer, so to avoid hurting people Luthor learned to either scare them off or fade into the background. Really, Luthor is tired of all the dirt and grime and crime in his life and just wants to be rid of it all. The one bright spot in his life is his sister. Lena is, to him, a genius that is well on her way to escaping the festering pit that is Bedlam. Luthor's main goal is to help her and provide for her so that one day she can rise over it all and get out of the city, and he will do whatever is necessary for that to happen. Powers & Tactics: Luthor fights by getting in close. He's a brawler, not a tactician, and he will do his best to pick out the most dangerous enemy and engage them directly. At the same time, his biggest goal in a fight is to protect Lena so if anyone is proving a threat to her Luthor will jump straight into their face and start smashing them. If someone is using Movement powers or ranged attacks to stay away from him, he'll pick them up in his hand and shake them like a rag doll. Power Descriptions: Luthor can manifest a spectral arm of pure energy, a red ghost of his left arm that can lift nearly superhuman weights. In addition to lifting and squeezing, he can use it to strike with superhuman strength, or simply bring the arm and oversized hand around to shelter behind it. He can hide an entire crowd behind the energy field of his hand. Complications: Secret Luthor has to keep his identity as Stronghold a secret. The gangs don't care for capes hanging around their neighborhood. Struggling Luthor and Lena are usually running at the edges of their budget. Any extra, sudden expenses could ruin them. Family First Luthor puts his sister's safety first. He'd sacrifice anything or anyone to protect her. Unstable Experiment Stronghold's powers were awakened artificially, and no one can be sure how his implants will react to a particular stimulus. Wanted Man There's still a warrant out for Luthor Lexington, and if he's arrested he'll be in prison for a long time. Anger Mismanagement Time in prison hardened Luthor and taught him to react with violence. He's still working past those instincts, and under pressure he may still lash out without thinking. Abilities: 10 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 4 = 28 PP Strength: 20 (+5) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 6 + 6 = 12 PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +3 Melee, +3 Ranged, +7 Psychic Armament Defense: +7 (+3 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +8/+14 Knockback: -3/-6 Saving Throws: 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 PP Toughness: +7 (+4 Con, +3 Protection, Impervious 6) Fortitude: +7 (+4 Con, +3) Reflex: +4 (+2 Dex, +2) Will: +4 (+0 Wis, +4) Skills: 68 R = 17 PP Climb 5 (+10) Concentration 4 (+4) Craft (Mechanical) 9 (+10) Craft (Structural) 9 (+10) Intimidate 10 (+12) Knowledge (Current Events) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 9 (+10) Notice 8 (+8) Search 2 (+3) Sense Motive 8 (+8) Feats: 4 PP Dodge Focus 4 Equipment 2Bronze Reward Warehouse HQ [10 EP] Size: Medium [1 EP] Toughness: +5 Features: [9 EP] Concealed Fire Prevention System Garage Gym Infirmary Living Space Security System 2 [DC 25] Workshop Powers: 3 + 24 + 8 = 35 PP All powers have the Psychic and Telekinesis descriptors Protection 3 (Personal Forcefield) [3 PP] Psychic Armament 9 (18 PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 2) [24 PP] BE: Move Object 7 (Str 35, Feats: Chokehold, Extended Reach [10 ft], Improved Grab, Improved Pin, Extra: Damaging, Flaw: Range/Melee) (Energy Arm) [18/18] AP: Damage 7 (Extra: Area/Line [Targeted]) (Liner Punch) [14/18] AP: Impervious Protection 6 (Extra: Affects Others [+1], Area/Burst [Targeted]) (Sheltering Hand) [18/18] Leaping 2 (x5, move action, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed, Super-Movement) + Speed 2 (25 MPH, Extra: Linked [+0] [Leaping, Super-Movement]) + Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Extra: Linked [+0] [Leaping, Speed]) (Telekinetic Grapnel) [8 PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0 PP DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20 Toughness (Staged) Damage Energy Hand 10 ft DC 22 Toughness (Staged) Damage, Grapple Liner Punch Touch DC 22+Autofire Toughness (Staged) Damage Totals: Abilities (28) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (17) + Feats (4) + Powers (35) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/108 Power Points
  17. Edited By da Durf Blue Jay I'm reworking Jay's energy blades to normalize her powers a bit, and updating her sheet to reflect her move to Emerald City and her changing of employers to Danger International. No actual PP are being spent in these upgrades.
  18. Raveled

    Savage History

    The man seemed unwilling to actually throw the first punch at a woman, and when Richard intervened he backed off further. "She is killing people in this town!" their leader insisted, pointing past Richard and Asli to indicate the native woman. "All of her savage kind! They creep into town and slit throats and abduct children. They're monsters, and if they keep eluding the city guard, then someone must be helping them!" The men with him raised their voices in agreement; it was iron-clad logic to them. "Please!" The woman stood uneasily, backing away towards the doors of the church. "My family has lived among you for years now. My husband shoes your steeds and mends your wagons! I've never done anything to hurt anyone here, we are just trying to live." "Your lies ring false in the ears of righteous men," the angry man spat. "You and your kind are killing us, so we'll kill you in return!" Miras took a step forward, pressing herself against Richard's lanky back. "That is such utter bull%(@#! You don't have proof that this woman has done anything, you want to kill her just because she's different!"
  19. Blue Jay Un-Organ-ised Crimes Sounds Like a Sequel Miras Domesticity Savage History Corona The Stranger GM
  20. The cultist stood and was shocked to find that her compatriot had disappeared, replaced by a young red-head. She opened her mouth and started to point with the roll of duck tape, but then she met Kit's eyes and anything she might have been saying died in her throat. Those eyes were deep, and endless, and as much as the woman tried to fight it she felt herself falling into them until their uncanny hue expanded to encompass the entire world. Tona waited for a long minute, then stepped lightly around Kit and snapped a finger in front of the blonde woman's face. She glanced back and forth between her girlfriend and the mesmerized cultist, suppressing a feeling of unease. "Je ne sais pas," she muttered to herself and took the tape from the woman's unresisting hand. "Do you have follow up for that, Sam?"
  21. Reflex save: Results 1d20+3: 6 [1d20=3] So against the full Will DC. Will save: Results 1d20: 11 [1d20=11] She is stunned. -2 to all Defense, and can only take reactions.
  22. Chrome Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Chrome Power Level: 10 (157/159PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 2 In Brief: A sickly boy catapulted to superheroics with the help of alien nanotech. Alternate Identity: Warren Locke Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy, AEGIS Family: Anthony (Father), Marie (Mother) Description: Age: 16 (DoB: September 1999) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian/Cyborg Height: 5' 8" Weight: 330 lbs Eyes: Brown/Yellow Hair: Brown/Black Warren Locke has an appearance that would make most creatures in the galaxy scream in fear. He looks a great deal like a Communion drone; his skin is shiny metal, his eyes are a glowing, solid yellow, and his 'hair' is a collection of black threads that glow with UV light. While many Communion drones were a forceful melding of such features, Warren has the entire package. His skin is obviously not normal metal, showing off his muscles underneath and moving just like natural skin. With his image inducer activated, Warren looks like an unremarkable, if extremely fit, young man. His hair is brown and he lets it grow out down to his collar, and his eyes are similar and bright. He's naturally incapable of growing a beard, and his skin is pale (but the inducer could be reprogrammed to change either of those facts). He is extremely well-muscled and likes to show it off with tight shirts and shorts, when the weather's appropriate. When he's expecting trouble, Warren wears the usual Claremont uniform. He favors a tee-shirt over the longer jacket and bike shorts over the longer trousers, sometimes choosing running shoes but just as often going barefoot. Power Descriptions: Warren Locke has been infested/augmented by an AEGIS-modified dose of Communion nanobots. They've completely infused his body down to the last cell, and this makes him stronger and tougher than most people. The nanobots have been modified to sever their connection to the Communion overmind, but they still allow Warren to mentally interface with computers and other machines. Since his bones and skin and muscles are all now a nanobot construct, he can even transform his limbs into weapons. His image inducer is a piece of technology that Claremont routinely issues to teenagers who have a non-human appearance. He's legally bound to wear it when off the grounds, unless he's acting as a superhero History: Warren Locke has been sick for as long as he can remember. He had developmental problems and seizures as a child, but it wasn't until he was ten that he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. It was a blessing and a curse; now the family knew what the root of the problem was they could fight it more directly, but Warren's parents had to face the fact that he was never going to magically get better, than he would probably die of the condition before they did. It was hard on their relationship, especially since Anthony was a soldier often deployed overseas, which left Marie to handle Warren's treatments and try to raise him. Warren grew up a lot in various hospitals, spending more and more time there as he grew older and his disease progressed. The prognosis was not good and eventually the boy was spending almost all of his time in a hospital bed or a wheelchair, but he did his best to cope. When Anthony was at home it was hard for them to bond, since even something as simple as going to the movies was a medical endeavor, but they bonded over Anthony's collection of old Fifties and Sixties SF books. Father and son read yellowing paperbacks, books that were almost falling apart with age, and for a few hours Warren was a brave astronaut or doughty space explorer. Things got easier when Anthony transferred from active duty to AEGIS and took a posting stateside. Marie and Warren moved with him from posting to posting, eventually settling in Freedom City when he was transferred to the AEGIS central office in the Federal Building. He continued to liaise between the civilian government and the experimental, superhuman exploits of AEGIS field agents, but at least he was able to be home most nights. His job became much more hectic in late 2015 as the intergalactic menace of the Communion came to Earth. AEGIS and UNISON worked hand-in-hand, along with dozens of superheroic individuals and teams, fighting back the metallic enemy from beyond the stars; even after the Communion's overmind was destroyed the remnants of the incursion had to be collected and carefully stored away, lest they become a threat all on their own. In this, Anthony saw a oft-dreamed for opportunity. A sample of Communion nanotech was lent to ASTRO Labs for testing. Anthony made sure as many scientists as possible were called to a meeting and hired a group of super-mercenaries to attack the lab. He was able to get his hands on a sample of altered Communion nanotech and raced to Freedom Medical Center, where Warren was being treated. He deliberately infected his son and, as his only child was overgrown with Communion metal, was taken into custody. The Communion nanobots went to work in the boy's body, forcing his disease into remission and rebuilt him. In a few days the silvery shell retreated, leaving him permanently changed and healed. After a long conversation between his mother, AEGIS agents, ASTRO scientists, and a quiet woman in dark clothes, it was decided that he should be enrolled in Claremont Academy. The school was uniquely equipped to help Warren learn to use his new abilities -- and to contain him if he should turn out to be some kind of sleeper agent. Personality & Motivation: Warren's an enthusiastic, earnest young man. He sincerely believes that he's been given a second chance at life and intends to take full advantage of it. He wants to see everything and travel everywhere, try a little bit of all that's around himself. Growing up with MS forced him to mature at an early age and sometimes he can seem overly serious compared to his peers, but that facade usually crumbles in minutes when he finds something else to be wide-eyed and enthusiastic about. Warren's an army (well, Air Force) brat at heart and has an open and trusting view of the world, combined with a deep commitment to lofty ideals like Justice, Service, and Duty. He's also young enough to be naive, and sometimes the harsh realities of the world can clash disastrously with his untempered views. Powers & Tactics: Warren is a largely untested combatant, and he favors simple tactics over elaborate battle plans. He's likely to charge straight at the biggest threat with his big claws, or stand off and blast it with his arm cannon. While he's perfectly capable of following more complex plans, he's also likely to be taken in by a villain's deception. Complications: Secret Champion of the Communion Chrome's nanobots are Communion constructs and scan as Communion technology to anyone with advanced enough sensors. Many individuals, especially in the wider galaxy, may attack him on sight. Complicated Relationship Warren has a... complex view of his father, the military, and the Communion. A villain could exploit this to make him unsure of himself. Electromagnetic Disability A powerful or targeted EMP could scramble the nanobots in Warren, reducing him to a normal person. In the middle of a fight that could be deadly. Big Eater Warren's nanobots don't create matter from nothing; while they're very efficient, a large or prolonged use of a power like Regeneration would require him to eat a big meal. Or several big meals. Tumblr Distraction Warren is always connected to the Internet, which means he can get distracted by trivial matters at any moment. Naive Newcomer Warren has a simple view of the world, where Good and Evil are starkly defined and in sharp contrast. A persuasive enemy could confuse him, even temporarily turn him against his allies. Abilities: -4 - 2 - 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 2 PP Strength: 6/18 (-2/+4) Dexterity: 8/14 (-1/+2) Constitution: 4/26 (-3/+8) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16 PP Initiative: +2/-1 Attack: +4 Base, +10 Cybernetic Enhancements Grapple: +12/+9/+2 Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -6/+1 Saving Throws: 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 PP Toughness: +10/-3 (+8/-3 Con, +2 Protection) Fortitude: +10/-1 (+8/-3 Con, +2) Reflex: +6/+3 (+2/-1 Dex, +4) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 64R = 16 PP Computers 8 (+11) Diplomacy 8 (+10) Gather Information 8 (+10) Intimidate 10 (+12) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10) Notice 8 (+10) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 13 PP All-Out Attack Challenge (Fast Startle) Dodge Focus 6 Interpose Move-By Action Power Attack Startle Well-Informed Powers: 4 + 94 = 95 PP Comprehend 2 (Electronics 2) [4 PP] Alternate Form 18.2 [91 PP] Cybernetic Enhancements 11 (22 PP Container, Feats: Accurate 3, Alternate Power 1) [26 PP] Base Effect: Damage 6 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Drain (Toughness)], Penetrating [4] Feats: Mighty, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing]) + Drain 10 (Toughness Extra: Linked [+0] [Damage]) (Cyber Weapons) [22/22] Alternate Power: Damage 10 (Extras: Range [Ranged], Feat: Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Electromagnetic]) (Arm Cannon) [22/22] Density 4 (+8 STR, +2 Protection, +1 Immovable, +1 Super-Strength, Feat: Innate, Subtle 2, Extra: Permanent) [Cyber-bulk] [15 PP] Enhanced Constitution 22 + Enhanced Dexterity 6 + Enhanced Strength 4 (Cyber Bodybuilding) [32 PP] Integral Comms 3 (6 PP, Feat: Alternate Power) [7 PP] Base Effect: Datalink 5 (Radio, 5 miles, Feat: Machine Control) (Computer Chat) [6/6] Alternate Power: Communication 5 (Radio, 5 miles, Feat: Subtle) (Cyber Cell) [6/6] Nanoassisted Movement (4PP Array, Feat: Alternate Power) [5PP] Flight 2 (25 MPH) (Rocket Feet) [4/4PP] Leaping 2 (x5, 70 ft, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed]) + Speed 2 (25 MPH, Extra: Linked [+0] [Leaping]) [4/4PP] Regeneration 3 (Bruised 3 [No Action]) (Self-Repair Subroutines) [3 PP] Super-Senses 3 (Radio Sense [Acute, Radius, Ranged]; Extras: Accurate [+2], Feat: Uncanny Dodge [Radio]) + Super-Senses 4 (X-Ray Vision, Flaw: Limited [Not vs. Metal]) (RADAR) [4 + 2 = 6 PP] 26 + 15 + 32 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 91 Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed (Unpowered) Touch DC 13 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Unarmed (Powered) Touch DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Cyber Weapons Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) + DC 20 Fortitude (Stage) Damage (Physical) + Drain (Toughness) Arm Cannon Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Totals: Abilities (2) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (16) + Feats (13) + Powers (99) - Drawbacks (0) = 157/159 Power Points
  23. I'm looking to recruit two or four PCs for a quick thread. Explosions bloom above the downtown skyline as super-powered mercenaries attack ASTRO Labs! Can the heroes save the scientists? Why is AEGIS on the scene so fast? What was stolen, and where will it end up? Expect threats around a PL 8 range. Preference will be given to Claremont or space-affiliated heroes.
  24. "Okay, okay. Sorry." The blonde cultists blew out a breath and ran her hand over her head. "Keep your gun on her. She's got some kind of freaky sidekick, this weird cat-ghost thing. And she took down the raptor somehow, too, I didn't think anyone could fight like that." She stepped off the hostage and turned to consider her fallen comrades. "I don't think we have rope, but we have duck tape we used to tie up the hostages. Mack had the extra tape." She knelt down next to the terrorist that Kit had disabled with her hellfire and rummaged through his webbed vest, looking for the remainder of the tape roll. "Man, I'm not looking forward to telling the Doctor that one of his babies got hit like that."
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