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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Assuming that Steam is going for the same group as Animus. Toughness save, vs DC 20. (1d20+3=16, 1d20+3=23, 1d20+3=8, 1d20+3=20) First one goes down, the second makes his Toughness save so the attack stops there. One down.
  2. GM Animus' blows were too fast to follow, and the thug he directed his attack at was downed in one punch. Atop the basin, the thugs who hadn't been temporarily taken out of the fight by Myrmidon's sonic stunner reaimed and opened fire on the Aussie. However, all they managed to do was raise a lot of sparks off the concrete ground.
  3. Aid Action for Thugs 1 & 4, for Thug 5. (1d20+2=20, 1d20+2=11) Thug 5 gets +2 Att and +2 Def. Thug 5's pistol attack, vs. Animus' Def. DC 18 (1d20+4=10) Noooot even close.
  4. GM The bald man was collecting coffee cups and did a juggling act to get them all in one gathered arm. He shook the hero's hand briefly. "The name's Hugo. I own the shop. Mind helping me with the dishes?" The hero started and jumped to the task, and the pair of them carried the mugs and cups through the hidden door, which led to a narrow staircase. The second floor of the shop was open and rather bare bones; plaster walls and stained floorboards, with hand-assembled racks holding rolls of fabrics. The only modern touch was a sleek, single unit computer against the front wall and a bulky projector connected to it by a sheaf of cables. Glowstar couldn't keep his reaction off his face, but Hugo simply chickled at it. "Yeah. Not all my customers get to see this place, but those that do all have the same reaction. 'Oh, he's a simple artist at heart. The storefront's just a ploy to keep the public away from his secret heart!' Hugp snorted and rolled his eyes, setting the dishes in a deep double-sink and starting to fill one side with hot water. "So, I've seen a lot of those blue and yellow outfits around. Is it a new team?"
  5. Dragonfly's attack from hiding hit the betentacled thing in its central mass, sending it skidding back several feet in its slick path. The whining increased in volume and pitch, reverberating around the open room until it passed the limit of her hearing. The creature suddenly extended more tentacles, though from where Dragonfly couldn't tell. It swiftly went from basketball-sized to a good sever or eight feet across at full extension. Ironclad shook the Terminus fanatic in her grip, hard. "You never give up," she scolded the woman. "Never. Not when the Terminus breaks through, not when there's Omegadrones in the sky, not when the Tyrant himself is standing in front of you, demanding that you --- why are you laughing?" Granny was indeed laughing weakly in Ironclad's grasp. "The Terminus didn't find us. We found it and I opened the hole. Now I'm waiting for the end."
  6. Reflex save, vs DC 19. (1d20+5=18) And now it worked. Will save, vs DC 19. (1d20+6=25) And no, again.
  7. The flung ice-stalagmite hit Ironclad off-center, spinning the armored heroine in the air. Her flight through the air grew wobbly as she grew disoriented, but after a moment she leveled out, temporarily jetting outside of Solarum's throwing range before curving back. In fact her flight path curved in on itself again and again as she danced a complicated pattern in the air, scissoring back on her own path and making what would have been impossible turns for most aircraft. Rolling out of one curve and into another, she managed to snap off a shot at Solarum.
  8. Brian let out a deep breath and nodded at Vicky. "Thanks, Vic. I'd owe you one." Morgan's idea of forming an official team wasn't what Brian had been expecting to hear. "A team, man? I dunno. I mean, we do work well together, and Mr. Archer's training sessions has been a real big help, but a team? Like Young Freedom or Next Gen? That's a pretty big step. I mean, don't we need to get it approved by Summers or something? I doubt he's our best friend in the world, even now." The young man walked up to Morgan's leafy nemesis and started picking at the bark. "Besides, we're still banned from patrolling, aren't we? What can we do as a team if we can't even patrol?"
  9. Ironclad's Toughness, vs DC 22. (1d20+9=11) Seriously, IC? Freaking seriously? Rerolling that so hard again! Ironclad's Toughness, vs DC 22. HP reroll. (1d20+9=29) Why couldn't you have given me that first, IC? Not even sure what to do with her at this point, honestly. Full Defensive attack, I suppose, and full Accurate Attack. Ironclad's blast w/ full Defensive Attack & full Accurate Attack & Master Plan, vs Solarum's Def. DC 20 (1d20+12=22) I swear to god, this is the worst Ironclad's ever done in battle.
  10. Brian's aura snapped off as his feet touched the ground, but at Vick's suggestion his cheeks colored and he glanced down at his feet. "I'm... I'm gonna ask Rae out. I swear I am. It's just... You girls go around in packs! It's like that movie they showed us in Bio, with the lions and the zebra? The lions can't see the zebra when they're in a herd, it's just a solid mass. I can't talk to just Rae, it's Rae and Gir and Ronnie and whoever else is around at the time! It's intimidating, man! Doubly so when one of them is a dinosaur!" Brian fell quiet as John started talking, staring down at his feet again for a minute before walking over and clasping the other man by the bicep. "Man, I feel like an ass. Are you okay, John? Nothing... nothing else happened because of it?"
  11. Goanna's Toughness save, vs DC 32. (1d20+10=16) And he's out.
  12. Goanna twisted at the last second and took Wisp's energy blast across his back. He sneered at the oncoming Changeling with her ghostly mallet, but when the weapon passed through his massive lizard-body it seemed to drag something behind it, some ephemeral substance. The monster screamed and twisted in agony, then fixated his yellow pupils on the woman in period dress. He reared up and hocked a wad of something dark green a viscous directly at her, splatting her midsection and neck with the gooey stuff. It tingled and stung where it clung to her bare skin. Glowstar's aura flared and he began gathering in energy as Goanna leapt away from the group, crawling over the ceiling of his little cave. "Goanna," he shouted after the villain. "You're killing Marks! Calm down and help us on this!" The teen flung energy blast after energy blast at the crawling monster, but all he succeeded in hitting was the walls and ceiling.
  13. Goanna's up, and he's gonna start by spitting paralytic acid at the only one who's been able to hurt him much these last couple of fights. Goanna's Paralyze w/ +2 Accurate Attack & +2 All-Out Attack, vs Changeling's Defense. DC 18 Fortitude. (1d20+14=27) That is some kind of beautiful. Goanna's Def is 14 for the next couple of rounds, though. Glowstar's gonna do what he does best: blow stuff up. Glowstar's Multi-Blast w/ full All-Out Attack, vs Goanna's Def. DC 25 + Autofire 3. (1d20+15=16) :facepalm:
  14. Brian was, at the moment, studying chemistry in the library. Or at least he was trying to study; Micron, Empress, and a couple other students from his grade level were a couple tables over, heads bent over textbooks and whispering intently to each other. Brian's seat, by chance or luck, was in just the perfect position to observe all the females, and it was proving to be a distraction to his academics. Eventually he stood and picked up his books, carrying them outside for a breath of fresh air. He passed John on the way, moving like he always did -- intently and with purpose. The young man wondered where his friend was going, then suddenly remembered Morgan's meeting. The teen was a few minutes later then the psychic soldier, having stopped by his and Morgan's dorm room to drop off his books. Still, as he descended to the meeting spot wreathed in a blood-red aura, he smiled at the other four present. "Dudes! And dudette. Pizza, right!"
  15. Will save, vs DC 19 Drain. (1d20+10=26) Much better start to things this time around. Will save, vs DC 27 Damage. (1d20+10=12) Not... Quite like that, though. Gonna fiat that to Bruise x2, rather than Stagger him off the bat.
  16. Thug's Toughness, vs DC 23. (1d20+3=22) Just barely out, Darius. Wha... What do you mean? Of course you do! :ninja:
  17. Goanna's Toughness save, vs DC 27. (1d20+12=30) Sorry, no dice Zu.
  18. What exactly is Warlock doing with his TK ring? He doesn't have Damaging on the Move Object, so it can't be that.
  19. Ironclad smacks Granny around again. Ironclad's melee attack w/ full All-Out Attack and full Power Attack, vs Granny's Def. DC 30 (1d20+10=13) That just barely hits. Granny's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+8=27) Bruise x3.
  20. This Cthulhu-thing is using AA's Octopus Hero build. Initiative for the Cthulhu-thing. (1d20+7=13) Yikes. Okay, Dragonfly's up next. It's flat-footed, so this does, indeed, hit. Cthulhu-thing's Toughness, vs DC 27. (1d20+10=22) Stun + Bruise.
  21. Raveled

    Under the Sea

    This... was my fault. I misread the Vignette and didn't connect certain things. The sub in, in fact, beached near the Sentry Statue, in Riverside. This will make getting to it slightly easier than I thought at first.
  22. Glowstar is going to go from 'extra training' with Mr. Archer to fighting Metaceptors above Claremont! The fun never stops for a superhero, does it?
  23. Ironclad flew forward and slammed into Granny, forcing the air out of the other woman's lungs. She easily picked up the older woman up and floated back to the center of the room. "I should drop you right now," she said flatly. "Crack that viewport and chuck you out into space. I don't know if your powers come from the Terminus somehow or because you're a strain of humanity from near the heat death of the universe, but I'm betting that you never evolved the ability to breath in space." Ironclad hung there for a few seconds, the barely-conscious woman in her grip. "But I'm not going to do that. Because I'm the hero. I'm just gonna knock you out and let you sit here, all alone, while your precious Terminus comes in and eats your world."
  24. Ironclad's melee attack roll w/ full All-Out Attack and full Power Attack, vs Granny's Defense. DC 30 (1d20+10=26) Not quite the crit I was hoping for in using her Enhanced Strength. Still, hits Granny. Granny's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+9=21) Bruise x2, Stun refreshes. This is gonna be another drawn-out fight, isn't it?
  25. GM Dragonfly crouched in the doorway, watching the betentacled thing creep around the room. Several times it broke off of its circuit of the chamber to pass close to the crystal; each time it grew a little dimmer. That wasn't just a supposition, either; the heroine was able to track that with her suit, measuring the loss of several lumens each time the creature passed closer to the crystal. It was easy to decide that, with each pass, the inscrutable beast was draining power from the mystic crystal. That put Dragonfly in a pickle. This temple was her best bet for getting home, and she hadn't found any other intact crystal chambers. Tactical instinct told her to stay back and plan out the encounter, but if she waited that long would there be enough power to get her home?
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