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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. +4 makes that 23, vs DC 32, so a 9. Stun gets refreshed and Bruise x5.
  2. GM Dragonfly continued to pound on the prone monster as it lay writhing on the floor like a fish out of water. Whatever she was doing was keeping it contained, even if the monster didn't seem to be totally out of the fight. The princess hung off Dragonfly's arm, pondering the heroine's curt words like it was the most normal thing in the world. Whatever could be said about her, she was certainly adaptable. "So then," she slowly, like she was pulling each word from a very long distance away, "you are a hero, sent by my father. Then the proper thing to do is for you to slay the monster, and for me to give you a kiss." She paused and looked down at the vampire on the floor. "It doesn't look very slain, yet."
  3. Vampire's Toughness, vs. DC 27 (1d20+4=12) Fail by 14! Just one short of being done with the fight. Oh well, Stun + Staggered.
  4. GM The distortions hit the vampire cleanly and passed through it, twisting the monster's innards, but it didn't seem too discommoded. It probably helped that it was unlikely that the unholy creature used any of its internal organs. The princess, for her part, choked off her screams at Dragonfly's imperious tone. "Wha... where am I? The last I remember, that monster came into my room and spoke to me... and then I was here! Where am I? Who are you? Where are my father's soldiers?"
  5. Vampire's Toughness save, vs DC 27. (1d20+5=21) Bruise x 4 and the Stun refreshes.
  6. GM Dragonfly's blade twisted through impossible dimensions and buried itself in the vampire's eye, piercing out through its head. The monster let loose with a tea-kettle shriek and fell to the ground with a thud, raising dust from the restored rafters. It screamed and clawed at the marred eye, yelling at everything and nothing in a tongue that made the heroine's hair stand on end, even in the suit. It apparently cut through whatever spell it had on the princess as well, because she fluttered her eyes and swam back to consciousness. "Wha... where am I?" She glanced around and took in the screaming vampire, the shattered window, and the armor-clad figure holding her in the air -- and started screaming herself.
  7. Vampire's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+6=20) Stun + Bruise! 50 ft in the air, so I guess that means he makes a DC 20 check when he falls. Vampire's toughness save, vs DC 20 (1d20+5=22) Makes that one, but he's still Stunned.
  8. Brian shifted in his chair, imagining that he could feel his thin wallet. He flashed the group a smile and shook his head. "I, uh, I'll just get straight to business, Dr. Marks. We're writing a paper on DNA for our class, and we were wondering if you could give us some information." The Astro Labs researcher sipped at her coffee before answering, glancing over the group of teenagers. "Do you have some more specific questions? I mean, there's a lot to talk about with DNA; alleles and gene coding and protein typing and RNA and mRNA and ATCG. Is there someplace you wanted to start with?" Brian flipped through his notes, pen held at the ready. "Well, the paper is supposed to be about scientific myths, so let's start with a pretty basic one: Is DNA a blueprint? Could you take the DNA for an elephant's trunk and put it on, say, a giraffe?"
  9. As Ironclad descended into the lower levels of the space station, forced steadily towards the axis of the satellite, she started wondering who had built it. She was convinced it was a research station, nevermind to what end, but who had been expected to use the place? The only inhabitants she had run into were a murderous robot and a similarly belligerent alien, and the remains of many others like them. The station wasn't sized for the aliens, and if the robots were the intended inhabitants there's be no need for the atmosphere. Several decks lower, she found who the station had been designed for, and they certainly appeared to be human. She couldn't ask them; she could barely stand to look at them. The bodies filled the labs from wall to wall, arranged in macabre dioramas. Blood was splashed on the walls, and words scrawled there warned of 'her' coming and warned of 'the rising darkness.' Ironclad moved slower through the station, nerves stretched to the breaking point.
  10. Ironclad is a shoe-in for the Lab, Glowstar likewise for Neo-Gen. I can GM for one or the other as needed, if someone else can hand me an outline. :P
  11. Mechanical analysis here, mainly. What makes that Honor Complication different from the normal hero code that all the PCs here abide by? Will he go to extraordinary measures to save civilians and even his enemies? Nothing to really comment on here. All the numbers add up, so it's good. You need to list your adjusted Attack Bonus with the Force Array. And as SCape pointed out, it's best to buy base Defense in even numbers, as flat-footed Defense is half of base. Lastly, you need to list your Knockback; the formula is (Toughness / 2) + (Impervious Toughness) = Knockback. Â Â Nothing to say here. Saves are good and solid. Couple of things to say here. First and foremost, all those one point skills serve virtually no purpose to the build, as he already has Jack of all Trades. I'd either drop them or bundle them together; as he's a computer guy, I'd say Computer and Know/Tech. You might even consider Craft skills, as it's not readily apparent where he got his Devices from (last I checked, you can't just go out and buy the things). Next, you don't need to list that English is his native language; in fact you don't need to list Languages at all unless he's got more than one. Lastly, the formatting is off. Check some of the approved sheets to see how it's supposed to be formatted. You don't need to put parentheses around those numbers. And you need to list the cost of the Feats; it's done properly in the final line, but you need it here, too.
  12. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Cassandra Power Level: 6/8 (120/120PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: A detective who knows everyone's secrets and still tries to save them. Alternate Identity: Identity: Public Birthplace: Occupation: Private Detective Affiliations: None Family: None Description: Age: 20 (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: Weight: Eyes: Green/Green Hair: Green/Black Power Descriptions: (Describe what their powers look like, if applicable) History: (Please remember we are a relatively family friendly site. Your story should be PG-13 at most. If your character wouldn't fit in an episode of Justice League Unlimited, The Dresden Files, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, please rethink it.) Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: (In-character descriptions of how they do what they do) Complications Hard Boiled, Soft Hearted Cassandra believes in the inherent goodness of people, no matter how many times she's proven wrong or what kind of exterior she may show off. She'll always try to give the bad guy a chance to surrender, even when she really shouldn't. Abilities: 4 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 6 = 26 PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 8 + 12 = 20 PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +6 Melee, +6 Ranged Grapple: +8 Defense: +6 (+3 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +1 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3 Saving Throws: 2 + 3 + 6 = 11 PP Toughness: +6 (+3 Con, +3 Force Field) Fortitude: +5 (+3 Con, +2) Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6) Skills: 56R = 14PP Feats: 19PP Powers: 16 + 5 + 17 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 45PP Drawbacks: (0) = 0 PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) (NOTE: The easiest way to get your DC Block to line up is to write it out in a word processor in a Courier font, then just copy/paste it into your post.) Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 57/120 Power Points
  13. GM The vampire floated back through the shattered window, glass shards stuck through its costume and, in several places, through its flesh. It was disturbing to see glass puncturing flesh like it was a slice of cheese, especially when the pale monster pulled a particularly jagged piece out of its arm, exposing bloodless muscle and tendons. The monster snarled at Dragonfly and rushed her again, pulling short of impact and slicing the air with carefully timed swings of its supernaturally strong fists, but between the heroine's agility and her crackling shield, he never managed to land a blow.
  14. Vampire's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+7=24) Bruise x2 Vampire tries to attack again. Vampire's Unarmed w/ +2 Accurate Attack, vs Fly's Defense. DC 21 (1d20+14=18) Ugh! Even with Accurate he can't hit!
  15. Brian followed the other two teens out of Summers office, keeping quiet until he was quite sure that they were beyond the headmaster's hearing. Only then did he let his shoulders slouch and sway to the side, bumping into Crowe and pushing him into a wall not-so-lightly. "Great man," he said, scowling. "Extra training, all day on Saturdays. Dude, I was working my way up to just writing a paper!" In fact the idea of researching a paper on White Rose and White Thorn had just occurred to him, but with the arrogance of youth and hindsight he was sure it would've worked. He walked a few more steps, scrubbing one hand through his short hair before he turned back to Morgan. "You're doing laundry after all these training sessions," he said, pointing a warning finger. "For, like, the entire semester, man."
  16. Tuesday, July 12 2011 1:47 PM The day was turning out hot and cloudless in Freedom City, so it wasn't surprising this meeting had moved inside the cyber cafe. Starbase Coffee tended towards a retro Fifties styling that brought to mind the space race, Flash Gordon, and the original Star Trek; this one even had a four-foot long replica of the Enterprise hanging from the ceiling. Brian Harris eyed it with approval, being careful to keep his backpack from smacking into it. He scanned the cafe, noting the debris of the lunch rush, and spotted Dr. Sophia Marks sitting near the far wall, with a fresh cup of coffee in front of her. He waved to her and she returned it; the teen navigated the cafe floor deftly and pulled up a seat, shrugging out of his backpack and setting it on the floor. "Thanks for seeing us, Dr. Marks," he said, reaching across the table to shake her hand. "I'm Brian Harris."
  17. Brian fought down a smile as he caught the numerous 'we's' in Morgan's speech. It seemed that his friend was all too willing to extend his own punishment to the group. Still, he was doing better than Brian himself; he stared at his feet, trying to think up an appropriate punishment for someone with more loyalty than sense. Wait, loyalty? He looked up at Summers and spoke up. "Sir, are you saying that it's a bad thing that I stood next to my friends? Because I really don't think that's something that I want to change."
  18. Ironclad frowned behind her mask as she listened to the musician's story. Controlling someone's life and mentally crippling them like that, to the point where they'd take suicide over living a lie was... well, it wasn't just criminal. It wasn't just evil. It was creepy, it make her flesh crawl and her mind recoil from just contemplating it. The heroine put those feelings aside and spoke directly to Kyle. "Kyle, do you remember if this man gave you anything to eat or drink? And do you know if he's visited any of your band members or anyone at the record studio?" If this was the first victim, all the better, but folks with this kind of ability usually didn't spring from nothing, fully formed. It was likely there were more victims in his wake.
  19. GM The princess lolled in Dragonfly's arms, not responding directly to either being thrown around or caught just short of breaking through a window. She was breathing fine and her color was good (if one ignored the twin puncture marks on her neck) she just didn't seem to be responding to the world around her. The vampire, on the other hand, reacted quickly to Dragonfly's mid-air save of the princess. It sprang after her (though the air, somehow) arms outstretched to grab at the heroine. She was able to twitch out of the way, however, and the monster went sailing through the stained glass window instead.
  20. Vampire's attack roll to initiate grapple, vs Dragonfly's Def (1d20+12=16) That... does not hit. Fly's up.
  21. With Online Research and SM, Ironclad hits 25 on Computers.
  22. Ironclad continued her exploration of the space station, moving carefully now after watching the alien decay in seconds before her eyes. She headed down now, and before long she started to find signs of human occupation. Or at least human industry. Several areas had white tiling on the floor, ceiling, and walls, along with steel or plastic tables, and LCD or plasma screens set into the walls or tabletops; the whole set-up screamed 'laboratory' to Ironclad. Not that much work was going to be done there, anymore. The tables had been split across the middle, again and again; the tiles had been pried up to make asymmetrical, pixelated designs that were oddly disquieting; and the screens had been torn from their sockets, leaking fluid and trailing wired and cables. There were no scientific instruments that Ironclad recognized, but each room was heaped with glass, metal, and plastic debris, sometimes ankle- or knee-deep. The still, quiet air unnerved the heroine. It was like crawling around the bones of a church or palace: here was something grand that had, at one time, had set the destinies of nations, but now it was so much garbage. Despite her unease, the heroine continued exploring, heading down and, inevitably, inwards.
  23. I can't see anywhere else to take this thread. Stop it and lock it?
  24. Glowstar shared a look with Supercape, privately wondering why the senior hero wasn't taking charge here. "You're going to help clean up anyway," he said. "If that goes well, and you promise to go back to your home, uh, dimension and stay there, well. I can put in a good word for you with, uh, whatever you have instead of cops."
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