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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. GM It would seem that stabbing a vampire through the heart with a blade of twisted dimensional energy didn't have the same effect as stabbing them with a bit of wood. The monster howled (more in frustration than pain, it seemed) and tossed the princess aside in a fit of strength. "The Black save me from the actions of foolish heroes," it screamed, raking at Dragonfly with its pale fingers. Its blows were almost too fast to follow, but they did little more than squeal across the surface of her armor. More worrying was the princess' trajectory: if she wasn't stopped, she'd fly right through the stained glass window!
  2. Vampire's melee attack, vs Dragonfly's Def. DC 23 (1d20+12=15) Doesn't do any damage. Dragonfly gets an HP because a civilian's in danger!
  3. Jessica's eyes grew wide at the magic. "Oh my god, Blake, that's amazing!" She returned the kiss briefly, then knelt to examine the still-growing plant. She cupped one of the dangling roots and giggled at the sensation of it writhing around on her palm, watching it intently as the tip of the vine broke in two and each one found a different path out of her grip. Raising her gaze slightly, she lifted the flower petals and watched them grow before her eyes. After a minute or so she stood up and kissed Blake again, slower and more intently. When she broke off she was frowning slightly, though. "It's so beautiful, but I don't have anywhere to put it. What are we going to do with it?"
  4. Intelligence check (1d20+5=13) Ugh. Jessica needs to get out of the lab more often.
  5. Brian followed the other two teenagers into Summers' office, keeping his mouth shut and trying to step softly. He kept his hands behind his back, fidgeting with his fingers as Victoria talked. When she finished her story, he cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Um, I don't know who Brannagh is and I don't know a lot of fairies. Cro-- Morgan woke me up one day and told me that Vic -- that Victoria had been kidnapped." The young man was already sweating under Summers' hard gaze. "He was hatting up to go rescue her, so I got dressed and followed him. Um, on the other side I knocked out a swordswoman, then guarded the portal back home." He scowled suddenly and glared at the floor, gesturing vaguely in the air. It seemed that his anger at the events had pushed through his fear of the headmaster. "Then I got sucker-punched by this fairy sorceress and she froze me in a block of ice. When they got back, Morgan and Victoria took her out pretty fast while John cut me out. Then we all came back here." He stumbled to a halt and looked up at Summers again. "Um. Yeah. That's what happened."
  6. Victorian detective rushed into the criminals, cane swinging with deceptive grace as he spilled several of them on the ground, stunning them and making sure they wouldn't be getting up. The hobos on top of the basin opened fire on Steam, but none of them even grazed the top-hat wearing hero. All they managed to do was dig gouges into the concrete surrounding him.
  7. Boom. Five more bite the dust. I'll assume you were swinging for Thugs 6-10, since those are the ones right after Steam in the Ini order. Thugs Aid action, vs DC 10 (1d20+2=16, 1d20+2=22, 1d20+2=20, 1d20+2=21) Thug 15 gets +4 Def, +4 Att. Punches Steam. Thug's melee, vs Steam's Def -2. DC 17 (1d20+6=8) Whiff! Myr's up next.
  8. Initiative for Vampire (1d20+4=24) Whups!
  9. Well, the solution is obvious there: Surge to cut her out of the dress and then stuff her in the pocket! Jill never needs to know. Toughness save, vs DC 25 (1d20+8=21) Bruise!
  10. Supernatural bad guys. I figure he was a cop before 'it' happened, so he basically hangs around bars and reads papers, looking for the patterns that show something not-normal is going on. Then he looks into it. With a shotgun, if necessary.
  11. Specifically, I'm doing a former Red Court Infectee who's kinda going Punisher now that there's, you know, no more St. Giles.
  12. I believe I stated that it was about 50 ft. So Steam could Charge them and still get within range; want to do that?
  13. Brian's cheery mood drained away as the trio walked through the administration building, meeting not a soul. Before long the normally-chatty teen was withdrawn into himself, peering into the corners in the vain hope of seeing another living creature. He paused before the open door to Summers' office, unwilling to take the final step over the threshold. "Morgan, buddy," he whispered, "I'm gonna tell him it was all your idea."
  14. GM Surprisingly, the door opened smoothly; not easily, a couple hundred pounds of hardwood never moves easily, but there were no protestations from the hinges or hitches. As she pushed, Dragonfly even noticed that the wood -- which had been stained and pitted when it was blocked off by a phalanx of armored zombies -- was now wine-dark and polished to a shine. The hinges gleamed, and as she opened the door she could see that the carpets were now a deep red plush. The room she found herself in was a huge, open entry room, with dark-wood steps curving along the walls and leading up to two separate, higher levels. There were oil paintings of pale-faced individuals on the walls, a stained-glass window on the door a full thirty feet across, and oil lights in scones giving a warm glow to the entire room; but what grabbed the heroine's attention was the vampire she'd been warned about, rotating in the air. The princess she'd been sent to save was in his grasp, and as the pair spun round she could see his pallid lips fixed on her neck. As she bled and he fed, the change spread through the old manse; the hallways behind Dragonfly cleared of the scattered armor and decay, returning to its luxurious glory. The vampire and its victim rotated around once more, and the monster pulled itself away from the princess' blood. It smiled at Dragonfly, its lips stained red and a line of crimson dribbling out its mouth. "Is it not spectacular," it asked, still floating in mid-air. "By the time the sun goes down tonight, the princess shall be my bride and our house shall be restored. Then we shall hunt for my other brides, and with their blood I shall extend my dominion across the world! And no upstart hero with a magic blade will stop me, this time!"
  15. GM Animus' surprise attack would've caught the bums unawares if they had been able to see; as it was, his sweeping legs (which looked just like a thickly muscled tail for a moment) knocked the thugs down and caused them to tumble off the stairs. Flush with victory, the hero came under small-arms fire from the homeless down near the base of the basin. Most of the shots barely missed him, but suddenly he felt a harsh fire in his leg as one of the bullets hit him!
  16. Glowstar landed neatly near the aliens, glaring at them. "Yes, bending their remit just a touch!" He folded his arms and glared at the two remaining aliens. "There's a load of flaming wreckage in the city center and a poor trucker who's out of a job, all because your cohort thought it would make a good headline. What are you all going to do about that?"
  17. They cannot make the save, so Thugs 16-20 are down for the count. Aid Another on 4 thugs, for Thug 5. DC 10 (1d20+2=22, 1d20+2=21, 1d20+2=16, 1d20+2=19) Thug 5 has +4 Att and +4 Def! Attack on... Well, Animus is the only one they can see. Pistol attack, vs Animus' Defense. DC 17 (1d20+6=25) Oooo, that hits.
  18. Glowstar couldn't exactly see what was happening on the high ledge that the alien had chosen, and he had no hope of hearing what was being said. Regardless, he could see the aliens fading from view and sighed, realizing that he'd left the other pair unchaperoned for more than ten seconds; by now the lake was probably frozen solid, or transmuted to acid or jelly, or something like that. The hero carefully maneuvered the pile of truck debris to an empty parking lot and let it go, making sure that it wouldn't bury any cars before taking off again and heading back towards the lake.
  19. GM Dragonfly's attack was fortunate; it ripped down the side of the amalgamated zombie and opened a rift lengthwise in it's 'skin,' letting a burst of sickly-green energy out. The sudden burst of power atomized a wall; at the same time the undead construct seemed to deflate, losing mass and falling to the ground, like a balloon with a leak. In almost no time at all the menacing monster was nothing more than an empty bag of skin. Even as Dragonfly watched, the residual energy from her earlier blast literally eat the flesh-sack, slowly dissolving the last of the mega-zombie until nothing was left.
  20. Zombie's Toughness save, vs DC 27 (1d20+12=26) Well, since it's a minion that's all Fly needs to put it down. Also, according to a ruling in chat: Since this seems like an honest mistake, Fly gets a HP because her second Damage effect wouldn't have done anything.
  21. Raveled

    The Satyr

    Works out. Works. Those saves work. I'm counting 28 skill ranks, which comes out to costing 7 PP, not 9. And you need to list how many ranks. You have plenty of points. Buy up Attack Focus (Melee) 6 and be able to smack folks with your fists, as well as the horns. Nothing here is out of place. Well done! I'd buy Challenge (Fast Taunt) and (Fast Feint) from the Mastermind's Manual. They let you do the Taunt and Feint actions as move actions, instead of standard actions, with no penalty. I'd also probably get rid of a rank of Attractive and buy up skills directly, to make him more effective against folks not of the proper orientation. Other than that... I dunno. He's a satyr, so maybe some Leaping or Emotion Control?
  22. I'm looking at the rules and planning to build a half-satyr con man. As for a venue, well, I'd suggest Myth-Weavers. It's got a lot of built-in tools for games.
  23. GM Dragonfly's attack blasted several zombies an instant before they were assimilated, but the massive undead creature didn't seem too affected by the attack. It swung another oversized paw at the darting superheroine, but she was able to slip away with room to spare. The creature did manage to smash several rafters and other supports, starting a steady stream of dust and other particles from the ceiling beams.
  24. Mass zombie's Toughness vs DC 27 (1d20+12=27) Ouch. Big zombies get big saves. The good news? With Dragonfly's Defense, this minion can technically never hit her! :O
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