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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Dragon's Toughness, vs DC 35 (1d20+11=14) And down he goes. Again.
  2. Dragon's Concentration, vs DC 11 (1d20=4) And down he goes.
  3. Will save, vs DC 22 Nullify (1d20+8=22) There are no words for this. Dragon's Toughness, vs DC 27 (1d20+12=18) didn't do so well there! Stunned + Bruised x 4
  4. GM The dragon roared and followed her, folding its wings close into its body and dropping through the air. While it rushed downwards, the beast exhaled another tongue of sticky, dripping flame, somehow propelling it ahead of its quickly-dropping bulk. The monster came close to hitting Dragonfly this time, actually forcing the inventor to impose her spatial shield and bounce the jelly-like substance off at an angle.
  5. Dragon's Breath attack w/ All-Out Attack and Accurate Attack, vs Fly's Def (1d20+9=20) Juuuust misses. Dragon's Def is +3 for the next round.
  6. GM The dragon roared at the short superhero, apparently unaffected by either its sudden burst of speed a few moments ago or her attempts to bring it down more directly. The monster snapped its jaws and flapped its huge, membranous wings in Dragonfly's face, but neither seemed to have much effect on the plucky inventor.
  7. Fiat to get rid of Dragon's fatigue and fly gets a HP. Dragon's Melee attack w/ Accurate Attack & All-Out Attack, vs Fly's Defense (1d20+9=13) And even with all the bonuses I can pile on, it can't do squat. Creep's Def is 13 for the duration.
  8. Dragon uses all-out movement to get above Dragonfly, switches to Super-Strength AP, and surges to use Super-Breath. Take the HP. Dragon's Trip, vs. Dragonfly (1d20+15=18) Hits, Dragonfly needs to make a DC 25 Reflex check to avoid being blown back towards the ground.
  9. GM The dragon did something Dragonfly wasn't expecting; it kept breathing. Specifically it kept breathing fire, an elongated tongue of napalm-like jelly spearing into the night sky. The massive reptile swung its neck around and sprayed it onto the heroine. Rather than simply washing over her though, it clung to the armored inventor. She could feel the heat distantly though her protection, like she was bundled in an oven and being cooked. More disconcertingly, she couldn't see; the flames covered her helmet and her outer sensors had been overwhelmed with it, turning her armor into a hot, blinding coffin. While the heroine burned and spun, the dragon beat at the air furiously. It rose apace with Dragonfly, then passed her and took up station above her. The monster breathed deeply, but when it exhaled it was just wind -- but wind in such quantity that it tumbled the young inventor like a leaf in a hurricane.
  10. Dragon's Breath w/ All-Out Attack, vs Dragonfly's Defense (1d20+7=27) o.o Um, don't want to do the +5 Toughness save since it's already a DC 25. We'll do it as Environmental Control (Distraction)! DC 15 Concentration check for being on fire.
  11. I don't quite understand what Cape did right there.
  12. Raveled

    Robots! (OOC)

    Initiative for Glowstar (1d20+6=20) Bow.
  13. GM The dragon bullied its way through the air after Dragonfly, roaring and chomping after her. Eventually it sucked in a deep breath and spat out a long gout of flame, but the nimble heroine saw it coming and easily dodged to one side. It made the temperature sensors in her armor peak, though; getting hit by that would certainly be less than pleasant. Worryingly, the beast was keeping pace easily, apparently unaffected by the higher altitude.
  14. Dragon's Blast w/ +2 All-Out Attack, vs Dragonfly's Def (1d20+7=10) Oi.
  15. Dragon's Toughness, vs DC 27 (1d20+13=24) Bruise x3. It's getting worn down.
  16. GM Once more the dragon hauled itself into the air, defying all physics or logic. It flew straight up at Dragonfly, roaring and charging, bullying through the air with brutal conviction. The scaly beast got far too close for comfort but the heroine managed to twist and evade its car-sized teeth. The monster roared in frustration and rage, shaking the air around Dragonfly with its lung capacity.
  17. Dragon is up! Dragon is flying! Dragon charges! Dragon's melee attack w/ Charge, vs Dragonfly's defense. (1d20+7=13)
  18. Dragon's toughness vs DC 27 (1d20+13=30) Passes with flying colors! Dragon's toughness vs DC 27 (1d20+13=33) And again. Wow. Waiting for your IC.
  19. GM The dragon shook its massive head with a sudden new vigor. The villagers' march stumbled to a halt as it rose to its haunches. As it turned on them and exhaled a breath of flame, they broke and fled, some back to the burning village and some going wide around the monster. It snapped at them a few times but quickly raised its head to the sky. Fixating on Dragonfly the creature let out an ear-splitting scream and flapped its wings, trying to gain some momentum and get airborne.
  20. Dragon's Toughness, vs DC 27 (1d20+13=23) Makes the save! Dragonfly really needs to spring for Power Attack, huhn? Oh, and it's not Stunned anymore. It's also going to Fiat to shake off that Staggered effect. Take a HP, Dragonfly.
  21. GM Dragonfly's blast caught the mythic beast square on its horned brow, slamming the creature's head against the ground. It went nearly cross-eyed at that, its wings moving ever more slowly and weakly. Dragonfly hovered over the creature, watching it for any tricks. What she saw instead was a line of villagers marching out towards it, waving pitchforks and sickles and makeshift clubs. Apparently they had given up their homes for ash and were intent on making the creature responsible pay for it while they had the chance.
  22. Dragon's Toughness, vs DC 27 (1d20+13=14) It wiffs that save. Stunned + Staggered.
  23. GM The spatial distortions hit the dragon square in its expansive chest, passing through and clearly distorting something because the creature began coughing painfully, firing short gouts of fire into the night sky. It tried in vain to stay aloft, flapping pathetically, but after a moment the huge creature plummeted like a stone, landing with a literally earth-shaking impact. It lay there, swinging its neck around and crooning; it was almost a pathetic sight -- if one ignored the burning village not a hundred feet away from the monster.
  24. Ironclad launched herself at the robot with a war cry amplified by her suit's speakers until it made the metal hallway ring like a bell. Her metal fist impact the robot's metal chest and went through without slowing, shoving a great mass of wires and tubes out the construct's back. It grabbed her arm with its one remaining hand and tried to push her away; instead she ripped her arm sideways and tore a great, gaping hole in the drone's side, spattering more of the floor and opposite wall with yellow lubricant. The metal man regarded its innards for a moment, then reached out its remaining hand to grab her. Ironclad took a step back and it overbalanced and fell to the floor. Before it could attempt to right itself, the heroine stomped on the creature's head, which burst like a ripe melon. With her opponent vanquished, Ironclad stood there, not even breathing hard in her suit. She regarded the destruction of such an intriguing machine with sadness; she would have liked to talk to it, or at least dismantle it. But it had proved a threat and she had moved as past as she could to put it down. It was a shame, but what other choice did she have really? The heroine put such thoughts from her mind and glanced up and down the corridor. If this was really some kind of underground lab a la Resident Evil or the like, there was probably an elevator around somewhere. "On the other hand," she mused aloud, "if I have to find three keycards and manipulate the colors via some complex alchemy, I'm gonna rip a hole in the ceiling and make an escape tunnel."
  25. Dragon's Toughness, vs DC 27 (1d20+15=18) Ouch. Stunned + Bruised. Beastie spends its turn wallowing. Concentration check to maintain flight, vs DC 16 (1d20=9) Yep, falls 150 ft. Dragon's Toughness, vs DC 25 (1d20+14=21) Bruise x2!
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