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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Untrained Knowledge & Philosophy check (1d20+5=16)
  2. Ironclad made a face behind her mask as the crab thing broke down into a thousand bits and swept off into the twisting hallways of the mansion. She brushed her armor off and turned to address Sun Wukong. "Sun Wukong -- er, Great Sage. Before they attacked me, I heard this two creatures talking and plotting between themselves." The young genius closed her eyes and recited the recent conversation from memory. Sometimes having perfect recall was an invaluable help. After a minute she opened her eyes and asked, "Just who are these Pure Ones that they were referring to?"
  3. The thermal energy lanced out from the three Myrmidons, melting the cold bonds that held Glowstar imprisoned. The ice block melted with gratifying speed, and in no time at all the Terminus-powered teen burst free, force field flaring with anger! With a cry he turned on the sorceress and let loose with blast after blast, which arced through the air only to impact on the fae's own force field harmlessly. She turned her smile on him for a moment and said, "I'll be with you again in a moment, dearie."
  4. Glowstar uses Multi-Blast! ... And it bounces off the fae lady's Impervious. :(
  5. Ice block save, vs DC 22 Toughness (1d20+10=16, 1d20+10=25, 1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=20, 1d20+10=26, 1d20+10=20, 1d20+10=25, 1d20+10=21, 1d20+10=28, 1d20+10=29) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Bruises and it's destroyed! Good work, Myr! Glowstar's Initiative (1d20+6=17)
  6. GM Both Wisp's energized blast and Crow's empowered foot encountered a barrier a few inches away from the sorceress, dissipating harmlessly. She smiled cruelly and turned on the runemaster. "Little mortal champion. When last we met, you saw my mastery over the elements of your world. Now feel my power, in my own home!" She gestured at Crow and the teen hero could suddenly feel his lungs fill with water, cutting off his air!
  7. Quinn, I'm going to need a DC 21 Fort save from Crow, please.
  8. Glowstar backed away from the group, leaning over with his hands on his knees and taking deep breaths. This was more physical activity than he usually got up to in a battle -- he always forgot how quickly a good tussle could leave you winded! The reporter's comment caused him to bristle, though. "You know, this isn't really a very out-of-the-ordinary day. I mean sure, I usually don't show alien invaders around town before I kick their ass, but the ass-kicking happens on a regular basis. Especially since this is Freedom City!" He straightened up and stretched, throwing a glanced across the water at all the civilians watching this odd encounter. "Center of the universe, seems like sometimes."
  9. The rifle-wielding thug went flying from Animus' overcharged kick. The move unfortunately left the animal-channeling hero in the middle of the group of gun-wielding bums, but Lord Steam's pinpoint accuracy managed to target the thugs without even ruffling the Aussie's hair. With the hobos dispatched a silence fell over the complex, broken only by the persistent beeping of Steam's brass chemical sensor.
  10. Okay! With Cape's IC post (how did I miss that?) we are out of combat. Feel free to do... social/investigative stuff.
  11. Reinvigorated by the appearance of her allies, Ironclad lashed out with a one-two punch at her captor. She didn't aim for the heavily-armored claw this time, instead choosing to target the crab-thing's midsection. Her gauntleted fists smashed into the creature's body and she felt the claw around her midsection loosen. "Anyone bring some boiling water," she asked. "I think this guy's about done."
  12. Jessica's voice continued to come from everywhere as she manipulated the controls and absorbed the data. "Interesting. We should try an experiment with something near absolute zero, see if a lack of molecular motion will affect your powers. But first..." The gravity machines powered down and withdrew, and several more cubes, equally spaced around the hero, appeared out of the floor. "Let's work on multiple target and precision first, okay?"
  13. Glowstar crossed his arms and took the blow on his forearms, directing most of the energy to the side. He could still feel the sting in his palms though, and revised his estimate of the woman's gear. She was apparently wearing a hideous powersuit of some kind, since most people couldn't even hope to get through his force field. Shaking out his hands, the hero turned and oriented on Angel. He gathered his energy into a concentrated point near his midsection, cupping it in both hands. "You're stronger than I thought. Just means I have to hit all the harder!" The energy rushed out, many smaller energy blasts curving through the air and impacting against the criminal. She was punched straight off her disc and began falling -- quite quickly at that.
  14. Angel's Toughness, vs DC 34 (1d20+6=17) Normally would be out, but I have planses, oh yes I do...
  15. Multi-blast w/ all-Out Attack, vs Angel (1d20+15=33) Ah-hahaha. Okay, that's vs Def 24, so 9 points over, so +9 DC. Total Toughness DC 34.
  16. GM Angel floated away from Glowstar so she could gesture dramatically without smacking into his field. "Tch! Heroes! You're all the same, all killjoys. Besides, I didn't even need to steal these dresses. I totally could've bought them normally, except this place didn't want to take my money 'cause me and my totally cool minions stole from them last month. I thought they'd want some of their money back, but whatever." The supercriminal suddenly seemed to remember just where she was. She reared up with one hand and swooped at the glowing hero. "I'm gonna swat you out of the sky!"
  17. Jessica's eyes were fixed on the screen, absorbing the data as fast as it came in -- technically before it came in with her connection to the sensors, but some habits (like using screens and keyboards) were hard to break. This was simply fascinating stuff, and the parts of brain that weren't devoted to locking the experience into her memory were running wild with how to use it. Crash barriers, breaks, elevators, even 'slow rays' for use against rioters and criminals. "Material strength caps out at roughly six tons," she answered him absently. "It's amazing. All this extra energy and almost no change in temperature!"
  18. Strike, vs Glowstar (1d20+12=21) Oooh, just barely hits. Glowstar's Toughness, vs DC 23 (1d20+10=19) Whelp, that's a Bruise.
  19. Jessica was engrossed in the data coming in and didn't reply for a long minutes. Then she came back on the speakers, overwhelming the music. "Okay then, Push! We'll increase the weight of the device to, hm, one and a half tons? Does that sound better?" The tiles above and below slid away and odd circular devices protruded into the room. Energy quickly built up in them to a humming crescendo, and the hero could see a pale purple haze connecting the two apertures. His floating block suddenly grew heavier and he had to put more energy into it. "Building local gravity to three times normal. Let me know if you're feeling, um, heavier than normal, Push. We think we have the energy spill controlled, but we can always improve on it!"
  20. Initiative for Glowstar (1d20+6 =8) Oh, you are kidding me. Initiative for Angel (1d20+8=12) Of course.
  21. Glowstar hung in the air and returned Angel's searching gaze. "Name's Glowstar," he said. "Nice job on the store. Not much property damage, and since the alarm went off I can only assume you left the hostages alive. Now, if you return those dresses I'm sure the cops will for just giving you a stern talking to." He gave the villainess a thin smile. "Or do I have to give Miss Hot Pockets a smack?"
  22. For record-keeping purposes, this is Angel versus Glowstar.
  23. GM Glowstar's leisurely patrol was rudely interrupted by a ringing alarm at street level. The teen hero pulled up short in his flight, drifting slowly downwards while he watched the street through his feet. The glass door to one of the more subdued boutiques banged open and the sound of the alarm doubled. The woman who backed out of the door was wearing some garish black-and-pink skintight body-suit, with her hair dyed in streaks to match. On someone else it might've looked good, but on her it just emphasized the fact that she was living off fast food, and the dye job was too patchy to be very attractive. One hand was busy with stuffed shopping bags, containing what looked like several dressed and at lest three pairs of shoes. The other held up in a menacing fist directed at someone or something still in the shop. As she backed further out, Glowstar saw she was riding on a metal disc of some kind that seemed to float several inches off the ground. Once she was clear of the doorway she shot up towards the sky, only to be stopped short by the glowing hero. The burglar looked him up and down, cocking her hips out and grinning. "Well, hello there, flyboy. Didn't expect to find someone going down, while I was coming up." She punctuated the words with an exaggerated wink. "I'm Angel. Should I just call you Red, then?"
  24. The OOC for this thread.
  25. June 5th, 2011 4:56 PM From the ground, Freedom City could be a confusing muddle of busy streets, packed sidewalks, and store fronts screaming for attention. Up near the roof line though, the city receded to a well-ordered grid of streets, even if the odd triangular block did disrupt the nice uniformity. Glowstar found the whole thing oddly calming, and he had the suddenly impulse to start whistling.
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