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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. After some consultation on rules, both attacks bounce right off! How could that be? :iiam:
  2. In the observation/control room (really more of a cubby; she made a note to broach the subject of rooms inside dimensional pockets with Mara again) Jessica settled back in her padded chair and examined the controls in front of her. She ran through the system, both manually and with her abnormal mind. She accessed the speakers directly and 'spoke' to Push while she typed on a recessed keyboard. "We're going to start with some light, lifting, just a half ton. Don't want to strain you as yet, just need to get some baseline readings on your powers." Even as she spoke, a black cube rose from the ground a few feet away from Push. The young woman's voice faded but the speakers didn't switch off. After a minute he could hear a familiar voice... singing? "I see a line of cars and they're all painted black."
  3. Melee attack w/ All-Out Attack & Power Attack, vs Crab (1d20+10=15) Ha. Well, if that hits Crab-boy, it's DC 30.
  4. Autofire against 4 minions (1d20+3=22) So that's DC... 25 total. Knocks them all out. Nice.
  5. So yeah, Initiative time. Initiative for fae sorceress (1d20+4=24)
  6. GM Crow, Wisp, and the Myrmidons fled the temple as it collapsed around them, the pillars snapping like dry wood as the roof caved in. Even once most of the structure was on the ground, though, the pieces continued to grind against each other, wearing themselves away until nothing was left but a flat plot of dirt was left. The group didn't stop to examine it however, making their way through the town and back to the open portal. When they made it to the square, a feeling of relief swept over them. Glowstar was still in position above the portal, arms crossed over his body, facing away from them. After a moment they realized that he wasn't just floating there -- he was encased in a solid block of nearly transparent ice. The feeling of unease sharpened when a beautiful woman in a period dress stepped out from behind a nearby column. She gave the group of heroes a flat, angry look. "You force your way into my realm, incapacitate my soldiers, destroy my temple, and think you can just leave? Pitiful mortals, I shall freeze you into ice, as I have already done to your gate keeper, and display you with my statues!" [groove]25110067[/groove]
  7. Okay, that place is goin' down. Q, Zu, want to get a reaction post up? EDIT: And S-A? HP do not allow you to add Extras to your powers. Only feats. I'll allow it because we're out of combat and it's cinematic and awesome, but dude. Gotta learn how your own PC's powers work.
  8. Jessica made sure she was turned away from Nick and busy directing Estelle's golden appendages, so she didn't have to witness the necromancer try something that looked like jellied slime. She pointed out the folding table near the bottom of the pile. "Okay, we need to get that out and get it set up... kind of over here. And there's some other stuff in there." While her fellow Lab-mate was setting up the table, Jessica dived back into the pile and came up with a cardboard box of condiments. She started setting them up, paused, and turned back to Estelle. "Um... there were some pretzels and chips and stuff in there. If they're not totally atomized by everything else, could you get them out?"
  9. For once fate smiled on the kinetic controller; as he was walking in one direction around the Lab's circular floorplan, he met Jessica coming in the other. He almost didn't recognize her, as she was wearing a lab coat and tossing a set of safety goggles into the air. Her face lit up when she caught sight of Push. "Hey, uh, Push! Glad you could come! Just follow me." She walked past the hero and opened half of a pair of double doors for him. The room beyond was absolutely huge, easily fifty feet on a side, and two or three stories tall. Every surface was decorated the same way, too, in simple black squares with white lines delineating the edges. While Push was examining the room, Jessica walked through and into an adjoining space. She activated a set of speakers and suddenly her voice was coming from everywhere. "Push? This is one of our simulator rooms. We're going to start with some simple weight lifting, but if you need to charge up your batteries we can try stopping some things first."
  10. Before we roll, I'll tell you these are minions. So do you want to use the multiple-target rules for Autofire and try to clear them all at once?
  11. In short order, Jessica had the camp chairs set up in a wide semi-circle, one for every person there. She stood back and looked at the space, mentally framing it, comparing distances and mentally cataloging what else she had brought. "Tables," she said, out of the blue, apparently talking to herself. "Got to get the tables out." She turned to the pile and paused, seeing the folding table at the bottom of the pile. After a moment she turned around and located the Claremonter in the blue trunks and knightly helmet. "Cobalt! Can you help me over here?"
  12. Jessica turned her head at the last moment, brushing her lips against Blake's. She smiled at the moment and leaned against him, patting his knee. "I'm glad we got a chance to talk," she said, her voice suddenly quiet. "Life has been really confusing lately, you know? It's nice that I can rely on you, Blake. You're always there for me."
  13. I could throw Glowstar into this. He's only got a single semester under his belt, after all.
  14. GM As Wisp laid into "Overshadow," she got a shock. Up close the image of the villain seemed almost transparent, and she could clearly see Crow in there! She backed up and looked at her 'dad,' now seeing him as a stocky, raven-haired man in archaic clothes. The entire auditorium melted away, revealing the space to be a high-ceilinged... temple? A very Greek place anyway, with lots of white stone and fluted columns. While she was still getting her bearings, Brannagh stepped away from the group and gave Crow a mocking bow. "Next time, champion," he called out, pulling his veil back in place and disappearing.
  15. The man in the tattered lab coat swung at the cloud of dust but only succeeded in spreading it through the air more. He tried to move through the cloud, but as he inhaled the dust he noticed the world starting to... swirl around him. He stood there, swatting at things only he could see, not even able to respond to Warlock's taunts. Underneath the water, the Deep One mutant continued its single-minded assault on Ironclad, but its webbed fingers and sharp, pointy teeth continued to slide off the heroine's armor. For her part, the young inveotr was getting mighty tired of tussling under the waves with the amphibious creature; she pushed back hard, forcing the fishy humanoid back through the water until its head cracked against the stone of the cavern. It fell suddenly limp, hanging bonelessly in her arms.
  16. Simplest way, Immunity 1 (Own Powers)
  17. Will save, vs DC 19 (1d20+7=16) He is Dazed. Deep One grapple, vs Ironclad's Grapple (1d20+16=32) Ironclad counter grapple, vs 32 (1d20+20=30) Ha. Melee Attack Roll w/ All-Out Attack & Power Attack, vs Deep One Defense (1d20+10=29) Muwahaha. Guess what else Ironclad has? Improved Critical! So DC... 35 Toughness save. Toughness save, vs DC 35 (1d20+8=11) Yeah, that... That's not so hot.
  18. Thug's Toughness save, vs DC 20 (1d20+3=19) And he's down! That's one of four down. Steam's up next!
  19. Attack shifted? No shifting here. Just a DC 25 Toughness check, I suppose.
  20. Well then, DC 23 Toughness save. And a similar Will save for Wisp, please.
  21. Ho-kay. Gonna rule that Crow's flat-footed through all this, which makes the Toughness save... Eek. DC 25. Again, flat-footed.
  22. Glowstar hit the ground hard but managed to keep his head this time. He bounced out of the alien's grip and stumbled a few feet, just barely keeping upright. With a yell and another flare from his force field he charged the alien again, aiming a kick for the brute's face. He wasn't using his powers for this, but he'd played sports for years back in Little Rock, and felt confident that he could at least put a dent in that suit.
  23. Rushing in where angels fear to tread! Unarmed Strike w/ Power Attack, vs Alien (1d20+5=18) DC 23 Toughness if that hits, in addition to the DC 25 Aura.
  24. Ironclad gasped as the crab-thing's claws caught and crushed her mid-section. She pounded on it futilely, but the suit's massive strength wasn't any use when she couldn't aim it properly; the blows just slid off the crab's armor. She was still aware enough to be grateful that the bat-creature's sonic blast missed her -- and to smile under her mask when the cavalry showed up. "Gonna get your ass kicked," she gasped at the crab. "So. Frickin'. Hard."
  25. Toughness save, vs DC 30 (1d20+10=21) Bruised & Stunned.
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