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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. No, Fatigue! EDIT: Toughness check, vs DC 27 (1d20+9=26) Okay, so a Bruise.
  2. Glowstar struggled against the alien's iron grip, but it was ultimately useless. He didn't have anything like the strength of the heavy-worlders. That being said, he did have the strange otherwordly power that his body channeled so easily. He fed the energy into his force field, boosting its output so that it began tearing at the alien's suit. His smile stretched into a death's-head grin as he felt the energy crackling against the creature's hands. "Like that? Just hold on and I'll take you for a ride."
  3. Futile Grapple check (1d20+9=16) Yeah, that was futile. Um, what can Glow do here... ? EDIT: Gonna use EE to stunt off his Terminus Energy Array. Strike 10 (Feat: Incurable; Extras: Aura, Penetrating 2) [43PP] So that's a DC 25 Toughness save every round this guy is in melee with Glowstar.
  4. Jessica opened her mouth to reply, just as the server slide next to their table. The young woman cleared her throat and picked up the menu sitting in front of her. "Um, I think I'm going to have the chicken a la king. And an iced tea to drink." She handed the menu back and flashed a smile at Blake. Before he could order though, his phone began vibrating, telling him he had a message. When he glanced down he saw it was, surprisingly, for Jessica! Food's only 3 stars, but it's quiet. Order what you want, I'm paying.
  5. Clad's using full Defensive Attack this round and backing away. Defense goes up to 25.
  6. The armor's sensors automatically cut out her audio pick up when the bat... thing's screech went past a certain decibel level. Inside the armor, Jessica tried to flip them back on with no success. One more thing on the repair list. Ironclad backed up, putting her fists up in a defensive posture as she considered her options. They were frankly bleak in a two-on-one fight -- but of course, this didn't have to be two-on-one, did it? The inventor reached out with her odd brain and searched the ether for any device belonging to the four heroes she'd met this morning. The first she found was Cannonade's, and she triggered it. The buffet room was suddenly filled with the sound a bugle sounding a cavalry charge, and then Jessica's voice. "Cannonade to the rescue! By the workshop! Hurry!"
  7. GM As Crow stepped forward, he felt a hand press against his chest and stop him. A moment later the air shimmered and Brannagh stepped into view from whatever concealing veil he'd been hiding behind. He smiled at the hero, shaking his head slowly. "Crow, Crow, Crow. Can't you see how happy your woman is here? Why can't you just leave her be?" Up on stage, Wisp saw several of the students raise their hands. Before she could answer any of them, the doors at the rear of the auditorium banged open. The heroine raised her gaze to see what was happening and her heart almost froze in her chest. There, standing in the doorway, was Overshadow, villain of a thousand television shows when Victoria had been growing up and one of the world's most heinous villains, back in the day. Now here he was again! Her father apparently recognized the danger here as he stepped out of the shadows and flung his arms out to bar the villain's path.
  8. The woman on the front desk didn't even raise her eyebrow at Push's appearance. Considering that two of the five founders wore masks to work, perhaps she was inured to the weirdness. Instead she just picked up a phone and dialed Jessica Parker's office. Jessica in turn froze as her phone line -- well, it didn't ring. She'd turned the ringer off. But she her altered mind could sense the phone trying to ring, trying to alert her to an incoming call. She connected to it mentally and spoke to the air, sending the words down the line. "Parker here, what is it?" The secretary glanced at Push. "There's a young man here in costume for you, Miss Parker. Calls himself Push." Back in her office, the young inventor blinked once and accessed her digital day calendar. Yup, there was the appointment to test Push's powers. It was her bad luck that she'd been engrossed in this other project instead of preparing for this. "Okay, send him up to, um. Level Sixteen has some free rooms, we'll go there." She turned back to the holographic projection and, stretching her arms wide then bringing them in close, resized it until it was closer to a basketball. "Other worlds," she said to it. "We'll get you there in time." For now though, she saved her project to the Lab's servers, then again to her own personal RAID array, and made a beeline for the elevator. Back at the front desk, the secretary hung up the phone and typed on a recessed keypad for a moment. Then she reached under the desk and pulled out a laminated card that hung off a plastic lanyard; on the card was a picture of Push from moments ago as he entered the lobby. The word "GUEST" was printed around the edges in block letters. "Wear this at all times," she told him. "When you get into the elevator, wave it at the sensor and it'll take you to the proper level."
  9. Will save, vs DC 10 (1d20+6=15) Yeah, we all knew it was unlikely.
  10. Toughness, vs DC 25 (1d20+10=30) Ha! All-Out Attack means that Clad's Def is only 14 for this round, so it hits. Toughness, vs DC 23 (1d20+10=23) oh, just enough. Fortitude save, vs DC 18 (1d20+5=16) Well, that's not too bad!
  11. What Fatigue? (I changed my plans around before posting IC.)
  12. Glowstar took the blow and rolled with it as he'd been taught. The meaty fist deflected off his force field, forcing him to take a few hasty steps back lest he end up ass over teakettle. "Okay," he muttered, lips pulling back in a grim smile. "Time to take off the kiddy gloves." The energy manipulator hovered a few inches off the air and gathered energy, forming a tiny ball of red light, growing brighter and more intense by the moment. Before long it was a small sun in the hero's hands and he thrust it away from him; the energy ball broke into a thousand different blasts, hammering into the alien.
  13. Toughness save, vs DC 27 (1d20+9=28) HA! In your face, freaky space aliens! Firing off Multi-Blast at point blank range. Let's see how they like this! Multi-Blast, vs Alien (1d20+10=19) Oh, that better hit...
  14. Glowstar's vision cleared swiftly enough, and he saw that odd croaking noise was... laughter? From the aliens? From those damn, irresponsible aliens, who sucker-punched him, and now were laughing at him. His vision went red -- though that might have been a side-effect of the red force field filtering everything -- and he rushed forward, heedless of his own defense. His fist was surrounded by angry, flaring energy that reached out and leeched the life from the surroundings, causing the grass under Glowstar's feet to wither and die.
  15. Entropic Strike w/ All-Out Attack, vs Alien (1d20+15=24) If that hits, DC 25 Toughness and DC 25 Fort to avoid Toughness Drain. ;)
  16. Glowstar wasn't expecting the fight to start right there. He tried to leap away but barely caught the blow on a hastily-raised arm instead of his head. It didn't help too much though, as his wrist was driven back against his forehead. There was an audible crack, a sharp pain, and then his vision went all foggy. He stumbled away from the alien, cradling his head and his sudden, splitting headache while he fought to bring the world back into focus
  17. Toughness save, vs DC 30 (1d20+10=20) Oh, you fffff-- Rerolling that. Toughness save, vs DC 30 (1d20+10=15) Le sigh. Well, +10 for HP, so 25. Great.
  18. Wait, I'm confused. ... Oh, that was the Alien's Initiative! Okay, I thought it was an Attack roll.
  19. Moving part of the way away, Focused Blast, then moving the rest of the way away. Taking them towards (uh, um, oh gee) the coastline. Shouldn't be much between here and there. Focused Blast w/ All-Out Attack, vs Alien 3 (1d20+15=17) Ack. Don't know if that'll hit. Initiative for Glowstar (1d20+6=9)
  20. Glowstar rubbed his chin. "I don't know what to tell you guys. I mean, this is Freedom City. We do have supervillains and stuff, but we can't really predict when they'll attack." He laughed out loud at the notion. "If we could do that, we'd be able to fight them a lot better, you know!" The teen hero looked out across the water for a moment, ending with a shrug. "I guess if you really want a story, I could fight one of your guys. Give you a demonstration of Earthling heroic combat."
  21. Glowstar tapped the police radio, now clipped to his belt. "I'll stay in contact," he said. The teen hero watched Supercape fly away, then turned his attention back to the alien 'reporters'. "So what exactly did you expect to see here? I mean, from your reactions I'm guessing Earth's a pretty boring place compared to the rest of the universe, so why come here?"
  22. He can get there and get in with two move action. Thugs waste their bullets against Bessie and Myr already took his action, so Animus is up next.
  23. The hobos' fire chased the Victorian detective to his car, but once he dove inside their bullets pinged harmlessly off the side. The rifle-wielder took careful aim at the windshield -- but all of a sudden there was a feathered dart in his leg! He reached down to pluck it out, blinking at the odd sight of it. He made a face and tossed it to the side, deciding to focus on the visible threats for now. He reaimed, but after a moment his vision went... wonky. The world tilted sideways and he struggled to keep his rifle upright. Away in the trees, Myrmidon could see that his target was groggy from the dart's drug, but he wasn't down yet.
  24. I'm going to wait for Zu to post here before I do anything else.
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