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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Jessica was dazzled by the workshop before her -- literally, due to the number of bright lights shining on polished steel or other metals. She backed up into the hallway and leaned against the wall, rubbing her eyes. While she was still blinking the spots out of her eyes, she heard the whispering around the corner. She frowned and padded down the way, trying to stay as stealthy as possible -- though that wasn't saying much.
  2. Sense Motive, vs DC 26 (1d20+15=28) Le yawn. She's seen it all. I think it's time for Initiative, folks. Initiative for fae lady (1d20+8=17) Initiative for Glowstar (1d20+6=17) ... Fae lady wins the tie.
  3. Doktor'd [floatr][img=http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/wiki/images/3/3d/GlowstarHF.png][/floatr] [b][u]Character Name[/u]:[/b] Brian Harris [b][u]Power Level[/u]:[/b] 11 (159/163) [b][u]Trade-Offs[/u]:[/b] None [b][u]Unspent PP[/u]:[/b] 4 [b][u]Progress to Silver[/u]:[/b] 13/60 (Bronze status earned with [url=http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3379]Ironclad[/url]) [b][u]In Brief[/u]:[/b] Son of a pair of villains, out to prove that he can be a hero. [b][u]Alternate Identity[/u]:[/b] Glowstar [b][u]Identity[/u]:[/b] Public [b][u]Birthplace[/u]:[/b] Little Rock, AK [b][u]Occupation[/u]:[/b] Student [b][u]Affiliations[/u]:[/b] Claremont Academy [b][u]Family[/u]:[/b] William Harris AKA Lawrence Patterson AKA the Saucer Lord (father), Camille Harris AKA Curare (mother) [b][u]Age[/u]:[/b] 17 (January 13, 1994) [b][u]Gender[/u]:[/b] Male [b][u]Ethnicity[/u]:[/b] Northern European/Sub-Saharan African [b][u]Height[/u]:[/b] 5' 10" [b][u]Weight[/u]:[/b] 180 lbs [b][u]Eyes[/u]:[/b] Black sclera, red iris. [b][u]Hair[/u]:[/b] Dirty blond [b][u]Description[/u]:[/b] Brian Harris is a young man of average height, with a slight, athletic build. His skin is naturally a creamy mocha color, but since he likes to spend a lot of time out-of-doors, it’s often tanned much darker. His face is broad and square-jawed: he shaves nearly every day and keeps his fine, flyaway hair trimmed short. It used to be golden blond, but it’s darkened several shades since his powers manifested. His eyes are his most shocking feature; the sclera is pure black, and the iris is bright red. Brian usually wears casual street clothes, almost invariably jeans and hiking boots. When he goes on patrols or otherwise thinks he'll have to be an 'official' superhero, he usually wears his Claremont uniform. His energy blast and aura manifest as a dark red color, with black motes or fog swirling around the edges. [b][u]Power Descriptions[/u]:[/b] Brian can generate and manipulate strange energies, which he can use to protect himself, blast his foes, and even fly. His body seems to be changing because of the energies, making him tougher than he was before. [b][u]History[/u]:[/b] Brian Harris thought he had a pretty normal life. So sure, his parents didn’t have regular jobs, always going off on consulting gigs for a few days, and once even two weeks, but the family always had money and his parents were always there for important things. Brian was in Scouts, his high school baseball team, and had a girlfriend; he was prepared to live a normal life in American suburbia. He wasn’t prepared for the police to bust in during dinner in full riot gear and try to arrest his parents. He really wasn’t prepared to blast two of them off his mother with black and red energy blasts. She escaped; his father didn’t. Later, the folks from Social Services filled in some of the blanks. His parents weren’t just his parents. His father had been known as the Saucer Lord, and had used extradimensional technology to battle the forces of good on every planet in the Solar System. His mother was once called Curare, and in her prime had been the most hunted and sought after assassin on three continents. They had disappeared from the super-scene at roughly the same time, and until recently no one had considered that they might’ve retired together. Brian, though, was a complication no one had planned for – or rather, his powers were. No one wanted to put a kid in Blackstone or any other prison, but they couldn’t just set him up with a normal foster family, not with his abilities and background. At some point, someone contacted Duncan Summers, and Duncan and Brian had a long talk. The upshot was that Brian got a spot at Claremont Academy, and the chance to prove that he could be better than his heritage suggested. [b][u]Personality & Motivation[/u]:[/b] Brian Harris’s parents raised him right: don’t cheat, don’t steal – don’t lie. It’s this last one that makes his parents’ betrayal so painful. The truth of their lives upset his life almost as much as the sudden appearance of his superpowers. He’s still reevaluating his life, seeing what makes sense and what needs to be adjusted. Some things don’t seem likely to change, though; he doesn’t like being regarded as a threat, as a villain-in-waiting. He does seem to genuinely enjoy helping people. And last, he’s still loyal to his parents, still loves them despite what they didn’t tell him. Brian is most happy when he's doing something, physically working to solve a dilemma or further his goals. Whenever there's a problem in front of him, he's likely to try and take some action, even if sitting and waiting would be the wiser decision. [b][u]Powers & Tactics[/u]:[/b] In a fight, Brian Harris doesn't go in for complicated maneuvers. Mostly he tries to determine who's the greatest threat and charges after that person, looking to take them out of the fight early. He's not afraid to take a bit of a beating to take an enemy down, but that can lead to him becoming overextended in a fight. [hr][/hr] [b][u]Complications[/u]:[/b] [b]The Family Business[/b] Brain has to deal with a lot due to his parents. On the one side are people who distrust him because his parents were villains and they expect him to go down the same path, or else blame him for his parents' actions. On the other side are villains who expect him to help them because his parents went bad. [b]Power Glows[/b] Whenever Brain uses his powers it generates a strong glow around his body. While this usually isn't a problem, it makes it almost impossible for him to be stealthy. [b]They're the Only Family I've Got[/b] They may have lied to him and hurt him, but Will and Cammy are still his parents, and he'll defend them if needs be. [b]Herald of the Destroyer![/b] Brian doesn't know it yet, but the energies he generates and manipulates are those of entropy, of the Terminus. [b]Terminus Baby[/b] Brian's parents were passing through Freedom City when the second Terminus Invasion hit and had to take shelter with the rest of the civilian population. It wasn't until later that Camille realized she had been a full month pregnant at the time. It's almost certainly that [i]in utero[/i] exposure to Terminus energies which caused Brian's powers. [b][u]Abilities[/u]:[/b] 6 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 24PP Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) [b][u]Combat[/u]:[/b] 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +6, +10 w/ Blast, +10 w/ Strike Grapple: +9 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 [b][u]Saving Throws[/u]:[/b] 8 + 5 + 5 = 18PP Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +7 Force Field) Fortitude: +10 (+3 Con, +8) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +6 (+1 Wis, +5) [b][u]Skills[/u]:[/b] 64R = 16PP Computers 4 (+5) Concentration 8 (+9) Diplomacy 9 (+11) Gather Information 3 (+5) Investigate 4 (+5) Knowledge (Current Events) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5) Medicine 4 (+5) Notice 7 (+8) Search 4 (+5) Survival 4 (+5) [b][u]Feats[/u]:[/b] 12PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Dodge Focus 4 Improved Initiative Luck 3 Move-By Action Power Attack [b][u]Powers[/u]:[/b] 46 + 3 + 6 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 69PP [b]Terminus Energy Array 21.5[/b] (43PP; [i]Feats:[/i] Alternate Power 3) [46PP] [list][u]BE:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise; [i]Extra:[/i] Autofire 3; [i]Flaw:[/i] Action (Full Action)) [43PP] - [i]Multi Blast[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise, Knockback 10; [i]Extras:[/i] Penetrating) [43PP] - [i]Focused Blast[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Strike 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Knockback 10; [i]Extras:[/i] Area/Burst [General]) [30PP] - [i]Boom[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Strike 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Linked 2) [12PP] + [b]Drain Toughness 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Extra:[/i] Affects Objects (+1); [i]Feat:[/i] Slow Fade [1 minute]) [21PP] - [i]Entropic Strike[/i][/list] [b]Environmental Control 6[/b] (Light; 250 ft radius; [i]Flaw:[/i] Range/Touch) [3PP] [b]Flight 3[/b] (50 MPH) [6PP] [b]Force Field 7[/b] [7PP] + [b]Immunity 2[/b] (Critical Hits) [2PP] [b]Immunity 3[/b] (Cold, heat, radiation) [3PP] [b]Super-Senses 4[/b] (Visual; Penetrates Concealment; [i]Flaw:[/i] Distracting) [2PP] [b][u]Drawbacks[/u]:[/b] 0 = 0PP [b][u]DC Block[/u]:[/b] [code]ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Multi Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Focused Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage (Entropy) Boom Area/Burst DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Entropic Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Drain Toughness (Entropy) Abilities (24) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (16) + Feats (12) + Powers (69) - Drawbacks (0) = 163/163 PP Power Points :arrow: Quick addition to his Description. :arrow: Putting all 4 PP into skills. Buy 4 ranks of Know/Streetwise, 4 ranks of Investigate, 4 ranks of Search, 3 ranks of Gather Info, and put the last rank into Diplomacy. Because he's just such a nice guy! :arrow: Changed Entropy Control Array to Terminus Energy Array and fixed some of the math. Some of his powers weren't added up properly. Also removed Precise from Entropic Strike because there wasn't points to afford it. Doktor'd
  4. GM The magic flared around the three teens, and when it died down they were standing in the middle of a wide area, paved with flat stones. Fluted columns, fifty feet tall or taller, stood around the periphery of the area and held up a a network of wooden lattices, more the suggestion of a roof than anything substantial. Wide, dirt roads ran off in the three directions of the compass rose, continuing past the horizon. The three heroes moved so they were back to back with each other, covering every angle. That's how they all the saw the women at once, stepping out from behind every pillar. They were all slim, their skin all pale and lovely, and their hair ran the gamut from shining black to pale platinum, and to a one they wore a simple toga-like outfit. There was at least fifty of them, and they formed a loose cordon at the edge of the paved area. The silence stretched between the two groups, lovely women on one side and heroes on the other, when a new figure strode into the impromptu arena. She was of average height, with a heavy, muscle-packed frame and pale skin, wearing what looked like a hamaka done in shades of green and blue. A sword with a wide, curved blade hung on one hip, and her pale green hair was done up in a complicated pile on top of her head. She marched up to the heroes, stopping between them and the fence of women behind her. "You are intruding on my lady's domain," she announced. "You will leave at once."
  5. Raveled

    Jade Dragon

    The character is using a +DC/-Att trade-off. Although that would be nice to have noted somewhere. The PL of the character should be somewhere on here, as well.
  6. Glowstar looked at the other teen heroes. They didn't seem to be catching the reference, so he cleared his throat and spoke up. "Uh, I think I have. He's a sharpshooter -- well, an assassin. Works with the Crime League, right?" He paused, then added, "Do you really think they'd go after civilians to get to a hero?"
  7. Glowstar blinked at his friend's statement, then stepped forward and clapped him on the shoulder. "Are you kidding me, dude? I already did the hard part -- I'm up this early, aren't I?" He gave the other two men a lopsided grin and moved to stand beside Crow. "C'mon, let's go kick Tinkerbell's ass."
  8. If we have three that are already available, I'll take them. Myrmidion, Animus, Lord Steam, step up!
  9. Doktor'd [b][u]Characters Name[/u]:[/b] Ironclad II [b][u]Power Level[/u]:[/b] 10 (152/152PP) [b][u]Trade-Offs[/u]:[/b] +5 Toughness/-5 Defense [b][u]Unspent PP[/u]:[/b] 5 [b][u]Progress to Silver[/u]:[/b] 48/60 [b][u]In Brief[/u]:[/b] Genius teen uses her intellect and her fortune to fight crime! [b][u]Alternate Identity[/u]:[/b] Jessica Anne Parker [b][u]Age[/u]:[/b] 18 (DoB: June 3, 1993) [b][u]Gender[/u]:[/b] Female [b][u]Ethnicity[/b]:[/u] Northern European [b][u]Height[/u]:[/b] 6' [b][u]Weight[/u]:[/b] 130 lbs. [b][u]Eyes[/u]:[/b] Pale Blue [b][u]Hair[/u]:[/b] Strawberry Blonde [floatr][img=http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/wiki/images/5/51/IroncladHF2.png][/floatr] [b][u]Description[/u]:[/b] Jessica Parker is a tall, slim girl, her body build of straight line and long, lean limbs. She usually allows her wavy, strawberry-blonde hair to grow past her shoulders, before cutting it into a short crop or pixie cut. Her pale blue eyes shine with intelligence, and her thin lips curl readily into a smile. The Ironclad suit is a solid piece of green and gold metal, albeit segmented to allow full freedom of movement. While the suit generally follows Jessica’s body structure, it’s bulkier and beefier almost everywhere. It’s a necessary trade-off to fit all the sensors and machinery in a man-sized package. Jessica doesn’t wear makeup or jewelry as a rule, but she’s rarely without two specific pieces. The first is a silver ring, part of a set; Blake has the mate. The other item is a slim titanium wristband that at first glance just seems to be a digital watch. In fact it’s the ‘anchor’ or ‘beacon’ that summons the Ironclad armor from its extradmensional storage space. [b][u]History[/u]:[/b] Jessica Anne Parker was born to privilege. Her father Gregory was president of Parker Tech, the number three consumer electronics company in the world and a major supplier of the US government, and militaries worldwide. Still, it’s her grandfather, Malcolm, which she most admires and identifies with. They both have a lobe of gadgets and a fierce sense of justice. She enjoyed debating with her grandfather over engineering matters, usually pitting her love of modern electronics against Malcolm’s faith in more mechanical methods. One day, to prove a point, Malcolm revealed that he had been Ironclad, a government-backed hero that retired after the Vietnam War. Jessica’s imagination was fired and she started designing a new, sleeker suit of armor, and in time she took to the streets and skies of Freedom City as the new Ironclad, using her armor to fight crime and villainy. Her grandfather was, understandably, quite angry. Still, Jessica could be as stubborn as the old man when she put her mind to it. They reached a compromise; she went out in the field in the armor and he kept back, advising her remotely. That still doesn’t stop her from taking risks, and it doesn’t stop him from yelling at her when she does. Towards the end of 2010 Jessica’s life changed quite a bit. She met a number of other heroes and expanded her social circle. Most notably she started dating Blake Salazar, better known as the hero Warlock. Her world was shaken when her grandfather passed away, but she came out of the crisis stronger and with a closer relationship with her boyfriend. At the very end of the year she survived a chemical attack underneath Jameson Airport. As a side-effect of medical treatments, she developed technopathic powers. [b][u]Personality & Motivation[/u]:[/b] It’s easy to mistake Jessica Parker for a timid girl, because most of the time she is a very quiet young woman. It’s not to say that she doesn’t care to talk to other people, it’s just that her technical training predisposes her to hold her tongue when she doesn’t have any expertise on a topic. When she can be persuaded to speak, she can actually be something of a chatterbox – her high IQ means that she can quickly leave others in the dust. As Ironclad, she’s much more assertive and self-assured. With a literal layer of armor between herself and her audience, she feels more confident, more able to express her own opinion. Whether that will leak into her ‘civilian’ identity, only time will tell. Still and all, when Jessica sets her mind to something, she can be next to impossible to convince otherwise. Jessica is a compulsive fixer. Whether it’s machines, people, or events, when she sees that something is broken she tries to sit it to rights. On the one hand that means she tends towards optimism, and doesn’t let herself get disheartened by failure. On the other hand it means she butts into other people’s business, a habit that can range from rude to lethal. [b][u]Power Descriptions[/u]:[/b] Jessica has an almost intuitive understanding of technology and machinery, allowing her to make fantastic designs generations ahead of her time. She can also connect to machines and electronics mentally, interrogating and controlling them. [b][u]Powers and Tactics[/u]:[/b] In the suit, Ironclad prefers to keep range from her opponents use full All-Out Attack and full Power Attack, trusting in her armor to keep her safe from any reprisals. If necessary though, she can enter melee range or use her other combat feats to gain an edge. [hr][/hr] [b][u]Complications[/u]:[/b] [b]Fame:[/b] While she doesn't look it, Jessica is the heir to an eight digit fortune and that can attract the paparazzi. [b]Love Life:[/b] Jessica is officially involved with Blake Salazar, aka Warlock. When her boyfriend is placed in danger she can be irrational and emotional. [b]No Plans, No Prototype:[/b] Jessica has a habit of putting prototype designs in her suit; between that and her constant tweaks, there's a chance that any given system could fail. [b]Obsession:[/b] Jessica can't help herself from examining high-tech machines, and especially super-tech. [b]Responsibility:[/b] Jessica feels that she has to protect Dawes Tech and the Lab. Attacking either is a sure way to get her to show up. [b]City Girl:[/b] Some of Jessica's powers come as a result of 'time-sharing' brain-space with computer networks. Any time she's outside a developed, urban area she loses any power with the Technopath descriptor. [b]HUD:[/b] The Ironclad armor receives all its data through sensors; if these sensors are blinded, the operator can't see anything that's happening. [b][u]Abilities[/u]:[/b] 0 + 6 + 0 + 10 + 2 + 4 = 22PP Strength: 30/10 (+10/+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) [b][u]Combat[/u]:[/b] 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +4, +10 Battlesuit Weapons Array Grapple: +4, +20 Battlesuit Servos Defense: +5 (+4 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7/-0 [b][u]Saves[/u]:[/b] 5 + 4 + 6 = 15PP Toughness: +15/+0 (+0 Con, +15/+0 Protection) Fortitude: +5 (+0 Con, +5) Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +4) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6) [b][u]Skills[/u]:[/b] 68R = 17PP Computers 10 (+15)[sup]SM[/sup] Concentrate 9 (+10) Craft (Electronic) 5 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 10 (+15)[sup]SM[/sup] Disable Device 10 (+15)[sup]SM[/sup] Knowledge (Technology) 10 (+15) Languages 4 (English [native], French, German, Japanese, Russian) Notice 8 (+9)[sup]SM[/sup] Sense Motive 2 (+3) [b][u]Feats[/u]:[/b] 8PP Benefit (Wealth II) Dodge Focus 1 Eidetic Memory Equipment 1 (5EP) - Free from player rewards Inventor Luck 2 Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft [Mechanical], Disable Device, Notice) [quote name="Equipment"]5 EP donated to [url=http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5187]the Lab[/url].[/quote] [b][u]Powers[/u]:[/b] 3 + 2 + 64 + 4 + 1 = 74PP [b]Datalink 2[/b] (Radio; 100 ft; [i]Feat:[/i] Subtle) [3PP] [b]Enhanced Feat 2[/b] (Technopath; Online Research, Well-Connected) [2PP] [b]Device 15[/b] (75PP, [i]Flaws:[/i] Hard-To-Lose, [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 3, Restricted [Mental Quickness 6]) (Battlesuit [Technology]) [64PP] [device][i]All effects have the Technology descriptor[/i] [b]Enhanced Feats 7[/b] (Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Improvised Tools, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Change) [7PP] [b]Features 3[/b] (Computer, Hologram Projector, Library) [3PP] [b]Flight 5[/b] (250MPH/ 2 500ft per Move Action, [i]Feat:[/i] Subtle) - [i]Magnetic-Etheric Drive[/i] [11PP] [b]Immunity 11[/b] (Critical Hits, Life Support) - [i]Armor[/i] [11PP] [b]Protection 15[/b] - [i]Armor[/i] [10PP] [b]Super-Senses 3[/b] (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense) [3PP] [b]Sensory Array 2.5[/b] (5PP; [i]Feat:[/i] Alternate Power) [6PP] [list][u]BE:[/u] [b]Super-Senses 2[/b] (All Visual Senses; [i]Extra:[/i] Radius) [2PP][/list] [list][b]Super-Senses 3[/b] (Darkvision 2, Infravision) [3PP][/list] [list][u]AP:[/u] [b]Super-Senses 4[/b] (All Auditory; [i]Extra:[/i] Accurate) [4PP][/list] [list][b]Super-Senses 1[/b] (Ultra-Hearing) [1PP][/list] [b]Weapons Array 10.5[/b] (21PP Array, [i]Feat:[/i] Alternate Power) [22PP] [list][u]BE:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] ([i]Feat:[/i] Improved Range [x25]) [21PP] - [i]Wrist Blasters[/i][/list] [list][u]AP:[/u] [b]Enhanced Strength 20[/b] ([i]Feat:[/i] Improved Critical [19-20]) [21PP] - [i]Servos[/i][/list] [b]Vulnerability[/b] (Electricity; [i]Frequency:[/i] Common; [i]Intensity:[/i] Moderate) [-3PP][/device] [b]Quickness 6 ([/b]x100, [i]Flaws:[/i] Limited [Mental Tasks][b])[/b] [i]PF[/i]: Innate [4PP] [spoiler]Mental Quickness 6 means that Ironclad can make the following checks. Computers to [list] [*]search for a file on a massive network as a full round. [*]crash a computer as a free action. [*]destroy or damage programming in 6 rounds. [*]write a program in 6 rounds.[/list] Knowledge to [list] [*]Take 10 as a free action. [*]Take 20 in 6 rounds.[/list] Notice to [list] [*]make a Notice check as a free action.[/list][/spoiler] [b]Super-Senses 1[/b] (Radio) [1PP] [b][u]Drawbacks[/u]:[/b] 0PP [b][u]DC Block[/u]:[/b] [code] ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Enhanced Strength Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (15) + Skills (17) + Feats (8) + Powers (74) - Drawbacks (0) = 152/152 Power Points :arrow: Jessica's 18! Yay, adulthood! :arrow: After this month's changes, Ironclad will be full +Tou shifted. :arrow: Change to Powers and Tactics. :arrow: Roll 4 points into Skills, buying 4 ranks in Languages, 5 ranks in Craft/Mechanical, 5 ranks in Know/Tech, and 2 ranks into Sense Motive. :arrow: Buy Wealth II and drop 4 ranks of Dodge Focus. :arrow: Put another rank of Device into the Battlesuit and roll those points into Protection. Fix some formatting errors along the way. Doktor'd
  10. I'm looking for a small (2 or 3) group of PL 7-9 heroes who want to test our their shiny new edits by beating up bad gu-- er, saving the city! Any takers?
  11. The burly scientist leapt up to the ceiling, gripping a stalactite with inhuman strength and easily avoiding the blast of energy -- until it struck the far wall and rebounded, clipping him along the ribs and causing him to fall to the stone bridge again. He kit up quickly though, tearing his coat off -- literally, shredding it with his bare hands -- and dropped into a loose fighting stance, feet wide apart and hands held out at his side. "Who am I? Oh, just a garden-variety genius. 135 IQ, graduated from MIT when I was 20. La, such frivolity! But because I'm not a genetic freak like your girlfriend down there, I end up taking orders from a hormonal teenager, and bowing and scraping to someone that sounds like he's from a period drama. But that all ends here, because your little squeeze is going to be crushed down there -- just like I'm going to crush you, up here!" Underneath the water, Ironclad shook off the Deep One's clawed and webbed hands and tried to throw a punch in retaliation, but the extra resistance from the water threw her strike off. Either that, or the mutant was simply too adapted to fighting in such an environment and ducked under it easily. The beastie reached for her and gripped her arms, squeezing hard. The suit held up though, resisting the creature's inhuman strength. Above their heads, the surface of the water frothed and roiled, churned up by their fighting.
  12. Jessica gave a nod to Silent Vigil and Wisp, excusing herself from the conversation and drifting away into the crowd again. Her eyes lighted on one of the attendants, garbed to stand out in the crowd. She made a beeline for him. "Excuse me. Is there a workshop or artificing room I could use? I want to check on my armor before the next match."
  13. Reflex save, vs DC 19 (1d20+6=26) The Genius Bruiser makes the save like a champ. Toughness save, vs DC 19 (1d20+14=19) If only he hadn't have made that save, huhn? Melee attack with full All-Out Attack & full Power attack, vs Deep One (1d20+10=14) Oh, fff-- Deep One Grapple check (1d20+16=22) Ironclad counter-Grapple (1d20+20=24) Ironclad stays out of grapple easily.
  14. Glowstar was pretty weirded out at watching five Myrmidions walk around, practically finishing each others' sentences, but he managed to follow the conversation regardless. Before Crow could answer, he stepped forward and cleared his throat loudly. "Why don't we just rush in, guns blazing? I know that's my answer to pretty much everything, but hear me out. In the first place, according to Crow this fairy chick is going to know where we are the moment we show up, so there's really no point to sneaking around and hiding. We'll show up on her mini-map anyway. "Second thing is, it sounds like this invitation was specifically for Crow. This lady might not be expecting me and Myrmidon, so let's just charge and give them a good smack before they can adjust to having three targets." He glanced at Myrmidon and added, "Or eight, or whatever."
  15. Am both GMing and playing in "Save the Girlfriend, Save the World" as well as "Shopping Spree," "Something Old, Something New," and "Game On!" Ironclad Vignette The Jade Arenas of Heaven: Shock the Monkey Something Old, Something New Conversations: Intimate Me Push, You Pull Fun in the Sun Game On! 10 + 8 + 5 + 10 + 4 + 15 = 52 Glowstar Vignette Save the Girlfriend, Save the World Training Day Getting the Story Shopping Spree Robots! 7 + 1 + 14 + 6 + 3 = 31 GM Save the Girlfriend, Save the World Something in the Water Shopping Spree Something Old, Something New Game On! 8 + 6 + 5 + 1 + 19 = 39
  16. Jessica Parker wasn't an especially gregarious woman at the best of times, but she was intrigued by one of the competitors she had seen that day. She was wearing a tight-fitting cheongsam of dark green silk, with gold turtles embroidered on it, and was holding a drink in one hand as she navigated the crowds, searching for one form in particular. She found him eventually, in a small knot of fellow fighters, apparently discussing different ways to dislocate a shoulder. She touched Silent Vigil on the arm to get his attention, and smiled widely when he turned around. "Hello. I'm Jessica Parker." She gave a small bow, no entirely sure of the social ritual here. "I saw your match, and if I may say your augmentations are stunning. Are they a government job, or from a private benefactor?"
  17. And Myr can start with some Dupes pre-deployed, at that.
  18. Raveled

    Robots! (IC)

    Glowstar blinked, glancing over at Push. "No, man. That's not how you do it. Next question you ask it 'man or woman,' or maybe 'alive or dead.' Heh, or in this town, 'human or alien.'" He leaned his head back and took to staring down the street. "So, uh, you and Blueshift are a couple, huh? How's that working out, exactly? Patrolling with your lady, I mean."
  19. Glowstar felt his heart lurch at the expression on Crow's face, even as it reassured him. He reached out and grabbed his friend by the shoulder, hauling him around until they were face to face. "Dude. We are gonna get there. And we are gonna save her, just like we do all the time. And damn it all if I'm not going to find a white horse for you to ride in on while we do it." He cracked a smile and stepped back, chucking Crow on the arm. "Don't be so grim, man. Vicky isn't a shrinking violet, you know. Heck, we may get there just in time to save the bad guys from her!"
  20. Glowstar jumped when the pool exploded, and jumped again when Crow starting ordering folks around with a peremptory tone. This definitely wasn't the Crow he was used to. He followed his friend to the library, staying close at Crow's heels. It wasn't just that he didn't know his way around Parkhurst; all this talk of ghosts was, frankly, weirding him out. This day was swiftly turning into the worst Scooby-Doo knock-off ever. The library was pretty much what he'd expected, a big room filled with piled and piles of books. Glowstar left Crow to prowl the lower levels while he rose among the stacks. A few books, on the large side and with cracked bindings, struck him as having potential, so he pulled them off the shelf and floated over to a big, long table in the middle of the library. He thumped the books down carelessly, raising a cloud of dust, as he watched his friend hunt through the collected volumes. "Hey, Crow," he called out, almost on impulse. "You sure you know what you're doing, man?"
  21. Jessica stayed on the towel for a little longer, but she knew that she couldn't stay there all day. She wiggled out from under Blake (maybe moving a bit more than was strictly necessary) and walked up the beach to the pile of gear. She declined the floating stack of sandwiches with a laugh, pulling camp chairs out of the pile and starting to set them up in a rough semi-circle, with one end near the kitchen and the other terminating at Gossamer's chair. She hummed as she worked, her spirits bouyed by her friends and acquaintances all around.
  22. The waters swirled, swiftly obscuring the bottom of the pool. They slowed and rushed at odd intervals, showing the young runemaster glimpses of something, but not very much; lots of square or rectangular buildings apparently made of white marble or some other stone, roofs held up with fluted columns, roofed in red tiles. A few views from very high up showed that the buildings were laid out on a regular pattern, all of them nearly identical in composition. The pool suddenly exploded in Crow's face, water leaping up to splash the ceiling. When the pool settled again, the runes around the edge were smoking and the pool was clear.
  23. Warlock's powder didn't get very far in the water, but it was clear enough that he could see Ironclad break free from the mutant's grip and began turning the momentum of the fight. He didn't get a chance to watch her for very long, though, as he was suddenly lying back out of the water. The occult detective fell back onto the rock 'bridge,' his coat taking the blow and he raised his eyes to see a fairly normal looking man standing there. He was maybe six feet tall and slender, clad in a white lab coat. All in all he could've passed unexamined in any hospital or -- or the Lab! The man laughed at Warlock's expression and flexed one arm, unexpectedly splitting the sleeve of his coat into shreds. "Isn't it glorious," he said, eyes shining with some kind of fever. "To see two mutants destroying each other! No matter who survives, we all win. And who knows, maybe they'll kill each other!" The coated man threw his head back and laughed again.
  24. Raveled

    Robots! (IC)

    Glowstar made a face and settled down next to the wall, legs folded Indian-style. "Nah, man. I don't sit around watching, I go in and save folks! Bif, bam, that's how it goes, ya know?" He leaned his head back until it rested against concrete. "I, Spy wouldn't be fair, even. I can see through walls and stuff." He fell silent and the time stretched again, working on his nerves again. "I'll play Twenty Questions, though. I'm thinking of, um, a person."
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