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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Glowstar stumbled to a halt as they entered a room with what looked like a stone pool, if you happened to miss the weird shapes cut into the stone all around it. He was wary around magic stuff and wasn't inclined to get any closer to such a thing than necessary, but he was concerned about his friend. He'd never seen Crow his dark and focused before, and if was frankly scary. If he could keep Crow talking, maybe the old Morgan would surface. "Yeah, I remember that guy. Big and ugly, wanted to push my teeth in for showing his girl a good time." He paused, blinking rapidly. "Wait, that guy's from Avalon? Uh, are there a lot like him?"
  2. Brian blinked and stepped to the side, leaning against the wall until the spinning stopped. He still wasn't used to teleporters, but at least this had happened before breakfast so there wasn't anything to bring up, just the taste of bile in the back of his throat. Once things stabilized he hurried after his friend. "Cool digs. Got some place to stay after graduation, I see. I figured we'd share some place in Riverside or Parkside or somewhere, but this is cool, too." He paused to let Crow respond, but only angry silence rolled forth and he hurried to fill the silence. "So, when you say Avalon, I'm guessing you don't mean that club over on the Waterfront? Do you, uh, have a way to actually get there?"
  3. John's suddenly cold demeanor made Brain take a step back. He glanced between Crow, with blood on his hands, and Myrmidon, who was suddenly as harsh and focused as a laser. It was a rather odd contrast to how they usually acted, and more than anything else it woke the young hero up, like a splash of water in the face. He started bouncing from foot to foot, taking up a pseudo-boxing stance. "Right. Charge in, kick ass, save the girl, and look good doing it. Just like every other day." He jabbed at the air a few times, then froze. "Uh. One question. Where'd they take Vicky?"
  4. Brian slapped his face lightly, trying to get some blood flowing to his brain. "Okay. Okay. So, fairies? Like, Tinkerbell and whatever? They kidnapped Vic because you helped a couple other fairies that didn't want to be fairies anymore. Right. Sure. Why not?" Brian stepped away from his friend and shimmied out of his flannel pajama bottoms, moving to his own wardrobe and grabbing a pair of jeans and socks. He pulled the pants on, then the socks, then sat on the bed and started to lace up his sneakers. "So, what's the plan? How are we getting Vic back?"
  5. Brian groaned and rolled over in bed, staring blearily at his roomie as Morgan pulled the different pieces of his outfit together. The teen yawned and sat up, stumbling out of bed and grabbing the other hero's arm. "Morgan, where the hell are you going this early? It's, like, two in the morning, man!" Brian rubbed at his eyes and took his first clear look at his friend. "Wow, wait. Morgan, you're bleeding! What's going on?"
  6. You cannot have a starting character with unspent points. You have to put them somewhere. That being said... C.f. what AA said about odd numbers in Abilities. With the possible exception of the 15 Str, those odd numbers aren't doing anything for you but costing more. Multiple errors here. Ini is Dex bonus + Improved Initiative. With a 20 Dex and 2 ranks in Improved Ini, it should be +13. His Attack line doesn't make any sense; his base Attack is +10 but in melee it's +4, and with his staff it's +2? Base Defense costs 2 PP per rank, so 12 ranks of base Def would cost 24 PP, not 4. Wow, you really need to learn the formatting. Super-Movement should be Super-Movement 2 (Permeate 2) [4PP] Under our house rules, having a material that can defeat X-Ray Vision is a Drawback. So Super-Senses should be Super-Senses 4 (X-Ray Vision; Drawback: Cannot see through gold) [3PP] Teleport should be Teleport 3 (300 ft; Feat: Turnabout; Flaw: Short-Range) [4PP]. Short-range teleports don't make you flat-footed, so there's no point to Easy. Should probably write Invisibility as Concealment 2 (Normal Vision) [4PP] Overall, the idea is solid, but the build looks schizophrenic. The character can do stuff with Bluff AND Intimidate, but isn't really good at either. I'd focus on one or the other, buy it up to a respectable level (+10 or +15 check) and get Skill Mastery for it, since the less chance you give the dice to screw you, the better.
  7. Brannagh's smiled grew wider, and after a moment he stepped back from the mirror, allowing Morgan a look at the room beyond him. It certainly wasn't the Claremont bathroom; it was much larger for one, done in what looked like marble and... Ice? If it was ice, it was fashioned like jewels, deep blue shapes planted here and there to break up the monotony of so much white stone. The far end contained a stepped dias, with a human-sized but absurdly tall throne on the top. What drew the teen hero's eye, though, was the only other figure in the room, a short woman with long white hair and ruby-red eyes. It was, without a doubt, his girlfriend Victoria Knight. She stood there in middle of the floor, eyes half-closed and arms at her side, staring at nothing, swaying slightly. She was, Morgan was happy to see, at least wearing her 'crime-fighting' outfit. Brannagh fairly danced up to her and snapped his fingers in front of her face; no reaction at all. He laughed then, loud and long as he strolled back to fill up the mirror. "You know what this is about. You stole from my Lady, and now she's taken something back. Tit for tat, Crow. I just wanted to make sure you knew."
  8. Raveled

    Robots! (IC)

    Glowstar watched the two women sneak into -- no, wait, they were heroes -- infiltrate the building. He followed the one in the catsuit for awhile, his superhuman vision easily passing through the intervening walls and floor, but looking like that for always hurt his eyes and before long he was reduced to staring at the walls of the building. He began pacing, describing a circuit from Equinox's unconscious body to the door and back. The young man wasn't one for sitting and waiting, and before long he stamped to a halt in front of Push. "So, do you at least have some cards or something," he asked the older hero, a note of pleading in his voice.
  9. Claremont Academy May 14, 2011 6:00 AM The sun peeked over the horizon, washing Freedom City in shades of red and gold. The brown stone of the Claremont Academy's outer wall looked almost gilded in the early morning light, but the buildings and grounds beyond were shadowed. Not long after an alarm clock in the room shared by sophomores Brian Harris and Morgan Crowe went off, just as it had been programmed to. Brain, used to his friend and roomie's work-out schedule, was able to sleep through the noise, but Morgan jumped to his feet and stumbled down to the bathroom. A quick shower woke him up, but when he stared into the mirror he noticed that it wasn't his face staring back. It was still a man, one who shared Morgan's dark hair and stark features. This man grew his hair long, though, and had a cruel smile on his face. One that the young hero knew well. "Good morning, Crow," Brannagh said, bowing his head mockingly. "Did you sleep well?"
  10. Ironclad watched Sentinel fall, and silently hoped he wouldn't get up again. Not just because this was turning into a hard fight; she also didn't want to fight a superhero any longer than she had to. Regrettably though, she saw the hero pull himself out of his self-made crater, moving clumsily but still moving. She decided to try something desperate; the heroine put her feet together and pointed her toes downwards, cutting her flight system almost entirely. Her armored form dropped from the sky like, well, like a steel human, and she hit Sentinel square in the chest.
  11. Switching to Clad's Enhanced Strength and dropping the hammer. Full Power Attack w/ +3 All-Out Attack & Master Plan, vs Sentinel (1d20+10=14) Should just hit him, DC 30 Toughness save.
  12. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: The Hound Power Level: 10 (150/150 PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: Hound formerly of hell. Alternate Identities: Vincent Fasser Identity: Secret Birthplace: Rhineland, Holy Roman Empire Occupation: Various (construction, bouncer, mechanic) Affiliations: None Family: Henriette Eisenhaur-Fasser (wife, deceased), Rebecca Fasser (daughter, deceased) Age: 413 (1598) Apparent Age: Mid-thirties Gender: Male Ethnicity: German Height: 5' 6"/6' 1" Weight: 200 lbs/280 lbs Eyes: Brown/Red Hair: Brown Description: Vincent Fasser is a short, wide-set man, and at first glance simply looks fat. Closer inspection reveals that he's heavily muscled; not in the chiseled and shaped way of a bodybuilder, but with the layered and slab-like physique of someone who does hard, physical labor every day. He tends to wear worn, anonymous clothes picked up from the local United Way or Salvation Army. He usually shaves his scalp bald, but has lately taken to wearing a short, square-cut beard. When he takes on his aspect as the Hound, he gains half a foot in height and nearly a hundred pounds in sculpted, rock-hard muscle. Hair sprouts all over his body, covering him in a thick pelt that further insulates him from harm. His eyes glow red in this form, and his face deforms, taking on an animalistic aspect as his teeth grow out and his face becomes a foreshortened muzzle. When patroling, he wears a pair of loose-fitting pants and a worn, dark-green coat the reaches to his knees. Power Descriptions: Vincent has been super-charged by the powers of Hell. His already-impressive physique has been further enhanced by infernal powers. He can leap higher and run faster than any mortal, and any but the most grievous of wounds heals much faster than a mortal man could. He's also a tracker par excellence, able to follow a scent for miles, faster than a galloping horse. History: Vincent Fasser was born at the tail end of the Sixteenth Century, in a land that would later be Germany in a hundred and fifty years or so but at the moment was just another city-state along the Rhine. His father was a blacksmith and so Vincent apprenticed under him, leaning to shape steel, iron, copper, and other metals. He even learned a little woodworking from other masters in the artisan's quarter. He grew up strong and healthy, and learned a good, solid trade. He even married well, to the niece of the local pastor. While they were never in love they did learn to appreciate each other and even had a daughter together. When the Thirty Years War began, the town declared Protestant, as much to avoid the French armies as out of any deep religious conviction. Rather than let them stay in peace however, the armies of Louis drew on them for soldiers and material aid. As a blacksmith, Vincent was too precious to the war effort to be thrust into the battle lines. At the same time, he was too useful to be allowed to live out his life peacefully in his little village, so he was conscripted into the army. Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: The Hound prefers to track his opponent and stay in the shadows until the terrain favors him. Once in combat, he usually gets up close and personal, trusting in his infernal regenerative powers to keep in the fight longer than his target. If things turn against him, he'll retreat to the shadows and use hit-and-run tactics to get the advantage again. Complications: Hatred The Hound particularly hates the agents of all the infernal realms, for what they did to him and what they made him do. Prejudice People tend not to react well to someone who used to work for Hell... Secret Identity ... So he tries to make sure that they don't learn. Temporal Fish Out of Water Vincent was raised in the early part of the 17th Century. He's still adjusting to life in the 21st. Non-Person Vincent has no social security number, no driver's license, not even a birth certificate from this century. As far as the government is concerned, he doesn't exist. Because of this... Struggling ... Finding a good job is a struggle. Finding one that will work around his patrols is nigh-impossible. Guilt Vincent feels guilty for what he did as a hellhound. Suffer Not the Little Children Vincent is overprotective of children to a fault. Abilities: 8 + 6 + 8 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 36 PP Strength: 26/18 (+8/+4) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 26/18 (+8/+4) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 12 + 8 = 20PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +6, +8 Melee Grapple: +16/+12 Defense: +8 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -4/-2 Saving Throws: 0 + 2 + 1 = 3PP Toughness: +8/+4 (+8/+4 Con, Impervious 4) Fortitude: +8/+4 (+8/+4 Con, +0) Reflex: +5 (+3 Dex, +2) Will: +4 (+3 Wis, +1) Skills: 88R = 22 PP Craft (Mechanical) 8 (+10)SM Craft (Structural) 8 (+10) Intimidate 12 (+14)SM Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 8 (+10)SM Language 7 (Arabic, Atlantean, English, French, Hindi, Infernal, Japanese, Latin) (German: native) Notice 10 (+13) Sense Motive 10 (+13) Stealth 12 (+15)SM Survival 12 (+15) Feats: 12PP Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Dodge Focus 4 Challenge (Fast Startle) Improved Initiative Move-By Action Ritualist Skill Mastery (Craft [structural), Knowledge [Arcane Lore], Intimidate, Stealth, ) Startle Powers: 8 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 7 = 34PP All powers have the Infernal descriptor Enhanced Strength 8 [8PP] Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] Leaping 1 [1PP] Regeneration 9 (Bruised/No action [3], Staggered/No Action [6]) [9PP] Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1PP] Super-Senses 4 (Normal olfactory; Accurate, Acute, Tracking 3 [Full speed], Feat: Uncanny Dodge) [7PP] Drawbacks: -3 + (-4) = -7PP Vulnerable (Holy; Uncommon, Major) [3PP] Normal Identity (Infernal Chant; Full Round) [4PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) NOTE: The easiest way to get your DC Block to line up is to write it out in a word processor in a Courier font, then just copy/paste it into your post. Abilities (36) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (3) + Skills (22) + Feats (12) + Powers (34) - Drawbacks (7) = 120/120 Power Points
  13. Raveled

    The Lab

    Workshop 2 is something Shaen came up with. It's basically a Masterwork Workshop, and gives +2 to Craft checks. I figure a Masterwork Library is also possible, giving +2 to Research checks.
  14. Ironclad felt the blow to her chestpiece again -- Got to stop getting hit there. Will weaken the plate in the future -- and saw her vision going pink at the edges. She felt her heart labor to keep going, but once again she pulled through. Jessica could feel the sweat pouring down her face behind the mask, though; she didn't think she could take many more hits like that and stay in the fight. With that thought in mind, the armored heroine slammed both her wrist blasters into Sentinel's stomach. She grimaced and fired them both; there was a huge flare of light as the hero's midsection was blasted with the full strength of her attack.
  15. Toughness save vs DC 25 (1d20+10=20) Ugh. Gonna get a second reroll... Toughness reroll vs DC 25 (1d20+10=15) Great Finagle. That'll become 25, so at least I pass without a Bruise or the like. Okay, time to try this again! Full Power Attack with Master Plan, vs Sentinel (1d20+7=22) Ha ha! DC 30 Toughness, and her Defense is back to 19 When should we post actions?
  16. Ironclad took the blow full on her chestplate. Dammit, she wasn't expecting him to be so fast! For a horrible second she couldn't breath, and the image of a crushed breastbone, a pulped heart, a snapped spine all flashed through her head. She wavered on the edge of consciousness -- then her eyes swept over the stands and she saw Morgan and Victoria there, and even John and Joe, all cheering her on. She would not let them down. Sucking in a harsh, painful breath, she leapt into the air, turning her flight into a spiral as she brought both her wrist blasters to bear. A fusillade of light and crackling sound erupted as she hurled charged energy at the Canadian hero.
  17. Toughness vs DC 25 (1d20+10=11) Oh dear Finagle, that's getting a reroll. Toughness reroll vs DC 25 (1d20+10=20) Just barely under, makes it a 30. Woot for HPs! Ironclad flies up out of range and makes her standard attack. Full All-Out Attack, full Power Attack vs Sentinel (1d20+15=18) If that hits, it's a DC 30 Toughness save. Clad's Def is now 14. ... And now that I think of it, the Master Plan means that the attack roll is 21, not 18. My bad.
  18. Ironclad stood proud, inadvertently matching Sentinel's pose: back straight, hovering just off the ground, arms loose at her side. In her case though, she didn't need to move her head to observe the entire arena at once. She did give the other superhuman a small nod. "It'll be interesting to see how you fight," she said, "but I hope you won't take too much offense from losing to a junior." She spread her arms and levitated a bit higher into the air, combat program spinning up and offering her options.
  19. Raveled

    The Lab

    ! Okay, so next month: Docks, Workshop 2, Library 2, and bank 2 EP. When/If Dynamo comes on, we can... I dunno. Start building mobile field Labs? :D
  20. Initiative for Shock the Monkey fight (1d20+3=5) Yeah, that's... pretty par for the course.
  21. Raveled

    The Lab

    I don't think the Lab is quite up to a moon base just yet.
  22. Raveled

    The Lab

    Just a thought. Plenty of other stuff to spend the points on!
  23. Jessica obligingly stretched out on the blanket and laid her head on her hands. After a moment she half-sat up and peeled off the tube top, revealing a sky-blue bikini top, and a more generous expanse of (albeit pale) skin. She settled down with a wide smile, wiggling slightly as Blake started rubbing the oil on. She gave an involuntary gasp as his fingers found a ticklish spot on the small of her back. "Muscles are nice," she said quietly, "but there's nothing like experience." The young inventor enjoyed the attention, paying the conversation half an ear, until the fishbowl appeared from the lake. She propped herself up and tensed, preparing for a fight, until she saw Supercape's face beneath it. She relaxed, but stayed propped up on one arm and waved the other at her Lab-mate. "Hello, Supercape! We're all over here!"
  24. Raveled

    The Lab

    Off the top of my head... ... Masterwork Workshops. +2 to Crafting. ... Masterwork Library? ... That (semi-)concealed Dock we talked about before. ... Some more/better Defense systems/Security. ... Some outright TARDIS stuff, using Dual Size. ... Using Sealed to throw the Nullify cells into a pocket dimension, for some extra security.
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