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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Diplomacy check (1d20+10=27) Smoooooth talker.
  2. Glowstar's eyes bugged out when he saw the alien casually lift up the car and start tearing it apart like wet paper. He waved a hand vaguely at the police, shouting out something about a perimeter, then dashed over to the taxi. He flew up into the air until he was in the alien's line of sight. "No, this is not a human domicile. It's a car, and you're tearing it to pieces! Listen, if you'll put it down I can... I can give you the tour! Of the city!"
  3. Glowstar looked around again, finally spotting the Russian lady lying out in her battlesuit. He wobbled over and gave her a weak kick. "And stay down," he said to her unconscious form. He managed to stagger over to the stacked crates of weapons and sat down on them heavily. "I, uh. I think I'm gonna have a bit of a lie-down." Matching action to words, he stretched out on top of the wooden crate, putting an arm over his eyes. "Don't wake me up until someone wants to inventory these or something."
  4. Or Continuous Duration to hold them in the air.
  5. Move Object + Area/General +Selective w/ Improved Disarm as a Power Feat. Disarm a whole room at once.
  6. From his vantage point high on the super-freighter, Crow could see that the entire deck wasn't on fire; in fact, it seemed contained to just a few cargo containers. Men in long coats and woolen caps, presumably the ship's crew, kept trying to get close and train water hoses on the fire. However, every time a stream of water connected with the blaze a small figure in glowing robes leapt out of the flames and slashed the water hose with a burning sword, before chasing the crew away with further slashes of his blade. After a few minutes the crew abandoned the ship entirely, and the diminutive duelist began stalking the deck, shooting occasional glances overboard, into the dark water. He seemed oblivious to the hero's presence.
  7. Notice check for Prince (1d20+10=12) Need a Stealth check for Crow, and grab a HP while you're at it.
  8. Glowstar circled the area in the air, watching the aliens watch the crowds. Coming to the conclusion that heroing wasn't all about blasting folks that wore their underpants on the outside, he set down inside the circle of civilians. He was wearing a plain green shirt and jeans, but he trusted that his glowing force field would command some respect. "Hello there!" he called out, raising his hand in greeting. "Welcome to Earth, and to Freedom City. You can call me Glowstar. Do you, ah, gentlebeings need some help?"
  9. Fire! Explosions! And Crow gets a HP!
  10. The water mounded ever higher, until Crow was forced to crane his neck upwards to see the fae's 'face'. You are in luck, young champion! They have alighted in your city in several places, and one is near! Be aware and be wary, warrior, for these are quick and devious foes you face this day. All at once the water broke and splashed over the dock, soaking the runemaster to the bone; though he couldn't feel the cold, he could feel his clothes sticking to him. It shocked him out of the sense of wonder and myth that the conversation had been wrapped in and brought him back to the here-and-now. Come to think of it, since when did fae appear to drop the Morrigon's illegitimate son a head's up? The hero didn't have long to ponder the notion, as a rumble and a bright light off to the side caught his eye. He turned in time to see a fireball dying in the air above one of the super-freighters docked at the harbor. Fire still raged on deck however, and unless his masked eyes deceived him the fire was moving against the wind.
  11. The water continued to build up and the face slowly rose higher, until it was eye to 'eye' with the hero. Indeed? Your mother has quite talked up your achievements in the Courts. In fact, some of our more impetuous warriors have set off for your bastion of liberty, weapons in hand. I dare say that they would attack you on sight. A ripple passed through the immobile water, a sort of fae shrug. Or anyone else, for that matter.
  12. Brian Harris had no business being out in Wading Way. The city's business center was as foreign to him as the dark side of the moon; but it so happened that he had been flying across campus and not looking where he was going, and kinda sorta crashed through the teachers dorms. As punishment, he had been assigned a paper on the city's public transport and was riding the FCTA's elevated rail system, hoping for inspiration. When he saw the silvery disc descended over the city, his heart actually leapt. Here, at least, was something he could do! The teenager stood up abruptly and moved to the window, moving less-than-tactfully through the crowds. The nearest window had specially designed handles at either corner. They were probably meant for emergency exits or something, but the teen saw them as an easy and quick exit. The folks leaning on the window probably didn't see things that way, but a quick flare of his force field created some elbow room. The teen turned the knobs and pulled the window in; there was surprisingly little air current, at least until Brian hopped outside. The young hero darted into the air, spotting the flying saucer again just as it touched down. He zipped over but stayed in the air, watching the strange creatures file out carefully.
  13. The waters of the Wading and South Rivers commingled in the wide bay of the Waterfront before flowing out the Century Narrows and into the wide and wooly Atlantic Ocean. Most days they were busy with freighters and pleasure boats, but as night fell they turned black and glassy, reflecting the lights of the city all around. Still, as Crow stood at the end of the pier and stared out across the water, he could almost block out the house lights of Kingston, the North Bay, and Port Regal, and just imagine himself alone on a little rock far, far away. His reverie was broken when a splash of water against the pier... didn't retreat. In fact, in built up higher with every successive splash, until Crow was staring at a scalloped and frosty surface that rose to his chest. There was a fleeting sense of vertigo and he could suddenly see a face in all that mounded, stop-motion water; not that it had molded into a face exactly, but more like he could suddenly see a way of perceiving it so that the lights shone through there to make eyes and bent just there to make lips and the curve of the water just there could be a pair of round, firm -- The lips opened suddenly and words were in Crow's head without ever having been spoken. Well. This is Mór-Ríoghain's champion, is it? You look young, warrior.
  14. Glowstar plummeted through the sky, a shining point converging on a single clearing the woods outside Freedom City. He snapped to a stop just above the treeline, fists up and charged, illuminating the space between the trees. Slowly, in jerks and starts, he descended to the ground, until he set down heavily, stumbling drunkenly for a moment before he got his feet under him. He turned to the assembled heroes, smiling too widely, face sheened with sweat. "Okay! I'm ready for round two! Where's the evil Russian again?"
  15. Jessica look up at Tom. She didn't respond for a moment, and when she did she spoke slowly and carefully. "I don't really know. Originally, he was US Army, but he transferred to the USAF almost as soon as there was such a thing. I think he moved around with a particular group, but they're all pretty much shrouded in top secret levels of, well, secrecy." Jessica curled her legs up, resting her gams on the couch while letting her shoes hang off the edge. "You know, when I talked this over with another friend, she suggested I hack into the government's files. Am I the only one who remembers things like the Freedom of Information Act?"
  16. Jessica collapsed bonelessly on the overstuffed couch, accepting the mug of coffee and sipping it slowly, stalling. "I have his military records," she said, staring into the black drink, "but that doesn't mean much. He was 'officially' in military intelligence for most of his service. I only know what he did because I dug up the blueprints for his Ironclad suit before I started building mine." She sighed and closed her eyes, letting her head fall back. "Maybe that's the worst part of all this. There's so many questions surrounding it, and no way to answer any of them."
  17. Jessica followed Tom back to his garage, and stood blinking while she heard the sounds of metal on stone. She ducked inside and couldn't see Tom right away, but after a moment she spotted him behind a tall shelf of tools. She moved over to get a better look and noticed a steel plate set into the floor, rising into the air on hidden hinges. She blinked at it in surprise. "Cool," she said, then turned to the doors and waved a hand. The garage doors ground closed and locked as she started down the gangway into the area underneath L.A.I.R., glancing around at the furniture and electronics. "I've heard of a bachelor's cave," she commented dryly, "but et cetera, et cetera."
  18. Initiative, please. And Blake grabs an HP, too. Bad guys are using AA's Zorro build, so. Initiative (1d20+3=22) Initiative for bad guys (1d20+7=21, 1d20+7=16, 1d20+7=18, 1d20+7=18, 1d20+7=16, 1d20+7=13)
  19. Across the room, Ironclad's flashing fists faltered for a moment as she caught sight of Warlock charging the mutants. One jumped on her back and tried to choke her; the heroine flew straight up and slammed the Depp One against the ceiling, knocking the creature loose and letting it fall to the floor. She zipped over until she was floating above Blake. Her mind worked at a feverish pace for a moment, then she raised her gauntlets at the charging monsters. "First we take care of them," she said. "Then I've got some questions." She paused for a moment, then added, "Thanks for saving me, by the way."
  20. I'll do more research into the gods of Tian, but what occurs to me straight off is that Ironclad might represent modern combat and how wars will be waged in the future. Don't get much more future-y than powered armor, after all.
  21. First notes: It's not according to the standard format. Check approved sheets for how to format Powers and Equipment. Skills and Feats should be alphabetized. The build isn't to caps. You can't trade-off Toughness for Attack, it's just not allowed. Some more specific points: What exactly does Drain (Heat) do? Heat isn't a character trait with a mechanic attached to it, like Strength or Toughness. As far as I know, it can't be affected by the Drain power.
  22. Glowstar :arrow: 2 PP into Skills, buy 8 ranks of Concentration. Skills block should look like [b][u]Skills[/u]:[/b] 48R = 12PP Computers 4 (+5) Concentration 8 (+9) Diplomacy 8 (+10) Knowledge (Current Events) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 4 (+5) Medicine 4 (+5) Notice 7 (+8) Survival 4 (+5) :arrow: Buying a third rank in Luck. Feats block should look like [b][u]Feats[/u]:[/b] 12PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Dodge Focus 4 Improved Initiative Luck 3 Move-By Action Power Attack Edits done by Geez3r
  23. Ironclad :arrow: Due to changes farther down the sheet, Abilities block should look like [b][u]Abilities[/u]:[/b] 0 + 6 + 0 + 10 + 2 + 4 = 22PP Strength: 30/10 (+10/+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) :arrow: Spending 2 PP to buy up base Att by one point. Combat block should look like [b][u]Combat[/u]:[/b] 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +3 Attack: +4, +10 Battlesuit Weapons Array Grapple: +3, +20 Battlesuit Servos Defense: +9 (+4 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5/-0 :arrow: Due to changes farther down the sheet, saves block should look like [b][u]Saves[/u]:[/b] 5 + 4 + 6 = 15PP Toughness: +10/+0 (+0 Con, +10/+0 Protection) Fortitude: +5 (+0 Con, +5) Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +4) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6) :arrow: Move her Vulnerability into her suit, freeing up three points in there. Rolling Super-Senses into an AP, buying up another rank of her Weapon Array, lose the Stun for another rank of Protection. Suit should look like [b]Device 14[/b] (70PP, [i]Flaws:[/i] Hard-To-Lose, [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 3, Restricted [Mental Quickness 6]) (Battlesuit [Technology]) [60PP] [device][i]All effects have the Technology descriptor[/i] [b]Enhanced Feats 7[/b] (Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Improvised Tools, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Change) [7PP] [b]Features 3[/b] (Computer, Hologram Projector, Library) [3PP] [b]Flight 5[/b] (250MPH / 2,500ft per Move Action, [i]Feat:[/i] Subtle) - [i]Magnetic-Etheric Drive[/i] [11PP] [b]Immunity 11[/b] (Critical Hits, Life Support) - [i]Armor[/i] [11PP] [b]Protection 10[/b] - [i]Armor[/i] [10PP] [b]Super-Senses 3[/b] (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense) [3PP] [b]Sensory Array 2.5[/b] (5PP; [i]Feat:[/i] Alternate Power) [6PP] [list][u]BE:[/u] [b]Super-Senses 2[/b] (All Visual Senses; [i]Extra:[/i] Radius) [2PP][/list] [list][b]Super-Senses 3[/b] (Darkvision 2, Infravision) [3PP][/list] [list][u]AP:[/u] [b]Super-Senses 4[/b] (All Auditory; [i]Extra:[/i] Accurate) [4PP][/list] [list][b]Super-Senses 1[/b] (Ultra-Hearing) [1PP][/list] [b]Weapons Array 10.5[/b] (21PP Array, [i]Feat:[/i] Alternate Power) [22PP] [list][u]BE:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] ([i]Feat:[/i] Improved Range [x25]) [i]Wrist Blasters[/i] [21PP][/list] [list][u]AP:[/u] [b]Enhanced Strength 20[/b] ([i]Feat:[/i] Improved Critical [19-20]) [21PP] - [i]Servos[/i][/list] [b]Vulnerability[/b] (Electricity; [i]Frequency:[/i] Common; [i]Intensity:[/i] Moderate) [-3PP][/device] :arrow: Spend three points to buy off her Vulnerability. :arrow: DC block should now look like [b][u]DC Block[/u]:[/b] [code] ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Enhanced Strength Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Edits done by Geez3r
  24. The occult hero followed the tunnel as it traveled ever downwards and curved towards the waterfront. The air grew cold and clammy, and Warlock found himself huddling in the long folds of his overcoat for warmth; the walls were sweating with the cold, and he could see plumes of cold when he breathed out hard. The hard walls carried sounds oddly, and for several minutes Warlock could swear he heart distant sounds of metal-on-metal, like a forge or metalshop. Rounding a corner though, he came out in a vast, rectangular space, held up by regular stone columns. He could see a dozen or so Deep One mutants similar to the ones that he had trounced earlier, except these were all equipped with verdigris-encrusted breastplates and spears. Also, they seemed to be crowding around a figure at the far end of the chamber. The mass parted for a moment and the hero caught a glimpse of green-and-gold armor that could only belong to one person: Ironclad!
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