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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. The three flunkies floated out through the impromptu hole into the blue sky. Heavyweight threw another few hurried blows, but even he wasn't dumb enough to keep pounding away once there was a few stories of open air under his boots. As Jill was doing that, Ironclad rushed forward and tried to deliver a hammerblow to the prone Bear-Knuckle, looking to end the fight right there. The criminal was quicker than she had anticipated though, grabbing one of the metal chairs and throwing it at her. The armored heroine checked her charge just long enough to dodge the projectile, but it was enough time for Bear-Knuckle to get to his feet. He charged Ironclad, swinging one claw-tipped paw at her head. She spun quickly and though the strike raised sparks on her armor, she seemed no worse for wear.
  2. Power Attack vs Ironclad (1d20+5=13) Just misses.
  3. Brian wasn't expecting such a physical confrontation; even supervillains usually had a period of monologuing and threats before they actually struck back. The young hero wasn't prepared for the troll to pick him up and throw him the length of the gym, and it was only by great good luck that he avoided a broken back or worse. Still, he picked himself up quickly and stared down the mythical leg-breaker. "Wrong move," he said. In a flash, the teen was surrounded by a crackling red force field, the same hue as his now-glowing eyes. With a scream he rushed forward and literally flew at the troll. Just a moment before they impacted, his force field distended, stretching out into a gigantic, semi-translucent cow-catcher that picked the monster up off its feet and bowled it out the door and into the street. Glowstar hung there in the air a moment, looking between his fist and the hole where the doors had been a moment ago. "Did I do that?"
  4. Stunting off Glow's Entropy Array. Trip 10 (Feats: Accurate 2, Improved Throw; Extra: Area/Cone [General], Knockback; Flaw: Range/Touch) [23PP] All-Out Trip Attack vs Troll (1d20+15=35) Bwahahaha.
  5. Initiative for Glowstar (1d20+2=19)
  6. Brian gave the huge figure a glanced, then patted Morgan on the back. "Dude, don't sweat it. It was a football captain back home, I stole ladies all the time." That was more than a slight exaggeration. He had been on the football team, as a wide receiver; and he had stolen a girl. A girl, after the rumor mill decided that her then-boyfriend was getting shipped to military school. That had lasted all of a week before the pair had gotten back together Brian sauntered up to the troll, a wide grin on his face. "Hey, man. Can I help you find something? Doesn't hardly look like you need the weights, after all."
  7. Diplo check for Glowstar (1d20+10=26) Hahahahahahaha.
  8. Full Power Attack, full All-Out Attack vs Agent 1 (1d20+10=27) DC 30 Toughness with 10 ranks of Penetrating and extra Knockback, if that hits.
  9. Glowstar took another step towards the forest, tensing to jump into the air. The gunfire that tore across the clearing surprised him though, and he instinctively ducked down to avoid it. He took a moment to reflect on how stupid that was and brought his force field up, the red energy bubble crackling in the cool air. He leapt into the air, quickly soaring higher than the treetops before turning to survey the ground. He tried to spot the woman the Russians had been deferring to, but with no luck. Without a better option, he decided to blast one of the suits.
  10. Let's push it through. Not much longer until things are over and done, anyway.
  11. Initiative for Glowstar (1d20+2=22) The dice gods approve of my actions!
  12. Having Quick Change inside a Device is totally kosher. That's how Ironclad does her suit, after all.
  13. So what's the effect you're trying to build here, just Environmental Control? Talking about the sun moving is pretty extreme, but not outside the bounds of possibility.
  14. Probably. Do you mean to actually affect the rotation of a planet?
  15. By saying that it does? These all sound like environmental issues, not really something that would come about because of a power.
  16. Brian tried to keep any reaction off his face but wasn't very successful. The teen had come out here expecting to see some SMGs and machine pistols, maybe some pipe bombs or a couple military rifles from the naval base, with the serial numbers filed off. This was enough to arm a small paramilitary force, and as enticing as the idea of ruling his own country was, Brian was smart enough to learn from his parents' example. That sort of life only ended badly. The hero coughed into his hand and tried to play it cool, backing towards the cover of the trees. "Hey, man, this is all a little bit much. I just need some bang-bang to keep my boys ahead of the cops and the capes, you know? I don't want to start World War III or anything!"
  17. Untrained Bluff check (1d20+2=5) Glowstar makes a Bluff check! Hilarity all around.
  18. Brian grimaced at the memory. "Yeah man, I remember that." For some reason the novice runemaster had tried to put something called 'the Rune of the Ghost' on one of Brian's jerseys, and the shirt had ended up half-embedded in the wall before igniting. "You still haven't gotten me a new Rayguns shirt, man. The season's almost here; I can't be out there, cheering on 'Lancer' Tyler, in any old tee, you know!" Brian had embraced Freedom City's sports teams enthusiastically, and whenever there was a game on television he could be counted on to be in the crowd, cheering them on despite the odds. He hadn't managed to actually get out to any games yet, but hope springs eternal.
  19. Glowstar was almost enjoying his little walk through the woods outside of the city. He'd been contacted by a fairly shady looking character a few days ago, someone his mother had apparently known back in her prime. The little weasel had wanted to sell Brian some guns; the young man's first inclination had been to turn the guy into the police, but after a moment he had changed his mind and let the arms dealer think that Brian was actually in the market for something substantial. The result had been the location of this meeting, just a short hike from the prison where his father was resting. Of course, he hadn't wanted to alert the authorities about what was happening -- not just yet, anyway. So he'd overflown the sight and landed a few miles on the other side, trusting in his old Scout skills to lead him there. Now he could see the cleared area through the trees and glimpse the scoundrel, surrounded by big men in suits who positively radiated either Federal Agency or Organized Crime. The young hero hoped it was the former, but had a feeling it was the latter.
  20. Raveled here, playing Glowster, the Fat Man, the Belgian, Willie One-Eye... Wait, I wasn't supposed to tell you any of that, was I? Sorry, Quote! Uh, I'm totally here with Glowstar! And no one else.
  21. Doped up on morphine is the perfect time for a PC to go on a spirit journey. Or maybe Rene enters a Picasso phase? Good to hear the good news, Cape! Here's to a speedy recovery.
  22. Intimidate vs DC 25 Startle (1d20+12=27) Mm, sorry, not quite good enough. Still, maybe Ironclad can knock him down! Full All-Out Attack and full Power Attack vs Bear-Knuckle (1d20+9=20) Just hits. DC 29 Toughness Toughness vs DC 29 (1d20+14=29) Castle!
  23. Oh, what the hell? Glow's not get getting a lot of action this month, let's toss him in!
  24. Yep, works for me. Go ahead and post something nicely insulting.
  25. Notice check (1d20+8=20) Sneaky? Wuzzat mean?
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