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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Ironclad landed next to the stalled cab, her suit quickly shifting to prepare for melee combat. "Bad, bad boy Otaku," the power suited heroine admonished. One blow from her gauntleted fist easily took out the vehicle's window, shattering the twisted inventor with shards of safety glass. "Bad boys don't get to play with their toys." She reached in and took his arm in a servo assisted grip, pulling the limb out straight. "They get sent to bed without any dessert, too." She suddenly twisted his arm, combining her knowledge of physics and anatomy to bring it almost to the snapping point. "Now stand-down the slut-bot and you won't have to spend time in Blackstone's infirmary."
  2. Power Attack + All-Out Attack vs car glass (1d20+9=17) -.- That should hit a stationary car; if it does, DC 29 against the glass. If the glass breaks, Surging and spending a HP to eat the fatigue and making a Grapple check vs. Otaku. All-Out Attack to make a Grapple check vs Doc Otaku (1d20+14=18)
  3. The energy bolt struck the Deep One mutant square in the stomach, tossing it the rough ground. The creature stretched out weakly to grab at Warlock's leg, but the hero easily kicked free. The twisted Atlantean curled around the pain in its midsection, breath hissing in and out harshly. It suddenly screamed out something, its voice reverberating oddly in the stone corridor. It might've been calling for reinforcements or cursing the hero; Warlock couldn't understand the language, so he couldn't say.
  4. So... What's the Ini order, now?
  5. Reflex Save vs DC 19 (1d20+4=16) Toughness Save vs DC 24 (1d20+6=12) Good Christmas! The battle finally starts going in Warlock's favor.
  6. Jessica kissed Blake's lips, his chin, and his chest, burying her face against him. She was silent for a minute, listening to his breathing and his heartbeat, but before long she answered him. "Lots of fun," she said, her lips curling into a smile. "Even if I had to wait a little bit for some of it." She slipped one hand behind Blake and ran her fingernails up and down his back, enjoying it when he twitched away from the sharp points. "I was thinking something, baby. What would you say to a beach party, when it gets warmer? You could invite Nick Cimitiere and Dead Had, and I could put up an invitation around the Lab. Does that sound like fun?"
  7. Ironclad glanced up at the other heroes, at a loss for how to proceed. Consoling heroes in the midst of a panic attack wasn't something she had trained for, but it didn't seem like anyone else was going to try and help. She scooted closer to the other woman, putting her arms around Blueshift loosely. "We are inside. It's just a really big inside, with lots of trees and--" Ironclad stopped herself. She didn't know much about psychology, but she was willing to bet that there wasn't a logical way to approach this. Instead, she reached out and took hold of Blueshift's chin, moving the other heroine's face around until they were eye-to-eye. "Just look into my eyes. Don't worry about anything else, just focus on me. Can you do that?"
  8. Brian took his place behind the bench, not exactly gripping the bar himself, just guiding it loosely. "Right," he said. "Great bunch of folks around here. White Knight, the Power Corps, the Crime League. Captain Kraken, Hades, the Farsiders, Mastermind. And don't forget that this is the favored stomping ground of just about every alien, terrorist group, or interdimensional invader with a grudge against human beings." He guided the bar back into the rests, vaguely annoyed that Morgan hadn't needed any help. "Face it, man. Freedom League or no, Claremont or no, this is a crazy town we live in." He reached down and slapped the other teen's chest, a grin creeping across his face. "You know, it ain't too late to take that coat and make a stunning entry into the world of fashion. Superpowered clothes could be all the rage this year."
  9. Ironclad fell to the ground when the teleport landed them... wherever they were. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, trying to keep from being sick inside her helmet. Definitely not a good idea, she told herself, repeating the phrase like a mantra. After a minute she felt fine enough to open her eyes and look around. The little wooded area put her at ease somewhat, until she saw Blueshift rocking on the ground. The young woman put her own discomfort aside and knelt next to her, touching the other woman's arm gently. "Hey. We all came through fine. Really, all bits attached and in working order." She folded her own helmet away and rubbed a hand through her hair, brushing out the currently-long locks. "See? All present and accounted for and... And oh, god." Ironclad happened to glance up and did a double-take. Stretching above the group was a solid, inky blackness, uninterrupted by metal beams or wires or anything at all. Stars burned there, constant and unblinking, just another bit of oddity in this alien place. "Oh, god," Ironclad whispered again, almost to herself. "We're in space. We're really in space."
  10. Grapple check vs. Warlock (1d20+8=14) Gonna wait for Warlock's opposed before doing anything, LS.
  11. Jessica smiled and sat down on Blake's lap, kissing him gently, then more passionately as she felt the heat rising in her. She slowly pushed him down onto the couch until they were both horizontal, with her laying on top of him. It was a good position, and she enjoyed feeling her boyfriend under him, even enjoyed keeping the action slow and controlled for awhile. Only for a little while, though; it had been a few months for her as well, just like Blake, and pretty soon her resolve on the matter crumbled. They spent a few happy hours exploring each other's body, ending up cuddled together. Blake had lost his shirt at some point in the proceedings and Jessica had discouraged him from going to look for it; now they laid next to each other on the floor, and she ran her hand across his bare chest. As Kid Cthulhu, he'd been a rather spindly thing, but apparently part of transforming himself into Warlock had been some weight training. Jessica wasn't complaining about that even a little bit.
  12. Jessica was as surprised at Jill O'Cure's entrance as the villains, but she reacted faster. There was a flash of blinding light from the inventor's wrist, which grew to envelope her entire body in the blink of an eye. When the energy field faded, she was clad head to toe in her super-advanced battlesuit. Engaging the suit's servo muscles, she surged toward the remaining, untrapped villain. She swung one metal-clad fist around and fetched him a blow on his nose that drove the bear-armed man backwards and into a row of chairs. He went down in an undignified tumble, striking out randomly and tearing several of the metal seats to shreds. His cronies, meanwhile, all hammered on their blue-tinted prisons; Fly-Boy and TKO didn't seem to be getting very far, but Heavyweight's prison crackled with each oversized blow the heavy man rained down.
  13. TKO, Heavyweight, and Fly-Boy each attack their prisons. TKO and Fly-Boy can't do enough damage, but Heavyweight can make the object Injured and Disabled each round.
  14. Attack roll vs Bear-Knuckle (1d20+14=27) A hit! DC 24 Toughness. Toughness vs DC 24 (1d20+14=22) Juuuust misses. Excellent start!
  15. Only hero of mine with actual Craft skills is Ironclad, and hers run more towards technology. I think I'll stay out of this one.
  16. Bear-Knuckle Reflex vs 22 (1d20+6=24) 8o Fly-Boy Reflex vs 22 (1d20+15=16) This is ridiculous. Heavyweight Reflex DC 22 (1d20+2=3) Bu-wha? TKO Reflex vs 22 (1d20+10=15) This shit be bananas, yo. Sure, IC. Leave the only PL 12 untrapped.
  17. Jessica tried to keep to the speed limit as she drove through the city, but every song on the radio -- which she could hear even when the car's stereo was turned off -- seemed to have a sexual undertone that she hadn't noticed before. It made it rather difficult to focus on driving, but persevered and managed to arrive home without getting into any traffic accidents. She pulled into her driveway and parked her car back around the house, then walked up front and smiled to see Blake's vehicle there. She leaned into the kiss eagerly, shivering a little as the cold wind pushed against them. "Hey there, muscly warlock," she said. "Let's get inside, okay?" Holding onto his hand, she lead him up the front steps and into the entryway. Jessica pulled off her peacoat and hung it in the hall closet, then turned to face Blake. "Now, then. Weren't we in the middle of something?"
  18. This apparently wasn't the response that Bear-Knuckle was expecting. He abruptly raised one huge, clawed paw, then paused mid-swing. A cruel, lazy smile spread across his features, and he lowered his hulking arm slowly. "TKO," he called out. "C'mon up here. Time to get your hands dirty, boy." The leader of the group stepped aside and the only normal-looking member of the group stepped up. He was actually rather scrawny, and except for the blue aura around his head and fists might've been rather unremarkable. He raised those fists in a classic boxer's stance, stepped back, and let loose with a roundhouse punch. It was almost sad when Jessica took a quick step back and watched the blow sail right past her. She raised an eyebrow at the group, almost daring them to make another try.
  19. Attack roll vs Ironclad (suitless) (1d20+8=11) A-hahaha. All that worry over nothing.
  20. Jessica followed Blake up to the counter, staying quiet as he paid for the outfit and carried the bags out to her car. It was more expedient than trying to strap the packages to his motorcycle, after all. As he went to strap on his helmet, she stopped him and put a kiss on his cheek. "You know how to get to my house, right? I don't know if you're going to want to be following me too closely when I'm driving my truck." A ghost of a smile crossed her lips and she kissed him again. "I'm going to be waiting for you. Muscly warlock."
  21. Jessica disrobed and slowly dressed in the clothes she had worn into the store. She took the time to consider her actions. She usually wasn't this aggressive -- then again, Blake was her very first boyfriend. She knew that some people burned at different temperatures, to be delicate about it. Maybe this was just natural for her, maybe this was just how she was wired. Or maybe it the allure -- or the fear -- of the unknown. She had told Blake flat-out that they were going to wait on sex for awhile, but they had tried plenty of stuff, pretty much up to actual sex. Maybe she was, even unconsciously, edging towards a new experience without jumping straight into it? Jessica looked at herself in the mirror and tugged her coat a little straighter on her shoulders. She had replaced all the clothes on their racks and even smoothed them out somewhat. She opened the door of the changing booth and stepped out, giving Blake a little smile before draping the clothes over the shoebox in his hands. "Pay first," she said. "I have plans for those clothes."
  22. Jessica stared blankly at Blake for a moment, then leaned back and got to her feet. "Amazing," she said, climbing to her feet. "With all the blood rushing to... other parts of your body, you can think about legal codes." She stepped further away took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. "You know, my place is probably just as close. And we wouldn't have to worry about police sirens and gunfire." Jessica looked around and nudged the piles of clothes on the floor with a bare foot. "In any case, I don't think the store will let me wear this stuff out. Could you, you know, give me some privacy while I changed?"
  23. Jessica shifted until she was straddling Blake's lap, kissing up and down his neck. She arched her back as she felt Blake's fingers running up her skin, then suddenly grabbed his jacket and forced it back and off, then tugged his shirt over his head. She rubbed her body against his and let a hand slip between them, running her nails over her boyfriend's stomach. "Muscly," she said, her tone happy. "Mmm, sexy inventor likes muscly warlock." She ground her hips against his lap for a moment, then dropped onto the floor between his legs. "Muscly warlock likes sexy inventor?" She grinned up at him, still leaning against him.
  24. Jessica had been expecting a response, but certainly not something so... forceful or immediate. She allowed herself to be lead back into the changing booth, their feet kicking at the piles of clothes on the ground, even as she regained enough presence of mind to return the kiss. She was panting heavily by the time Blake broke the kiss, and she put a hand between them to stop him from plunging forward again. "Just... just wait a moment." She scanned the ceiling, quickly locating the rotating security camera she had spotted earlier. She marshaled her thoughts and powers, forcing the camera's rotation to halt and finally overriding the image entirely. If she'd had more presence of mind she might just have edited her own cubicle out of the picture, but... teenagers. Hormones. With any peeping toms thus discouraged, she turned back to Blake and kissed him again, slipping an arm around his back and pulling their bodies as close as possible. She dimly remembered a bench in the room; she forced her boyfriend back until they both sat down hard, their faces adn bodies bouncing against each other as they landed. She giggled and settled herself in his lap, quickly move on to kissing the side of his throat.
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