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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Rock easily dodged the lightning bolt at such close range, the unleashed electricity bouncing off the tunnel walls and spalling chips of rock everywhere. The mutant raised his impromptu weapon for another blow against the hero's shield, brought it down -- and it promptly shattered in the creature's hand, impaling the limb and turning it into a useless mass of blood and flesh. The Deep One retreated swiftly, cradling his useless hand and mewling softly in pain. Only one was left. The last mutant spread his clawed hands wide and hissed at the hero through a mouth of needle-like teeth. Without further warning, the creature charged down the tunnel, apparently intent on eating the young hero alive!
  2. Attack Roll vs Warlock (1d20+6=7) Oh, for the love of. :argh:
  3. Cyrne nodded and the three aliens herded the heroes into a tight group. The centaur -- the Ki-Roc, that's what Cyrne had said they were -- stood at a triangle's points around the ground, equidistant from each other. The three suited figures glanced at each other, raised their arms in unison, and there was a --wind howling like the whole world was being blown away --crushing pressure, vising diown on your head and heart until it felt like you were going to be jellied --light so bright it was painful, searing out your eyeballs and crisping the back of your skull disorienting moment of translation. The heroes found themselves in a wide open space that could have been mistaken for a park of some kind. There was an expanse of green grass (almost like a velcro pad, the blades grew up, looped, and plunged into the dirt again) pale, smooth-sided trees (with feathery, fern-like 'leaves') and even low bushes (with red, spiky stalks that shook constantly, even in the absence of any breeze). It also looked a bit like a refugee camp. There was at least two dozen of the centaur aliens without any suits on; their skin color ran the gamut from pale to inky black. There wasn't any apparent sexual dimorphism (r maybe there was just one gender on display). There was a range of ages on display, from smaller, presumably immature individuals all the way up to one alien who couldn't seem to stand all the way. The faces were striking. Their heads -- well, they didn't exist. They didn't have necks, just smooth columnar trunks that tapered to a hairless point. Each Ki-Roc has four eyes, arranged around something looked more like a lamprey's mouth with lips than anything mammalian. As the heroes watched, one of the juveniles raised a slice of dark green fruit and gulped it down; its mouth was just a tooth-lined gullet that quickly sucked the food down. Cyrne and his two other travelers disrobed. There didn't seem to any zippers of buttons on their suits. The fabric just separated at a touch and pooled around their legs. Cyrne's skin was a brick-red color, his eyes were violet, and there was a metal speaker crudely sutured into his skin just above his mouth. The alien spread his armed and noise issued from the speaker. "Welcome to the last home of the Ki-Roc."
  4. Jessica spent more than a few minutes in the boot. She stripped down to her underwear and changed into a whole new outfit, consisting of denim shorts, emphasis on 'short', and a tie-dye tee knotted just above her belly-button. She brushed her hair back behind her ears and wiggled her bare toes against the booth's carpet. She felt faintly ridiculous in the get-up, especially when she saw herself in the mirror. So instead of looking at her reflection, she closed her eyes and imagined Blake's reaction. That was a lot more fun. She walked out of the changing room, a little more sway in her hips than normal. She leaned up against a handy wall and raised her arms above her head, letting Blake get a good look at the outfit. "Well? Was it worth shoe shopping?"
  5. Initiative for Ironclad (1d20+3=18) Ini for bad guys (1d20+6=23) :argh:
  6. Some of the doctors in the back noticed Ellie making a break for it and followed her, scattering into the building. Most were sensible enough to stay quiet until they were several turnings away, but it was inevitable that hospital security would show up before long. Inside the room, Jessica noticed the trickle of hostages out the back doors and knew she had to stall the malformed villains. With lock all the potential victims would get away before the fight could start. They'd still be in the middle of a hospital, but half a solution was better than none. Jessica stepped forward and stared Bear-Claw down. "I don't know what you think you're getting," she said, "maybe a prototype weapon or the next generation of whatever. But these are just ultrasound machines. The only folks are interested in this stuff are other hospitals." The leader sneered at her in return. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about what we'll do with them. Just had them over and we won't have to get... nasty." He glanced back at his cronies and, on cue, they let out a mean laugh, clearly intended to intimidate whoever they were dealing with. Jessica worked hard to keep any reaction off her face.
  7. Brian wrapped his hands around the grip and hefted the weight off the rest, grunting as he starting the reps. "So your dad figured." One rep. "That Freedom City would be." Two reps. "A safer place to train." Three reps. "Than Boston?" He tried for number four, but his sides started shaking and he couldn't get the tension in his muscles to get it off his chest. He might've suffocated there, with the bar over his chest, if Morgan hadn't been ready to pull it up. Once it was in the rests, Brian used the bar to pull himself into a sitting position. He sat there for a long minute, chuckling to himself, before he was able to talk again. "Your dad thought Freedom City was safer than Boston? How long was he here, exactly?"
  8. Reflex save vs DC 19 (1d20+4=23) Oh wow. The dice hate you, man. Toughness vs DC 19 (1d20+4=20) Aaaaand passed. Seems like the fight will go on a little longer!
  9. Warlock's phone rang against his ear several times, then he heard a click and a familiar feminine voice in his ear. "Hey, this is Jessica. I'm not here, but do your business at the beep and I'll get back to you." A beep followed, recording only Warlock's stunned silence. There wasn't silence for too long, though. The Deep One with a rock clutched in one webbed hand charged forward, swinging hard at the hero. It managed to connect with the mystic shield, throwing up a stream of multicolored spark that lit up the dark area for a brief second.
  10. Will save vs DC 19 (1d20+4=22) .... Ah-hahahaha! Okay, Rock attacks. Rock attacks Warlock (1d20+4=19) Should've boosted those combat caps earlier, man. DC 23 Toughness.
  11. Brian watched Morgan pull his gloves on with a sour look on his face. He picked himself up and slipped out of the ring, dropping down to the floor. "Done with fighting," he said, pulling his gloves off and moving towards the weight machines. "Spot me, will ya Morgan?" The young man tied the laces of his glove together and looped them around his neck, then started searching the weight racks next to a bench-press. He grunted as he started adding weight to long bar, until it was about two hundred pounds. Brian settled himself on the bench and wrapped his hands around the bar, but waited for Morgan. "C'mon, man. Tell me about this god you pissed off enough that you're at Claremont."
  12. She snorted. "Keep fighting demons and ghosties, you'll run into something that eats shoes. Or at least socks. Only rational explanation as to why I end up with an odd number of socks after laundry day." She relaxed into Blake's embrace for a moment, leaning her head back far enough that she could kiss his ear. "This is fun," she maintained, "but if you want to do something sexy, we can do that, too." She walked back and put the sandals into the box, slipping her own shoes back on. She handed the box over to her boyfriend and lead him deeper into the store. Jessica didn't stop at any one department, instead grabbing pieces from several different areas. She eventually lead Blake over to a set of changing rooms and made him sit down in a nearby chair. "I'll be back," she said, taking the clothes she had gathered into one of the rooms.
  13. Trying to create a speeeeeeecial type of ring for Miras. Device 7 (35P PP, Hard to Lose) (Raqisa's Ring) [28 PP] Ruh Kalit 15 (30 PP, Feats: Alternate Power 5) [35PP] BE: Illusion 5 (All Senses, Feats: Progression 5 [100 ft radius], Selective) (Air) (Weave the Wind Solid) [30/30PP] AP: Flight 5 (250 MPH, Extra: Linked [+0] [Immunity, Insubstantial) + Immunity 9 (Critical Hits, Environmental Conditions [All], Suffocation [All], Extra: Linked [+0] [Flight, Insubstantial]) + Insubstantial 2 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Flight, Immunity], Feats: Selective, Subtle) (Air) (Body of Smokeless Fire) [29/30PP] AP: Snare 10 (Extra: Transparent) (Air) (Cage of Smoke) [30/30PP] AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [DAM 10], Homing, Precise, Split Attack) (Fire) (Fire Gaze) [25/30PP] AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Knockback 10) (Wind) (Raging Storm) AP: ESP 7 (200 miles, Visual, Auditory, Feat: Progression 2 [Affects Others, 5 Subjects], Extra: Affects Others [+1]) (Wind) (Distant Eye) [30/30PP] Note: alssahra' almaghni alnnar raqisa = Desert Dancer, Fire Singer
  14. Brian gave Morgan a look as he twisted off the cap on his water bottle and took a healthy swallow. "Mom ain't around, so there's nothing to cherish anymore. Probably for the best, all things considered." He sipped at the water for a bit, then made a game attempt at changing the subject. "So, you come down here to work out often? Claremont's gym is pretty sweet, but I get kinda intimidated around metal men who can bench-press cars. I think it might be better to work out around, you know, normal folks instead."
  15. Luckily, Ellie returned with the machine just a few minutes before the presentation was due to start. Jessica thanked the other woman and took her place up on the platform; by now most of the chairs were filled by carious important-looking individuals, some of whom were openly disdainful of the idea of being lectured by a teenager. Jessica, for her part, was standing up at the table and quietly waiting for the murmurs to die down. Once they did she launched into a quick speech about the new product, outlining the mechanics and uses of modern ultrasound before moving on to the Lab's product. She demonstrated how the new design worked, compared it to the older model sitting on the cart, and overall made a very competent speech. Possibly because she was adhering religiously to the notes she had memorized on the drive over. That showed when she finished the prepared spiel and swallowed hard before asking, "Any questions?" "Yeah, I got one!" The rough, overly-loud voice from the back of the room drew more than a few stares. The owner of the voice stood up, shedding the lab coat and revealing a well-muscled body, balding head -- and two furry, clawed forearms that more properly belonged on a bear. The double doors at the back of the lecture hall banged open and three more men entered; one was an absolutely huge specimen who made the floorboards creak when he walked, the next seemed normal enough except for the blazing blue aura around his head, and the last was a horrific mix of man and fly. The bear-armed figure motioned the heavyweight forward while Fly-Boy and the normal-looking one took up places by the door. Bear and heavy stalked down the center aisle straight towards Jessica, who surprisingly held her ground and seemed more comfortable facing down these violent freaks than giving a speech. "How many of those little gizmos you got around here? Oh, and how fast can you load 'em up?"
  16. Brian laughed. "Actually, I did play football at my old high school. I was a wide receiver and a punter. But yeah, my mom was the one that taught me how to fight." He turned around and sat on the edge of the mat, legs hanging over, forehead resting against the middle rope as he watched the other men in the gym working out on the machines. "I was in kindergarten. On the playground, some kids sat on me, kicked gravel into my face. Teacher came over and broke it up, but by then I was pretty worked up, you know? So I go home, my mom kept me out of school for the rest of the week and spent a lot of time showing me different ways to get away from folks -- breaking holds, mostly. As I got older, she started showing me strikes and holds, throws and takedowns. Nothing really systematic, you understand. Mostly I just rushed her, tried to lay a hand on her, and when the room stopped spinning she'd show me what I did wrong." Brian looked around the gym. "Is there a water fountain or something? My mouth's getting all dry."
  17. Glowstar :arrow: Buy two ranks of Base Defense, dropping two ranks of Dodge Focus, buying one rank of Improved Initiative. Combat block should look like: [b][u]Combat[/u]:[/b] 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +6, +10 w/ Blast, +10 w/ Strike Grapple: +9 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 :arrow: Drop Dodge Focus from 6 to 4, pick up a rank of Improved Initiative and Move-By Action. Feats should look like this: [b][u]Feats[/u]:[/b] 11PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Dodge Focus 4 Improved Initiative Luck 2 Move-By Action Power Attack :arrow: Flaw his Multi-Blast down to Full Action and pick up the third rank of Autofire. Switching up his AoE Blast. Fixing some formatting errors. [b]Entropic Control Array 21.5[/b] (43PP; [i]Feats:[/i] Alternate Power 3) [46PP] [u]BE:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise; [i]Extra:[/i] Autofire 3; [i]Flaw:[/i] Action (Full Action)) [43PP] - [i]Multi Blast[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise, Knockback 10; [i]Extras:[/i] Penetrating) [33PP] - [i]Focused Blast[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Strike 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Knockback 10; [i]Extras:[/i] Area/Burst [General]) [30PP] - [i]Boom[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Strike 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise, Linked 2) [13PP] + [b]Drain Toughness 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Extra:[/i] Affects Objects (+1); [i]Feat:[/i] Slow Fade [1 minute]) [21PP] - [i]Entropic Strike[/i] :arrow: DC Block becomes: DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Multi Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Focused Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage (Entropy) Boom Area/Burst DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Entropic Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Drain Toughness (Entropy) Doktor'd
  18. Ironclad After talking to the refs, I've decided to make the following changes to Ironclad. :arrow: Add the following to her Battlesuit: Feat: Restricted (Mental Quickness 6). Main line should look like this: [b]Device 14[/b] (70PP, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose, [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 3, Restricted (Mental Quickness 6)) (Battlesuit [Technology]) [60PP] :arrow: Add the following to the end of her sheet Mental Quickness Cheat Sheet [spoiler]Mental Quickness 6 means that Ironclad can make the following checks. Computers to [list] [*]search for a file on a massive network as a full round. [*]crash a computer as a free action. [*]destroy or damage programming in 6 rounds. [*]write a program in 6 rounds.[/list] Knowledge to [list] [*]Take 10 as a free action. [*]Take 20 in 6 rounds.[/list] Notice to [list] [*]make a Notice check as a free action.[/list][/spoiler] Doktor'd
  19. Brian took the break gratefully, taking a spot against the ropes next to Morgan, breathing deeply. "Could be worse," he said. "Leastways you always knew what your parents were on about." He rolled his shoulders, trying not to let his muscles cool down too fast. "I mean, for you the whole 'dressing up and fighting crime' thing is practically a family legacy. Though running around with a spear sound a bit weirder than most." He flexed his legs, bringing his knees up as far as they'd go and letting them down again, eyeing Morgan. He gave the other young man a punch on the arm, grinning widely. "So, these fairy ladies. Always go 'grateful' to you?"
  20. Jessica shook the offered hand. "Jessica Parker," she said. "Thanks for all the hauling around, by the way. Um, there's supposed to be some coffee and bagels or something. Feel free to stick around, grab some food, watch the presentation." For her part, Jessica produced a small box cutter and slit the packaging, pulling out an odd device still wrapped in plastic. It looked like a batter's glove, a fingerless leather covering, married to a milky globe the size of an apple. A cable led off the glove to a three-way outlet, sporting the most common data-cable adapters. The engineer slipped the device on her left hand and adjusted the fit; when it was just right, her hand curved around to cup the ball. She drew a few stares as she smacked it against the table experimentally, then examined the device for cracks or flaws. Convinced the instrument would hold up to spec, she slipped it off and pulled out her speech notes, going over them one last time before her presentation.
  21. Jessica laughed. "No, it's not a med-pac. That was a joke. It's, uh, it's a handheld ultrasound machine. Basic design came out of a student in University of Michigan; we collaborated with her to finish the miniaturization and the interface." She seemed to be relaxing now that the conversation had taken a turn into technical details. "It doesn't have the functionality of a, ah, standard ultrasound, but it's small enough to carry in a person's pocket. Doctors could even carry one around like a stethoscope. Could use it in normal examination rooms." The pair came to a set of heavy double doors and Jessica paused there, one hand on the handle. "Actually, since it does detect sonic vibration, it could probably double as a stethoscope. Put it in a passive mode -- it might even work for blood pressure." She stared off into the distance for a moment, then gave her body a sudden shake and smiled at Ellie. "But that's in the future. Need to iron out the kinks in the basic design, first!" The engineer pushed her way into the conference room, holding the door open for the other girl. There were four rows of folding seats set up facing a raised platform, with a bare table on the platform. There were a few figures milling around in lab coats and surgical scrubs; they glanced around when the two young women entered but quickly went back to their own conversations. Jessica motioned for Ellie to put the box on the table and glanced around the little presentation area. "There was supposed to be an ultrasound machine here," she said, her tone annoyed. "I don't suppose you could go grab one?"
  22. Jessica half turned to regard the dark-haired, dark complexioned girl following her. "Med-pacs," she said succinctly. "Just like in video games. Pick one up and it closes open wounds, cleans out all infection, even replaces lost blood. Doesn't cure poison or other toxins, though. You need a blue herb for that. And god help you if you get vampirism. You'll have to pray at the right shrine at the right time of day r do some really obscure quest line to fix it." The pair came to a bank of elevators and Jessica pressed the call button, then went to stand in front of one of the sets of doors. Sure enough, that was the first to open. The young woman held the door open and the pair rode up in silence. After a long minute Jessica spoke. "I mixed too many video game series in there, right? Ruined the joke?"
  23. Jessica walked past the shoes on display. Leather hiking boots -- but she never went hiking. Black combat boots -- they'd be cool, but she'd never use them for anything but stomping around the house. Crocs -- ugh, stupid. Plastic shoes? Who ever thought that would be a good idea? She stopped before a pair of yellow slingback sandals. She considered them, checked the available sizes and, yes, hers was there. She grabbed the box and walked back over to where Blake was sitting, slipping out of her pumps. Jessica strapped the sandals on and took a few tentative steps. Convinced she wasn't going to all over or turn her ankle, she took several long strides, checking the feel of the shoes. She stopped maybe a dozen feet in front of Blake's chair and twisted her back around, lifting the hem of her bell bottoms to see how the strap fit. It was only then, apparently, that she realized she was still wearing black socks. She looked back at her boyfriend and grinned. "I feel like an old person," she said, "wearing socks with my sandals."
  24. Brian danced back from Morgan's foot, cursing under his breath. "Shin kicking, man? That's just mean!" He retaliated with a quick flurry of punches, ending it with a solid body check. "I ain't worried about pissing off gods, man. We're heroes! We beat up mythological monsters and stuff for breakfast." He traded a few more blows before talking again. "Funny you should mention coming how with a black eye. That's how I started learning how to fight. Came home all roughed up after some bullies beat me a bit, and Mom decided it was time for me to learn how to defend myself. She's a cool lady, my mom."
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