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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Freedom Medical Center was one of the largest, most advanced, and busiest hospitals on the planet. It was also just a short hop across the river from the Lab, home of high-tech innovations to revolutionize the world. It wasn't surprising, then, that the latter often provided brand spanking-new tech to the former; while the Lab did have its own biomedical wing, it was a much more specialized area, dealing with exotic or outright metahuman maladies. The FMC was the perfect place to test new medical technologies intended for the wider market, which was why a truck registered to the Lab was threading through the complex towards a loading dock. Jessica Parker rode shotgun in the truck, dressed in a smart blue business suit, clutching a set of note cards in her lap. Normally she wouldn't think of wearing something so formal just to deliver some machines, but she was expected to give a talk on how to use the devices. When the founding members of the Lab had been discussing who to send, Miss America had been the natural choice, being the only one of them who seemed comfortable giving speeches. Jessica had asked for this job, though, knowing that it was important to learn how to speak in front of a crowd. Now, as her stomach knotted with tension, she was beginning to regret her decision. The truck pulled up to the loading dock and several orderlies gathered around the back, unloading the dozen or so boxes of equipment. Jessica picked one out of the group and signaled one of the interns -- the only female of the group, she noted idly -- to follow her up to the presentation room.
  2. Brian continued circling, jabbing defensively to keep Morgan from rushing him. "You're in because you have a reputation among the magical creatures of the forest? That's gotta be a weird scholarship you've got." He grinned and feinted left, then switched up and aimed a straight kick at Morgan's knee. "What do you have to do to keep it? Water the flowers? Hug ten trees a week? Or is it based on your grades in Horticulture or Botany?" He smiled wider and dropped his defenses for a moment, leaning forward and stage-whispering. "Or is it just because the fairy ladies can't withstand a knight in shining armor, heh?"
  3. Knife waved his blade in the air again, grinning as he took two quick steps forward. Its pale foot caught an outcropping of rock as it advanced, though, and the mutant ended up pitching on its face. The creature waved its weapon spasticly in Warlock's direction as it fell, but it only succeeded in losing its grip on the weapon. Defenseless, the creature scrambled backwards from the hero on all fours. Its buddies exchanged a glance and Teeth stepped forward, gnashing and growling at the hero threateningly.
  4. Attack roll vs. Warlock (1d20+9=10) Bwahahaha!
  5. 1a.) Hades is a villain in FC's cosmology, a fairly major one. Why would the child of a villain (don't know Persephone's place) want to be a hero? 1c.) You said you're new to the system. Gadget is a Variable Power, and VPs are extremely complex. I would argue against this. 2a.) See above. Polymath is a VP, VPs are complex. 2c.) No obvious problems present themselves, but who the heck is Archbishop Fairwell? 3a.) Made of anti-matter? Anti-matter react catastrophically with real matter; if that's the case, she would literally blow up and destroy anything around her. 3c.) Seems... very dark for the boards. Almost more of a horror concept than a hero. One last thing: Why is "Stigma" spelled with a 'y' at several points?
  6. Brian fended off the first few jabs, but when Morgan mentioned the sidhe his concentration wavered and he took a solid hit to the ribs before he managed to dance back. He had had a very interesting evening the company of the wind fey, after saving her sisters; neither spoke the other's language, but then they hadn't spent much of the night talking. Morgan had warned Brian about how the sidhe regarded 'sporting' with mortals, but it had still been an experience, one much more exciting and memorable than going knuckle-to-knuckle with his roomie. Brian rallied and started returning some punches, hunkering behind one raised fist and jabbing with the other one. "Yeah, I remember her. You never did give her my cell number, did you?"
  7. I'm gonna wait a day or two for Ecal to post, then I'm going to move this along.
  8. Brian ducked the punch and danced back, waving his hands in front of his face, trying to keep Morgan guessing as to what he was actually trying to do. He settled back into a steady rhythm, jabbing with his left fist while his right hung back. "So how about you? The beautiful brochure catch your eye?" He shifted his weight suddenly and threw a hooking right at Morgan's midsection. It was heavy but slow; if it hit, it could be spectacular, but it would leave Brian overextended and exposed. Again. For someone who boasted of his training, he was making some obvious mistakes.
  9. Brian swayed away from the quick jabs, circling around to Morgan's right. He didn't answer for a minute, feinting an advance, faking left, and moving in close to grapple with Morgan. He grabbed the other man around the shoulders, trying to throw Morgan to the ground. While they were locked together, he took the chance to answer. "Luck. Just started using my powers one day." When my parents were arrested by AEGIS. "Kinda a scholarship deal, you know? At least until I get things under control." Or until I go crazy and try to blow up the city. Brian gritted his teeth and strained against Morgan, trying to put the distressing thoughts out of his head.
  10. And the enemy wastes his turn monologuing. Be recovered, Warlock, and kick some ass!
  11. The Deep One raised his bloody knife high and behind him the other two mutants called out in their hissing tongue, either teasing Warlock to cheering the knife-wielder on. Knife turned to sneer at the hero, waving the blade through the air and letting some blood drip off the end. Then it spoke, in nasal, accented English. "The h-h-hero of the su-urface," he mocked. "Out master sai-ud you wou-uld breah-hk us with a loo-ook! Now you-ur bloo-ood is on my dagger, and soo-oon I will gn-kaw on yo-our bones!" The creature grinned madly and advanced on the young hero.
  12. Brian reached out and took Morgan's hand, but he managed to roll to his feet without barely pulling. Upright, he shook his arms and legs, rolling his shoulders and basically working all his joints, "Yeah," he said, his tone quietly amazed. "That is to say... yeah. Uh, that's a heck of a coat you've got there." He eyed the fabric, moving away from Morgan. He stretched and gave the other young man a quick glance up and down. "So? ready for round two?" Brian snapped his gloved hands up into a high guard, dancing around like a boxer. "No cheap shots this time around, right?"
  13. Ironclad stepped back and let Blueshift get to her feet unassisted. She watched the other heroine carefully for sights of fatigue or... whatever the side-effects were from mentally projecting into the Internet. She seemed to be unaffected though, so the armored heroine lifted into the air. She took a more roundabout path into Port Regal than the AEGIS cyborg, coming in low and across the water. Her suit's enhanced senses picked out a half-dozen or so watercraft out on the bay. As she passed each one, Ironclad interrogated it electronically, checking the registries. She wouldn't put it past Otaku to try and slip out that way.
  14. One of those two. The one that increases save DCs.
  15. Or maybe just a Weakness to the Light descriptor. There's a world of difference between someone shooting you with a laser or magically conjured ray of light, and natural sunlight.
  16. You need to list the ranks of your various effects. Looking at the build, with Sneak Attack 1 the character breaks damage caps when they catch an opponent flat-footed, which is against the rules. In your saves line, you need to list where all the bonuses to Toughness come from.
  17. Okay, time for something more in-depth! All fine. Be wary playing the hobo-hero, though. Last few haven't done that well. That's an amazing amount of Intelligence and Wisdom for someone who's supposed to be a fish out of water. Mechanically, it all adds up, but unless the 'host' was that tough, agile, et cetera, you might want some of these as Enhanced Abilities. Various problems here. Base Attack and Defense cost 2PP/rank, so the cost should be 10 + 14 = 24. Ini is based off Dex (and Improved Ini adds +4) it would be +10. Flat-footed Defense is half of Base defense rounded down, so here it would be +3. Knockback and Grapple are... Figured correctly, actually. Big problem here, though, is that the character does not hit combat caps. It's not strictly necessary, but at least half your threads here are going to be combat threads so it's a very good idea. Nothing strictly wrong here, just noting that saves are a touch low. Good rule of thumb is that you want your exotic saves (Ref, Fort, Will) to average out to PL-2. Here they average out to 6.3, so it might be a good idea to boost them a bit. Skills... Well, the costs add up, but most of the modifiers are off. Double-check what ability each score depends on. Well first off, you need to state what skill you can use Ultimate Effort with. Second, Sneak Attack adds +2 Damage per rank to your attacks, but only if the opponent is flat-footed. As it stands, the only way for this character to make an opponent flat-footed is by ambushing them. So, if the target doesn't go down in the first hit (or there's more than one of them) the character is kinda screwed. Sneak Attack 1 or 2 is okay, anything more than that is overkill. Well, you have the template correct. Some of your coding isn't exactly right, though. Need to list what senses Concealment works for, same as Dazzle. I'd question whether 6 APs is really necessary; how often do you think ESP or Snare is really going to be used? When you say Immunity (Darkness), do you mean just damage effects with the Darkness descriptor, or all powers with the Darkness descriptor? Because one is a lot more expensive than the other. Quick question: Why no Drawbacks? This character seems like a shoe-in for a Weakness to the Light Descriptor. Overall, not bad. Quick tips: I'd split off some of the (incredibly high) abilities into natural and Enhanced Abilities. I'd also lower base Defense by a point or two and pick up enough ranks of Dodge Focus to hit caps. For Toughness, look into Protection, Force Field, Defense Roll, or just up Constitution high enough. Skills, you might want to lower them by a few ranks and just buy Skill Mastery in them (seeing as how you only have four skills in any case). Powers, well, see my
  18. Not gonna do a mechanical break-down because I don't really have time. Some quick things off the top of my head: your powers have the Descriptors and the Descriptions swapped. Your Concealment might be described as "an inky shadow that blends seamlessly with the dark," but the Descriptor is just Darkness. Darkness Control isn't a power in and of itself, it's just a name for the Array as a whole. Need to say what senses Dazzle affects, too.
  19. Brian grabbed the coat, turning it around and squinting at the odd designs. The one that Morgan was pointing at was an oddly soothing mix of curves and interweaving lines, in the vague shape of a human body -- or something bipedal, anyway. He touched it with his glove, blinked at the sight, then fumbled them off and touched it with his bare fingers. He closed his eyes and focused on the image under his fingertips, not really knowing what to expect. For a moment nothing happened, then a warm, heavy feeling seeped through his body. Brian blinked and sat up to get a better look at the coat. He didn't even seem to realize that the pain in his chest and head had disappeared.
  20. Glowstar watched Wisp block the door open and wondered at the need for that when three of them could teleport. He held his tongue, though, and stepped to the front of the group. "I'm the only one who saw the way down," he said. "Just duck behind me when things start shooting, and it'll all be fine." The young man took a deep breath and started forward, trying to remember the layout of the first few floors from his brief glimpse.
  21. Brian didn't have a chance to answer. Morgan's punch hit him in the gut and all the air in his lungs was forced out in one great explosion, and a moment later he fell over onto the mat, his vision going dark around the edges. He woke up sometime later laying on his back, Morgan's concerned expression filling his sight. He winced and breathed in experimentally, then wiggled his toes and fingers. It hurt to breath but he seemed to manage it, and everything moved just fine. He half-sat up, felt the pain spike, and dropped back flat. "Cheap. Shot," he grunted, pushing Morgan lightly.
  22. Brian jumped back, Morgan's glove just barely touching his shirt. He reacted quickly, his entire body controting as he chopped at Morgan's extended arm before the young man could recover. He was rewarded with solid contact against the other teen's muscled arm, dancing away before Morgan could retaliate. He kept his arms and hands close to his body, protecting his core and keeping his distance.
  23. Gonna use Defensive Attack to boost his Defense... to 12! Attacking Crow, using Defensive Attack (1d20+4=22) A-hahahaha! DC 18 Toughness, please!
  24. Will save vs Startle (1d20+6=7) >.< IC has decided that Glowstar will not win this. HP to reroll that, and since my minimum would be 17... Yeah.
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