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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. With All-Out Attack still draining her Defense, yes! Toughness vs DC 36 (1d20+14=32) And Bruised.
  2. Blueshift is technically still stunned. Go ahead, JP.
  3. "Oh-kay, then." The helmet reappeared and quickly swallowed the young woman's head again, locking her expression behind a blank metal facade. Her sensorium was filled with data as the suit probed the approaching metal soldiers for information. Cannonade seemed capable of testing their, ah, durability, so maybe she could provide them with a different challenge? Ironclad made a flight-assisted jump, landing behind the line of robo-soldiers. She grabbed the nearest one, crushing its metal arm in her servo-enhanced grip. She pulled it close, moving for a low grab on its torso. If she could get it into the air, she might be able to simply tear it in half -- or at least hold it still while she found the off button.
  4. Attack roll against the SPARTOI! 1d20+9=11 :shock: That's horrid! Gotta reroll that. 1d20+9=25 MUCH better! Okay, that's also initiating a grapple Grapple check vs SPARTOI (1d20+9=21)
  5. The Hunter Museum of Natural History was an imposing structure, its classical Greek face a welcome break from a city center filled with glass-walled skyscrapers. Inside the theme of quiet, unobtrusive majesty continued with inlaid tile floors, dark wood walls, and polished brass fittings. all of it was carefully understated though, so as not to distract from the exhibits: pieces from prehistoric societies like the Lemuria and Atlantis, all the way to artifacts from selected future timelines. The bones of the building, though, were far more prosaic. Unpainted concrete walls, tile floors with colored lines painted on, and lighting fixtures with bare bulbs were the order of the day in the museum's sub-basement. Patricia Wellsly, head of security, was a plump, older woman who nevertheless had a drill-sergeant air of command about her. The sharp clack-clack of her low pumps was a sharp contrast to the sneakers of her guest. Aside from the odd squeak and a rustling of fabrics, Warlock didn't make any noise as he followed the older woman. "Of course, when we first became aware of the intrusion, we alerted the Freedom League," Patricia was saying, not bothering to look back at her guest, "but Daedalus is apparently off in space with the Star Knight. When we got a hold of Eldrich, well, he recommended you." She glacned back at him and sniffed, as if she was reconsidering the wisdom of the Master Mage. 'The intrusion' turned out to be a tunnel dug out of the earth, roughly circular and at least seven feet wide. It intersected the corridor at a gentle angle and ran back a dozen feet or so before disappearing into the earth.
  6. Initiative versus SPARTOI (1d20+3=23) :shock: Guess I should ask; is Cannonade supposed to be the only one taking the SPARTOI on?
  7. Brian watched the girl walk around the room, listening to his roomie with half an ear. When Morgan ran down he glanced over and flashed a smile. "Damsels in distress? E-e-e-e-evil creatures lurking in the city? Sounds like a Saturday night party to me!" He gave the wind girl a smile and walked over to his closet, taking out a black leather jacket and a Freedom City cap. He shrugged the jacket on and snugged the cap down on his head, eying the weather outside and then sizing up the girl on his bed. He made a mental shrug and moved to the door, throwing a few punches in the air. "C'mon, man! There's heroics to do! Chicks to rescue! Monsters to beat up! Studying to skip out on! Shake a leg!"
  8. Raveled

    Hero TV! (IC)

    Glowstar spun around when the metal cage appeared, his energy tendrils quickly losing coherence and fading away. He watched the civilians disappear with his jaw hanging open dumbly, then listened to Kineval's rant with a growing anger. "Seriously man, if you want a fight just say it! Come down here and we'll give you the ass-kicking you seem in desperate need of!" The young hero stomped through the new doorway, his force field crackling. "This ain't even fair, making us wade through all your rent-a-thugs before we punch you in the face. Seriously not cool, dude."
  9. Brian Harris wasn't thinking about his roommate or the dismal weather or even the fact that it was a Saturday and he was cooped up inside. He was laying on his bed, staring a handful of 3 x 5 cards in his hands. Each one was marked with a two letter abbreviation on one side and a name and number on the other. "H-G," he muttered under his breath, staring at the card. "That's mercury, element number... 75?" He separated that card from the rest, flipped it over, and grimaced. Returning it to the stack, he shuffled them and pulled out a card at random. "A-U. Uh, silver? 47?" The back of the card told him that he was wrong... again. He sighed and dropped the cards on his chest, rubbing at his eyes. He was getting a sinking feeling that he was gonna fail the chem test on Monday -- at least, the part about the ten elements he was supposed to know by the end of the week. He heard his roomie's bed creaking suddenly and looked over, surprised to see a woman kneeling over the other young man, babbling in some foreign language. "Yo, Morgan, dude." His own eye's tracked down the woman's body, making hurried notes about her very pleasing shape. "Uh, you gonna introduce me to your friend? Or maybe you want me to leave the room for a bit?"
  10. Ah. Knew there was something I forgot in the IC post.
  11. Ironclad eyed the stalk-tank warily. At least they hadn't gone for a human-like, bipedal configuration; they'd been sensible and given the thing lots and lots of legs. Still, the idea of a remotely operated infantry/tank battalion opened up some really obvious avenues for attack, which she was uniquely suited to take advantage of. The young woman reached out with her abnormal mind, probing the defenses around the tank's internal computer systems. A few light probes proved that it was as solid as she would've expected from AEGIS, so she backed off on that line of attack. Instead, she looked around and approached one of the technicians. "So just what are these units armed with, anyway?"
  12. Computers check to hack into Arachne (1d20+15=27) Hm. Better than I expected to do. Results, GM?
  13. Ironclad Ecalsneerg! :arrow: Boost Fort save by 1 pt, boost Ref save by 1 pt. Saves block becomes [b][u]Saves[/u]:[/b] 5 + 4 + 6 = 15PP Toughness: +9/+0 (+0 Con, +9/+0 Protection) Fortitude: +5 (+0 Con, +5) Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +4) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6) :arrow: Buy feat Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft [Mechanical], Disable Device, Notice). Skills should now look like [b][u]Skills[/u]:[/b] 52R = 13PP Computers 10 (+15, Skill Mastery) Concentrate 9 (+10) Craft (Electronic) 5 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+10, Skill Mastery) Disable Device 10 (+15, Skill Mastery) Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+10) Notice 8 (+9, Skill Mastery) :arrow: Add the following to the end of her sheet [spoiler]Mental Quickness 6 means that Ironclad can make the following checks. Computers to [list] [*]search for a file on a massive network as a full round. [*]crash a computer as a free action. [*]destroy or damage programming in 6 rounds. [*]write a program in 6 rounds.[/list] Knowledge to [list] [*]Take 10 as a free action. [*]Take 20 in 6 rounds.[/list] Notice to [list] [*]make a Notice check as a free action.[/list][/spoiler]
  14. Would the firewall block any attempts to hack into the machines?
  15. Ironclad Tanks for Nuthin' Not Another Teen Dating Thread Just Another Sunday Bill of Health 8 + 6 + 1 + 1 = 16 Glowstar Occupational Hazard Hero TV Pulling Punches 6 + 1 + 4 = 11 GM Something Old, Something New Just Another Sunday 7 + 3 = 10
  16. Ironclad gave Cannonade a smile and a small wave. "Yeah, that thing with the, uh, ghost dogs and the crazy sorcerer guy down by the docks, right? Was there ever any fallout from that?" The heroine fell quiet as the AEGIS technician spoke. She frowned at the mention of and 'unmanned battlefield;' giving guns to robots never worked out well, in her opinion. The mention of a firewall bothered her more, though. She had no idea how a military grade firewall would interfere with her own technopathic abilities. She excused herself from the gathering and walked a little ways off, powering down her weapons systems and dialing her etheric drive back to the minimum, where it was barely taking the weight of the armor off her shoulders. If something did happen and she lost control, at least she wouldn't be able to do too much damage.
  17. Actually, I believe Geckoman's up. Knew I should've posted an updated initiative order. Geckoman -- Uninjured -- HPx2 Protectron -- Uninjured -- HPx1 Victory -- Uninjured -- HPx1 Blueshift -- Uninjured -- HPx3 Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HPx2 PC 7 -- OUT! -- GM PC 5 -- OUT! -- GM PC 3 -- OUT! -- GM PC 1 -- OUT! -- GM PC 6 -- OUT! -- GM Hulk 2 -- Uninjured -- GM Hulk 8 -- OUT! -- GM
  18. Jessica Parker was sitting at her desk, writing a paper on metallurgy and advanced alloying, when the alarm went off. There wasn't any buzzing or beeping or any external sign whatsoever, just a sudden pressure in the back of her head. She touched it with her mind and suddenly saw the AEGIS seal rotating before her eyes. Ten minutes later she was on the Lab's top floor, registering a flight plan with the military base out on Lonely Point. She didn't want the base's AA to think that she was a thread, after all. Ironclad lifted off from the building, slowly gaining altitude over the city, heading out to sea a ways before swinging back towards the land. She circled the area she was supposed to report to a few times, bleeding off speed and surveying the location. She didn't recognize any of the individuals on the ground, but there were a few that certainly didn't look like AEGIS agents. She executed a textbook perfect landing a few yards away from a man in a suit of wolf-looking armor. Her helmet folded away and she beamed a smile at the unknown armor user, walking up briskly. "Hello! My name's Jessica Parker, but in the armor I usually go by Ironclad. That's an interesting set-up you've got there."
  19. The civilians moved into the waiting Pitchoo with a mix of gratification that the ordeal was over, and nervousness at walking onto a lighter-than-air vessel. Meanwhile, on the warehouse floor, Ironclad hovered in the air and took a moment to assess the threat posed by the remaining mercenaries. She debated several tactics to bring them down faster, but quickly settled on something she had wanted to try for awhile. Tracking the pair of mercs still in the air with her wrist blasters, she fired off a shot at both of them. The blast caught one square in the faceplate and smashed the other's flying pack, sending them both slamming into the ground. The remaining mercenary must have known she was out-numbered, but she didn't seem to care. She let out a howl of rage that was augmented by the massive suit, and charged at Victory. The AEGIS cyborg twisted at the last moment though, and the mercenary's massive, armored glove smashed into the concrete floor of the warehouse, sending up chips of stone.
  20. Well, gotta spend those HP eventually. Power Attack + All-Out Attack + Split Target versus both the remaining Power Corps minions. (1d20+9=21) Hits! DC 22 for the pair of them. PC Toughness vs DC 22 (1d20+11=14, 1d20+11=16) And they're both down for the count. Remaining Hulk goes after Vic. All-Out Attack vs Victory (1d20+10=20) Juuuuuuust misses.
  21. I'd put Ironclad up for this if you need another warm body. She's got a tech focus, her family's company has a history of supplying the military, and I've been wanting to get her in into a thread with AEGIS for awhile.
  22. 1d20+13=20 Ouch! That one is down for the count. Quote, if you want to make a post about Blueshift having an almighty headache, I won't complain.
  23. Toughness DC 36 (1d20+14=29) Rather well, all things considered, but not well enough. Sunned + Bruised
  24. That's not uncommon. When Dungeons & Dragons Online went free-to-play, it's revenue stream increased by 300%. It's a stupidly profitable set-up, to the point where some industry analysts are predicting the end of subscription-based MMOs.
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