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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Possibly also Comprehend 1 (Codes; Limited: Verbal transmission only) [1PP]. Though that might come under understanding all languages, I'm not sure.
  2. I was under the impression that she threw a snowball and then shielded herself with her umbrella.
  3. Brian shook his head at Etain's shield, raging at her over-dramatically. "No honor in that," he declared. The young man thought back to watching episodes of Star Trek with his father and reached for his best Klingon impersonation. "A true warrior is ever on the attack! Like this!" He reached down and packed a small snowball, making sure it was well-rounded and fit easily into her hand. He lobbed it up, up - way too high up, at first glance, since it rose higher than either snow fortress. He was vindicated, though, when the snowball reached its apogee and dropped behind the battlements of Corbin's castle, splattering the other boy's head with snow.
  4. On Cobin. Full Accurate Attack, full All-Out Attack (1d20+16=34) Boo-ya. Defense is now down to +5, though.
  5. Jessica shrugged, looking down at her noddles, still gathering them around her chopsticks. "I don't know how much talking to regular people Mara does, you know? It seems like she always has her nose in some project or another. It was a fight to get her to go out to the movies, and it was just luck we ran into you at that cafe." She paused and thought for a second, then added, "Well it wasn't lucky for the criminals obviously, but I think everyone else was happier that we were around. "So yeah, the Lab. Things are going great! Getting a lot of work done, and it's inter-disciplinary, too. I don't know if you ever heard of Miss America, but she works there, too. Fantastic woman with computers, light years ahead of me. She's helped a lot with optimizing my suit's processes. I mean, they were pretty good before, but with her tweaking them and refining them, the sky's the limit!" Jessica lifted her chopsticks out of her bowl to reveal that she had twisted every single noodle into one huge ball. She raised her eyes to meet Blake's and snorted out a laugh. She dropped the pasta ball back into her bowl and started teasing the strands apart. "So, um. How's the business going? Keeping Freedom City safe from ghoulies and ghosties and everything that goes bump in the night?" She lifted a much smaller portion of noodle and ate them up, slurping in a few trailing bits.
  6. Jessica put the final touches on her cleaning robot and hit the activation button (a big red one that she had fabricated from a plastic jerry can) stepping well back as her creation shuddered to life. It propelled itself forward on two centrally mounted wheels, held off the ground by castors at each corner. Its cylindrical body sprouted a number of thin arms, each ending in some cleaning agent. It stopped in front of a grease stain an extended a webcam on another arm to study the discoloration on the floor. The robot tried several solvents, but when they were ineffective it extended a special pad, marked by three wavy lines. It pressed the pad against the grease and it sank into the concrete a centimeter or two. When the robot pulled the pad back the depression was smoking slightly and glassy smooth. Jessica beamed as the robot moved on to a rust-red stain on the wall. "Merry Christmas," she called up to Push. "The Jetsons didn't have a cleaning robot with a plasma burner, now did they?"
  7. "There... There was a lot of stuff," he said. "I don't know if anything else did anything. Just the staff." He perked up, looking directly at Equinox for the first time since the witch disarmed him. "If I show you where it all is, you'll tell the police? Maybe I won't have to go to jail? " The professor ducked back into his classroom and Equinox heard feet on the stairs. A half dozen members of campus security burst onto the scene, wearing reflective vests and wielding flubs. They took in the scene quickly and the leader said to Equinox, "Do you need any help, HERO?"
  8. My alt-itis is in full effect with CO and I run several characters, but my highest level one is Wattage, an Electricity Blaster-type.
  9. Meh. I need to install Windows 7 anyway, so might as well just deal with that at the same time.
  10. When the malware won't let you open your browser until you pay a fee, there's a problem with downloading software.
  11. Postng might be slow next few days. Got hit by v bad malware, will take that long to get it cleaned out. Posting from phone right now.
  12. Jessica grabbed Archeville's arm and leaned against the older man, more for the warmth than the physical support. "I'm fine," she said. "I think I just pushed myself a bit too far." The fact of the matter was, though, that she wasn't fine; her vision was odd, light sources pulsing weirdly and making a halo around things. A sudden gust of wind made her shudder and she clenched her jaw shut, trying not to let her teeth chatter. "I think we shu-shu-should go inside. It's getting cold out hu-here."
  13. Losing their leader like that might have rattled another band of criminals, but the Power Corps were mercenaries and old hands at fighting superheros and rallied quickly. The remaining fliers took to the air and started blasting at the heroes, trying to hem them in. Ironclad retaliated quickly though, swatting another one down. The two on the ground split, on going for Victory and the other heading for Protectron. Both swung heavy blows, but neither connected; apparently the suits were more cumbersome than they first appeared.
  14. Ironclad attacks. Power Attack + All-Out Attack on PC 3 (1d20+9=24). Toughness of 29... PC 3 Toughness DC 29 (1d20+11=28) Which just barely succeeds. Three of the minions down! Remaining two both using Aid Another to boost the Attacks of the Hulks. Aid Another (1d20+11=29, 1d20+11=17) Both succeed, so both Hulks have +3 Att this round. Speaking of which, one punches Victory ('cause he took out the leader) and the other punches Protectron (because he's grappling and flat-footed). 1d20+8=9, 1d20+8=13 And even with that they both wiff. Ini now looks like this. Geckoman -- Uninjured -- HPx2 Protectron -- Uninjured -- HPx1 Victory -- Uninjured -- HPx2 Blueshift -- Uninjured -- HPx2 Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HPx3 PC 7 -- Uninjured -- GM PC 5 -- OUT! -- GM PC 3 -- OUT! -- GM PC 1 -- OUT! -- GM PC 6 -- Uninjured -- GM Hulk 2 -- Uninjured -- GM Hulk 8 -- Uninjured -- GM
  15. The portal is generated by technological means and doesn't appear to be generated on Earth. In fact, it seems like the portal itself is being generated by something on the other side. Is Blueshift moving to a point where she can actually see through the portal? The view through the portal reveals a large, metal-floored and -walled room with a the far wall simply missing, revealing a starscape. There's a pile of crates in the room, more of the silver centaurs, and a number of curious, beetle-like robots.
  16. Brian floated towards the ground, touching down well outside of the firing lane between the two fortresses. By chance he found himself standing next to Etain. He waved an arm, encompassing the snow fort and the energy fort, and asked her, "Do you sometimes think you got gypped on the whole 'phenomenal, cosmic powers' thing?" He gave her a lop-sided grin and added, laughing, "Unless you've got a pocket castle or something that you're planning on pulling out next!"
  17. Two! Two mercenaries down! Ah-ha-ha!
  18. PC 2 and 8 are in the Hulk suits. PC 4 was the sniper on the roof. PC 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 are the minions. 18 does indeed hit flat-footed Defense. Toughness for Power Corps 1 (1d20+11=24). Vic's Damage should be (15 + 11 + 5) 31, more than enough to knock him out.
  19. Protectron easily caught up with one of the fleeing creatures, and its metal limbs and robotic strength overpowered it without much struggle. The creature turned its gold face-plate to the robot and... not spoke, not exactly. Everyone but Protectron heard its 'voice' quite clearly, as if the creature was right in front of them. "No! We never wanted to come! The metal man made us! He'll kill us if we don't come back, he'll kill everyone!"
  20. No way the centaur is gonna get out of that, so let's just say he's pinned.
  21. Would the plan be to create fantasy versions of our existing PCs and run them through the game? Or would our canon PCs be transported to the world of Freedom's Reach somehow?
  22. Jessica was surprised by the kiss, but she recovered towards the end to return it. She shrugged lightly, dislodging his head from her shoulder, grinning despite herself. "Try that again," she warned, "and you're going to get a mouthful of noodles." She stuck her chopsticks in said noodles and started twisting them around. "I'm sorry if I come off like a stuck-up rich girl. I do like it when you buy me things, Blake, but that's because it's you buying things for me, not because I really need things. Understand?"
  23. The snowball hit the glowing mutant full in the face, and he hovered in the air, spluttering and wiping his eyes. "Hey! No fair attacking the air cav! We're supposed to be the ones that rescue the heroes, when all else fails! Like this!" Looping around again, he gathered an armful of snow and oriented on Etian. He hummed some appropriate Wagner as he cruised in low, then climbed at the last moment, releasing the powder all at once.
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