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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Glowstar 3PP Awarded :arrow: He should be 17 years old now, not 16. :arrow: Change his Blast/Strike array, making into something proper with headers! Also adding two APs. [b]Entropic Control Array 21.5[/b] (43PP; [i]Feats:[/i] Alternate Power 3) [46PP] [u]BE:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise; [i]Extra:[/i] Autofire 2 [Reduced Interval]) [43PP] - [i]Multi Blast[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Blast 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise; [i]Extras:[/i] Penetrating, Knockback) [33PP] - [i]Focused Blast[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Strike 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise; [i]Extras:[/i] Area/Burst [Targetted], Autofire, Selective) [43PP] - [i]Energy Tendrils[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Strike 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feats:[/i] Accurate 2, Precise, Linked 2) [13PP] + [b]Drain Toughness 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feat:[/i] Slow Fade [1 minute]) [11PP] + [b]Drain Toughness 10[/b] (Entropy; [i]Feat:[/i] Slow Fade [1 minute]; [i]Extra:[/i] Affects Objects; [i]Flaw:[/i] Limited [Objects]) [11PP] - [i]Entropic Strike] :arrow: DC Block becomes: [code]ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Multi Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Focused Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness Damage (Entropy) Energy Tendrils Area/Burst DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Entropic Strike Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Entropy) Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Drain Toughness (Entropy) Touch DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Drain Toughness (Entropy) Edits done by Geez3r
  2. Ironclad watched Cannonade assault the pack, almost clearing the warehouse out. "Nice job," she told him, floating up slightly so that she could get a clear line of fire at the person directing the ritual itself. As she aimed carefully, she flashed back to her last encounter with a sorcerer near the Waterfront. She hoped that there weren't umpteen invisible bodyguards around this one, waiting to intercept her attacks.
  3. Ironclad goes full All-Out, full Power Attack on the sorcerer. 1d20+9=19 -.- Gonna be rerolling that. 1d20+9=18 :argh:No, wait, that's +10! 28! Toughness DC 29
  4. Jessica sat there for a moment, processing the information. "It makes sense," she responded, oddly enough. "I mean, superhumans only came into the public eye around World War II, but it stands to reason that such groups were around through most of human history. Throw in all sorts of stereotypes and scares like medieval witch trails, and it makes sense that these groups would tend to band together. If the powers are related to mutations, then they'd be passed on genetically, so a large pool of subjects with the same genetic traits would make it more likely that these mutations were passed on to a large number of their descendants. Throw in a pre-scientific worldview and it's easy to see how one would come up with werewolves, vampires, and magic in general. Makes me want to subject a magic wand to an EMP field," she added. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you treat the 'werewolf'? Gene therapy?"
  5. Ironclad 4PP Awarded :arrow: In Brief changed to: [b][u]In Brief[/u]:[/b] Genius teen uses her intellect and her fortune to fight crime! :arrow: Add a Power Description section. [b][u]Power Descriptions[/u]:[/b] Jessica has an almost intuitive understanding of technology and machinery, allowing her to make fantastic designs generations ahead of her time. She can also connect to machines and electronics mentally, interrogating and controlling them. :arrow: Rewriting Powers and Tactics: [b][u]Powers and Tactics[/u]:[/b] The Ironclad suit makes Jessica able to take and receive some nasty hits, so her general tactic is to fly up high and blast away as hard as she can, focusing on one enemy at a time to bring them down. Grappling or melee combat in general is a last resort for her, but she's competent at it. After a fortuitous case of brain damage, Jessica Parker developed the ability to talk to and manipulate machines and electronics with her brain. While she usually doesn't use it in combat, she can hack into enemy computers and other machines if the situation calls for it. :arrow: Remove the code pertaining to her old images and replace it with this one. [floatr][img=http://www.freedomplaybypost.com/wiki/images/5/51/IroncladHF2.png][/floatr] :arrow: Modify Love Life Complication, add two more. [b]Love Life:[/b] Jessica is officially involved with Blake Salazar, aka Warlock. When her boyfriend is placed in danger she can be irrational and emotional. [b]City Girl:[/b] Some of Jessica's powers come as a result of 'time-sharing' brain-space with computer networks. Any time she's outside a developed, urban area she loses any power with the Technopath descriptor. [b]HUD:[/b] The Ironclad armor receives all its data through sensors; if these sensors are blinded, the operator can't see anything that's happening. :arrow: Since I hit Bronze, I'm taking the 15 ranks of Equipment as my reward and giving Ironclad one rank to replace the one she bought. This should free up another PP. :arrow: Buying Datalink 2 (100 ft; Feat: Subtle) [3PP] [b]Datalink 2[/b] (Radio; 100 ft; [i]Feat:[/i] Subtle) [3PP] :arrow: Quick change to her suit. Remove the Strike and the linked Drain Toughness, and the S-Str AP. Add the following powers. [u]AP:[/u] [b]Enhanced Strength 18[/b] ([i]Feat:[/i] Improved Grab) [19PP] - [i]Lift Servos[/i] [u]AP:[/u] [b]Stun 6[/b] (Electricity; [i]Feat:[/i] Improved Critical; [i]Extra:[/i] Range/Ranged) [18PP] [i]Stun Cluster[/i] This changes her Abilities to: Strength: 10/28 (+0/+9) As well as her Grapple line to Grapple: +3, +18 Battlesuit Lift Servos :arrow: Buy Enhanced Feat 2 (Technopath; Online Research, Well-Connected) [2PP] [b]Enhanced Feat 2[/b] (Technopath; Online Research, Well-Connected) [2PP] :arrow: With all the changes, her DC Block becomes: [code] ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blast Ranged DC 24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Enhanced Strength Touch DC 24 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Stun Ranged DC 16 Fortitude (Staged) Stun (Electricity) Edits done by Geez3r
  6. Raveled

    School Daze

    In honor of the many new Calremont students we seem to be expecting, I've put together a few possible adventures/campaigns for the kids at everyone's favorite X-Men expy. Destination: Claremont The PCs are called upon by Navigatrix or the whole of the AlterniTeens to go out and rescue a superpowered teen from a different dimension. Or maybe it's the AlterniTeens themselves that need help, stranded on a strange world and in need of rescue. Just getting there is an adventure, nevermind saving everybody and getting them home! Delta Delta Die Congratulations! You have that rare blend of power, skill, determination, and ruthlessness that the Murder League searches for! Well, maybe not that last quality, but that's why they abducted you and put you in one of their Murder Houses. Escape the deadly traps and save as many of your fellow 'trainees' as you can -- just don't turn your back on them. Remember the first rule of the Murder House -- do unto others before they do unto you. Sick Day When Dauntless and Relentless fled their home world it was jut ahead of the devastation caused by the mutant-killing Dever Virus. They siblings believed they had escaped the microbe's wrath, but in truth they had become carriers of the plague. Now it's been triggered and is affected almost the whole school. The PCs have to travel back to the Capote's home dimension and retrieve the cure. It'll be hard enough if the world is merely and apocalyptic wasteland free of humanity; what if it's ruled by a fascist regime obsessed with keeping humanity 'pure'? Alternative Education For all that Duncan Summers is devoted to turning out the next generation of heroes, Claremont is still an academic institution. Sometimes students can't, or don't care to, make the grade, and the Academy has to boot them out. That happened to a friend of the PCs, and while they were sad when it happened they were even more concerned when their friend dropped off the face of the Earth. Now they're showing up again, but on the wrong side of things. They're talking about a better school, where a superpowered teen can learn "what you really need to know in life, man!" Is their friend with the Shadow Academy? The Murder League? Or something even worse? Academic Rivalry Duncan Summers made a lot of people angry when he made Claremont a supers school. A lot of things were threatened but not much happened at the time; now Claremont students are being attacked on the street by someone with high-tech gadgets and amazing skills. The PCs have to figure out who's doing their before one of their friends gets killed.
  7. Jessica didn't find art the most interesting topic, but she knew how much it meant to Blake so she did her best to pay attention. Still, even with the caffeine the late night began to tell on her and she found herself yawning into the back of her hand. She grinned sheepishly at the rest of the ground, knowing that it wasn't the best etiquette but unable to stop another yawn from making her jaw creak. She squeezed Blake's knee and leaned close to kiss him on the lips, then stood up. "I think I'm just about done, folks. It was very nice meeting you Corbin, Quo-Dis. Sa-Qr." She smiled down at Blake, one hand still on his shoulder. "If I go home, will you be able to get back to Claremont?"
  8. Ironclad lifted her head to stick her tongue out at her friend. She wasn't sure how to respond to Supercape's comment -- she'd never been praised for playing hooky before. Instead she snagged herself a brownie, downing the sweet in two bites. That little bit of food made her stomach sit up and remind the young woman that she'd had a light breakfast and had skipped lunch entirely, first to fight slime monsters and then for this soiree. She bounced to her feet and said to the group, "Aren't there supposed to be kitchenettes around here? I need a sandwich. And coffee."
  9. Ironclad stared at the big hole Push's warhammer blew in the side of the warehouse and made a mental note to examine it later -- the hammer, not the wall. At the moment she had slightly more immediate concerns. The armored heroine powered up her weapon systems and scanned the interior of the building. Her sensors easily penetrated the dimness and her targeting systems locked onto the bearded man by the fire and his pack of canines. She drifted into the air a few inches, sighing, even as her tactical display was filled with interception paths and straight lines of attack. "Why is it that every time I come out to the docks, I end up in a fight?"
  10. Ironclad's Initiative (1d20+3=8) <.< >.> Give her some slack! That armor ain't light.
  11. "Who are you, masked man?" "... Crow!" "You mean like Morgan Crowe? He used to live down the street from us. Bit of a troublemaker, but --" "NO! Totally different Crow." "Are you sure? You sound just like him." "Totally different! ... But you should buy that guy a pizza sometime. He deserves it."
  12. Alright. If everyone wants to make one post being grand and heroic and awesome, then we can roll Initiative and get into the fight.
  13. Are you going to rip a hole, or just drop through the ceiling? It's kosher though, either way.
  14. Victory's second sweep, and barely sub-sonic velocities, revealed nothing new -- rolling steel doors on the side facing the water, complicated by several man-sized portals on the opposite side. No windows or other opening that he could see. Blueshift caught something through her link to the cameras, though. A bright half-circle appeared near the center of the warehouse, cutting into the floor between the heroine's vantage points and the Power Corps. She could see them through the half-circle, but the image was warped and bubbled, like looking at a fun house mirror. Odd forms began appearing, stepping out of the circle and approaching the mercenaries. They were six-limbed centaurs, with two arms and a low-slung torso with two sets of legs. Each on was covered in what looked for all the world like tinfoil, or some other silvery metal that wrinkled at their joints. One glanced around and Blushift caught a flash of gold-colored visor. Six of the creatures emerged from the portal and clustered around the boxed the Power Corp has stacked up. A conversation was held -- all the heroes could hear it crackling over the radio bands -- and soon enough the silvery beings were lifting the boxes, two or three to each crate, and carrying them into the portal. As each group disappeared more came out to take their place, quickly breaking down the stack of boxes and moving them through the portal to... somewhere.
  15. Ironclad had lead her group of reporters through the conference area, round the hanger on the top floors, and even through the factory levels in the sub-basement. She'd finally been forced to return to the expo floors and mingle with the remaining public and members of the press. She kept a bright smile on her face and answered questions in a cheery, noncommittal manner, but she was quietly panicking inside. She could handle people, strangers, in small groups, but in a mass she felt like she was going to be overwhelmed and crushed. Only the physical shell of her armor kept her from hyperventilating. When Supercape's suggestion came over the group's shared commlink (something she and Dragonfly had gimmicked together a few days prior) she felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Yes, please," she whispered back, practically pushing through the crowd to get to the elevator. Every contributing member of the Lab had a private office and workspace with an attached suite of rooms, for rest for a private meal. No everyone rated such luxury, though, and each of the executive levels had a common room for people to meet and unwind in. Ironclad retreated there gratefully and sprawled out on one of the low-sluing couches. "I can float," she said to no-one in particular, "so why do my feet hurt?"
  16. Ironclad Sufficiently Advanced Technology Welcome to the Lab Closing of the Year The Odd Couples Bill of Health Just Another Sunday Not Another Teen Dating Thread A Moving Day Christmas Tanks for Nothin' 1 + 3 + 6 +1 + 5 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 1 = 27 Glowstar News Crow Comes Home to Roost Hero TV 1 + 4 + 2 = 7 GM Just Another Sunday Teacher Review 2 = 2
  17. Ironclad deposited her bad guy and watched the police bind them and load them into the paddy wagon -- a heavy, steel-plated paddy wagon designed from the wheels up to contain super-powered criminals. An ambulance had arrived on the scene with the patrol cars and EMTs hurried into the restaurant. They heroes had, thank god, prevented any of the civilians from coming to harm, but the paramedics would still check everyone over. Some police officer followed them, no doubt to get everyone's statements while the incident was still fresh. Her helmet folded away abruptly and she watched the scene with her bare eyes. One arm went around Blake's waist and she pulled him close. "All this notwithstanding," she said, "I'm glad you got to meet Mara. It means a lot to me that you two get along. She's my best friend, and you're the man I love." She gave him a peck on the cheek and rested her head against his. "And I'm sorry that you have to find another place to meet your client."
  18. I don't think there's much more action to do, but I do believe there's still some RP potential between the cops and the heroes. Wonder where Kav got to?
  19. Raveled

    Hero TV! (IC)

    Glowstar watched the robots file in and dropped down in front of the civilians, forcefield crackling again as it surged with power. He dropped his stance and spread his arms out wide, forcing energy and that strange power that was under his control out along his limbs. His forcefield bulged oddly, then grew two long protuberances that spread out until the news personnel were completly separated from the advancing robots. His brow creased in concentration as more energy tendrils poked out of the front of the forcefield, waving slightly as they advanced towards the Kinevalbots. The form solidified and held there, a huge, red, slightly transparent anemone, with the teen hero at its heart.
  20. "That's my bag," Ironclad said, touching down on the pavement and running a quick sensor scan of the area. Everyone was down, so she logged onto one of the city's newest resources -- FCPD's Twitter feed. The police in Freedom were always trying to stay on the cutting edge, and to that end they had established a Twitter feed especially for the city's superheroes. She posted on there, 'N-Nazis + ghost dog down. Need arresting. Bring firetruck for fire,' and double-checked that her GPS-tag was right. It was, of course.
  21. Raveled

    Hero TV! (OOC)

    Initiative for Glowstar vs. Knievelbots (1d20+2=19) Okay, time to punch some folks!
  22. Raveled

    Hero TV! (IC)

    Glowstar patted the man on the back. "You should get that nose set," he told the anchorman, "but other than that you'll be fine." He stood up and dusted himself off, listening to the other heroes talking. "That's not a bad idea," he allowed. The teen hero floated into the air, slowly rising higher and higher, eyes fixed on the large, four-sided jumbo-tron display hanging from the ceiling. "Get the civves out of the center," he called down. "At the very least, I'm about to make some cover."
  23. "I was gonna graduate," he whined. "Now I'm gonna be taking all of one class in a semester!" He sniffled and squirmed a little bit before answering the heroine's question. "It was my grand-dad's. He was an explorer and had all sorts of weird stuff. When he died, my parents inherited boxes of stuff. I just kinda... found it one day." He gave an indifferent shrug and kept staring down the hallway, refusing to meet the witch's gaze. "I started messing around with it, figuring out how it worked. When I need revenge, I already knew how it worked."
  24. Raveled

    Flying Car

    That's a valid and interesting question. Added some of his civvie gear to to first post. Also, would Blending or Passive be a good Flaw for the Concealment, or would it be considered cheesy? Blending, because a vehicle can't take double-move actions or all-out movement, and Passive, because the car has no weapons and therefore no attacks.
  25. Raveled

    Flying Car

    Fair enough. What if I drop it to all Visual, Auditory, and Radar? Would cover 90% of cases, and free up points for Subtle on Flight.
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