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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Raveled

    Flying Car

    A bit more seriously though, this is future-tech. I would drop the mental Concealment, but it's part of the package, so to speak, when you buy Concealment 10.
  2. Raveled

    Flying Car

    An Equipment cane, based off on the one Duncan Summers has in Hero High. Strike 3 (Feats: Accurate, Mighty) [5EP] - Cane BE: Stun 4 (Feat: Alternate Power 2) [10 EP] Tip Stunner AP: Dazzle 4 (Visual and Auditory;Flaw: Unreliable [5 Uses]) [6EP] - Flash Pellets AP: Obscure 4 (Visual; Extra: Continuous; Flaw: Unreliable [5 Uses]) [6EP] - Smoke Pellets 15 EP for his gear. Not bad.
  3. He's over caps. Right now he comes out closer to PL 10 than PL 7. I count 12 PP in saves, not 10, and 30 Feats. Fix that, and maybe I can help you more.
  4. Raveled

    Hero TV! (OOC)

    Glowstar's Medicine check to Diagnose (1d20+5=10)
  5. Raveled

    Hero TV! (IC)

    Glowstar listened the whole spiel, then glanced around at his fellow heroes before shaking his head slowly. "I hate spectacle sports," he said aloud. "Especially when it's being run by a coward. You just know he'll cheat any way he can think of to not lose." He walked over to the anchor that had been punched out and helped the man sit up. "It's like professional wrestling, really. You just watch for the drama -- and the drama-queens, of course." His strong fingers probed the other man's jaw, trying to figure out how badly the civilian was injured.
  6. Raveled

    Hero TV! (OOC)

    Notice check for Glowstar (1d20+8=28) Hee hee hee.
  7. Int check for Ironclad (1d20+5=6) Hey, she's closed up in her lab all day, okay?
  8. Ironclad's armor rattled with the force Push's blast, but the energy warped around her and she wasn't moved from her spot in the air. Her scientific interest was piqued, but there were more important things just at the moment. Her targeting system cycled through the Nazis on the ground. Her eye lit on one that had been thrown to the ground by the kinetic mutant's massive blast, and she oriented on them, preparing another over-powered blast of her own. The street shone gold for a moment as superluminal particles blasted into the bigot with the glowing eyes, but amazingly he wasn't out of the fight yet.
  9. Ironclad's attack. Same format as last time. Full Power Attack, full All-Out Attack (1d20+9=19) Hm. Does that even hit?
  10. Ironclad listened in to the other heroine's channel, pondering their options. "It's not unlikely," she allowed. "Power Corps wouldn't have any qualms with taking hostages, either as human shields or for ransom. I think they should be our first priority, not stopping the bad guys." She landed lightly on the roof and took the camo cloak off the unconscious sniper, running the material through her hands and frowning slightly. "Besides, this tech is beyond what they normally have. It's possible they're working for someone else, not themselves. If that's the case, we might want to let them go and track them back to their employer/supplier." It had worked for her before -- granted, she had had planted bugs beforehand, but there was no reason that it wouldn't work this time.
  11. Raveled

    Flying Car

    The first item in the Array would have to be 53 EP or more. That still wouldn't help me much in this situation.
  12. 1d20+5=12 Straight Int roll for Ironclad. There ya go, TT.
  13. I'm gonna say no. No visuals into that area. What's "it"? :iiam:
  14. Ironclad accepted the hug and the peck gladly, standing up and dusting herself off. She reached down and picked up Rave, slinging the criminal over one shoulder. "Better grab the other one," she said to Warlock, "and bring 'em out to the street. Cops are gonna be here soon to collect them." She turned to the startled server and gave him a bright smile -- invisible behind her helmet, but surely the thought counted. "Sorry for the damage we caused." She turned to leave and almost ran into Dragonfly. "Oh. Um, can you make sure all the stuff they stole makes it back to their owners?"
  15. Raveled

    Hero TV! (OOC)

    First Initiative for Hero TV (1d20+2=15) Hey hey, not bad!
  16. Raveled

    Hero TV! (IC)

    Brian touched down on the roof of the news building, negotiating a careful landing amid the broadcast atennaes and satellite dishes. There was a single door leading off the roof. It was locked, but he blew a hole in it, blasting the lock out of the door frame. Steps lead down into the building, and soon he was walking past well-appointed offices. No one called security on him, maybe because he was already glowing and gloating. He eventually had to find a guard himself and ask where the news studio was. It wasn't hard to find the door at least, once he was on the right floor. It was still smoking from the villain's entrance. Brian stopped outside and bounced on his toes, psyching himself up for the fight. This was only his second real fight since deciding to be a hero, and the encounter in the Southside had been -- not a disaster, but it could've gone better, and he was determined that this time would be better. Glowstar rounded the corner and floated into the news room, force-field crackling and glowing. "Hi there," he called out, cheery. "My name's Glowstar. I'll be your hero for today. Is there any place you would not like to be hit?" He leaned in and stage-whispered, "This is the part where you say something like, 'the face, the face, dear god not the face.'"
  17. Taking over the security cameras inside the warehouse, Blueshift can see that the interior of the building is one large, open space stacked with crates, barrels, and various moving equipment (forklifts, et cetera). On one side of the building is a ironwork catwalk supporting what looks like a row of offices; this is the same side that she and Victory noticed the mass of heat signatures earlier. She can now see that the other heat signatures corresponded to the remaining Power Corps mercenaries. They're all grouped together at the dock-side loading doors. Five of the members are kitted out in the usual gear, but she can see that two of them (marked with the numbers 2 and 8) are in hulking suits of armor, over-muscled and hunched over like metallic gorillas. These two are stacking tall crates effortlessly, while the rest stand guard.
  18. In that case, yes, everyone sees her. Since everyone is using cameras/sensors/is a robot. Blushift sees pretty much what Victory sees. Lots of thermal signatures, and a big group of them all up on one side.
  19. Victory can detect six distinct human heat signatures moving around the warehouse, with many other heat signatures clustered high up near the roof on one side of the building.
  20. Raveled

    Flying Car

    Yes, I'm building a flying car. Go me. So I'm building a straight Batman Beyond expy, which of course requires buying him a flying car. I've decided to do this with Equipment, since we do have things like the Pitchoo and the Interceptor's flying base, which are thematically similar. My idea is to make a flying car w/ tank-grade armor, possibly with some kind of Extended senses and Obscure effect. Let's get to building! Strength: 30 [4EP] Speed: Flight 5 (250 MPH) [10EP] Toughness: 10 (5 Impervious) [10EP] Size: Large [1EP] Features: Alarm 3, Navigation System, Remote Control [5EP] Powers: Concealment 8 (Visual, Auditory, Radar; Feat: Close) [19EP] Total: 49 EP. Strike 2 (Feats: Mighty) [3EP] - Cane BE: Stun 4 (Feat: Alternate Power 2) [10 EP] Tip Stunner AP: Dazzle 4 (Visual and Auditory;Flaw: Unreliable [5 Uses]) [6EP] - Flash Pellets AP: Obscure 4 (Visual; Extra: Continuous; Flaw: Unreliable [5 Uses]) [6EP] - Smoke Pellets 13 EP for his civvie gear.
  21. The Pitchoo's assault finally overcame the mercenary's defenses and he fell flat on the roof, blast rifle spinning away from his prone body, little licks of electricity grounding out on the tar surface. A sudden and eerie silence settled over the little waterfront setting, the creaking of Geckoman's airship the loudest sound. It seemed the Power Corps wasn't willing to abandon the safety of the warehouse just yet; either that, or they had a special surprise in store for the heroes, and wanted everyone to be in the blast radius.
  22. PC Sniper Toughness vs 25 (1d20+11=15) And boom goes the dynamite. Victory is up.
  23. It hits! And now for a Toughness roll... 1d20+11=30 O.O Sorry, man. Dice are against you.
  24. She'll start constructing when she gets to her first turn in the Initiative order.
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