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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Robin stalked around the small group of bound villains, judging distances with one eye and running through formulae in her head. "You should go call the police," she said, addressing the air rather than specifically giving the robed figure or the necromancer the job. Before either could protest she reached out one hand, fingers spread wide, and sent a wave of calming, soothing energy through the air and over the trio of villains. "Solumnus," she muttered. "Morpheus, morpho infinti."
  2. Stunting a sleep effect off her Magic array, using her last HP. Gonna try and cover all three, if I can. Stun 7 (Feats: Reversible, Sedation; Extras: Area/Cone [General], Alternate Save [Will], Sleep) [23 PP] DC 22 Will save to resist.
  3. Jessica smiled at her friend's awkward silence, but inside she was troubled. Was this the first Christmas present Mara had ever received? She'd never been forthcoming about her past, but Jessica hadn't thought it was this bad. On an impulse she stepped forward and hugged the other woman, careful not to crush her with the suit's augmented strength. "You're welcome," she said. Jessica made to step back again, but this near to Mara something was bothering her... It finally clicked and Jessica put a level hand on her friend's head, moving to her body and comparing. "Are... are you wearing lifts, Ma-- uh, Dragonfly?" Indoors? When she wasn't expecting company? Jessica's shock almost let the other woman's 'real' name slip out, but she caught it at the last moment.
  4. It was a short trip back to Dragonfly's warehouse, and Ironclad manipulated the fuses again to slip through the secret entrance. A quick glance around (wholly unnecessary due to her 360 degree sensorium, but some habits die hard) located the other two women near Mara's little kitchnette cubby. Ironclad walked over, holding the hamster ball-bot against her hip with one hand again. Her other hand pressed a switch near her jawline, and the helmet of her suit folded away from her face and into the armor itself, leaving her currently-short hair bobbing free. She brushed it back as she approached the pair and held out her gift in both hands. "Here you go," she said, placing it on the floor. Almost immediately, the webcam mounted on top began swiveling and the little machine made some tentative movements. "It's a pet," she explained. "One that doesn't have to be walked or fed or have its litter changed. Though you should probably plug it in every few days."
  5. Retrieving mission-critical objective. Ironclad's expression matched the smiley she sent her friend. She knew that Mara didn't get out and socialize almost at all, so the heroine figured that a pet would be a good present. Of course, having something that shed hair and needed to go out on walks would probably not be appreciated by another technology-dependent hero, but Ironclad hoped her alternative would be acceptable. It didn't take the heroine long to get back to where she had stashed the present, only to find that putting it in a puddle of water hadn't been the smartest idea. The wrapping paper was soaked through and the ink on the address tag had run into a mess. She made a face and pulled the paper off, wadding it up and dropping it in a Dumpster along one side of the building. She regarded the blue plastic of the hamster ball and quickly pinged the laptop inside; it responded quickly, and she brightened up. If the design really was waterproof, it would be a definite plus.
  6. Ironclad winced under her helmet, the fingers of her free hand twitching a bit as she texted back to her friend. Punching was discussed, thankfully averted. I'll let her in. I still have to pick up something. Returning her attention to meatspace, she lead Silhouette down another nondescript alley, weaving around several piles of disused clothing. Ironclad was surprised that Mara let them sleep there, though perhaps something was to be said for disguises. The keypad was hidden inside an electrical fusebox, and actually manipulated with the correct sequence of fuses; the incorrect ones would plug the wielder into the city's power grid and several thousand volts of alternating current. The door was actually one worked into the brickwork itself, not the roll-up steel loading bay door next to the fuse box; as far as Ironclad knew, that door was, again, electrified. The heroine motioned to the darkened interior. She'd step inside and hold the door open, except that she pretty sure Mara had never installed any pressure sensors; it would crush anyone caught between its jaws when it closed. "Go on in," she said to Silhouette. "I've got to pick up something that I left behind."
  7. The woman's words stung, but Ironclad knew she was right. The superheroine texted back to her friend, She's standing outside your warehouse. Doesn't seem to know where it is. Want her to come inside? Aloud, she said to the other woman in the alley, "You're right -- Silhouette. But the fact is that you're sneaking around close to a friend's place. A friend, it seems, that we have in common." Behind her mask, Ironclad squeezed her eyes shut. It was never any easier to say this, but she turned her palm over so she was merely offering her hand to the other heroine. "I'm sorry."
  8. Ironclad's hand dropped slightly, caught off-guard by the 'thief's' response. She flashed back to her first encounter with Dragonfly, where the two had tussled before that super-speedy mercenary had broken it up. She had fired first there, as well. Maybe she was a bit trigger-happy for all of this? The heroine forced her thoughts back to the here-and-now. "I... was patrolling up above," Ironclad lied. "You were skulking around -- two-dimensionally, I might add, which isn't something most folks can do. It looked suspicious." It sounded lame, even to her, and she winced behind her mask. As surreptitiously as possible, she pinged Dragonfly's personal network and requested an open data line to share her visual data. Mara? It's Jessica. Do you recognize this woman?
  9. Ironclad followed the strange woman in dark clothes down the alley, her frown deepening. It seemed obvious that the oddly flat figure was searching for something, and what besides Dragonfly's warehouse headquarters would be of such interested to a superpowered thief? On the one hand, Ironclad felt compelled to defend her friend's home. On the other hand, if this person didn't know exactly where it was, an armored figure dropping down and challenging them would pretty much dash and doubts whatsoever. The heroine heard the thief mutter about searching for security cameras and made up her mind. She set her package down and leapt over the lip of the roof, floating down on her etheric drive. She landed in front of the flat woman and held out one hand in an unmistakable command to stop. "I think it's time for you to head home," she said. "Just turn around now, and this doesn't have to get ugly."
  10. December 22 Early evening Freedom City was in the festive mood: red and green and white lights were strung from lamp posts and eaves; pine wreaths adorned windows and storefronts; brightly colored Christmas trees were interspersed with scenes of religious devotion; and the air waves were dominated by well-wishers, charity drives, and joyful carols. Soaring above it all with a cheerily wrapped sphere hugged to one hip, Ironclad hummed along with the music. The city really was beautiful, at least from high up enough, but as the superheroine moved out from the waterfront stores and homes were replaced by drab factories and dark warehouses. She double-checked her map and started dropping, even as she paid more attention to her sensors. A few blocks out from her destination something caught the superheroine's eye. She double-checked her sensorium, running it back in a small window and -- yep, right there. A heat source flickered out of existence for a brief second, then reappeared. As Ironclad watched, the human-shaped heat source bent in a frankly impossible manner, stepped sideways -- and disappeared again. She frowned beneath her mask and checked her map again. Dragonfly's warehouse wasn't too far away, and this twigged the heroine's senses as something dangerous. She dropped to the nearest roof and peered over, scanning the alleyway.
  11. Raveled


    Ironclad Power Level: 15 (250/250PP) Tradeoffs: None Abilities: 0 + 6 + 0 + 10 + 2 + 4 = 22PP Strength: 10 (0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 20/30 (+5/+10) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +10 Attack: +4, +12 Battlesuit attacks Grapple: +25 Defense: +12 (+4 Base, +8 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-footed Knockback: -6 Saving Throws: 8 + 10 + 12 = 30PP Toughness: +0, +12 (+0 Con, +12 Protection) Fortitude: +8 (+0 Con, +8) Reflex: +13 (+3 Dex, +10) Will: +13 (+1 Wis, +12) Skills: 132R = 33PP Computers 15 (+20/+25) Concentrate 12 (+13) Craft (Chemical) 5 (+10/+15) Craft (Electronic) 5 (+10/+15) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+10/+15) Diplomacy 12 (+14) Disable Device 10 (+15/+20) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 10 (+15/+20) Knowledge (Technology) 10 (+15/+20) Languages (English [Native], German, Japanese) 2 Notice 14 (+15) Perform (Percussion) 3 (+5) Search 16 (+21/+26) Sense Motive 13 (+14) Feats: 18PP Benefit (Wealth II) Dodge Focus 8 Eidetic Memory Equipment 3* (15EP) Inventor Luck 4 Skill Mastery 2 (Computers, Craft [Electronics], Craft [Mechanical], Disable Device, Diplomacy, Notice, Search, Sense Motive) Powers: 8 + 96 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 10 + 2 = 131PP Communication 6 (Radio; 20 miles; Feats: Alternate Power, Subtle) [8PP] AP: Datalink 2 (Radio; 100 ft; Feat: Subtle) [3PP] + Comprehend 2 (Speak to & understand machines) [4PP] Device 23 (115PP; Hard-To-Lose; Feats: Accurate 4, Restricted 2; Drawback: Vulnerability [Electricity, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Moderate) [-2PP]) (Battlesuit [Technology]) [96PP] All effects have the Technology descriptor Comprehend 3 (Read and understand all languages, speak any one; Drawback: Only Earth languages [-1]) [5 PP] Enhanced Feats 7 (Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, Improvised Tools, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Change) [7PP] Features 3 (Computer, Hologram Projector, Library) [3PP] Flight 6 (500 MPH/5,000 ft per Move Action; Feat: Subtle) [13PP] Immunity 11 (Critical Hits, Life Support) (Armor) [11PP] Protection 12 (Armor) [12PP] Super-Senses 3 (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense) [3PP] Sensor Array 7 (14 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [16 PP] BE: Super-Senses 14 (Normal vision, Infrared; Feats: Danger Sense, Uncanny Dodge; Extras: Analytical, Counter All Obscure, Counter Concealment, Radius, Extended 2 [1000 ft]) [14PP] AP: Super-Senses 11 (Normal auditory, Ultra-hearing; Feats: Danger Sense, Uncanny Dodge; Extras: Accurate, Analytical, Extended 2 [1000 ft]) [11PP] AP: Super-Senses 11 (Normal olfactory; Feats: Danger Sense, Uncanny Dodge; Extras: Acute, Accurate, Analytical, Extended 2 [1000 ft], Tracking 3) [11PP] + Enhanced Skill 3 (Survival 12 [+13]) [3PP] Weapons Array 20 (40 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [44PP] BE: Blast 12 (Feats: Improved Critical 2, Improved Ranged Disarm, Split Target [x2]; Extra: Autofire) [40PP] - Plasma Cartridges AP: Strike 12 (Feats: Improved Critical 2) [14PP] + Drain Toughness 12 (Feats: Improved Critical 2) [26PP] - Disruptor Fields AP: Super-Strength 13 (Lifting Strength 75; 125 tons/250 tons/400 tons; Feats: Countering Punch, Groundstrike) [40PP] - Lifting Servos AP: Blast 12 (Feats: Improved Critical 2, Indirect, Reduced Progression [1 ft/rank]; Extra: Area/Burst) [40 PP] - Cluster Munitions AP: Snare 12 (Feats: Reversible, Split Target [x2]; Extra: Area/Burst) [38PP] - Glue Cartridges Quickness 6 (Technopath; x100; Flaw: Mental actions only) [3PP] Quickness 6 (x100; Feat: Innate; Flaw: Mental actions only) [4PP] Super-Senses 1 (Radio; Analytical; Feat: Extended 2 [1000 ft]) [4PP] Enhanced Feat 4 (Technopath; Well-Informed, Online Research, Speed of Thought, Jack-of-All-Trades) [4PP] Enhanced Intelligence 10 (Technopath) [10PP] + Comprehend 1 (Technopath; Codes) [2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Plasma Cartridges Ranged Toughness (staged) Damage Disrupter Field Melee Toughness (staged) Damage Melee Fortitude (staged) Drain Toughness Cluster Munitions Ranged/Burst Toughness (staged) Damage Glue Cartridges Ranged/Burst Reflex (staged) Snare Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (30) + Skills (33) + Feats (18) + Powers (131) - Drawbacks (0) = 250/250 Power Points * Gold reward :arrow: What's to point out here? Well, obviously she's not up to PL 15 caps. I'm of the school that PL 12 is all that's needed, unless you're creating some kind of combat monster. :arrow: She doesn't have near the versatility in her arrays that some folks do. Part of that is my lack of imagination, but part of it the fact that I don't need fifteen different ways to blow stuff up, Malice. Also, keep in mind that Luck 4 means 5 HP at the beginning of a thread. Plenty of room for stunts of all kinds! :arrow: Her skills may look anemic, but consider that for almost all of them she can either take 20 as a free action, or has Skill Mastery for. With her Mental Quickness and Int bonus, she can hit a check of 30, untrained, on any Int-based skill check.
  12. *Checks Clad's Will save* Not too bad. I only need an 11 to beat this. 1d20+5=13 :(
  13. Ironclad looked up at the man in blue armor and back down at her friend. "I don't know," she admitted, rubbing at her face -- or at least, the blank helmet that covered it. "I could take apart and rebuild a nuclear reactor, but I don't have any idea how the human body is put together." She felt a sudden stab through her heart, and a surge of adrenaline suddenly banished her lethargy. The memory of her grandfather lying on a hospital bed not too long ago galvanized her into action. "I've got to get her help." She picked up Dragonfly and stood, turning to the warehouse doors, but stopped short of actually moving towards them. "But my flight systems are shot. Which means I can't actually get her anywhere. Damn." The suited heroine bowed her head, mind racing as she tried to figure out a way to help her friend.
  14. -.- I may just do this with a big ol' array. Or even a VP if I can swing the points.
  15. So would I have to run every use of the power past a ref? That's going to be pretty tedious, especially if I come up with something in the middle of combat. I was hoping for a quick-and-dirty rule.
  16. I'm planning a hero that uses Transform for most of their effects (based off AA's Transmuter) and, upon reviewing the power, I realized that I don't really understand how it works. It appears to be a Variable Power, able to recreate any effect within the purview of "transforming Object A to Object B." Is this the case? Could I use Transform to, say, turn a part of a wall to phosphorous, providing a light source? Or use it to summon up a monomolecular blade, providing myself with a Penetrating Strike?
  17. Ironclad waited for the cultist to rise from the rubble, but after a moment nothing seemed to be happening and the heroine allowed herself to relax. That burst of speed and strength that she showed in handling the final flesh golem had left her drained and, frankly, exhausted. Still, she walked across the warehouse to where the man in the blue armor stood over Dragonfly. She gave him a careful nod and kneeled next to her friend, brushing the woman's hair back from her face. Ironclad wasn't at all sure what do, here. She was sure that Mara wouldn't thank her for bringing the other woman to a hospital, especially in her hero garb, but on the other hand she didn't want to risk that her friend might be seriously injured.
  18. Jessica's smile grew wider as Blake described his friend to her. "I think I teamed up with him once," she said. "Me, him, Dragonfly, and a couple others all ran across this warehouse at about the same time. Inside there were some cultists, some zombies -- the usual run of the mill mystic criminal types, I suppose." She waved her free hand in the air, as if batting the question away. "He did pretty good in the fight, actually. Took down his share of dead men, at the very least." A waiter came by and filled their water glasses; when he made to take away the extra two, she stopped the man with a curt gesture. "So you're never met Ultiteen before? If she goes to Claremont, shouldn't you have seen her around campus?" On the surface the idea of Blake knowing someone just because they went to the same school was ridiculous; Jessica certainly didn't know everyone at HIT. She's always been isolated because of her genius though, and she'd imagined that Claremont was different. Most of the students lived on campus, for one, and there was the whole superpower angle to bring them together.
  19. Jessica moved away from Blake as they stepped into the warmer restaurant, but she kept her hand in his and squeezed back. She seated herself on Blake's right, distant etiquette lessons coming to the fore, smoothing out her skirt once she was seated. Her slight smile faltered at Blake's question, the events of the last month or so rushing back into her mind with crystal clarity. Sometimes, perfect recall could be a real bitch. "I'm doing okay," she assured him, squeezing his hand. On an impulse, she brought his hand up and kissed his knuckles, briefly. She resolutely pushed those feeling away, focusing on the chance to spend time with her boyfriend. "I don't want to talk about that, though. I just want to enjoy tonight." She took a breath and her smile returned. "So, tell me about your friend. Is he going to Claremont, too?"
  20. I don't understand what "badger powers" are, so let's just critique the mechanics, m'kay? First off, Formatting's all off; gotta fix that. Second, saves are under-par. They should average out to PL -2. Skills... Why is Intimidate so high? Feats, you don't have to pay for Diehard. All PCs get that automatically. I'm not sure how much use Impervious 3 is going to be. I'd roll those points into Immunity, buy Aging and maybe Disease. How much Impervious Toughness does he have, exactly? It might be a good idea to separate that into its own power, if he's gonna be getting Toughness from several sources. Fill out Regeneration a bit more. Telling me "Bruise 3" is meaningless. What action does it take him to recover? Also, lethal attacks are very, very rare around here, so I'm not sure how much use you'll get out of that.
  21. Jessica frowned at some of the notions being floated around. "But haven't we --" She snapped her mouth shut, but she'd already spoken up. "Okay, Oppenheimer helped develop the atom bomb, and it destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives. Maye he's responsible for that, maybe Einstein and relativity is, or FDR, or the bombardier on the Enola Gay, whatever. But out of that we got nuclear power plant,s on the best sources of alternative energy out there. It'll give us fusion, in time, and who knows what else? Antimatter reactors? Literally limitless energy? I don't mean to say that two hundred thousand dead civilians is an appropriate payment for that, but look where we've gotten!" Jessica was perched on the edge of her chair, her hands moving through the air as she tried to speak as fast as she was thinking. "Okay, the Industrial Revolution painted St. Paul's Cathedral black with coal smo0ke, and right folks are butting down the rainforest to make hamburgers for Americans, but that doesn't make technology a bad thing! We're sitting in a room that would've been frankly impossible fifty years ago, talking about concepts that wouldn't have been conceivable a hundred years ago! Technology, science, this is how humanity breaks down the world around it until we can understand it! We put stuff in beakers, pour acid over it or shock it with high voltage or bombard it with atoms in a cyclotron, and it gives up its secrets. Then the next generation builds on that and learns more, so the next generation can go even further!" The young woman suddenly realized that her speech, impassioned though it may be, wasn't making a lot of sense. She forced herself to sit back until her spine was touching the back of the chair. "I'm sorry, but I didn't think we had all come together here to talk about limiting research."
  22. Robin shrugged with one shoulder, sketching angular runes in the notepad. "If there's no problems, it'll be a bracelet, made of animal bone and copper wire. You shouldn't need to do anything beyond wearing it. I don't know anything about your powers, so I can't comment there, but I'd street clear of powerful electrical currents. Just on general principals, you understand. As for activities to avoid, I can't really say. But I wouldn't recommend taking the charm off. Bath with it, sleep with it, take it everywhere."
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